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One question I want to know is this: how is it possession if you aren't possessed by spirits? Obviously it can't be opression either, because spirits wouldn't be involved, I'm sorry Azalin I agree with you in many aspects but this is just all to confusing :unsure2:

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  • Azalin


  • Boltwave


  • Rosemary Campbell


  • Yelekiah


One question I want to know is this: how is it possession if you aren't possessed by spirits? Obviously it can't be opression either, because spirits wouldn't be involved, I'm sorry Azalin I agree with you in many aspects but this is just all to confusing :unsure2:

Sorry to confuse you Boltwave, it can be a bit confusing. My PERSONAL viewpoint on it, differs from Father Malachi's viewpoint, which is getting confusing.

Father Malachi beleives once a person is " Perfectly Possessed " there is nothing that can be done to save him. However, he believes the person is still very much possessed by a demonic entity. The only thing stopping someone from getting exorcised, is that persons free will, God would never walk over that. However, it's believed part of being possessed, is the demon taking away your free will. Personally, I would see that a person can be exorcised, and then if they wanted too, they could invite those demons back in, that seems fair and just. However, to say that the person is infected by a demon, and it can never be driven out is farce. The demon can be driven out under THOSE circumstances, and if wanted, the demon can be invited back into the host.

My view on perfect possession however is someone that is not possessed, just someone that enjoys killing, and enjoys torturing other people. You don't have to be possessed, to have a sick mind, and I find these people that relish in doing some un-speakable acts are in fact perfectly possessed. I just personally believe not every evil person in this world is possessed. There are a number of them that do it on their own terms, because them, themselves are very much twisted individuals.

I hope that clears up a bit of information for you boltwave.

Edited by Azalin
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It was "confusing" because of what you said on Malachi's views. Which sounded like they were similar to yours, when in fact, they are not.

Yea, think I was a little confused there. My apologies Yelekiah, and Boltwave, and HKCavalier.

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I don't know either, but I do know some make claims to get attention...hehe

I wish it were true that I am making these claims to get attention but its the God's truth everything I write in many threads on here telling my Story hoping to cause others to Believe that these things can happen and also believe in Life beyond Earth.

I also think its important to know that three of these Spirits were my Relatives when they walked the Earth and they give many reasons for doing these things to me.

Dr. petas died of a Sudden heart attack in l985 (and as he tells it ) he was out jogging with one of his Mistresses that he was trying to break it off with and while they were arguing he had a heart attack and she thinking her husband would divorce her if he caught here with him again she did the cowardly thing and ran off leaving him without medical care and other joggers found him on the Trail Later.

I read in the paper that he lay in the Hospital Morgue for more than 24 hours without anyone identifying him and since he was a Dr. who spent long hours at the Hospital his family didn't think anything about him not coming home and just assumed he was at the Hospital.

My Three Relatives who are sitting inside my body with him may have been influenced to help him because they were simple folk when they walked the Earth and he was a Psychiatrist and its possible that he had the Power to take control of him and turn them against me.

He is so filled with hate, blaming the woman who left him to die on the Jogging Trail and from the Spirit World he said its also my fault for causing him Stress for five years because I left town with another man in the Seventies after he told me loved me but I pointed out to him its the only thing I could since he had a wife and Five kids and I didn't want to become just another favorite in his Harem.

I think the real raeson he is doing this to me is I am the only Psychic Medium that he knows and he can climb into my body and inflict pain day and night and I will write and tell the world how he feels.

You may say just stop writing with him and he will go away.

I have tried that but when I try tio ignore him or sending him away he and my Three Realtives try to tear my brain out and do all sorts of things to me and they say if God doesn't like it let him come down here and prove he has power over them.

They say they are sick of all the pie in the Sky Crap that many Psychics are peddling to the World and they say they are here to set the record straight.

One of them died in the 40's, one in the 50's and one in the 60's and Dr. Stergio Nicholas Petas one of Toledo, Ohiio's most prestigious Psychiatrists died in the summer of l985 and all of them say in all those years they have never seen Hell and don't even know if there is a Hell or if the Scribes who wrote the Bible were just winging it when they wrote those things and did it just to scare people into being good.

There is no Punctuation in this copy because every time I sit down to write here the Spirits join me on the Computer and tell whatever Story they want to that day through Automatic Writing.

