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Yo AZ!

I got something I thought you might be interested in. Might be fake, but who knows.


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Yo AZ!

I got something I thought you might be interested in. Might be fake, but who knows.


Im gonna have to check that out when I get home NME_locus. I work on a Mac at work, and the Windows Media Player on it is not compatible.

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Im gonna have to check that out when I get home NME_locus. I work on a Mac at work, and the Windows Media Player on it is not compatible.

Oh :hmm: . darn, well you might have seen it before. It's an asian girl being held down during an exorcism and she sounds like my ex-fiance. sheesh, i would try avoid dating women like this.

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Oh :hmm: . darn, well you might have seen it before. It's an asian girl being held down during an exorcism and she sounds like my ex-fiance. sheesh, i would try avoid dating women like this.

If its the little asian girl with the bunny hat, then yes. I'd say it's very much fake. I can't remember it enough to give 100 % valid reasons, Im gonna have to watch it again later, but yea, seemed very staged, or she seemed like an attention grabber.

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If its the little asian girl with the bunny hat, then yes. I'd say it's very much fake. I can't remember it enough to give 100 % valid reasons, Im gonna have to watch it again later, but yea, seemed very staged, or she seemed like an attention grabber.

Agreed...... hey what the....... Az said "asian girl with bunny hat" not "fluffybunny" as he appears to be reading this post. LOL....

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I don't mean to poke fun what so ever, but I have never met a genuis that uses bad english abbreviations.

obviously u don't know many geniuses do u?

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Well GodofFire,u certainly r an angry person, i wonder if u evr had a gf in ur life? Anyway, thanx for the good feedback FrankBlunt, i really have an iq of genius lvl and i was in the IB programme in middle and high school. I have also been researching this topic a while, so i know what im talking about.

Here's the thing. If you really were a genius, you would know that IB is a complete and total waste of time. The only thing IB is good for is ruining your social life. Also, the question isn't whether or not I have had a girlfriend, but if you have ever had one. I certainly have my doubts. And as for me being an angry person, you better frakkin' believe I'm an angry person!

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Here's the thing. If you really were a genius, you would know that IB is a complete and total waste of time. The only thing IB is good for is ruining your social life. Also, the question isn't whether or not I have had a girlfriend, but if you have ever had one. I certainly have my doubts. And as for me being an angry person, you better frakkin' believe I'm an angry person!

of course i've had a girlfriend, i've had plenty, i have one now, but lets not get into my personal life. IB is not a complete waste of time either, they go through what is considered one of the hardest school lesson plans in the world, even by German standard, its fairly difficult

Edited by r u crazy?
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of course i've had a girlfriend, i've had plenty...

Having plenty just shows that you can't keep one. You get dumped a lot :-D Or maybe you're just lying altogether.

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Having plenty just shows that you can't keep one. You get dumped a lot :-D Or maybe you're just lying altogether.

You're not a very nice person, you know that?

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What the HELL is going on here? You two take something beautiful like a Demonic Possession thread and corrupt it to your own petty rivalry thread?! Is nothing sacred (or infernal)?

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Anyway, thanx for the good feedback FrankBlunt, i really have an iq of genius lvl and i was in the IB programme in middle and high school. I have also been researching this topic a while, so i know what im talking about.

You're quite welcome, RU. I don't mind telling you that my IQ tested in the 110 range. Everyone is a genius in his/her own unique way, and tests to determine genius are far from exhaustive. It's but one more attempt by modern society to inspire oppression among those who rank average or below.

Sadly, genius mentality often translates to cleverness and pride as opposed to wisdom. I make no such assumptions about you. This merely transitions me into the brief summation of my battle against poisonous medical practices.

Many "genius" physicians, in their quest to be right about all matters of human behavior and related illness, have made very wrong conclusions over the centuries. The ever-increasing doses of ineffective, anti-psychotic drugs are strong evidence of this.

