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I want you to pretend that you are God


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Yes, I want you to pretend that you are God (none of us are God of the universe) 😉



No matter who you are then I want to you to pretend that you are God.

Even if you don’t believe in God - then please pretend that you do.


I want everybody to pretend that they are God - both believers and nonbelievers.

And then I want you to tell me what you would do and think if you were God.

So, step outside yourself and pretend that you are God….

And then tell me what you would do?



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I'd explain very carefully to everyone that I was a figment of their imagination.

Then, as soon as everyone was atheist I'd start with the burning, talking bushes and part the Red Sea.

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15 minutes ago, eight bits said:


How would you proceed if you were God?

Good question!


I think I would put the most fair and private people in charge!

You know, the people who has nothing to prove.


The people who always would look for the best answer for everybody.

The people who cares about what is right in the big picture. 







Edited by LightAngel
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I was 'touched by the Divine', so I do not have to pretend.


I confess that I am guilty of many sins and that I have made many mistakes.


I hope that your species will evolve from talking animal status to something at least a little bit better.


The First Law is not to worship me; worship leaves me indifferent. The First Law for humans is: Do no harm.

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1 hour ago, LightAngel said:

Good question!


I think I would put the most fair and private people in charge!

You know, the people who has nothing to prove.


The people who always would look for the best answer for everybody.

The people who cares about what is right in the big picture.


Good answer, but I would worry that the proverb is true, the one about power corrupts.

You take a good person, put them in charge, how long would it be, might it be, that they weren't as good any more as they were before?

I don't know. Maybe that's why "term limits" is such a popular idea here in the US, as "undemocratic" as they are.

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13 minutes ago, eight bits said:

Good answer, but I would worry that the proverb is true, the one about power corrupts.



I was also thinking about that.

Hmmm, if you study how people treat the people who can do nothing for them - then I think you will get the answer.


Edited by LightAngel
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If I were God I would create Borg...and that would be that!  I would rule Borg, and Borg would rule the universe...in it's entirety...through me!  The Final Creation to bring all the other creations in the universe online with the God Head.

If I were God...I would Be Borg!  We are Borg...prepare for assimilation! You will be assimilated! Resistance is a no no!

For every planet assimilated, I would seed three more with new intelligent creations.  For future assimilation. 

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I wouldn't bother my creation, there would be no heaven or hell. Just an eternal cycle of universe creation and death. Any life within would be nothing to me. 

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4 hours ago, LightAngel said:


So, step outside yourself and pretend that you are God….

And then tell me what you would do?



If I were God right now I would eliminate hangovers.

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4. END





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4 hours ago, LightAngel said:

So, step outside yourself and pretend that you are God….

It's hard for finite minds to conceive of infinite abilities, but I've thought of what it might be like to have such abilities in the personage of God as the Spirit of Truth who would know all things and eventualities. To do so, I had to resort to metaphor. Here are excerpts from an essay I wrote about this concept:

Imagine this: Think of a computer. Not just any computer. Think of a computer that has absolutely no limit on its computational abilities and has instantaneous processing speeds. Additionally, the data and memory capacity available to it is any or all information currently in existence, or has ever been in existence, or will ever be in existence. It could be what some might call the “Akashic Record”.

Now, imbue this universal computer with self-awareness having the ability to compute anything and everything that is possible to compute, and that it freely chooses to do so (or not) for whatever purposes for which it chooses to do so (or not). Further, this self-aware computer also has parallel processing ability to an unlimitable degree and as exponentially required to compute all individualities or sub-procedures it chooses, even to allow to continually process some in a non-ending fashion. Any self-aware computer of this unmatchable magnitude might then be considered the master source for all other computational capabilities of whatever purpose for which they were originally developed.

Welcome to one way I have of trying to see how the Infinite Spirit might be comprehended in metaphor. Note that I used the word “it” when describing the computer-like qualities in metaphor.

I do not regard the Universal Spirit as an “it”. I regard the Universal Spirit as a self-aware personage to whom I choose to refer as the “Spirit of Truth” of New Testament tradition. To avoid the pitfalls of assigning male/female attributes that some might deem objectionable, I will attempt to avoid traditional terms of he/him or even she/her persuasion when speaking of a personal relationship with the Spirit of Truth.