I however will attest to the fact that they are doing the things we write about and I am not sure how I will ever get them out of my body but I know if no one ever exorcises them one day when this body dies and they have no place to hide they will have to leave this body or sit inside it while it rots around them then we will see if that gets them out.

In the Meantime hopefully we convince someone there is truly Life after Death.

But is there Death beyond Death for Evil Spirits?

Edited by Rosemary Campbell
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There is no Punctuation in this copy because every time I sit down to write here the Spirits join me on the Computer and tell whatever Story they want to that day through Automatic Writing.

I think that is my favorite part. You have posted it again and again, and still it makes no sense. For one thing you are using punctuation in your posts...regardless...onto my point:

Let me see if I get this straight; the spirits of your family members have entered your body to make you think certain things in order to get their point across. They speak through you via automatic writing...but they do not like punctuation?

Punctuation? really? somehow these spirits have the power to traverse across spiritual realms and the immense power to control your mind, yet they shy away from a comma? semicolon?

That just makes no sense whatsoever...

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I think that is my favorite part. You have posted it again and again, and still it makes no sense. For one thing you are using punctuation in your posts...regardless...onto my point:

Let me see if I get this straight; the spirits of your family members have entered your body to make you think certain things in order to get their point across. They speak through you via automatic writing...but they do not like punctuation?

Punctuation? really? somehow these spirits have the power to traverse across spiritual realms and the immense power to control your mind, yet they shy away from a comma? semicolon?

That just makes no sense whatsoever...

I never said they don't like Punctuation, what I said is when they join me here doing Automatic Writing the thoughts go so fast that it just slaps the words on the paper and in order for me to check it and put the Punctuation in I would have to go back and spend time doing that when I would rather explain how Automatic Writing is done because who knows you might be writing on a writing pad or typewriter one day and suddenly it feels like you are off and running faster than you can even think and this is because sometimes four or more Spirits both good and bad are trying to get conrol over the Typewriter so they can get their own ideas across.

But really I can't expect someone like you without any experience whatsoever in these things to understand where I'm coming from but perhaps you will learn more as time goes along.

Sometimes some of these Spirits who appear are so Highly Intelligent that its kind of like Einstein trying to communicate with First Graders.

And while I'm at it on many Occassions Albert Einstein will appear to me smiling and say listen to the news another Breakthrough will be announced from some of the Notes that you mailed off for Research that you got from the Guides in the Spirit World.

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I wish it were true that I am making these claims to get attention but its the God's truth everything I write in many threads on here telling my Story hoping to cause others to Believe that these things can happen and also believe in Life beyond Earth.

I also think its important to know that three of these Spirits were my Relatives when they walked the Earth and they give many reasons for doing these things to me.

Dr. petas died of a Sudden heart attack in l985 (and as he tells it ) he was out jogging with one of his Mistresses that he was trying to break it off with and while they were arguing he had a heart attack and she thinking her husband would divorce her if he caught here with him again she did the cowardly thing and ran off leaving him without medical care and other joggers found him on the Trail Later.

I read in the paper that he lay in the Hospital Morgue for more than 24 hours without anyone identifying him and since he was a Dr. who spent long hours at the Hospital his family didn't think anything about him not coming home and just assumed he was at the Hospital.

My Three Relatives who are sitting inside my body with him may have been influenced to help him because they were simple folk when they walked the Earth and he was a Psychiatrist and its possible that he had the Power to take control of him and turn them against me.

He is so filled with hate, blaming the woman who left him to die on the Jogging Trail and from the Spirit World he said its also my fault for causing him Stress for five years because I left town with another man in the Seventies after he told me loved me but I pointed out to him its the only thing I could since he had a wife and Five kids and I didn't want to become just another favorite in his Harem.

I think the real raeson he is doing this to me is I am the only Psychic Medium that he knows and he can climb into my body and inflict pain day and night and I will write and tell the world how he feels.

You may say just stop writing with him and he will go away.

I have tried that but when I try tio ignore him or sending him away he and my Three Realtives try to tear my brain out and do all sorts of things to me and they say if God doesn't like it let him come down here and prove he has power over them.

They say they are sick of all the pie in the Sky Crap that many Psychics are peddling to the World and they say they are here to set the record straight.

