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Who does not remember the intruiging and fascinating footage Anthony Woods presented to the public last year. http://www.rense.com/general45/woodsnew1.htm

He allegedly had recorded over 100 hours or more of his mostly daylight footage. I always wondered, why the footage was never under a real scrutiny or subject of intense forum-debates. Were these very real-looking objects really no fakes? How could fakes have be done in such a quality?

We must remember the "morphing red craft" (see attachment) or the other structured and/or morphing crafts, whose appearance and passages through the skies really baffled everyone who had a look at them!

After the case was widely spread at least by rense.com, the famous UK UFO-magazin announced the release of the DVD "The Journey". Interested Customers were invited to order by paying 39Euros. Few days later, the insolvency of UfoMagazinUK was made public, and I think, I was not the only one whose money was lost, in spite of my several tries to contact the UFOmagazin-Crew without response.

Few weeks later Mr.Woods let all friends, supporters and interested rense.com readers know, that he withdraws from the field of UFOs, and thanks for the support a.s.o.

WHAT? That was it? No DVD-release with astounding footage? No following discussion or scrutiny - Mr.Woods disappears from one sec to another? What do you think about this case? Does anybody have further information? What do you think of the quality and possibility of hoaxing regarding the material?




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Good heavens, Friend MrFree. This is wonderfull footage that I have not heard as yet until now.

Fill me in as best as possible, friend, and I will help you answer your question.

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see just like i said bad camera, buy a new one if u are into alien stuff

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there is so much of this type of evidence for "something" but we cannot know what it is. It does not mean alien, for it could be a terrestrial entity...like an extra-dimensional phenomena, the sad part is that this will be ignored as well as every other ufo video like this...

to me, its proof that something is out there, to others unfortunatley truth will only come with a dead alien corpse on the 5 O'clock news...

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Good heavens, Friend MrFree. This is wonderfull footage that I have not heard as yet until now.

Fill me in as best as possible, friend, and I will help you answer your question.


Dear Draco,

look at these links - they show many of the Anthony Woods - pictures and films.

take a firm look at the mpg-file: red morphing craft: thats absolutely buffling in my eyes, at least in connection with the other pics!

Part1: http://www.rense.com/general31/woods1A.htm

Part2: http://www.rense.com/general31/woods2A.htm

Part3: http://www.rense.com/general31/woods3A.htm

Part4: mysteriously missing tongue.gif

Part5: http://www.rense.com/general31/woods4A.htm

I do now wonder, why there were only two commentators - the case was widely spread - rense.com is one of the most visited sites of alternate media-information. Does nobody has an opinion to that case. that is sad, because it has high potntials of controversity and we would have s.th to to discuss about! Maybe today we receive more comments! (?) huh.gif

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I find it interesting that an object will go behind some leaves on a tree/bush, but that Mr. Woods doesn't move the camera for a better look.

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there is so much of this type of evidence for "something" but we cannot know what it is. It does not mean alien, for it could be a terrestrial entity...like an extra-dimensional phenomena, the sad part is that this will be ignored as well as every other ufo video like this...

to me, its proof that something is out there, to others unfortunatley truth will only come with a dead alien corpse on the 5 O'clock news...


Dear Stix,

excuse me, but u r not right - we do not even have a handful of material that was filmed by day and shows such clear structured objects. Okay the "orb"-part is reproduced by other video-witnesses, while the woods material also in this regard presents astounding examples.

Yes, they must not be aliens, but there is a phenomena of unknwon flying crafts, if they aren't hoaxed!




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I find it interesting that an object will go behind some leaves on a tree/bush, but that Mr. Woods doesn't move the camera for a better look.


Dear Hechtal, if you go deeper into the material u will recognize, that the material is very "lively"! No static camera angles, what would induce the possibility of manipulating the material. No, the material seems very original, often you here the comments of one to 3 with-witnesses, sounds of cars in the back a.s.o.. Try to get the material from the rense side - you will not be disappointed!



