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Soldier's mom protests near Bush's ranch


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I am sure you especially liked the quote under the pic right Babs. Who cares about their freedom we only wanted their oil anyways.

If she is using this for personal gain then thats a shame. But how could anyone else including her family know what her true feelings are.??

I could easily see where her family might be big Bush supporters and since she is talking bad about their guy then they would resort to trying to bad mouth her. There's already 50 other people supporting her.

There have been those that say she has hidden agenda. What possible agenda could she have?? She is just speaking out what she feels in her heart. She lost her son to this stupid war and doesnt want other mothers to have to go through that.

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Personal attention maybe??? After all, she was praising Bush last year and now she's contradicting herself.

If you've ever noticed, if a lot of someones family alienates them, it's usually from experience and not politically motivated. hmm.gif

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Personal attention maybe??? After all, she was praising Bush last year and now she's contradicting herself.


No!!! sometimes it takes something as horrific as losing a child to see the truth, a nasty thing, but its normally how it works unfortunately.

She probably said and thought the same as you Michelle a few years ago.

If she did use it for her own gain, then that is sick, but I doubt it very much, this just looks like Bush supporters doing the typical demonize the ones that want peace thing that they are so famous for, they even sink as low as doing it to there own family no.gif

All the best


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Perhaps because she is the one shouting the loudest, that is the idea of trying to highlight something that you want to be heard, so your message can get across to people. Protesting is all about getting noticed for your cause if you did not know.

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just because she's loud, doesn't make her correct, she's just loudly disrespecting her son by her own admission.

I believe it's for personal attention. Bet she writes (has ghost written for her) a book.

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I really think she is just trying to wake people up but it seems people just dont seem to listen. It's almost as if the freedom of speach is no longer valid in the US. Maybe not to the point where you can get arrested but it seems that if you say anything against the government you are a bad person or just crazy. The goivernement isnt an innocent entity they lie and steal all the time yet people still seem to think the government cant be bad. There here to protect us didnt ya know! Ya right.

People can change their minds Michelle. When Bush jr first ran i thought he would have made a better prez then gore but after a few months of him in office i changed my mind and realized what kind of person he really was.

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yeah if she writes a book then she is just a bad person. out for attention. but if she doesnt and doesnt take any money from interviews or anything like that then i would believe her cause is just

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I understand that Sanchera, but I have have a gut feeling that she's going to profit from this somehow. Only time will tell.

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I am an expatriate who, because I could not morally support my nation under the leadership of George W. Bush, Jr., chose to leave it.  That is not an easy thing to do.  But neither is it easy to watch a great nation corrupted and the inherent rights of its citizens diluted by irresponsible and dangerous law making.  It is not easy to watch the reputation of the United States diminished within the world community or to recognize that senseless wars represent an expansion movement far more than any noble cause. 

I view this president as intellectually and morally bankrupt with absolutely no regard for the common welfare of the people of the United States.  While there is legitimate cause to mourn the young men who sacrificed their lives for a false cause, it should also be noted that there are many thousands more innocent Iraquis who have died or been maimed by the mandates of this President. 

I now see my nation from the outside.  Sometimes it is a better view.  I see it in decline and I anguish for the people who somehow ignore the theft of their rights and move silently in their daily struggle to survive within a disastrous economy. 

I support no political party or cause.  I support the America I once knew and I deeply fear that I will never see it again, even if I return.


Pardon me, but ain't Mexico's economy worse_ hence the illegal aliens? And I don't think you leaving our country is such a noble thing, do you? What you said here got my attention and sounds quite sad, but the only sad thing will be you_ in 30 years_ when you can't come back to your homeland. Really, are you ready to make that sacrifice or are you just staying out of the country because you don't want to go into the service?

...Or maybe you are much older than that. I'd like to hear your story.

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If he is a US citzen why wont he be able to comeback to his homeland??

If he wants to stay out of the service all he has to do is not join. Or have you finally came to realize that a draft, at the current rate we are going is inevitable??

But you are right it is sad that he felt so strongly about his disgust with the current us governement that he decided to leave. I

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One of the beauties of being an expatriate is that it is no longer important what people think or what opinions they have about your decision to live elsewhere. Even so, the stereotype image of Mexico has kept it free from an invasion of Americans and I am grateful for that.