One of them died in the 40's, one in the 50's and one in the 60's and Dr. Stergio Nicholas Petas one of Toledo, Ohiio's most prestigious Psychiatrists died in the summer of l985 and all of them say in all those years they have never seen Hell and don't even know if there is a Hell or if the Scribes who wrote the Bible were just winging it when they wrote those things and did it just to scare people into being good.

There is no Punctuation in this copy because every time I sit down to write here the Spirits join me on the Computer and tell whatever Story they want to that day through Automatic Writing.

I however will attest to the fact that they are doing the things we write about and I am not sure how I will ever get them out of my body but I know if no one ever exorcises them one day when this body dies and they have no place to hide they will have to leave this body or sit inside it while it rots around them then we will see if that gets them out.

In the Meantime hopefully we convince someone there is truly Life after Death.

But is there Death beyond Death for Evil Spirits?

Funny, I never gave a specific name yet you replied.

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Rosemary, could I PM you? I tried, but you've got it switched off or something :tu:

Sure you can.

I am not good on the pm board so I could have done something wrong.

You can also E-Mail me if you want to my E-Mail is Kitty1392@aol.com

In fact anyone who wants to ask questions on this or comment an E-Mail me.

My Pm was full and I tried to empty it and the message said all the Mail would be E-Mailed to me soon and then maybe the pm will work.

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Has anyone thought about the impact religious mania? The Jnl of Brit Psych Assoc. had an article about this very topic about 6 or 7 years ago. If I remember correctly there was a doctor in the Netherlands who studied patients in institutions who had been diagnosed with this disorder. They responded well to medicinal treatment and when taken off the meds they resumed their patterns of behaviour. The mind is a very powerful thing. Is it such a stretch to jump from the religious maniac to the one who believes they are possessed and therefore displays all relevant symptoms. The parallel that comes to mind is hysterical pregnancy.

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And while I'm at it on many Occassions Albert Einstein will appear to me smiling and say listen to the news another Breakthrough will be announced from some of the Notes that you mailed off for Research that you got from the Guides in the Spirit World.

So Jesus and Einstein have visited you? If you don't mind I was curious as to what kind of information they passed on (Nothing personal of course) to you. Have you met many other people?

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Sorry to confuse you Boltwave, it can be a bit confusing. My PERSONAL viewpoint on it, differs from Father Malachi's viewpoint, which is getting confusing.

Father Malachi beleives once a person is " Perfectly Possessed " there is nothing that can be done to save him. However, he believes the person is still very much possessed by a demonic entity. The only thing stopping someone from getting exorcised, is that persons free will, God would never walk over that. However, it's believed part of being possessed, is the demon taking away your free will. Personally, I would see that a person can be exorcised, and then if they wanted too, they could invite those demons back in, that seems fair and just. However, to say that the person is infected by a demon, and it can never be driven out is farce. The demon can be driven out under THOSE circumstances, and if wanted, the demon can be invited back into the host.

My view on perfect possession however is someone that is not possessed, just someone that enjoys killing, and enjoys torturing other people. You don't have to be possessed, to have a sick mind, and I find these people that relish in doing some un-speakable acts are in fact perfectly possessed. I just personally believe not every evil person in this world is possessed. There are a number of them that do it on their own terms, because them, themselves are very much twisted individuals.

I hope that clears up a bit of information for you boltwave.

Yes, I agree that people can cause their own hate, but why classify it as possession, that's what doesn't make sense to me :hmm:

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I wish it were true that I am making these claims to get attention but its the God's truth everything I write in many threads on here telling my Story hoping to cause others to Believe that these things can happen and also believe in Life beyond Earth.

I also think its important to know that three of these Spirits were my Relatives when they walked the Earth and they give many reasons for doing these things to me.

Dr. petas died of a Sudden heart attack in l985 (and as he tells it ) he was out jogging with one of his Mistresses that he was trying to break it off with and while they were arguing he had a heart attack and she thinking her husband would divorce her if he caught here with him again she did the cowardly thing and ran off leaving him without medical care and other joggers found him on the Trail Later.

I read in the paper that he lay in the Hospital Morgue for more than 24 hours without anyone identifying him and since he was a Dr. who spent long hours at the Hospital his family didn't think anything about him not coming home and just assumed he was at the Hospital.

My Three Relatives who are sitting inside my body with him may have been influenced to help him because they were simple folk when they walked the Earth and he was a Psychiatrist and its possible that he had the Power to take control of him and turn them against me.

