snuffypuffer Posted July 26, 2003 #26 Share Posted July 26, 2003 They excrete through their mouths, because they're full of crap. So many people talking out of they're asses, it makes sense. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
uranium101 Posted July 26, 2003 #27 Share Posted July 26, 2003 you could have a point... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShadyLady Posted July 26, 2003 #28 Share Posted July 26, 2003 They do not crap or pee. Toxins seep out from their skin (which would explain why many people claim them of having an offensive odor). Aslan, you may insist all you want. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaj Posted July 27, 2003 #29 Share Posted July 27, 2003 Becouse I belive that meat eating is barbarian, I belive that they, at least DONT eat meat. I don´t know this, this is only a guess. If they, where ever they are, are så intelligent and futuristic, from our point of view, they gone past meat eating 1000 years ago. Now, I don´t judge anyone, I only think that they don´t know better. (humans) Humans rape the earth and its living creatures. What would an alien think?? That humans are NOT evil??? killing each other and hurting nature. The big picture. ops .. I´m way off the subject here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thepsychoticseaotter Posted July 27, 2003 #30 Share Posted July 27, 2003 As far as the human bashing goes Ummm I hate to point out that your a human....sorry to shock you like that but reality is calling.... Meat eating Barbaric? Call me Conan. And just an observation but, do you realise that 90% of plant eating creatures only purpose is food for the meat eating animals. ( yes there are meat eating animals are they barbaric?) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaj Posted July 27, 2003 #31 Share Posted July 27, 2003 Hi Conan I know I´m a human. (and ashame of it sometimes) It´s different when you have to eat meat to survive.(like animals do, and sometimes humans) But when we grow animals i cages, and treat them like sh**, drag them around with broken legs, and then eat them. Travel around the world and you will see that humans eat EVERYTHING. Even stuff YOU don´t think humans should eat. Think about that. If u have to eat meat, do so, hopefully you don´t have to be born as a pig or chicken in your next life. If the animals are food, why can they feel pain and why does they got a brain?? It would grow on trees. Should´t eat something just for the taste of it. Egoistic. I´m feel so sad for US humans, becouse we are manytimes so stupid. I´m not angry, I´m sad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snuffypuffer Posted July 28, 2003 #32 Share Posted July 28, 2003 I understand your point of view, Kaj, and I respect your choice of being a vegan. Unfortunately, I am a carnivore, and a nice slab of ribs is just about the tastiest thing this side of ambrosia. You're forgetting about that ol' whacky food chain. We evolved to eat meat, it's why we're an intelligent species. Much of the early tools were made for hunting, not farming. And when farming began, do you think we just decided, hey, let's leave the cattle alone? Nah, we domesticated them, so we wouldn't have to hunt. I agree that meat should be eaten as part of a healthy and diverse diet, so if eating a pork chop every once in awhile makes me barbaric, bring on the horned helmet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
uranium101 Posted July 28, 2003 #33 Share Posted July 28, 2003 vegetarians are 23% more subjective to cancer because of their incomplete diet. and the animal's death is quite painless. and since there is a life after death animals either get reincarnated as humans or float around feeling no pain. in other words they can just sit around and laugh while humanity struggles w/ physical life. i think. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaj Posted July 28, 2003 #34 Share Posted July 28, 2003 But today we don´t have to eat meat to survive. Can´t live in the past. Humans have done many things in the past to survive and get "smart" some things "good" and some not so "good" It´s a choise everyone can make. There is no bigger risk to get cancer when you don´t eat meat...thats bull. I think it´s a waste It´s so hard to make a point in this issue. Becouse english isn´t my 1:st language. I can´t find the words. Humans doesn´t have fangs, like carnevors do. Anyway, you shouldn´t eat meat if you can´t even think about what it is you eat, Like I have discovered many can´t do. If you cant imagine killing and at least chop pieces from the animal. Make it "food" Bigmac doesn´t grow on trees. It is not an product, it is a living creature. But I will drop it for now.. I´m not a fanatic. just talking. Have a nice night and thx for the "chat" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aslan Posted July 29, 2003 #35 Share Posted July 29, 2003 Regarding your post Uranium101... From whence did you get your figures? 23% more likely to get cancer because of their incomplete diet. Let me say that again. 