First of all, the economy is not the disaster U.S. politicians like people to believe. I see more new commercial construction here than in the U.S. I know many cities here that have a better economy than say, Detroit or some of the steel cities in Indiana and Pennsylvania. New car sales are at a respectable level here and restaurants are full.

What troubles Mexico is the fact that its wealth is placed in 20% of its population and 80% are poor. There are efforts to correct that with a system of an almost-free college education and high levels of training in technology fields. Already some changes can be seen.

As for me, I did my military service long ago so that wasn’t an issue. I had lost faith in the government years before and started investing in foreign markets. Increasing dividends while living in a much cheaper environment were a perfect combination. And please don’t assert that my move was based on the economic advantages. It wasn’t. It was only that if you want to leave the U.S. and live in another nation, you need to plan on how you will survive. That was my plan.

I saw the U.S. taking disastrous directions in regard to its economy. The Clinton surplus was not totally expended because of 9/11, that’s bull. But to revert the nation to a war economy while the people are slowly waking up to the fact that the war is unjust and unwarranted creates a conflict that will soon find its level of crisis.

I travelled extensively and I could see the image of the United States and Americans diminish in almost all nations. We were the aggressors who invaded nations that had not provoked attack in any form and did it while ignoring the collective voice of other nations within the world community.

I could see the decline of education, a growing poverty level, a much lower quality of life, higher levels of new business failures, escalating divorce rates, skyrocketing average debt levels per family, etc. These are all symptoms of a nation in trouble and it exists as a subject of a government that forms no programs to resolve them. A government that is drowning in self interests to the point that the best economic experts predict economic collapse within ten years.

I could not change anything. Nor can you. Given that situation, if someone wants quality of life, a nation dedicated to peace, a culture feeding upon family unity and a new direction for your personal existence, being an expatriate is the only answer.

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A government that is drowning in self interests to the point that the best economic experts predict economic collapse within ten years.

This is what makes me the most sad and angry.... The current government in the states is about its self and nothing else, but yet tries to portray its self as if its doing everything for the good of its nation, and because they care about each and every American. What is even more sad and scary is half the population actually believe it, even though its obvious that its not true and that the truth is shining in the eyes of everyone. People are to close to see, its only when you step back and see it from a far, that the ugly picture becomes more evident.

All the best


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As much as I don't like Bush, I feel bad for him. He gets enough of this already, do they really have to go as far as attacking him on his vacation?

and how on earth did they get his ranch address? does he promote it?

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Hi Dancing_Dumplings

Sorry if you where only joking

do they really have to go as far as attacking him on his vacation?

My heart bleeds for him how dare she ruin his vacation I mean his son was out fighting for Bush, why he was playing golf and died, I think that she should let him live his life of luxury in peace while other sons die for his illegal war.

and how on earth did they get his ranch address? does he promote it?

???????? its not hard to find where the president lives, he doesn’t live in a place like area 51, he lives on a ranch in Texas. I know Texas is Americas biggest state but Bush's ranch is probably going to stick out like a sore thumb. Perhaps Bush’s ranch is that creepy old place up the street that everyone gets the creeps when ever they pass it, where the owner only comes out at night in a full moon….

All the best


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This is just a furthering of the 'Template of Vietnam'.

The lady is a tool of the left and probably knows it. Her son died and we are all sorry that anyone has had to die over there, but she really does bring dishonor to his death when she protests LIES concerning it.

I heard her singing a song this morning which refered to the front page news sighting all of the good things happening....what a crock!

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Perhaps Bush’s ranch is that creepy old place up the street that everyone gets the creeps when ever they pass it, where the owner only comes out at night in a full moon….

I'm glad people say things like this lol thumbsup.gif

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She p***es me off every time I see her on the news... I would LOVE to tell her to get a life.

Yes.. I do feel for her as in losing a son... but you know.. he knew exactly what he was doing when he signed up to be in the U.S. Military Service.. and knew that there was the possibility of going to war. I wonder if he died in a car crash or other type of accident .. if she would camp out on the lawn of whoever else was involved in the accident rolleyes.gif

I think what she is doing is harrassment and trasspassing and should be locked up! thumbsup.gif

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Yes.. I do feel for her as in losing a son... but you know.. he knew exactly what he was doing when he signed up to be in the U.S. Military Service.. and knew that there was the possibility of going to war. I wonder if he died in a car crash or other type of accident .. if she would camp out on the lawn of whoever else was involved in the accident 

Errrrrm Car crashes are normally accidents, illegal wars aren’t.