Please read the "Grounded Spirits" thread for some of my thoughts on the human brain and its inability to form our sense of being for us. I admit that the idea is not new, but the logic arrived for me following many corroborated, spiritual encounters that could not be explained via mainstream rationality.

Long story short, it's going to be difficult touting yourself as a genius if you reinvent the wheel with the mental illness angle and attempt to close your readers' minds to the possibility of spiritual influence. Genius is about creation, originality, and innovation, not extracting others' work from print and summarizing it with haughty verbosity.

You can't research these conditions adequately unless you have them.

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What the HELL is going on here? You two take something beautiful like a Demonic Possession thread and corrupt it to your own petty rivalry thread?! Is nothing sacred (or infernal)?

Petty rivalry? I'm insulted! Not really. Besides, the whole point of forums is for debate. And this is not merely a petty rivalry. This may well be a matter of life and death for all you know! Maybe you would like to join in the fun of this petty rivalry? And no, nothing is sacred. Except maybe cheesecake.... And carmel corn. Crap! I'm hungry now!

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There is no need to go off topic as I am seeing here. Please stick to the topic of demonic possession and avoid getting into each others dating life.

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There is no need to go off topic as I am seeing here. Please stick to the topic of demonic possession and avoid getting into each others dating life.


I realize that the posts were off topic, and you were justified on stepping in. However, I saw some decent therapy happening there. GodofFire's methods were unorthodox, but one advertising his genius status publicly is only achieving alienation.

When I saw that conversation, I thought back to the dialogue between Judd Nelson and Molly Ringwald in "Breakfast Club". The John Bender character seemed overtly evil in his perceptions of the pain and weakness hidden by Clair's facade, but ultimately he helped her to realize that the untouchable princess behavior was damaging her ability to commune with peers and develop meaningful friendships.

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I agree, I also believe the rise of demonic activity is at hand, we are getting more and more people coming into this forum reporting their incidences, and others I've personally spoke with have had unexplainable symptons occur, demons exist, that is the bottom line. :yes:

o my gersh....i also too believe that demoinic activity is rising and i am totally getting prepared because i have a close friend who is possibly tainted and maybe possesed and i am willing to do anything to fight for her........so anyone who differs in opinion better just be glad they dont know what this is!!!

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o my gersh....i also too believe that demoinic activity is rising and i am totally getting prepared because i have a close friend who is possibly tainted and maybe possesed and i am willing to do anything to fight for her........so anyone who differs in opinion better just be glad they dont know what this is!!!

Is no one reading my post?!?!? Possession has a logical explanation for every symptom and the cures for it are ridiculous. Seriously, if you can get a demon out of someone with a Super Soaker filled with a mixture of tang and holy water, then get me a copy of the video of it, i would like to see it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So did I, but if I read the post correctly, it is someone who is not possessed, because they are already performing acts against God.... Did I read that right?

Ok If I have read correctly, a perfect possession is - When a demon has totally possessed a person and has total control,

which in theory is true, because in Demonic possession the demon is trying to possess the Vessel but because the vessel resist it takes longer and allot of drama,

so if they give in or don’t get Delivered by the blood of Jesus then this can happen but this situaion in theory is not hopeless because of the Authority given to by True worshipers of God

but you must realize there is two types of demonic enslavement

one is possession and the other is oppression

there very different

possession is basically a demon trying to gain total control over the vessel so that they may come in to this world in flesh

then there is oppression which means a demon is messing with you, mentally or physically [example] succubus, incubus sexually assaulting the victim, Demon of lust, demon of hate etc, basically to be in bondage to a demon,


My best friend was possessed in my house, four years ago, I used to be in the occult, [black majick] but two years ago, I was born again saved, by the blood of Jesus I was delivered from my past before I was born again, I was demonically assaulted, choked, harassed, etc.. it got to bad that we had to move ,

Yes sir, Demons are very real It doesn’t matter if you don't believe in them they believe in you.

