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Zelensky: ‘I don’t know where the money is’

Unusual Tournament

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$100B into “other projects” sounds about right for a US government bill. 

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I was under the impression the money also includes replacing our stockpiles to offset the actual hardware sent to Ukraine. 

If all else fails look in the back pockets of the politicians. 

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That is too much money to be just giving away.

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Probably Black Projects using the Ukraine as cover who knows.

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Seems to be a lot of confusion in this thread and it is largely from the source being a small snippet from a much longer interview.

Basically Zelensky was asked about American aid and has said Ukraine only received approximately $76 billion out of a promised $177 billion.  This aid was not in cash but in value of items sent.

While I haven't watched or read the full interview but this specific aid seems to of been from the Biden administration which had a habit of playing funny number games to inflate the appearance of military aid sent to Ukraine while not actually sending it.  For example some of number games played were using the new purchase price of weapon systems and not the actual price of the weapon system sent (older and less advanced weapon systems which were a fraction of the price of newer more advanced weapon systems were sent but the newer weapon system price was what was used) and I heard speculation, no actual proof just pure speculation, that the Biden administration frequently tried to essentially double dip and anything that a NATO member sent Ukraine that required American approval to send the Biden administration tried to count as sent American military aid.

While the thread is trying to suggest some serious corruption going on it is more of Zelensky pointing out a large discrepancy between promised equipment and delivered equipment.

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That’s a pretty opulent office right there.   Was it remodeled after the invasion?

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Corruption is a major issue in Ukraine with the Guardian considering Ukraine the most corrupt country in Europe, and Ukrainian researcher  Oleh Havrylyshyn stating that the level of corruption is comparable to countries of Sub-Saharan Africa with Uganda as the closest counterpart.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_in_Ukraine#:~:text=Transparency International's 2023 Corruption,Ukraine a score of 36.

This obviously will also mean that much of the aid money may have gone into the bank accounts of Ukraine politicians, generals,  bureaucrats and other officials, and many of them may actually be multi-millionaires by now.

These news reports also suggest the same..




There are too many such articles to post over here.

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17 hours ago, Unusual Tournament said:


Not all foreign aid is delivered as cash payments.  Much of it probably went in transport costs for weapon systems, ammunition, administrative costs, oversight etc.  The main thing is, the weapons arrived, no US forces were needed in Ukraine, and Ukraine got trained and equipped with US hand me down weapons.

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21 hours ago, Unusual Tournament said:


I don`t know where the money is Mr President, honest!

No, no, no, all the rumours about me owning a superyacht, private jet, and 3 fully staffed mansions are incorrect. Just a second, I need to nip off for an hour, now which supercar to choose from.

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21 hours ago, DarkHunter said:

Seems to be a lot of confusion in this thread and it is largely from the source being a small snippet from a much longer interview.

Basically Zelensky was asked about American aid and has said Ukraine only received approximately $76 billion out of a promised $177 billion.  This aid was not in cash but in value of items sent.

While I haven't watched or read the full interview but this specific aid seems to of been from the Biden administration which had a habit of playing funny number games to inflate the appearance of military aid sent to Ukraine while not actually sending it.  For example some of number games played were using the new purchase price of weapon systems and not the actual price of the weapon system sent (older and less advanced weapon systems which were a fraction of the price of newer more advanced weapon systems were sent but the newer weapon system price was what was used) and I heard speculation, no actual proof just pure speculation, that the Biden administration frequently tried to essentially double dip and anything that a NATO member sent Ukraine that required American approval to send the Biden administration tried to count as sent American military aid.

While the thread is trying to suggest some serious corruption going on it is more of Zelensky pointing out a large discrepancy between promised equipment and delivered equipment.

The only confusion is why would Zelensky throw the Biden Administration under the bus just to curry favour with Trump. 

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15 minutes ago, Unusual Tournament said:

The only confusion is why would Zelensky throw the Biden Administration under the bus just to curry favour with Trump. 

The Biden administration constantly screwed over Ukraine and now that Zelensky doesn't have to keep quite he can finally say just how bad the Biden administration actually was

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On 2/3/2025 at 11:24 AM, Megaro said:

That’s a pretty opulent office right there.   Was it remodeled after the invasion?

It was probably left over from the time Ukraine was run by the Everyone is Equal Brigade from Moscow. 

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