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Lethal "Klingon" blade handed in to police


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There is a knives amnesty throughout Britain following the recent fatal stabbings of policewoman Nisha Patel-Nasri and 15 year old promising Queens Park Rangers footballer Kiyan Prince.

But look at the dangerous weapon, capable of decapitating a person, that has been handed in to police in Gloucester........

Lethal Star Trek blade seized in knives amnesty

25th May 2006

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Force for evil: inspector Mac McGarry with the blade, believed to be a lethal Star Trek replica

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Klingon with the lethal blade.

This horrifying five-foot weapon has been recovered by police during a knife amnesty.

The three-handled sword with a blade at either end, designed to be swung like a paddle, shocked officers who took custody of it.

They are using it to publicise a five-week amnesty during which they hope around 30,000 weapons will be handed in, mainly from youngsters.

A spokesman for police in Gloucester, where it was surrendered, said: "It is a particularly nasty weapon that can, literally, take someone's head off. We are very glad it is off the streets and we want more weapons handed in."

The blade is believed to be a stainless-steel copy of a Klingon weapon used in the science fiction series Star Trek. "It's an extremely dangerous weapon," said a martial arts expert last night.

Other blades surrendered so far include lock-blade flick knives, exotic swords and a 'swordfish jaw' weapon with razor-sharp teeth.

The Home Office amnesty is in response to a series of attacks in recent weeks which have claimed the lives of volunteer policewoman Nisha Patel-Nasri and 15-year-old schoolboy Kiyan Prince. Safety campaigners and police say it does not go far enough. They are demanding far tougher sentences than the current maximum of two years for carrying a knife.

Under pressure in the Commons yesterday, the Prime Minister said a minimum could be introduced because at present thugs can escape with only a caution.

Mr Blair said: "We are giving urgent consideration not just to banning a whole series of knives but also making sure that there is some minimum sentence."

The widow of murdered headteacher Philip Lawrence said yesterday the amnesty on its own will not work.

Frances Lawrence, whose husband was killed at the gates of his school in north London in 1995, said three different ministers have been in charge of crime in the past three weeks and information from the Home Office is confusing.

Mrs Lawrence said: "There is an anomaly between the legislation for knife crime and gun crime, where gun crime carries much stiffer penalties.

"We all know a knife can kill just as easily as a gun so there is a great anomaly there. A knife amnesty on its own won't be a solution."


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haha. What a load of crap.

In EU you are not allowed to carry a knife?

Haha. That is too funny.

It is nice to see that your government trusts you. :w00t:

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haha. What a load of crap.

In EU you are not allowed to carry a knife?

Haha. That is too funny.

It is nice to see that your government trusts you. :w00t:

No kidding. It's sad.

I have around 50 knives and 4 swords and I've never stabbed someone in my life with them.

This horrifying five-foot weapon has been recovered by police during a knife amnesty.

:rolleyes: A tad bit of overreacting there.

Weapons don't kill people, people kill people. :tu:

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they're selling those things at a place called "The Man Store" here... or they used to at least, haven't been there in a while.

I've got a good collection of swords/knives, ornamental and... not... only one I've ever used was the machete to cut some vines that had grown around my back gate.

Now I want one of those... was going to get one of those Xena throwy round things but that thing looks pretty cool for my wall.

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haha. What a load of crap.

In EU you are not allowed to carry a knife?

Haha. That is too funny.

It is nice to see that your government trusts you. :w00t:

No, their government is disarming all access of personal defense, (*I'm waiting to hear about licensing mandates for those citizens trained in martial arts. Sort of like the U.S. gun registration, only as an excuse to police human lethal weapons.) so they can oppress revolt when the time comes people wake up and realize they are not free citizens but rather, secured personnel of the ________________government. (British, U.S. etc...)

In July the U.N. will meet here in New York, during our Independence Day holidays (July4) to discuss citizens fire arms possession and rights. I wonder if complacent Americans will surrender like GB did. <_<

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Lethal Klingon blades don't kill people, Klingons kill people.

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Lethal Klingon blades don't kill people, Klingons kill people.

When was the last time you saw a Klingon jump up and kill someone all on it's own? :huh:

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The problem is the people who use knives are the ones least likely to hand them in.
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When was the last time you saw a Klingon jump up and kill someone all on it's own? :huh:

I'm pretty sure it was Star Trek the Next Generation, Episode 13.