to respond to a earlier comment, SCHIZOPHRENIA is a demonic alignment, one of my other friends, had this, which he would hear other voices in his head, and they would tell him to hurt people basically give him bad advice,

if one was to cast this demon out in the name of Jesus the situation would stop,

I used to be demonic oppressed, I had a demon of depression and suicide, once I was born again Jesus Christ delivered me from it, and since then I have had no signs of ever having a demon of suicide or depression, "only the scars remain"

before I took a leap of faith,(asked God Sincerly into my life ) towards God my doctors told me to get used to it and to learn to deal with it, I was taking a Varity of pills, and I stopped taking them and asked God to deliver me from my depression and more, God is Good and Jesus is lord

and I don’t care if your Atheist or a skeptic, I can prove there is a God Through you :innocent:

if you want to learn the hard, way, get into the occult and learn the hard way, reulting in death or possession or just plain misery

or you could learn the easy way, and ask God Sincerly into your life

for one to know that they need a Savior *Jesus*Christ* the first now why logically

ask your self this question if God was to judge me using the 10 commandments, would I pass? I am I really a good person? do I lie? do I steal? do I say Gods name in vain? what does that make me? a lying, stealing blasphemer

Look at this way, If you were in Court, and just because you don’t believe in the Judge or law, either way you still will be judged,

If you have anymore questions or just want to bug me, my Email address is anglewiingsiam555@hotmail.com or just go to my my space http://blog.myspace.com/humansrevoltsystemfailur :tu:

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Is no one reading my post?!?!? Possession has a logical explanation for every symptom and the cures for it are ridiculous. Seriously, if you can get a demon out of someone with a Super Soaker filled with a mixture of tang and holy water, then get me a copy of the video of it, i would like to see it.

Holy water doesnt work thats Catholic false doctrine, no offence to Catholics in here, but it doenst work,

only the Authority of Christ given to True believers can cast out demons,

Skeptics cant :no:

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Included in the list of other signs or symptoms for declaring demonic possession are: the practice of lewd and obscene acts, or even sexual thoughts; horrible smells of bodily ordors or of sulphur, associated with hell....

I get those sulphuric smelling burps every once in a while...lol. I call them dragon burps...I swear they could peel the paint off the walls, but I don't think it's associated with possession in my case...just high blood sugar levels after eating too many sweets :angry:

My fiance thinks I should bottle the smell and sell it to the goverment....yeah....it is REALLY bad :blush:

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One question I want to know is this: how is it possession if you aren't possessed by spirits? Obviously it can't be opression either, because spirits wouldn't be involved, I'm sorry Azalin I agree with you in many aspects but this is just all to confusing :unsure2:

My taking from reading this thread is that "perfect possession" is when a spirit/demon enters the host and for some reason the host gives up the fight and becomes completely controlled by the spirit/demon so that they don't have to fight the host anymore for control...I guess it's like the host just "goes with the flow" as they say. Although I'm by no means an expert so I could be wrong :tu:

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Too many mentally ill have been killed or were killed by someone thinking a possesion was involved.

The best thing for people to do is first see a mental health professional.

Next seek counceling and help from experienced clergy that are not fundememtalist or charismatic.

Next to last they can seek help from parapsychologists.

The very last thing anyone should do is play amateur exorcist because that is how people get killed (as well as dealing with some sects of fundementalists).

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I don't mean to insulting... OK maybe I do, but anyone that believes in such things as demonic or holy posession is off their friggin rocker! You are simply a bunch of silly little ninnies! Why can you people not accept the fact that there is no such thing as the "supernatural?" There is absolutely no evidence of the supernatural that cannot be proven to have a scientific explanation. Simple as that. And how stuck up and self-important would someone have to be in order to believe that they are important enough to be directly communicating with the holy spirit? That's just my little rant for today...

