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We will reach 'longevity escape velocity' in 5 years, scientist claims


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  • The title was changed to We will reach 'longevity escape velocity' in 5 years, scientist claims
16 minutes ago, UM-Bot said:

The rate at which we can extend our own lifespan could soon exceed the speed at which we actually age.


The thing is immortality has already been achieved in various model organisms.

But due to human experimentation being illegal virtually none of it has been tested, and then approved, on humans.

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Torchwood: MIRACLE DAY.  

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I call this wishful thinking, I don't doubt it will be reaches, but I think it's unlikely in the next 5-10 years.

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Fountain of Youth.

Its not just about hot water, its about what you`ve been eating over the last few days. Hot water makes your cells produce heat shock proteins, to repair and offset heat damage. Quercetin stops senescent cells (old cells), and only those cells, from producing heat shock proteins. So you eat plenty of red onion over a few days, avoid animal protein which binds with quercetin, and go take your sauna or hot bath.

Your senescent cells die off from the heat damage.

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Aging without dying isn't really a fix. It's going to mean more people needing taken care off with less being born.

What is needed is youthfulness.

Though imagine... An end to retiring. An end to people dying and their stuff and jobs going to new people. An unchanging population, with few dying and few born...

The Poor, poor forever. The Rich, rich forever...

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11 hours ago, DieChecker said:

The Poor, poor forever. The Rich, rich forever...

Nothing will change for the poor, they won't be able to afford it.

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