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The bottom left hand photo in the thumbnails looks uncannily like a head on shot

of the American space shuttle? As for the MPEG video shoot, well? I have seen a lot better than that. Never the less it's hard to say what it could be? thumbsup.gif

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The bottom left hand photo in the thumbnails looks uncannily like a head on shot

of the American space shuttle? As for the MPEG video shoot, well? I have seen a lot better than that. Never the less it's hard to say what it could be?  thumbsup.gif


Hi, all the videos were taped in Bedhampton-UK. Try this side to see other structured objects and cloudlike spheres operating from out of the videos of A.Woods and download mpg.:


There exists or at least existed a trailer for the planned DVD "The Journey", were other, not yet made public sequences of other black objects - they seem to be one of several classes of objects Anthony was able to capture. Whatever they may be. I you have the possibility to look the trailer - do it. You won't be disappointed.



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Bedhampton? More like the North pole! His hand is so shakey, its hard to look at what your seeing. blink.gif But I admit the black object was intriguing. I had to freeze the frame and look closer. Whould be good to see the whole footage. thumbsup.gif

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Perhaps rather than a ufo from another planet, he got pic's of secret craft from the military. It would explain why he has distanced himself from the pics.

If you think it could not be from Earth, think of this, the most advanced craft B-2 and F-117 were designed in the 70's. It is now over 30 years later-don't you think technology has advanced in amazing ways since then. For another example-think of computers from the 70's and what we have now-day and night differences.

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What you don't see in these videos is that about 2 miles (if that) from Bedhapmton is the Royal Navy's Land Based Test Site.

It stands on top of a hill and overlooks the area the UFO's were sighted.

The LBTS (its changed its name now but it still does the same thing) has several "important" departments there. One of these is (as the name suggests) the test site for huge ship boarne radar systems.

I have been at this site so many times I've lost count. The Radar systems are that powerful they interphere with electrical equipment on the site.

how they could miss those things either on radar or visually I dont know. But I have known about these sightings for quite some time but anyone I asked at the site had never heard of it.

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What you don't see in these videos is that about 2 miles (if that) from Bedhapmton is the Royal Navy's Land Based Test Site.

It stands on top of a hill and overlooks the area the UFO's were sighted.

The LBTS (its changed its name now but it still does the same thing) has several "important" departments there. One of these is (as the name suggests) the test site for huge ship boarne radar systems.

I have been at this site so many times I've lost count. The Radar systems are that powerful they interphere with electrical equipment on the site.

how they could miss those things either on radar or visually I dont know. But I have known about these sightings for quite some time but anyone I asked at the site had never heard of it.


Thanks - that is an interesting detail, that either could induce that these vehicles are some kind of drones, flying to be caught by tested radar-systems. But then someone of your pals at the base would have mentioned them! Nonetheless that is a very important info in connection with the captured Unknowns - Thank you very much


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or should i say some kinda bird


Once again I reviewed the trailer for the never released but once with the insolvency gone UFO-Magazin UK planned DVD, where among other previously unreleased material the black duck like object is presented there in motion (before the public could only look at photos of it) and one can clearly state: no, it is no bird or duck, because the object does tumble while his flight like a balloon. The motion of a balloon pushed and pulled by the winds is not typical for the structured objects A.Wood filmed. I want you to remember the morphing S-like red object, but also a second, before trailer-release only as a photo available, capture of a dark object, that had 2 very strong lights on its underside and travels the sky as it was accelerated by some kind of energy or motor-device. At least as intersting as these, are the one time more, the one time less defined white spheres, that fulfill, as it seems, some kind of operation at the skys. Look the material I only can recommend.

greets MrFree

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how come everytime a picture or movie is taken of a alien/ufo/cryptid its always god damn blurry lol

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  • 1 month later...