Now, back to the computer metaphor aspects:

Think of its capability of calculating future tendencies or eventualities based on all past and current information, and the analysis of patterned or cyclic processes. Given its abilities of instantaneous processing, it would then always be aware of all causes/effects that were/are/or ever will be possible. This would be immensely important in being able to potentially predict and/or influence any possible future events that could be forthcoming.

Think now of considering the creation of independent, autonomous, self-aware, self-learning “living” entities who can be given abilities of computational processing of information sufficient that they can develop, grow, “experience”, and exercise self-willed actions of their own choosing. These creations can then participate in discovering all manner of differences and contrasts between things and concepts in an uncountable number of ways. These entities can discover entire spectrums of things to consider and “experience”. These entities are completely free to learn what does and what does not work to their own greatest long-term benefit.

Note that I used italics and quotes on the words “living” and “experience”. This is because in my estimation, only entities with life and awareness can truly experience things in the fullest measure possible and with the intended “qualia” of consciousness and understanding. The fact that living entities exist is sufficient to prove there is necessarily a source for that life and consciousness. The how and why of it is not for current exploration, only the fact that it is so.

One thing that must always be kept in mind now, is that self-willed independent entities make it extremely difficult to anticipate the actions one of these entities might make. However, having the knowledge of what causes all effects, it could be possible to project future outcomes of their actions based on previously known results of the same identical causes. (Hope that makes sense to someone besides me.) This would make it possible to then establish a code of conduct that would lead to the most successful paths and outcomes for not only individual entities, but for the successful co-existence of these entities with one another individually and in their various group interactions.

Think of what it might be like if you as a conscious, independent, autonomous, self-aware, self-learning living entity with information processing abilities were able to establish some kind of link between yourself and this astronomically unique computer.

Now, for some, the hardest part:

If this computer metaphor of which I speak should really exist in the personage of the Spirit of Truth that can lead and guide them, then one thing everyone should understand is that any help or guidance desired from the Spirit of Truth would only ever be rendered as a result of one having faith enough to actually ask for that help and guidance. The Spirit of Truth would never violate any individual exercise of free will. Free will means just that. The will of the individual is completely free to do what it wants within its capabilities to do anything. The will of the individual is completely free to believe anything it wants to believe, and that is a faith if they believe something that can’t be proven. The will of the individual is also completely free to not do something if it is within their capacity to do it but choose to not do so. They are free to not believe anything it chooses to not believe, and that is a faith when something cannot be proven that it is impossible to exist. (And it is denial when they choose to not believe in something that can be proven beyond doubt.) I think you get the idea. It is my estimation that the Spirit of Truth would never do anything to forcefully sway the will of anyone to have a belief of the Spirit of Truth’s existence or capacity for personal interaction, unless and until an entity were to have grown to the point they were able to exercise Faith enough to pray and ask (even as a child would do) for the Spirit’s (God’s) leadership and guidance in the journey of discovering the Truth of Life. If there were some way for the Spirit to prove itself beyond all doubt to someone, then that is a definite forceful swaying of the will of the individual, which I feel is not an option for a God who would not violate the free will of the individual with regard to beliefs. Of course, we try to sway each other’s wills all the time as the conniving, deceptive, political individuals we can be at times, but I think God would like for it to truly be a desire existing within the individual, who will then act within themselves to begin that search to understand life’s meaning. And for someone to pray such a prayer, they would have to have been considering the possibility that spiritual things really could exist and they want to learn what they can about how to facilitate a spiritual way of life, and how to progress in their understanding of what life is and whether there is meaning or purpose to the very existence of life itself.

I think that if one could have access to such an understanding resource, that it could help one find the most optimal paths through life that would be the most beneficial to them and theirs through their journey through this temporal world of learning and development.

