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New Zealand's Mount Taranaki now recognized as a legal person

Still Waters

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A mountain in New Zealand is now legally recognised as a person after being granted all the rights and responsibilities of a human by the government.

The new law offers extra protection for Mount Taranaki - now known as Taranaki Maunga, its Maori name - and means it has all the rights, powers, duties and responsibilities of a person.

It is part of an agreement between New Zealand's government and the indigenous Maori tribes, which have long considered the 8,261ft mountain an ancestor.



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I wonder what happens when Taranaki, the person, erupts, and sends a surge of pyroclastic debris through a nearby village and some people die.

Does the mountain get put on trial? 

Will the mountain have to figure out an emissions plan for its CO2? Fill out an environmental impact statement before it radically reshapes the land around it?

I get giving the land back - since it was part of a broken treaty. But the personhood thing...eh.

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Sounds like Wokes last hurrah.

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5 hours ago, Still Waters said:

A mountain in New Zealand is now legally recognised as a person

...and it identifies as...


Maybe next time.

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Yeah, sounds like things that happen when you bow to indigenous wokeness. Respect and equality are not even good enough, liberalism has to go too far.

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10 hours ago, Doc Socks Junior said:

I wonder what happens when Taranaki, the person, erupts, and sends a surge of pyroclastic debris through a nearby village and some people die.

Does the mountain get put on trial? 

Will the mountain have to figure out an emissions plan for its CO2? Fill out an environmental impact statement before it radically reshapes the land around it?

I get giving the land back - since it was part of a broken treaty. But the personhood thing...eh.

That's a very good point. Even without eruptions the mountain does claim the odd life. It's very presence creates the weather that's responsible for most deaths. The law states that granting the mountain personhood not only grants it human rights but also the same responsibilities. Seems a little ridiculous.

I understand the cultural aspects of viewing the mountain as an ancestor. But - SPOILER ALERT - most Maori don't believe that to be literally true. Taranaki is but one character in a creation myth.

If this results in better stewardship of the mountain, I'm all for it. But I'm somewhat skeptical of that.

Having said that, she's certainly more beautiful than most people I know.


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