23% more likely to get cancer because of their incomplete diet. Moonshine, boy, moonshine. Like just about every other post you make you have simply plucked a series of words out of the ether and slapped them onto your computer screen. It is pure invention. I defy you to provide a source. As to the rest of your inane gibberish... the animal's death is quite painless. and since there is a life after death animals either get reincarnated as humans or float around feeling no pain. in other words they can just sit around and laugh while humanity struggles w/ physical life is beneath even comment. I'm going to adhere to the old axiom that discretion is the better part of valour and shut up now, but as a parthian shot I suggest that you make use of a little process we have called thinking before you make a post. Novel idea, I know, but give it a whirl. You might surprise yourself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Althalus Posted July 29, 2003 #36 Share Posted July 29, 2003 I have just done a bit of research here, the PDF file i have just got says this on te 36th page: 'Many epidiological studies have shown populations that eat diets high in vegetables and fruit, and low in animal fat, meat, and/or calories have reduced risk of some of the most common cancers.' To look for yourself click beow: Download ACS Statistics for 2003 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aslan Posted July 29, 2003 #37 Share Posted July 29, 2003 Thanks, Al. I hope Uranium101 takes the time to peruse it. Fat chance Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Althalus Posted July 29, 2003 #38 Share Posted July 29, 2003 Anytime Aslan, part from when I'm at work that is, it'd be a tad difficult to go online then. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
uranium101 Posted July 29, 2003 #39 Share Posted July 29, 2003 i got from a textbook or something. did you know that when you cut a chicken's head off bood spurts out and they run around headless? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Althalus Posted July 29, 2003 #40 Share Posted July 29, 2003 yes, there was a headless chicken named Mike, that lived for quite a while, after having it's head removed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
uranium101 Posted July 29, 2003 #41 Share Posted July 29, 2003 i know that chicken, i think he lived to be eighteen months old? he died from choking to death. you could probably see it in action. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaj Posted July 29, 2003 #42 Share Posted July 29, 2003 Thx Althalus (for the research) and Aslan (for just being around with his quick mind) And Uranium101: take a moment to research how the animals really end up on your plate, and you will not eat meat for some time at least. (but I think you don´t really want to know, like most people) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShadyLady Posted July 29, 2003 #43 Share Posted July 29, 2003 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaj Posted July 29, 2003 #44 Share Posted July 29, 2003 Thx ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Althalus Posted July 29, 2003 #45 Share Posted July 29, 2003 The way chickens are killed is a tad nasty and unpleasent, I can put it up here if people are interested. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaj Posted July 29, 2003 #46 Share Posted July 29, 2003 The way chickens are killed is a tad nasty and unpleasent, I can put it up here if people are interested. Please do! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aslan Posted July 29, 2003 #47 Share Posted July 29, 2003 I think we should be wary, Kaj. Issues such as vegetarianism versus meateatingism tend to excite extreme reactions in some people, for some reason. It's not going to sway anybody's opinion anyway. Let it be, my friend, let be be. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaj Posted July 29, 2003 #48 Share Posted July 29, 2003 I know...I think it´s supressed guilt feelings..and denial. But I want us to be like a big happy family:) I´ll drop it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
uranium101 Posted July 29, 2003 #49 Share Posted July 29, 2003 a) pulling it off b)pulling it off w/ a cone thing c)chopping it off d)grabbing the head and swingin it around painless, yes? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snuffypuffer Posted July 29, 2003 #50 Share Posted July 29, 2003 Aslan, how is it you always make me feel like a bumbling imbecile? Honestly, I try (sometimes) to sound halfway intelligent, and then you come along and blow everyone out of the water. Anyhow, I think this meat vs veganism is a pointless argument, whatever your lifestyle choice is means nothing to me. But keep in mind that that's exactly what it is, a lifestyle choice, and not a political platform. I don't like to hurt things, keep in mind I'm the guy who rescues turtles, but... ah who cares? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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