Life in this world is much like a maze for everyone born into it. We come here with clean-slate minds that must learn how to exist, live, and develop within the circumstances we find ourselves born to. In the process we learn to rely on information provided to us by others that have been here and have been struggling to live and learn what the best paths and actions are for them to continue to live and develop. However, we aren’t always able to anticipate what things may be coming our way for any different path we may choose to follow, or what things we may encounter on the path we’re currently traveling. While we are down inside the maze, it is very difficult to see around the corners and know what’s ahead, or to know which of the many paths are the most optimal for us in our continued development. But it is my belief that those who can have the Faith to simply ask the Spirit of Truth to help guide their paths of discovery, their thinking, and their decision-making to help them follow what they perceive as the right actions and paths for the planned course of their lives, can discover the experiences and situations we each need to help us develop into the spiritual beings we are meant to be. The Spirit of Truth is above the maze of life. The Spirit is aware of all happenings and sees all possibilities and courses of travel or action. Having the guidance of the Spirit of Truth can help one find the best paths that are needed for themselves and their own familial and social interactions and learning situations.

Think of how this could help one personally. Perhaps if you asked, this Spirit could help you organize your thinking and provide some thought inputs that you might not have previously considered.  Maybe you could gain some insight into what decisions might lead to various circumstances or outcomes before you make the leap. This could help improve your ability to foresee possible outcomes and consequences of your decisions whether they would be likely good or likely bad.

Now for a caveat: Don’t expect immediate results with respect to answers to prayers, or even for those prayers to be answered in some way you may have in mind.  Preservation of Faith to believe in a greater spiritual source of all individual personalities is paramount in the development of each of those personalities that are created in the image of and have informational processing abilities like the Spirit of Truth. Why this is so, seems to be a mystery, but I feel it has something to do with the core sincerity of the individual and their innate ability to envision and create True things. In John 4:22 Jesus stated, “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 24God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.”

 I think it is also self-evident that human beings have thinking and information processing abilities that are astronomically beyond what any other life form on this planet has, and therefore supports the concept that humans are somehow “special” above the other planetary life forms. Human thinking is far beyond the simple live-and-exist-until-you-die mentality that prevails in the animal kingdom. Humans have thoughts and creative capabilities that are downright phenomenal when compared to other animals. There is a way for Faith to eventually transition into a “knowing” of what results will be produced by certain actions. Through consistent repetition and observation, we learn what does and doesn’t work to help us live and develop in the ways that have been established to guide us in that development. The real strengthener of Faith is the ability to look back through one’s life and see how things have progressed according to the things you’ve asked for help and guidance with all along the way. From my own experience, the Spirit of Truth knows how to help guide your thoughts and circumstances so that given the patient following of the thought guidance provided and the synchronistic occurrences that you find along your sojourn, you may be able to see how things have been working out, even after there were times when things went completely in the wrong direction for a bit. But of course, if you weren’t asking for any help or guidance for anything, then there won’t be anything that particularly stands out for you.

I’m reminded of a poster I once saw that was a picture of John Wayne with a caption that said, “Life’s hard, its even harder if you’re stupid”. While this is a rather blunt way of saying one should always seek to make prudent decisions, it does drive home the fact that those who lack experience, understanding, or proper training learned from life’s sojourns and lessons, will likely have more difficulty in life. Different people are at different levels of development, but hopefully the less developed can have someone in their life who can help provide some guidance on how to best seek fruitful paths or courses of action. Perhaps all can eventually be guided to realize their way to the resource that is the Spirit of Truth. There’s a reason that Faith is stressed. Faith is the stimulus that moves people to act. If one doesn’t have faith a chair will support them, they won’t sit in it. People will not pray or ask for help or guidance if they do not believe there’s a pertinent source that could possibly understand and provide thoughtful guidance to them. What can it hurt to simply exercise the Faith to ask the Spirit of Truth to help you?

There was more, but this is mostly how I imagined God needing to deal with giving Free Will to independent entities and allowing them to discover on their own what does and does not work to their own "self" development.

Additionally, I would need to come up with a way of these independent self-willed beings to be able to be redeemed from all their poor choices once they understood that those choices only led to bad results, and then wanted to progress in a better fashion to continue their self-development along a better path.