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I'm pretty sure it was Star Trek the Next Generation, Episode 13.

*sighs* I'm not up on my Star Trek terms... I got it now. :P

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ever see the movie 'slingblade" ? -- in it a crazy "bubba" lops the local bullies head with a lawnmower blade . so lets just bann everything sharp--LOL oh --lets go that one further by banning everything that you can use to make anything sharp. LOL lets just cut the power off you you can't use a grinder to make a knife--oh jeser-- lets get rid of petrol--somebody might get burned or use it as a WMD! no screwdrivers, ink-pens --lets just lock them all up in a rubber room for their own safety!! even have a shallow water crapper so you can't drown yourself--have a nice day !!--ROTFL

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i wonder what they actually hope to accomplish? how many deaths a year are attributed to 'illegal' knives? is there an epidemic of killings with klingon warblades?


i'd be more worried about being stabbed 20 times with a steak knife

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:rofl: thats awsome the guy had his klingon blade taken away
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We are very glad it is off the streets and we want more weapons handed in."

These guys are seriously stupid if they believe gangs are wandering around stabbing people with a Bat'theth. Its kitchen knives and pen-knives they're using that fit in pockets, not something people can see you carrying a mile off.

In EU you are not allowed to carry a knife?

Haha. That is too funny.

It is nice to see that your government trusts you.

Why should the government trust them to carry knives when the people don't trust them to carry knives?! Why the hell does anyone need to carry a knife down the street? A knife should be kept in the kitchen, not the pockets of most of teenagers in a night-club.

Weapons don't kill people, people kill people.

Yeah yeah whatever. You Americans can have you guns and you're knives and whatever else you want you're kids taking into school with them. But we don't, this is what OUR public want in OUR country. You can do what you want in YOUR country, but this is OUR one that’s doing this at the demands of the public, so you can keep you're pro-weapon culture to your own borders.

No, their government is disarming all access of personal defense, (*I'm waiting to hear about licensing mandates for those citizens trained in martial arts. Sort of like the U.S. gun registration, only as an excuse to police human lethal weapons.) so they can oppress revolt when the time comes people wake up and realize they are not free citizens but rather, secured personnel of the ________________government. (British, U.S. etc...)

In July the U.N. will meet here in New York, during our Independence Day holidays (July4) to discuss citizens fire arms possession and rights. I wonder if complacent Americans will surrender like GB did.

Oh for god's sakes :rolleyes: It that why you people are so obsessed with guns? So can overthrow you're government if need be? Well with leaders like Bush that’s understandable, but western Europe is democratic, we don't have to worry about our leaders turning on us.

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Yeah yeah whatever. You Americans can have you guns and you're knives and whatever else you want you're kids taking into school with them. But we don't, this is what OUR public want in OUR country. You can do what you want in YOUR country, but this is OUR one that’s doing this at the demands of the public, so you can keep you're pro-weapon culture to your own borders.

This is the total public of law abiding citizens handing in their weapons by choice to make a statement. How many muggers or murders handed in their knives the other day? ;)

Anybody can make a knife with the right knowledge within an hour. Not to mention literally thousands of other household items that can be used to smash, beat, stab, slash or hang to kill someone.

Maybe they should outlaw pens and pencils because they use the same stabbing motion to kill someone as a knife does, as that is the most common use to kill someone next to the slash and you really can't slash properly with a pen.

I mean, really what is going to stop some criminal from sneaking up on someone, putting his hand around them onto their mouth, pulling back the head to expose the neck with the jugular vein and stabbing them with a pen, stick or anything else sharp enough? It takes around a pound of pressure to punture the skin and not much more to go through tissue to cause damage.

Oh for god's sakes It that why you people are so obsessed with guns? So can overthrow you're government if need be? Well with leaders like Bush that’s understandable, but western Europe is democratic, we don't have to worry about our leaders turning on us.

