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Could scrapping our return to the Moon help us get to Mars faster ?


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As I read it, Musk will put humans on Mars around 2029.

Personally I would prefer sending lots of robots to Mars, not humans.

Maybe send humans to Phobos and Deimos instead?

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Mars is a LONG way off regardless of what Musk, Bezos or NASA says. The moon would be a perfect practice run.

While space travel will always be dangerous and risky I will predict that IF we attempt to go to Mars and there is loss of life it will end that for a VERY long time.

The moon is 3 days away so there would always (providing the provisions are made in advance) be a chance of rescue  or emergency resources.

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I thought it had been planned before to use the moon as a cost efficient staging area. Did they decide to skip it? Does seem kind of weird that it's so doable to keep a station in orbit but not go put one on solid ground. Feels like they could be building a place instead of floating around, and like a lot could be learned and accomplished by achieving a station on the moon first.

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Going to Mars isn't one-off missions like going to the moon. Mars is much too far for that. We don't live in large numbers in the Australian outback or the Sahara Desert or Death Valley, but Mars makes those places look like paradise in comparison. Yet, the goal is going there to stay. We have to take our best game to Mars, because failure means certain death.

Edited by Hammerclaw
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