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27 minutes ago, Sojo said:

It's hard for finite minds to conceive of infinite abilities, but I've thought of what it might be like to have such abilities in the personage of God as the Spirit of Truth who would know all things and eventualities. To do so, I had to resort to metaphor. Here are excerpts from an essay I wrote about this concept:

Imagine this: Think of a computer. Not just any computer. Think of a computer that has absolutely no limit on its computational abilities and has instantaneous processing speeds. Additionally, the data and memory capacity available to it is any or all information currently in existence, or has ever been in existence, or will ever be in existence. It could be what some might call the “Akashic Record”.


Now, imbue this universal computer with self-awareness having the ability to compute anything and everything that is possible to compute, and that it freely chooses to do so (or not) for whatever purposes for which it chooses to do so (or not). Further, this self-aware computer also has parallel processing ability to an unlimitable degree and as exponentially required to compute all individualities or sub-procedures it chooses, even to allow to continually process some in a non-ending fashion. Any self-aware computer of this unmatchable magnitude might then be considered the master source for all other computational capabilities of whatever purpose for which they were originally developed.


Welcome to one way I have of trying to see how the Infinite Spirit might be comprehended in metaphor. Note that I used the word “it” when describing the computer-like qualities in metaphor.


I do not regard the Universal Spirit as an “it”. I regard the Universal Spirit as a self-aware personage to whom I choose to refer as the “Spirit of Truth” of New Testament tradition. To avoid the pitfalls of assigning male/female attributes that some might deem objectionable, I will attempt to avoid traditional terms of he/him or even she/her persuasion when speaking of a personal relationship with the Spirit of Truth.


Now, back to the computer metaphor aspects:


Think of its capability of calculating future tendencies or eventualities based on all past and current information, and the analysis of patterned or cyclic processes. Given its abilities of instantaneous processing, it would then always be aware of all causes/effects that were/are/or ever will be possible. This would be immensely important in being able to potentially predict and/or influence any possible future events that could be forthcoming.


Think now of considering the creation of independent, autonomous, self-aware, self-learning “living” entities who can be given abilities of computational processing of information sufficient that they can develop, grow, “experience”, and exercise self-willed actions of their own choosing. These creations can then participate in discovering all manner of differences and contrasts between things and concepts in an uncountable number of ways. These entities can discover entire spectrums of things to consider and “experience”. These entities are completely free to learn what does and what does not work to their own greatest long-term benefit.


Note that I used italics and quotes on the words “living” and “experience”. This is because in my estimation, only entities with life and awareness can truly experience things in the fullest measure possible and with the intended “qualia” of consciousness and understanding. The fact that living entities exist is sufficient to prove there is necessarily a source for that life and consciousness. The how and why of it is not for current exploration, only the fact that it is so.


One thing that must always be kept in mind now, is that self-willed independent entities make it extremely difficult to anticipate the actions one of these entities might make. However, having the knowledge of what causes all effects, it could be possible to project future outcomes of their actions based on previously known results of the same identical causes. (Hope that makes sense to someone besides me.) This would make it possible to then establish a code of conduct that would lead to the most successful paths and outcomes for not only individual entities, but for the successful co-existence of these entities with one another individually and in their various group interactions.


Think of what it might be like if you as a conscious, independent, autonomous, self-aware, self-learning living entity with information processing abilities were able to establish some kind of link between yourself and this astronomically unique computer.


Now, for some, the hardest part:


If this computer metaphor of which I speak should really exist in the personage of the Spirit of Truth that can lead and guide them, then one thing everyone should understand is that any help or guidance desired from the Spirit of Truth would only ever be rendered as a result of one having faith enough to actually ask for that help and guidance. The Spirit of Truth would never violate any individual exercise of free will. Free will means just that. The will of the individual is completely free to do what it wants within its capabilities to do anything. The will of the individual is completely free to believe anything it wants to believe, and that is a faith if they believe something that can’t be proven. The will of the individual is also completely free to not do something if it is within their capacity to do it but choose to not do so. They are free to not believe anything it chooses to not believe, and that is a faith when something cannot be proven that it is impossible to exist. (And it is denial when they choose to not believe in something that can be proven beyond doubt.) I think you get the idea. It is my estimation that the Spirit of Truth would never do anything to forcefully sway the will of anyone to have a belief of the Spirit of Truth’s existence or capacity for personal interaction, unless and until an entity were to have grown to the point they were able to exercise Faith enough to pray and ask (even as a child would do) for the Spirit’s (God’s) leadership and guidance in the journey of discovering the Truth of Life. If there were some way for the Spirit to prove itself beyond all doubt to someone, then that is a definite forceful swaying of the will of the individual, which I feel is not an option for a God who would not violate the free will of the individual with regard to beliefs. Of course, we try to sway each other’s wills all the time as the conniving, deceptive, political individuals we can be at times, but I think God would like for it to truly be a desire existing within the individual, who will then act within themselves to begin that search to understand life’s meaning. And for someone to pray such a prayer, they would have to have been considering the possibility that spiritual things really could exist and they want to learn what they can about how to facilitate a spiritual way of life, and how to progress in their understanding of what life is and whether there is meaning or purpose to the very existence of life itself.