He is so filled with hate, blaming the woman who left him to die on the Jogging Trail and from the Spirit World he said its also my fault for causing him Stress for five years because I left town with another man in the Seventies after he told me loved me but I pointed out to him its the only thing I could since he had a wife and Five kids and I didn't want to become just another favorite in his Harem.

I think the real raeson he is doing this to me is I am the only Psychic Medium that he knows and he can climb into my body and inflict pain day and night and I will write and tell the world how he feels.

You may say just stop writing with him and he will go away.

I have tried that but when I try tio ignore him or sending him away he and my Three Realtives try to tear my brain out and do all sorts of things to me and they say if God doesn't like it let him come down here and prove he has power over them.

They say they are sick of all the pie in the Sky Crap that many Psychics are peddling to the World and they say they are here to set the record straight.

One of them died in the 40's, one in the 50's and one in the 60's and Dr. Stergio Nicholas Petas one of Toledo, Ohiio's most prestigious Psychiatrists died in the summer of l985 and all of them say in all those years they have never seen Hell and don't even know if there is a Hell or if the Scribes who wrote the Bible were just winging it when they wrote those things and did it just to scare people into being good.

There is no Punctuation in this copy because every time I sit down to write here the Spirits join me on the Computer and tell whatever Story they want to that day through Automatic Writing.

I however will attest to the fact that they are doing the things we write about and I am not sure how I will ever get them out of my body but I know if no one ever exorcises them one day when this body dies and they have no place to hide they will have to leave this body or sit inside it while it rots around them then we will see if that gets them out.

In the Meantime hopefully we convince someone there is truly Life after Death.

But is there Death beyond Death for Evil Spirits?

Rosemary, why are you even engaging with these spirits if all they mean you is harm? That makes no sense, and furthermore, you are going around in circles it's making my head spin :wacko:

Please stop making these long posts for your own good, I think you have allot of people out there on their computers thinking there is seriously something wrong with you, your getting carried away with explaining yourself, the whole world isn't going to believe or agree with you or I or what anyone else says, it will always be debatable.

So please stop making claims that you've been seeing Jesus or Albert Einstein, because I honestly think this isn't benefiting you or your reputation here, as for me, I know you are telling the truth when you say you see these things, but I'm going to let you in on something it is not rational to explain it to the whole world, I for one, agree you may have saw what represented Jesus in the flesh but I disagree that you saw the actual man himself, what you probably saw was a spiritual deception of some sort, or perhaps mental thinking, bottom line, you are lost in a delusional sense and I think the devil has tricked your mind with plenty of traps and snares, and now, all I can say is you are caught up in his little game until you break out of this.

On another note, when making these claims on the internet I CAN gurantee you that allot of people will not take you seriously, for that matter, they may find it hysterical, just please find some help and get cleansed, and for god's sake, don't engage with the devil, that's a very big no no unless you are handled in ways to fight off his power :no:

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Boltwave...this is a public forum, let her do what she wants. She's a lot older than you, it's kind of rude telling her what to do anyway.

Well, I didn't mean to be rude, so if I seemed that way I apologize

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Rosemary, why are you even engaging with these spirits if all they mean you is harm? That makes no sense, and furthermore, you are going around in circles it's making my head spin :wacko:

Please stop making these long posts for your own good, I think you have allot of people out there on their computers thinking there is seriously something wrong with you, your getting carried away with explaining yourself, the whole world isn't going to believe or agree with you or I or what anyone else says, it will always be debatable.

So please stop making claims that you've been seeing Jesus or Albert Einstein, because I honestly think this isn't benefiting you or your reputation here, as for me, I know you are telling the truth when you say you see these things, but I'm going to let you in on something it is not rational to explain it to the whole world, I for one, agree you may have saw what represented Jesus in the flesh but I disagree that you saw the actual man himself, what you probably saw was a spiritual deception of some sort, or perhaps mental thinking, bottom line, you are lost in a delusional sense and I think the devil has tricked your mind with plenty of traps and snares, and now, all I can say is you are caught up in his little game until you break out of this.

On another note, when making these claims on the internet I CAN gurantee you that allot of people will not take you seriously, for that matter, they may find it hysterical, just please find some help and get cleansed, and for god's sake, don't engage with the devil, that's a very big no no unless you are handled in ways to fight off his power :no:

This morning I read a wonderful article on the Main Board titled:

"The Paranormal Unveiled' January 3, 2006.