I did some work on the DVD "The Journey" that was made by UFO Magazine. My main input was analysing the video for authenticity and making sure that it wasn't faked. Some of the craft I WAS dubious about. From what I remember, it was the "duck". However, I can guarantee that the morphing "6" is definately an unknown. I managed to get a video of close-ups of this object which I turned into a 3D animation. (Which is still available if someone wants a copy). I couldn't find any anomolies in the tape I was sent - however, that doesn't mean some of the craft weren't, as mentioned previously, drones of some sort.

The DVD and VHS of "The Journey" is still available, though I believe only from internet shops. Just do a search on "Anthony Woods" "The Journey" on Google & you should find a sale somewhere.

All in all, a lot was interesting footage - but alas, like many many others - too blurry to completely analyse with any certainty.

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I did some work on the DVD "The Journey" that was made by UFO Magazine. My main input was analysing the video for authenticity and making sure that it wasn't faked. Some of the craft I WAS dubious about. From what I remember, it was the "duck".

I managed to get a video of close-ups of this object which I turned into a 3D animation. (Which is still available if someone wants a copy).

Dear afry,

that sounds very interesting. Do you remember, what especially it was, you became dubious about the duck-object? I had only the impression, that the duck-thing may have been a ballon - from the short secs out of the trailer (I await the complete "the journey" DVD at the time, bought it from an american net-store - why does only american stores sell it - haven'T found any UK-seller).

The morphing animation you created, I am very interested in also. How big is it? How can I get one of them?

Greets from Good Ol'


aka MrFree

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that sounds very interesting. Do you remember, what especially it was, you became dubious about the duck-object? I had only the impression, that the duck-thing may have been a ballon - from the short secs out of the trailer (I await the complete "the journey" DVD at the time, bought it from an american net-store - why does only american stores sell it - haven'T found any UK-seller).

The morphing animation you created, I am very interested in also. How big is it? How can I get one of them?

It bore a striking similarity to a remote control triangular bi-plane I saw sometime ago. Though with the video quality, I can't say if it's the same thing.

As for the animation - it's on a server at home - I'll be there at the weekend, so I'll set a link for it when I get there.

However, here's the picture that was used for the cover of the DVD as a sample


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that sounds very interesting. Do you remember, what especially it was, you became dubious about the duck-object? I had only the impression, that the duck-thing may have been a ballon - from the short secs out of the trailer (I await the complete "the journey" DVD at the time, bought it from an american net-store - why does only american stores sell it - haven'T found any UK-seller).

The morphing animation you created, I am very interested in also. How big is it? How can I get one of them?

It bore a striking similarity to a remote control triangular bi-plane I saw sometime ago. Though with the video quality, I can't say if it's the same thing.

As for the animation - it's on a server at home - I'll be there at the weekend, so I'll set a link for it when I get there.

However, here's the picture that was used for the cover of the DVD as a sample


Thank you very much for the picture,

yesterday I was able to view the complete "The Journey"-DVD and the work you did to "encrypt" the mysterious move and light- patterns of the "b" or "6"-object, s.t. also called "red morphing object". Congratulations and thank you's for that fine work and for the photo you posted last time to let us all share this fascinating phenomena. One is clear! That is one of the most, if not the most convincing daylight- footage we have of unknown atmosphereic phenomena and also proves the existence of unknowns by the means and possibilities, a camcorder-recording can actually achieve.

We would be very glad, if you would let us share the animation you told about and which is presented in the DVD also. We are looking forward the weekend and hope to find you here again then.

I will post a new topic, but maybe you have information about it also: Why did Anthony retreat fully from the subject? Maybe you know his announcement on the Rense.com site, where he published that statement. http://www.rense.com/general45/woodsnew1.htm

Were there problems in connection with the UfoMag.Uk, who produced and delayed the "Journey"-DVD-publishing after closure because of insolveny and the death of G.Birdsall or were there other reasons?

What do you know?



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