I think that if one could have access to such an understanding resource, that it could help one find the most optimal paths through life that would be the most beneficial to them and theirs through their journey through this temporal world of learning and development.


Life in this world is much like a maze for everyone born into it. We come here with clean-slate minds that must learn how to exist, live, and develop within the circumstances we find ourselves born to. In the process we learn to rely on information provided to us by others that have been here and have been struggling to live and learn what the best paths and actions are for them to continue to live and develop. However, we aren’t always able to anticipate what things may be coming our way for any different path we may choose to follow, or what things we may encounter on the path we’re currently traveling. While we are down inside the maze, it is very difficult to see around the corners and know what’s ahead, or to know which of the many paths are the most optimal for us in our continued development. But it is my belief that those who can have the Faith to simply ask the Spirit of Truth to help guide their paths of discovery, their thinking, and their decision-making to help them follow what they perceive as the right actions and paths for the planned course of their lives, can discover the experiences and situations we each need to help us develop into the spiritual beings we are meant to be. The Spirit of Truth is above the maze of life. The Spirit is aware of all happenings and sees all possibilities and courses of travel or action. Having the guidance of the Spirit of Truth can help one find the best paths that are needed for themselves and their own familial and social interactions and learning situations.


Think of how this could help one personally. Perhaps if you asked, this Spirit could help you organize your thinking and provide some thought inputs that you might not have previously considered.  Maybe you could gain some insight into what decisions might lead to various circumstances or outcomes before you make the leap. This could help improve your ability to foresee possible outcomes and consequences of your decisions whether they would be likely good or likely bad.


Now for a caveat: Don’t expect immediate results with respect to answers to prayers, or even for those prayers to be answered in some way you may have in mind.  Preservation of Faith to believe in a greater spiritual source of all individual personalities is paramount in the development of each of those personalities that are created in the image of and have informational processing abilities like the Spirit of Truth. Why this is so, seems to be a mystery, but I feel it has something to do with the core sincerity of the individual and their innate ability to envision and create True things. In John 4:22 Jesus stated, “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 24God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.”


 I think it is also self-evident that human beings have thinking and information processing abilities that are astronomically beyond what any other life form on this planet has, and therefore supports the concept that humans are somehow “special” above the other planetary life forms. Human thinking is far beyond the simple live-and-exist-until-you-die mentality that prevails in the animal kingdom. Humans have thoughts and creative capabilities that are downright phenomenal when compared to other animals. There is a way for Faith to eventually transition into a “knowing” of what results will be produced by certain actions. Through consistent repetition and observation, we learn what does and doesn’t work to help us live and develop in the ways that have been established to guide us in that development. The real strengthener of Faith is the ability to look back through one’s life and see how things have progressed according to the things you’ve asked for help and guidance with all along the way. From my own experience, the Spirit of Truth knows how to help guide your thoughts and circumstances so that given the patient following of the thought guidance provided and the synchronistic occurrences that you find along your sojourn, you may be able to see how things have been working out, even after there were times when things went completely in the wrong direction for a bit. But of course, if you weren’t asking for any help or guidance for anything, then there won’t be anything that particularly stands out for you.


