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Giant creepy 'alien' face discovered in Antarctica on Google Earth


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"Of course this isn't actually a face..."

Of course?

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Neat! :lol:

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It doesn't say how big it is in the article. That is one heck of a coincidence for something natural to look like that. Same with the 'face'and 'town' on Mars at Cydonia. Coincidence? Who knows but it's very interesting.
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'Of course this isn't actually a face but an example of pareidolia'.

The author should not be so subjective. Who says it's not a face? Noone knows, so everything would be speculation, a subjective hunch.

Journalists shouldn't write like that, it's annoying.
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On 2/2/2025 at 12:52 PM, Dan Homestead said:

'Of course this isn't actually a face but an example of pareidolia'.

The author should not be so subjective. Who says it's not a face? Noone knows, so everything would be speculation, a subjective hunch.

Journalists shouldn't write like that, it's annoying.

Right. I feel like the decision that it's nothing should have at least been accompanied by more of an investigation. Not even another pic of the area? Nothing? Who knows what's thawing out down there.

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