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Latest in Drone Technology Revealed


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Establishing superiority in the drone technology sector has been a top priority for the US DoD. Now, a new and interesting variation of drone has been unveiled.

"Football-like kamikaze drone with 155 mph speed, 40-mile-range unveiled in US"


"The drone named P.S. Killer (PSK) is unique not just by its shape – which is like a rugby or NFL ball – but also because it can be hand-launched by soldiers to attack the desired target.

The company describes it as a “throw-and-forget multi-role tactical unmanned aircraft system (UAS).”

It also states that the kamikaze drone PSK can be deployed in just two seconds – simply by a soldier throwing it in the air. The action involved is just like that of a quarterback throwing a rugby ball in the air during a game."

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I had to double-check the calendar date.  This seems like an April Fools joke.  Propulsion?  Wings for the lift?  It's like they left more out than they explained :) 

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12 hours ago, and-then said:

I had to double-check the calendar date.  This seems like an April Fools joke.  Propulsion?  Wings for the lift?  It's like they left more out than they explained :) 

Some details aren't necessarily provided in an initial press statement. Much like the initial press release for the B-21 Raider not releasing it's main advantages and improvements from the B-2 Spirit program. Don't want want let any adversaries know how to develop a counter UAS capability before it's fielded. 😉

You might want to see if the developer's website has anything to add.


Edited by Trelane
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From what I can gather so far it's intent is a more compact and modular capable version of the current RQ-11 Raven.

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More like a mini missile than a drone. No way that thing can hover or do tight maneuvers. It just goes in a mostly straight line fast.

Edited by moonman
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14 hours ago, moonman said:

More like a mini missile than a drone. No way that thing can hover or do tight maneuvers. It just goes in a mostly straight line fast.

Maybe so. We'll have to see what the developer can provide as far as prototype testing. Hopefully shed some more light on it's primary mode of deployment and functionality.

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