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Trump blames Zelensky for Russian invasion


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President Donald Trump claimed in part two of a televised interview that the nearly three-year-old war between Russia and Ukraine that started when Moscow’s forces kicked off an invasion in 2022 was the fault of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s failure to preemptively capitulate before Russian troops began their attack.

Trump made the incendiary comments in a pre-taped interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity that aired Thursday on Hannity’s program.

Zelensky, he said, is “no angel” and “shouldn’t have allowed this war to happen,” even though it was Russia that invaded Ukraine.

“First of all, he’s fighting a much bigger entity, okay, much bigger. When he was, you know, talking so brave... Zelensky was fighting a much bigger entity, much bigger, much more powerful. He shouldn’t have done that...

Trump says Ukraine should have surrendered to Russia and blames Zelensky for war

Edited by pellinore
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I am rather convinced that whereas Z may not be a puppet of the West, he most certainly is in collusion with the West and advancing the agenda of the West.


So in my opinion Trump is wrong to blame Z.

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Although Zekensky was no angel, the war wasn't his fault at all. Clearly it was Mr Biden's fault mainly. Putin was gathering forces for months on the border, and Joe did nothing appreciable to prevent the invasion. Neither did the EU, but they were hooked on Russian gas, so I excuse their lack of action to an extent.

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