I’m reminded of a poster I once saw that was a picture of John Wayne with a caption that said, “Life’s hard, its even harder if you’re stupid”. While this is a rather blunt way of saying one should always seek to make prudent decisions, it does drive home the fact that those who lack experience, understanding, or proper training learned from life’s sojourns and lessons, will likely have more difficulty in life. Different people are at different levels of development, but hopefully the less developed can have someone in their life who can help provide some guidance on how to best seek fruitful paths or courses of action. Perhaps all can eventually be guided to realize their way to the resource that is the Spirit of Truth. There’s a reason that Faith is stressed. Faith is the stimulus that moves people to act. If one doesn’t have faith a chair will support them, they won’t sit in it. People will not pray or ask for help or guidance if they do not believe there’s a pertinent source that could possibly understand and provide thoughtful guidance to them. What can it hurt to simply exercise the Faith to ask the Spirit of Truth to help you?


There was more, but this is mostly how I imagined God needing to deal with giving Free Will to independent entities and allowing them to discover on their own what does and does not work to their own "self" development.

Additionally, I would need to come up with a way of these independent self-willed beings to be able to be redeemed from all their poor choices once they understood that those choices only led to bad results, and then wanted to progress in a better fashion to continue their self-development along a better path.




Guess you missed the question of this thread. Instead we got a lecture.

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5 hours ago, LightAngel said:


So, step outside yourself and pretend that you are God….

And then tell me what you would do?



I wouldn't change a thing because these things are already created by an intelligence that I would be no smarter than.

Edited by papageorge1
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21 minutes ago, XenoFish said:

Guess you missed the question of this thread. Instead we got a lecture.

So, I guess the task was in 25 words or less describe being God, and the Universe and give two examples?

(Just being facetious here, it was how I imagined being God and trying to give a logical way of seeing it all. Sorry if it didn't meet your understanding of the request).


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5 minutes ago, Sojo said:

So, I guess the task was in 25 words or less describe being God, and the Universe and give two examples?

(Just being facetious here, it was how I imagined being God and trying to give a logical way of seeing it all. Sorry if it didn't meet your understanding of the request).


It doesn't. If you can't sum it up in a few sentences, then I guess you need your god license revoked. 

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32 minutes ago, XenoFish said:

Guess you missed the question of this thread. Instead we got a lecture.

I got half way through it.....then meh....💤

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3 minutes ago, Piney said:

I got half way through it.....then meh....💤

It's not a difficult question. Rethinking it, I'd do nothing. Considering I would be  The All. So there wouldn't be a need or desire as I would be complete.

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4 minutes ago, XenoFish said:

It's not a difficult question. Rethinking it, I'd do nothing. Considering I would be  The All. So there wouldn't be a need or desire as I would be complete.

I think the Universe is still learning myself. It's only a tween at 13 billion. 

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4 minutes ago, Piney said:

I think the Universe is still learning myself. It's only a tween at 13 billion. 

Some seem to think we're the consciousness of God, becoming aware of our own existence. 

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42 minutes ago, papageorge1 said:

I wouldn't change a thing because these things are already created by an intelligence that I would be no smarter than.

So you’re no smarter than a moron then? Because the alleged all-seeing/all-knowing and all-powerful God most people worship was afraid mankind would become gods by eating from the Tree of Life and He wanted them ignorant of Good and Evil as well by not eating from the Tree of Knowledge. He knew what was going to happen and let it happen anyway, often punishing mankind for  what He knew would happen. God set humanity up to fail and humanity has done an excellent job of that. 


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8 minutes ago, XenoFish said:

Some seem to think we're the consciousness of God, becoming aware of our own existence. 

I've leaned in that direction along with other Quakers. 

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3 minutes ago, cormac mac airt said:

So you’re no smarter than a moron then? Because the alleged all-seeing/all-knowing and all-powerful God most people worship was afraid mankind would become gods by eating from the Tree of Life and He wanted them ignorant of Good and Evil as well by not eating from the Tree of Knowledge. He knew what was going to happen and let it happen anyway, often punishing mankind for  what He knew would happen. God set humanity up to fail and humanity has done an excellent job of that. 


That is not my perspective and understanding of God though.

I come from an Advaita Vedanta (nondual=God and creation are not-two) perspective.

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12 minutes ago, XenoFish said:

Some seem to think we're the consciousness of God, becoming aware of our own existence. 

So 13+ billion years to learn how incompetent creation is? Talk about riding the Short Bus! 


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