Science already states that the supernatural is more than just a product of one's enviroment and what they make of it, your theory is totally and utterly false, your "science" is just as distorted and muddled up because of one simple rule, I ask you, how can someone be off their rocker for believing in things they consider "paranormal" when you haven't even considered yourself of what science has shown us again and again and again, it's one simple rule, and if anyone doubts it, they doubt all science in general, yeah that's right, all the theories, the mathemetical equations and discoveries, if you can't accept this rule, then you doubt all of what you refer to in opposition of what people believe to be spiritual.

What is life? What triggers every moving organism? What activates the heart and brain as developing embryos? Simple blood cells and oxgyen? I think not, that would be like giving mouth to mouth recessitation and pumping blood back into a person that is already dead, (we all know by then that's not going to work :rolleyes: )

The organs are new, and yes it's true birth and conception are different from illness and dying, however, this also proves my following statement.

They say that (one simple word) has a beginning but has no end, and continues to go on, into a never-ending cycle in which there is no break point in time.

This simple little word is responsible for carrying those small electrical waves across the mothers body into the small fetus, it turns the heart on to begin with, which produces blood cells, the blood is pumped to every organ throughout the body, the organs build off from the blood that is given, this allows the second most important organ the brain to develope and grow, of course the heart starts pumping when it receives oxygen from the baby's mother, which attached inside the whom, gives it both food and air to allow the heart to begin to work, all in all, things become bigger and more complex, even when the baby is born the cycle of events cannot be reversed, it has begun and will continue to grow, and although we do not continue to physically grow in height throughout our entire life, we can see that facial features begin to change and such areas as the nose will continue to grow until death, now death will be the key to my exact point.

If you haven't guessed what the simple word is by now, then you haven't been following where I've been going with this, to sum it up for you, it is a little word that simply means the source of all life and it's activities which run through every organism, cell, object, etc, it makes every event in the universe signifigant, what this word is called is ENERGY

Energy can also be transfered from one object to another, just like my previous example with the woman and the fetus, you see where I'm going with this?

In short, science has proved that everything evolving around us pertains to energy, as we ourselves are a source of energy, just like a mother with a growing baby during pregnancy, energy needs a source, it has it's own beginning, but when it starts the energy goes on, ever heard of the "energizer bunny"? It keeps going and going and going, is actually an accurate statement, this proves that even after we die the spirits within us (or "energy") still go on, they depart and leave into that of the unknown, where there spirit continues to thrive throughout the universe of creation.

So before telling someone they are a silly daft ninny completely out of their minds to even make a logical assumption from personal belief, please, do yourself a favor, be careful in what you are quoting and how you proceed on doing so, it helps in future cases in the likely event that you may actually be going against your own thesis.

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  • 3 weeks later...

:alien::( :devil read a post regarding possession.

i have first hand exerience, it is not for disbelievers or naive. if your a concious person in universe you know the game with mind and body and spirit. despite iwas concius somene got to me while left traumtized weak and in distress on nyc . i had been nearly possessed before. someone i felt looking to take over my mind and body began an assault on me i got very sick i fought hard and i escaped wheni was removed from a prison of a life with this when i was by accident gotten 2000 miles away. to a place the trauma could heal. i closed the hole in my mind spirit body. doctors sat and let me die. i saw what i saw. someone outside with super or paranomal capabilities looking to intimidate me to break and kill me with abuse attacks and using this via telekentic pathic channels. i knew that peole are into that in all places not just nyc. people use it to feel secure or power if they are insecure.like the movie powder.

in stead it was evil using power to hold me hostage. my life improved. i never got to have help for what took place. i was left alone . doctors do not understand this but i saw some of them use powers and mind reading and psychic contradictions which indicate devil .

peole who contradict are satanic connected and ruled by satan to confuse.

i was clear in mind after. i got far awaay healed and came back to my life stronger so i was now harder to control. the only reason they got so far as they did was doctors allowed them to by leaving me helpless.and that means doctors were satans tool.

