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Bosnian pyramide


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What ever, then ppl should focus on the subject not on the user that posted it.

I really don´t know, if its not a pyramid, why so many ppl, including those egyptians insist ist a pyramid?

Maybe they all have posters that say: I WANT to believe! Even it is a pyramid, doesn't prove anything other than the pyramid is an archetype in the human subconscious. I just find a mammoth thread about a hill slightly on the ridiculous side.

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I think there is less to discus. The only thing that is left is to wait and see the end of this.

I rather wait and see, because I am not there, I can´t see it by myself so can´t jusdge it. I can´t say its a pyramid or its only a bloody hill!

I pondered today regarding this and all is left is wait and see.

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Guest Lottie

I have deleted several posts. What part of Get back on Topic do people not understand? SaRuMaN has made this perfectly clear. This IS the Last warning! Get back on topic or warnings will be issued.

Another look at the rules to refresh people's memories, for this particular thread these apply the most:

3. No offensive language - Users are encouraged to avoid using offensive language and vulgarities when they post, moderators are on the look out for anyone who constantly uses offensive language, or who tries to get around the offensive language filters in any way. Please respect those who do not want to read swear words and vulgarities and avoid the use of such language in your posts.

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They have found a rock inside the tunnels/caves with something written on it.


After some search in the internet, I think it seems to be gothic script. This kind of script evolved from the greek (with influences from the latin and the runic alphabets) and was created in the fourth century.

Now, what's strange about the script in the rock is one of the characters that is used...

Apparently, the message is:



(I'm not sure about the last symbol)

The gothic letters were also used as numerals. In fact, the symbol [attachmentid=25938] had the value of "900" and no phonetic value. So, that symbol was used for sure as a numeral.

We could hipotheticaly translate all the symbols into numbers, the result being:

30 900 5


(or 30 905


or interpret the symbols with phonetic value as letters:

L 900 E


What could this mean? Any suggestions about this?





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I have deleted several posts. What part of Get back on Topic do people not understand? SaRuMaN has made this perfectly clear. This IS the Last warning! Get back on topic or warnings will be issued.

Another look at the rules to refresh people's memories, for this particular thread these apply the most:

For full list go here: http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/rules.php

Lottie why you delete my post??

According this:

6. No harassment or hate related posts - We have zero tolerance for those who harass or victimise other members in any way; racism, hatred related posts, retaliation, the spreading of rumours or harassing members via e-mail or private messenger.

you shall remove from the forum some memberes here, because ICTY make decision of what acts can called rasism based on nationality and etnicity on Balkan? Why you avoid the answer and the truth???

Regards all

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Will you please stop disrupting this thread, I'm getting really tired of this nonsense.

I can't see anything racist here, the topic is the Pyramid in Bosnia.

Who or what are you referring to ?

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Will you please stop disrupting this thread, I'm getting really tired of this nonsense.

I can't see anything racist here, the topic is the Pyramid in Bosnia.

Who or what are you referring to ?

OK if you said so but you obviously do not respect in your judgement decision ICTY, and here are some egxamples from it:

"as act of genocide against Bosniaq's nationality in Bosnia during 1992. - 1996. was:




- negation of Bosnian language,

- negation of Bosniqs culture and historical heritage regognized by Bosnian government as that,

- negation of Bosniqs of having their own history,

- articles and reports (electronicaly, writtten) who discriminate Bosniaqs about,

- support those who did terrified crimes by their own hand

- .....

.....everyone who commited anything listed above or doing it today, or in the future will consider as call for mass murders and genocide about europan nation called Bosniaqs and will be prosecuded by soon established Court of Bosnian state...." (Court established two years ago)

So you should fiirst examine facts then act against anyone here, just like you act about main source of info here "bosnian".

I found that is not fair!

That is what I and whole Bosniaqs here thinking.

Regards folks

All this you can find on: http://www.sudbih.gov.ba/?opcija=sadrzaj&kat=6&jezik=B

it is web of Court of Bosnia

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negation of Bosniqs culture and historical heritage regognized by Bosnian government

So you are saying that anyone that does not believe that the pyramid is a genuine historical discovery is a supporter of mass murder and genocide and will be prosecuted in a Bosnian court ?

I think a lot of people are going to have a problem with that line of reasoning. :hmm:

Opinions on an archaelogical topic have nothing to do with people's views on war crimes. I doubt anyone who has posted in this thread even remotely supports genocide or any other crimes of war. They are here to discuss the Bosnian pyramid, that's all. It is an "unexplained mystery", hence why people are interested.

If there is a genuine case of racism here that I am missing then someone please feel free to point it out to me, but being of the opinion that the Bosnian Pyramid discovery is not quite what it seems does not constitute "negation of Bosnian culture", and does not brand that person as a racist.

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Yes Mr. SaRuMaN, there is decision of Bosnian parliament about that from last year, and the valley is protected by Bosnian state.

I presume you did not know that?

Also you hall stope some non serious people here who try make parallel between this and some regular montains around the world. I saw that a lot of times and it can be consider just like abuse. Why? Because it is not published like "what is this?" It is publish here just for jellasy, and humilliating others. Bosnian publish couple times 3dimensional view on this hill, and as we can see he has susp***ious about other 3 or 4 pyramides. And he presented here only facts, but in that what he talks about he seems lost familly.

So there is on one side man, tortured at leaset emotionally, and very valuable here, photos, people who knows history and religious man (trusting in good acts on this life)..... and the other side are some people who donot know how spend their time with suspicious ambitions and people regognized by Bosnian as people on the dark side in his country.

So? You made a choice and you choose wrong and dark side according his opinion.

So what's problem?

If you ask me now this topic has not sense any more, and you made mistake about him.

Thank you and please stop about thi, ok?

So you are saying that anyone that does not believe that the pyramid is a genuine historical discovery is a supporter of mass murder and genocide and will be prosecuted in a Bosnian court ?

I think a lot of people are going to have a problem with that line of reasoning. :hmm:

Opinions on an archaelogical topic have nothing to do with people's views on war crimes. I doubt anyone who has posted in this thread even remotely supports genocide or any other crimes of war. They are here to discuss the Bosnian pyramid, that's all. It is an "unexplained mystery", hence why people are interested.

If there is a genuine case of racism here that I am missing then someone please feel free to point it out to me, but being of the opinion that the Bosnian Pyramid discovery is not quite what it seems does not constitute "negation of Bosnian culture", and does not brand that person as a racist.

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This site is founded on the basis that visitors can express their views and opinions on topical subjects freely and openly, and discuss the possibilities behind paranormal phenomena and other related subjects around the world.

Our visitors are quite within their right to discuss possibilities relating to the Bosnian pyramid that conflict with those of the Bosnian Government, and should be entitled to do so without being branded as "genocide supporters".

It is not up to you to judge people here in this way, nor can I allow you to do so. We strictly enforce a no-racism policy on the forum, but we can't condone the idea that simply having an opinion about an archaelogical discovery that happens to conflict with your own views automatically brands that person as a racist.

Are people who don't believe in the Loch Ness monster guilty of "negating scottish culture" and should be branded as racist also ? Of course not, the concept is ridiculous.

Since this thread doesn't appear to be producing much more in the way of a discussion about the pyramid i'm going to close it down for the second time.

I strongly suggest you stop falsely accusing random people of being racist and supporting war crimes, in some countries that can be considered a crime in itself.

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