I agree though on the thing that so many people join up for the army, then act surprised when they become shot, or the family encourages there son to join up then when they get killed become shocked that it happened, its understandable but people really should think about what joining the army entails, they do not teach you to kill on the basis that others will not try and kill you back. I do not think this women is doing that though, more like her son died in a war that should never have happened, her son died because of a mistake of the American government, one they do not wish to admit.

All the best


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Yes.. I do feel for her as in losing a son... but you know.. he knew exactly what he was doing when he signed up to be in the U.S. Military Service.. and knew that there was the possibility of going to war. I wonder if he died in a car crash or other type of accident .. if she would camp out on the lawn of whoever else was involved in the accident 

Errrrrm Car crashes are normally accidents, illegal wars aren’t.

I agree though on the thing that so many people join up for the army, then act surprised when they become shot, or the family encourages there son to join up then when they get killed become shocked that it happened, its understandable but people really should think about what joining the army entails, they do not teach you to kill on the basis that others will not try and kill you back. I do not think this women is doing that though, more like her son died in a war that should never have happened, her son died because of a mistake of the American government, one they do not wish to admit.

All the best



Again.. with all due respect... that is YOUR opinion.. I don't think the war was a mistake.. I still support Bush and the war effort.. it was something that had to be done... and a lot of good things have come out of it... along with the bad.

I personally think this woman is just stirring the stink... she needs to get on with her life.. what she is doing is not going to change anything. thumbsup.gif

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Again.. with all due respect... that is YOUR opinion..

My opinion is it was an illegal war, and wrong, and should never of happened. The only good thing from the war is that Saddam was taken out, but the negative out weigh the positive, being that because of the war America and the UK are now hated by even more nations, which will only cause more conflicts in the future.

All the best


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Again.. with all due respect... that is YOUR opinion..

My opinion is it was an illegal war, and wrong, and should never of happened. The only good thing from the war is that Saddam was taken out, but the negative out weigh the positive, being that because of the war America and the UK are now hated by even more nations, which will only cause more conflicts in the future.

All the best



I know.. and you are perfectly entitled to your opinion .. as I am thumbsup.gif

And I... really... as an American could care less what the "people" of other countries/nations think about Americans. That might sound arrogant..... but they haven't walked in my shoes.. or any other American's shoes....

but I am not going to argue with anyone today.. it is a beautiful Friday... and I have stated my opinion... thumbsup.gif

I am done here.. Have a great weekend!


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Incidentally, Babs, in about six months more my application to be a Mexican citizen will be approved. No, I will not be sorry in 30 years. I am sorry about those who will be living in the U.S. for the next 30 years. The only option presented to people like you is the one most prohibited and dangerous even though the Declaration of Independence declared, "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it . . . "

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faedan just because i said i thought thatcher was clever doesnt mean i am a supporter , in fact being a socialust she represents everything i hate.

but to call her stupid is just plain wel...stupid.

i hate the old witch with passion but she was cleary a VERY intelligent woman.

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I wonder if he died in a car crash or other type of accident .. if she would camp out on the lawn of whoever else was involved in the accident  rolleyes.gif

I think what she is doing is harrassment and trasspassing and should be locked up!  thumbsup.gif


Yes! I couldn't put my finger on it but yes! That's the type I'm thinking of, suing McD's because they made hot coffee and you're driving and spill it on yourself. Blaming the schools for your kid being a screw up. That's the type, right there. Suing Nyquil because their medicine put you to sleep at work... I'm Outraged that there wasn't a warning to not use the vaccum cleaner to suck crayons out of my child's stomach! Thank kind...

Then the ones with an agenda pay her, and buss a bunch of paid for mourners to go cry. Meanwhile, her EX (or estranged) husband, the kids Dad, and the rest of the family are saying she's Nuts.

Bet she's in Michael Moore's next movie too. "George Bush Personally Pulled The Trigger While Holding Him Down and Stomping On Him, Tonight at 10!"

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