i did not go mad i almost did and escaped it. i thanked god not satan for life and promised to expose all i saw.it was horrible for a sick doctor to say i was mentally ill i saw what i saw an it was common life in other places.

however recently i was also left in trauma again . with wounds. i tried to make sure to not come back tonyc that way to not be picked up of scent and attacked by people using mind. i made calls and got no helpe. the first person who got to me was a black hatian with sick life.

he became the channel of what took place wounding me more. i got to doctors who just sat and watched him . i was sick. left wounded i struggled to escape again his eye roving eye and games to damage. a slick deceiver.

by time i got on plane again i was begging god to not go mad, and got a prayer to escape and did . for a month life was fine and i healed from the attacks. however a negative person was put in my path there . also from nyc in same area as sick person.

i knew this was going to happen and i was set up i was on guard. he got to me in end of my month of healing. a serpant of a person also a contradiction.

i went home by mistake and felli into more danger after a happy month now misery set in . i was now wounded and attacked thist imewith great force someone making a big effort to remove my will , god and my assets in life talents and survival skills. pains shot in my head. and i felt someone stabbing me . with pain and trie to identify it. i got very sick someone pulling me into a hypnotic world spinning room till my identity was lost. i was so confused and spun into a vertigo state i could not see who i was they began to blur mea nd pull me or feed off my soul. i began to die. i suffered 8 months. trying to not let them take over completely. i was in pain.

then i got on a plane again. this time it was like they had taken most of me and the effects were to make sure my refuge would not happen.

i got sick, but held on got some recovery. then i was forced by another demonic erson to go home .immigrations. by a gliche. satans gliche.

when i got on plane i was still fighting my life had a chance i had a pulse and i knew iwas going to be killed in nyc.

i prayed. then i laned and had to fen for self. i struggled to get to a safe place to heal , no family. i was alone.

i was set up to be gotten to a rooom . near where my first demonic experience took place in ft green . bklyn. i had been back there many times no problms iwas strong.

this room was a trap. minute i stepped in the air was thick and like i was sitting in someone belly being consumed. they wanted my powers i had gotten off my healing. like to shear me . i felt someon in the room and i began to get sick. i had no privacy and it began the last 4 months of hell . i began to go mad as the hypnosis began again spinning me deeper into a zombie state. i had no one to call and began to fall unconcoius. i emaile places and forums . which were sometimes consistant. but i was to sick and weak . i was put into a deep trance where i was told i was a drug addict heroin addict and someone puting my identity out side me to take it. i felt it was a drug addict or somoene looking for someone to take soul out of . i began to get sick and take on strange behavior of drug addict.

i was a strong person who had wise clear talk female artist with good connections and a happy life. now im a sick sick person . im in the room i have no idea of who i am beign held and watched 24 7 by this person demone who sucks life out of me. i got to doctor who did not do anything to remove me . gay contradiction again.

i sat like duck being driven mad and being assaulted violently as they took my soul. i heard a female or male o someone calling my name being brave about it an what they were doing was fun to them sadistic. pleasure. i wanted to go to a preist, i dont know who to go to . and i feel i had to be strong enough to push this person t its death or out to be happy and free. im now no me. i have no atributes of me or my personaltiy . time was ushed back to 24 years ago for me leaving me as i saw it done to me 24 years ago. when i was in nyc 24 years ago this sick heroin addict rented me aroom. i ran away from sick parents. i wonder if it is this demon. or some other drug addict from streets looking to abuse the successful to feel safe. in any case. i awas and am a demonicly possessed person and i will no contradict truth. its real face it.

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Azalin,,,I believe that heard or read one time that Pope Gregory, The First, was actually accused of being Demonically Possessed and or a Demon Worshipper! I think that I remember learning that he spent so much time studying demonology that The Vatican Hierachy actually felt that he was demonically influenced himself...Have you ever heard of this history about this Pope?

I wish that I could remember where I read or heard this, but I think that it would be interesting to get your thoughts on this subject anyway...

Take care and G-d Bless!!!

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