I am not recommending it to anyone specifically but just thought I would mention it because I think it hits the Nail right on the Head.

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In my opinion "Demonic Possession is nothing more that undiagnosed psychological issues... Schizophrenia comes to mind, although there are other conditions that are possibilities...The symptoms of schizophrenia are very similar to classic signs of possession, and in case after case medication and therapy take care of problems in very short order.

There was a time before modern medical research where I could understand where people suffering from nervous tics, epilepsy or Tourettes Syndrome could be seen as being possessed, but as medical science advances and can treat more and more conditions succesfully I just don't see how people can see conditions that are being treated with medicines and still see them as being possessed.

It makes for great fiction and good movies, but in my opinion nothing more.

I can see your point. I don't exactly have a solid opinion on this one because I have never seen evidence to show it to be proven true or false. I am one who believes anything is possible. I try not to jump and say immediately that I don't believe something unless I have something before me to prove it to be false.

One interesting point you brought up though, how people could see various syndroms as being possession... It makes me think about lots of the things people say in ancient text...I mean think about it... How would someone who lived in (for example) the 1500s describe in words things like the internet, or TV, indoor plumbing, etc. It definately gives you something to think about.

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Hmmm, well I would have to say Rosemary that I have never heard of being posessed by spirits other than demonic. What exactly do they do to you? No offense but how do you know you are not schitzo (sp)? Is it just voices and is it only at night? Are you doing the vomiting? I would not even think you would really be functional. What the hell do they want? I find it partially unbelievable but am open to what you say. I am curious. They certainly could not be spirits of people already still alive. Who are they? Do you know?

For the time being, I don't wish to state my opinion on Rosemary's situation, but it was my understanding that people with Schizophrenia are not aware of the other personality unless someone else takes them to the doctor, and the doctor tells them this is the case. Like the crazy don't know they are crazy.

Anyone know more about this? I am by no means an expert, this is just based on what I have heard. I had a co-worker that was diagnosed, and told me so, but I never saw any change in her. Of course she was on medication, so who knows?

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For the time being, I don't wish to state my opinion on Rosemary's situation, but it was my understanding that people with Schizophrenia are not aware of the other personality unless someone else takes them to the doctor, and the doctor tells them this is the case. Like the crazy don't know they are crazy.

Anyone know more about this? I am by no means an expert, this is just based on what I have heard. I had a co-worker that was diagnosed, and told me so, but I never saw any change in her. Of course she was on medication, so who knows?

Yes, schizophrenia is a hard illness to grab at,those possessed by spirits usually can identify their problems, and some times they don't themselves, trick buisness as it may seem :hmm:

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So schizophrenia and demonic possession is a possibility?

edit: at the same time I mean.

Edited by Yelekiah
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hey guys I just saw "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" and was hoping that the DVD would have more info on the German girl they got the story from, but that was not the case.

I grew up in Paraguay, South America. My parents were Missionaries there for over 20 years. I do believe in demon possesion because I have witnessed this twice. I was between the age of 14-16.

The first time was at a youth group service on a Saturday night. We were singing a song and this girl collapsed to the floor. She was a visitor that night and I did not know her. They quickly took her back in a room and placed her on a bed under a ceiling fan. I did not go and see what was wrong with her because she started screaming and grunting. This was so insane and I was very scared.

The second time was at one of our church camps for youth. Being American I got a lot of attention from the girls, and at camp we had a dinner banquet night where you were incouraged to bring a date or try to. This girl , i forget her name, approached me and asked me if I wanted to go with her to the dinner banquet. I had already asked a girl so I explained that to her. On the last day of camp we had a open "mike" meeting where you could express what that years camp meant to you or anything like that. The girl that had asked me to the dinner got up in front to talk and she broke down crying and sort of ran back behind the pavilion like building the camp had. I remember feeling bad for her and walked around the building to see what was wrong, and as I approached I saw that she was being held down by at least 4 men. This was a 15 or 16 year old girl. She was going totally insane! She had a really deep voice and she was screaming and yelling at the people around. I got closer and one man said "go away she is possessed and she is telling us the bad things we have committed(or something of that nature). It took prayer and reading of scripture to calm whatever was in her down. Afterwards she was totally exhausted. That was so real. I experienced that with some of my best friends.

So I have no doubt that a person can be possessed by a demon or demons.

