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Haunted Huntsville Alabama


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I am i huge fan of huntsville maybe because their are all kinds of places you can go to scare the goodness out of you and your friends,like:

DCP (dead childrens playground)

old mills

haunted cabins

Haunted railroads

Haunted old mansions in the historical destrict

Haunted plantaions

Haunted barns

Haunted roads

Haunted just about everything everywhere has some kind of HAUNTED HISTORY w00t.gif i am open for questions stories and dares to go to these place if i havent allready been!

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  • Doggirl3


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  • hunter of oddities


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ok folks i need directions to these places in huntsville if anybody knows !!!

Cry Baby Hollow, The Carter Mansion , and Kent Robertson park please help


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one race,

their are many cry baby hollows and hollers in alabama and America alone i would like to know where the cry babay hollow in huntsville alabama is at, but please tell me about the cullman cry baby hollowive been to the cry baby holler in hartselle alabama which is like 30min away! gunsmilie.gif

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ok post people! Since no one is posting i will tell you a story that might get yall to post! alrighty, me and my best friend like to hang out at dcp dead childrens playground ok, we arent weird ok well, maybe a little bit. Well we hang out there bcaz its quite and nobody takes their kidz there bcaz what civilized adult would take their child to a playground located at a cemetry?Anyway me and my friend go there alot oneday we took some kfc.We werent really hungry at the beginning, so we decided to play on the vacant swings! grin2.gif Well we were swingin and i got hungry and went up to the table to eat.I looked back at my friend and my swing was swinging still the same speed and height of hers! she finally realized it and jumped off!She came running up next to me and we sat there staring at the swings, they were both swaying the same speed and staying together perfectly.We ignored it and started to eat still watching and seeing how long it would last.Finally 20 min later both swings started slowing down and came to a complete stop!!!!!!!!!!dust flew under them as if feet were slowing them down,,,,,,,wow that was really crazy!!1!!! no.gif

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You don't have to bump your own thread, hon. Just post your topic and let folks find it in their own time. thumbsup.gif

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HELLS GATES the scariest ghost experience i ever had until.....last night. we held a seance.and it worked

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hey, i live in gulf shores,al and I have been going through paranormal withdrawel. do any of you know of anything interesting around here?

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Where is the dead children's playground located? Thanks


do you know where maple hill cemetry is?well it is directly behind there and it has a liitle paved way from the cemetry to there...........Have you ever been to any other haunted locations? blush.gif

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Yeah I know where Maple Hill Cemetery is thanks. To answer your question about haunted sites I have been to several; a Cry Baby Holler or Hollow (it has been called both) in Hartselle, sometimes considered to be in Decatur, Decatur High School, considered to be haunted, I have experienced the phantom footsteps first hand, Gordon-Bibb Middle school in Decatur, before the remodel, there was a haunted stairway, at one time G-B was a hospital, the Dale Mansion Site in Hazel Green, and Dauphin Island, 2 sites, Fort Gains and the Shell Mounds.

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Yeah I know where Maple Hill Cemetery is thanks.  To answer your question about haunted sites I have been to several; a Cry Baby Holler or Hollow (it has been called both) in Hartselle, sometimes considered to be in Decatur, Decatur High School, considered to be haunted, I have experienced the phantom footsteps first hand, Gordon-Bibb Middle school in Decatur, before the remodel, there was a haunted stairway, at one time G-B was a hospital, the Dale Mansion Site in Hazel Green, and Dauphin Island, 2 sites, Fort Gains and the Shell Mounds.


i have also been to cry baby holler in hartselle its down the road from where those two college girls sat on the railroad track waiting for a train to get so far away then they would turn on the car and high tail it completely across (they were doing this to become a lil sister for a fraternity)while on of girls' step dad was watching and he saw his step child get hit by a train and die..........


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Has anyone here ever heard the tell of Chicken Foot? I don't know the exact location it is somewhere near Moulton, Alabama. It's said it is haunted by a boy child who had his head chopped off by to other boys. You can supposedly still see his blood stains on the stairs of of his old farm house, he also walks around looking for his head. Also somewhere in the vicinity there is a an old haunted witch's house, I don't know much about that period.

Also (this happened to my mother, and she doesn't believe in this sort of stuff) near cry baby holler, she and her friends used to hang out, one night a black truck started chasing them, then disappeared, it reappeared further down the road, when they pulled over at a gas station, it pulled in behind them, and disappeared once again. I know this sounds far fetched but it happened!

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howdy all just thought id check in and say im going to dallas mill devil.gif

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anybody other than me had ghost incounters here around huntsville?is please do tell blush.gif


What happened at the gates of hell?

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You don't have to bump your own thread, hon. Just post your topic and let folks find it in their own time. thumbsup.gif



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anybody other than me had ghost incounters here around huntsville?is please do tell blush.gif


What happened at the gates of hell?


We got chased by a ghost car and saw things, and ran away

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Hells Gates is a pretty wicked place. I think when i go to dallas mill im gonna take pics so i will post em and if i go back to hells gates i will get some there too

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Hey amanda have you ever been to Hells Gates

if not you need to go im gonna go find the old monte sano railroad which is now gone as of a hundred years ago maybe less but anyway we are gonna go see if there is any wild stuff up there so if you know where anything is like crybaby hollow (of huntsville ) lemme know i wanna go !! th ph34r.gif x

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Hey amanda have you ever been to Hells Gates

if not you need to go im gonna go find the old monte sano railroad which is now gone as of a hundred years ago maybe less but anyway we are gonna go see if there is any wild stuff up there so if you know where anything is like crybaby hollow (of huntsville ) lemme know i wanna go !! th ph34r.gif x


no.gif guess im not gonna go with you crying.gif

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Hey amanda have you ever been to Hells Gates

if not you need to go im gonna go find the old monte sano railroad which is now gone as of a hundred years ago maybe less but anyway we are gonna go see if there is any wild stuff up there so if you know where anything is like crybaby hollow (of huntsville ) lemme know i wanna go !! th ph34r.gif x


no.gif guess im not gonna go with you crying.gif


nope angry.gifdisgust.gif and you know why disgust.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

nope angry.gifdisgust.gif and you know why disgust.gif


YEA I DO! BCAZ YOUR A JERK WHO NEEDS TO STAY AWAY FROM MY FORUM ,DAVID! now pleaz go and stay out of my life for good. you are 25 and for me thats way to old and ugly wacko.gif oh,and you smell bad and have tons of blackheads!!!!!!!! cool.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah I know where Maple Hill Cemetery is thanks.  To answer your question about haunted sites I have been to several; a Cry Baby Holler or Hollow (it has been called both) in Hartselle, sometimes considered to be in Decatur, Decatur High School, considered to be haunted, I have experienced the phantom footsteps first hand, Gordon-Bibb Middle school in Decatur, before the remodel, there was a haunted stairway, at one time G-B was a hospital, the Dale Mansion Site in Hazel Green, and Dauphin Island, 2 sites, Fort Gains and the Shell Mounds.


Hey! Could you please post directions to the Dale Mansion site? I live in Hazel Green and have never heard of it til now and would very much like to visit.Any help would be great!

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Hi I'm new and live near Huntsville, Alabama. I'm trying to figuire how to post and thought I just find a topic close to what I ask and then post the question. Well my question is this. Is there any 24 hour ghost cams in Hunstville? Just wondering. After hearing and reading some of the places on this thing about Hauntings in Alabama. You think maybe there should be.


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