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In August of 1880, just off the coast of New Harbor, Maine, Captain S. W. Hanna managed to capture the corpse of what has come to be regarded as a new species of shark. Traditionally referred to as the "New Harbor Sea Serpent," modern marine researchers are now erring away from that original assessment and shedding light on the most intriguing aspects of this animal.

The creature in question was described as being eel-shaped and measured to a length of nearly 25-feet long, with a width of a mere 10-inches. A pair of modestly proportioned fins rested behind the creature's head, along with a smallish, triangular dorsal fin. The carcass was further reported as having only three sets of gills (none of which were covered by the usual skin flap), behind which its elongated spine eventually tapered off to an eel-like tail.

The animal's head was described as being flat, with the upper portion of the skull extending over its narrow mouth. Inside the mouth, two rows of sharp teeth were discovered, all of which seemed to be exclusively situated near the front of the creature's jaws. Its entire body was covered by what eyewitnesses have reported as shark-like skin.

Initially thought by captain and crew to be the carcass of the legendary SEA SERPENT, this amazing animal's remains were eventually (and inexplicably) discarded. It wasn't until sometime later, when eminent ichthyologist, Professor Spencer Baird, came across the story of this eel-shark that the most interesting facts surrounding this case came to light.

According to Baird, the description of this unique fish closely resembled that of a serpentine denizen of the deep known as Chlamydoselachus Anguineus or "snake-like shark with frills." Still, Baird admitted that even this potential cousin did not hit all of the anthropological marks, as the largest specimen of a frilled shark ever reported came to a less than impressive 7-foot long.

The most noticeable difference however, was the fact that the New Harbor Neo Shark had only three pairs of gills, when all known modern sharks - including Chlamydoselachus Anguineus - are known to have five. Whatever this amazing creature was... its like has yet to be seen again.


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Cool story! there are no footage of that carcass? And those of the Chlamydoselachus anguineus are kinda creepy: are that a shark!? ;)

are more info availbe somewhere?

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