I can see why some of you can't believe something like this unless you experience it first hand. Please DO NOT go looking for an experience.

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hey guys I just saw "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" and was hoping that the DVD would have more info on the German girl they got the story from, but that was not the case.

I grew up in Paraguay, South America. My parents were Missionaries there for over 20 years. I do believe in demon possesion because I have witnessed this twice. I was between the age of 14-16.

The first time was at a youth group service on a Saturday night. We were singing a song and this girl collapsed to the floor. She was a visitor that night and I did not know her. They quickly took her back in a room and placed her on a bed under a ceiling fan. I did not go and see what was wrong with her because she started screaming and grunting. This was so insane and I was very scared.

The second time was at one of our church camps for youth. Being American I got a lot of attention from the girls, and at camp we had a dinner banquet night where you were incouraged to bring a date or try to. This girl , i forget her name, approached me and asked me if I wanted to go with her to the dinner banquet. I had already asked a girl so I explained that to her. On the last day of camp we had a open "mike" meeting where you could express what that years camp meant to you or anything like that. The girl that had asked me to the dinner got up in front to talk and she broke down crying and sort of ran back behind the pavilion like building the camp had. I remember feeling bad for her and walked around the building to see what was wrong, and as I approached I saw that she was being held down by at least 4 men. This was a 15 or 16 year old girl. She was going totally insane! She had a really deep voice and she was screaming and yelling at the people around. I got closer and one man said "go away she is possessed and she is telling us the bad things we have committed(or something of that nature). It took prayer and reading of scripture to calm whatever was in her down. Afterwards she was totally exhausted. That was so real. I experienced that with some of my best friends.

So I have no doubt that a person can be possessed by a demon or demons.

I can see why some of you can't believe something like this unless you experience it first hand. Please DO NOT go looking for an experience.

Thank you for your story, and I hope your friends fine inner peace with God.

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So schizophrenia and demonic possession is a possibility?

edit: at the same time I mean.

Yes, but not exactly, you have to look at it more as opression with schizophrenics, basically where Satan can control the human mind, like a pest breaking into a group of cords and wires to some high power facility, dis-connecting and re-assembling wires all in the wrong place.

hey guys I just saw "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" and was hoping that the DVD would have more info on the German girl they got the story from, but that was not the case.

I grew up in Paraguay, South America. My parents were Missionaries there for over 20 years. I do believe in demon possesion because I have witnessed this twice. I was between the age of 14-16.

The first time was at a youth group service on a Saturday night. We were singing a song and this girl collapsed to the floor. She was a visitor that night and I did not know her. They quickly took her back in a room and placed her on a bed under a ceiling fan. I did not go and see what was wrong with her because she started screaming and grunting. This was so insane and I was very scared.

The second time was at one of our church camps for youth. Being American I got a lot of attention from the girls, and at camp we had a dinner banquet night where you were incouraged to bring a date or try to. This girl , i forget her name, approached me and asked me if I wanted to go with her to the dinner banquet. I had already asked a girl so I explained that to her. On the last day of camp we had a open "mike" meeting where you could express what that years camp meant to you or anything like that. The girl that had asked me to the dinner got up in front to talk and she broke down crying and sort of ran back behind the pavilion like building the camp had. I remember feeling bad for her and walked around the building to see what was wrong, and as I approached I saw that she was being held down by at least 4 men. This was a 15 or 16 year old girl. She was going totally insane! She had a really deep voice and she was screaming and yelling at the people around. I got closer and one man said "go away she is possessed and she is telling us the bad things we have committed(or something of that nature). It took prayer and reading of scripture to calm whatever was in her down. Afterwards she was totally exhausted. That was so real. I experienced that with some of my best friends.

So I have no doubt that a person can be possessed by a demon or demons.

I can see why some of you can't believe something like this unless you experience it first hand. Please DO NOT go looking for an experience.

Ah yes, it is possible that demons act crazy inside a person when confronted by a person, compelling them in the name of God, there are many explanations, in some areas, the film was weak because there are so many people that would just sit there and laugh most likely at the scene of the exorcism, and the out of body experience was not neccesary, they could have easily told the story and left that out.

But I look for the message, not the entertainment value, point being, the devil can act strange and crazy mostly to get attention out of that person's equal peers, it's best to avoid engaging or conversating with one, they are nothing but trouble :tu:

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