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Taiwan plans to cull up to 120,000 green iguanas due to their negative impact on agriculture

Still Waters

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Taiwan plans to cull up to 120,000 green iguanas, with supporters urging humane methods to bring down the animal's population, which is wreaking havoc on the island's agricultural sector.

Around 200,000 of the reptiles are believed to be in the island's southern and central areas, which are heavily dependent on farming, according Chiu Kuo-hao of the Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency.

Specially recruited hunting teams killed about 70,000 iguanas last year, with bounties of up to $15 each. Local governments have asked the public to help identify iguana nests and they recommend fishing spears as the most humane means of killing the animals.

"A lot of people bought them as cute little pets, not realizing how big and long-lived they would become, so they set them free in the wild..


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  • 4 weeks later...

Taiwan bounty hunters kill invading iguanas as numbers soar

Armed with a slingshot, Taiwanese bounty hunter Wu Cheng-hua bends sideways and aims his lethal weapon up at a green iguana, one of tens of thousands in the crosshairs of a government cull.

After Wu finishes his shift at a breakfast eatery, he joins a group of hunters hired by the Pingtung County government, which pays up to NT$500 (US$15) per iguana.

"Sometimes we've been lucky and caught 300 iguanas in a day," Wu, 25, told AFP.

"Sometimes we were not so lucky and caught two, three or a dozen."


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