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Push Bush on climate, Blair urged

The Roswell Man

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but he wants to drill up in Alaska, somewhere, which would destroy all the wildlife (in that area). crying.gif


That's a lie.

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I think the true issue is whether the money actually gets to the people it is entended for. It's my understanding that quite often the governments confinscate the donations for their own wealth and for the military. Maybe the money should be tracked more closely by the people that donated it. hmm.gif

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knowing bush, i wuldnt put it past him..... ph34r.gifinnocent.gif

he's looking for new sources of oil to avoid dependance of the middle east isnt he? huh.gif

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I'm an inspiration! Great to be able to effect people like that. Any contribution I can make, happy to do it.

I thought you'd like that grin2.gif

Your ignorance of economics is... expected, coming from a left ideology.

You are aware left ideology is derived from a book on economics written by one of the founding fathers of modern social sciences?

That's a lie.

Actually Celumnaz, if you dig up a forest the animals will indeed have nowhere left to go. As Babs says, of the coast of Florida seems a far better place to dig.

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altho i hear the big amreican multinationals force bushes hand......

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but he wants to drill up in Alaska, somewhere, which would destroy all the wildlife (in that area). crying.gif


That's a lie.


Accually, the lie with that.. is that drilling the oil up there "will be a fix and long term help for our oil needs"

When accually it'll take ~20 years to even get oil out of there, and refine it to usable substances.. not only that, but there is only enough oil there to last maybe a year.

So let's see... do possibly irreversable damage to an ecosystem of *maybe* a years worth of oil... lie about it and let people think this is a good thing?

How politicians sleep at night is beyond me...

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I love the trees and the forest and I hate pollution. I hate what Bush is doing to the environment or not doing, to help our environment, and save our planet.


are u a member of WWF per chance? huh.gif


What's WWF?

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I hope Blair can do this. We need to clean up the planet. I wish Bush would do something 'for' our environment.

I hope I didn't disappoint anyone with these views wink2.gif



a fresh opinion yes.gifwink2.gif


Thank you original.gif

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What's WWF?

Its the largest pro-environmental charity on the planet.

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Bab's, I admire your stance.

Every Government on the face of this planet needs to show a commitment to the planets health.


I believe they must use some kind of tranquilser or self induceing coma drug.

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Its the largest pro-environmental charity on the planet.

I thought it had sth to do with Wrestling....

I believe they must use some kind of tranquilser or self induceing coma drug.

They had their consience surgically removed

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Its the largest pro-environmental charity on the planet.

I thought it had sth to do with Wrestling....

No thats WWE (World Wreslting Entertainment)

WWF is World Wide Fund for Nature

user posted image

Come'on, surely some of you must know of it?

Edited by Talon S.
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No thats WWE (World Wreslting Entertainment)

Yes that was on my mind.Thank you.

Come'on, surely some of you must know of it?

I know Greenpeace....

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Greenpeace isn't a charity though, its a political pressure group

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Bush is talking about less dependence on foreign oil, but he wants to drill up in Alaska, somewhere, which would destroy all the wildlife (in that area).  The scientists and democrats are saying that he can drill off the coast of Florida and not hurt any wildlife, but it looks like that hasn't taken off .... (or has been put on the back burner). I wonder how Bush will do with the trees. I sincerely hope Blair can do something, it's real hard to get this administration moving on environmental issues.

Scary, especially with electric power on our doorstep, unfortunaletly that doesn't make a profit either so it'll never get used.


Yeah, and when we had that electric car 30 years back...look what happened to that. They couldn't make any money off it, it mysteriously went down the tubes. I read something on that, that there was a hush-up or a murder surrounding the car.... I don't remember, but somehow we couldn't use it. cool.gif That's when I got depressed. We have people inventing and creating things to help humanity and save our planet and the big guys won't let us have it. And why, what for?...profit.

Hey, you can't take it with you blink.gif ...what is this all for? _Temporary Gain .....for 'the biggies'. These big corporations are taking us all with them .........killing us all in the process.

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Bab's, I admire your stance.

Every Government on the face of this planet needs to show a commitment to the planets health.


I believe they must use some kind of tranquilser or self induceing coma drug.


Thank you, Kismit. original.gif

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Its the largest pro-environmental charity on the planet.

I thought it had sth to do with Wrestling....

No thats WWE (World Wreslting Entertainment)

WWF is World Wide Fund for Nature

user posted image

Come'on, surely some of you must know of it?


I have heard of it before. They also do a lot of research to bash goverements with. They have branches all around the world. Sometimes they make some good points but most of the time they are just like PETA, a little crazy and never heard. grin2.gif

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Sometimes they make some good points but most of the time they are just like PETA, a little crazy and never heard. 

Actually that isn't at all ture, they are the dominant Charity in protecting animal species and habitat. If they've never heard in America then maybe that says more about your nations view on wildlife than the WWF sanity. They are a respectable, LEGAL charity group.

If you want to blame someone for being a little crazy but good natured then go blame Greenpeace who are a pressure group, you shouldn't start accusing professional organisations like WWE of crazyness.

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bush is'nt doing sh** to help the environment.we are gonna understand way too late,we are cutting our own throats by ignoring this future disaster.

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bush is'nt doing sh** to help the environment.we are gonna understand way too late,we are cutting our own throats by ignoring this future disaster.

That is indeed true

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I read something on that, that there was a hush-up or a murder surrounding the car..

Babs, there have been at least two highly suspicious deaths involving people working on car engines which are fueled by water. The technologies are out there.

Did you know that one of the leading car tyre manufacturers holds the patent for a rubber tyre that virtualy never wears down.

The lives that could be saved and the benefits to the Earth are incredible, but sadly they are out weighed by the fact that you can sell more disposable tyres, than ones that don't wear down. Money, money, money.


I couldn't agree more about Greenpeace as an ex-member myself, I found them to be just a little over the top and pushy. You have to make comprimises if you want to make change. Green peace does good for the earth but they run very close to and sometimes over , the edge.

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I couldn't agree more about Greenpeace as an ex-member myself, I found them to be just a little over the top and pushy. You have to make comprimises if you want to make change. Green peace does good for the earth but they run very close to and sometimes over , the edge.

Yeah, I like Greenpeace, I admire them for taking a stand. But they lack a certain element of repectability/credibility that Green Parties have a political parties and WWF has as a charity.

Although in GP's favour, the GreenParties often don't get anywhere and WWF can only do so much as funding allows it.

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hopefully bush realises what environment who will leave behind for his relatives in the future hmm.gif

thanks to american political bureaucracy as a whole disgust.gif

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hopefully bush realises what environment who will leave behind for his relatives in the future

Aparently 17% of American's beleive the world is going to end in their life time. Maybe Bush doesn't care about the world and children because he's one of them.

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Babs , finally

something we can TRULY agree on.

i must say im releived.

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