Hmm, I wonder where Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini hailed from? ;)

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so what are you gonna make people hand in their steak/kitchen/pen knives?

if people hand in their weapon(for lack of a better word) knives, then those same people will just use kitchen/steak/pen knives

and its very rare that people over here bring weapons to school, unless you count scissors and pens weapons

but western Europe is democratic, we don't have to worry about our leaders turning on us.

yeah......i know some europeans who would beg to differ

and of course america isnt democratic, we're a dictatorship that has been ruled by the great leader bush ever scince we came into existance, democratic nations cant possibly elect liars, sneaks, and gun-ho officials into their government and those leaders can possibly turn on the people that so graciously elected them, oh no that cant happen :) (ex. germany 1934)

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Well with leaders like Bush that’s understandable, but western Europe is democratic, we don't have to worry about our leaders turning on us.


you guys have 800 years or wonderful history saying otherwise:P

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Guest Lottie

What people outside this county don't see or hear is the local news. Knife attacks in this country are prevalent. There have been many fatal attacks on people in clubs, on the streets and in schools.

f people hand in their weapon(for lack of a better word) knives, then those same people will just use kitchen/steak/pen knives

Its nothing to do with people having their right of using a kitchen knife etc in the home taken a way, its the thugs that carry these weapons out on the streets and in clubs etc that are the danger. These are the weapons being confiscated.

I don't understand why people on here are making a joke of something that is a serious issue.

I would rather our goverment take things like this seriously then turn a blind eye to whats going on aloowing anyone and eveyone to decide other peoples fate with a weapon.

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Amnesty knives 'easily replaced'

Eddie was wearing a football top and pushing a toddler in a buggy when I stopped him in a car park just off Shettleston Road in Glasgow's east end.

He was the last person I talked to after a fairly fruitless afternoon canvassing opinion on the city's knife crime problem.

One young man with a three inch scar across his left cheek had grinned - enjoying the lie - as he told me he'd never carried a knife and didn't know anyone who would.

Another boy boasted that he was carrying a knife as we talked - would I like to see it?

His friend said it was just a mobile phone before going on to boast that he himself had served time in youth custody after attacking someone with a knife.

Shops in Glasgow - and in all major cities - sell weaponry of different sorts and you can buy it quite easily

But I could tell that Eddie was being truthful when he said: "I was about twelve when I got a knife.

"It's to do with peer pressure and making yourself feel big.

"Once you get to a certain age it's about protection.

"You either grow out of it, round about 18, or you don't."

'Nothing to lose'

He has grown out of carrying a weapon, he told me he'd got a job, met a girl and had a child.

He realised he'd lose too much if he got into trouble.

But a lot of his friends felt they had nothing to lose. Some of them are in prison. Some of them have stabbed and cut another human being. Eddie remembered being a teenager, comparing weapons with his mates.

He said: "You're running about asking who's got the biggest knife, who's got the best knife and you would just want to own different types of knives."

Would he ever have thought of using a knife on someone else?

He'd talked about that, he said, but "looking back it was all just talk".

He added: "Obviously things can end up developing, and you could end up in serious trouble or, I mean, hurting someone."

Deprivation and education

Eddie was sceptical about the knife amnesty announced on Wednesday.

He said: "It does work in the sense that you do get knives off the streets but they're easily replaced.

"It's never the long-term answer.

"You have shops in Glasgow - and in all major cities - that sell weaponry of different sorts and you can buy it quite easily.

"When I was 16, I was kidding on I was 18, and I went into a shop in the town.

"I was able to buy the likes of machetes for £10, which was cheap for the type of knife that it was.

"We all thought that was great back then."

If amnesties aren't the answer, what is?

Eddie was bleak.

He said: "The solution is tighter regulation on the shops and maybe a bit of education. But you're talking about the east end of Glasgow.

"You've got a culture here for, probably a couple of hundred years, of being deprived and having to fight your way out.

"It's going to take a lot to change that.

"I don't know how to stop it. Maybe it's a part of our culture"



There you go, straight from Eddie.

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[quotw]I don't understand why people on here are making a joke of something that is a serious issue.

we are joking and making fun of the solution presented by your government, a knife amnesty will achieve jack all, banning the sale of these knives will just push murders and assaults into a different category. There is a cultural element at play which removing implements of harm will not get rid of, and until people realise this all you are doing is creating an illusion of safety

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Yeah yeah whatever. You Americans can have you guns and you're knives and whatever else you want you're kids taking into school with them. But we don't, this is what OUR public want in OUR country. You can do what you want in YOUR country, but this is OUR one that’s doing this at the demands of the public, so you can keep you're pro-weapon culture to your own borders.

Oh for god's sakes :rolleyes: It that why you people are so obsessed with guns? So can overthrow you're government if need be?

its not just that :no: its because we know that even if a law was passed to take guns from the american people it would not stop criminals from having them or getting them the only thing that would do is leave the law abiding citizens defenseless. not only that but having guns serves as a deterrent to any invading force. because not only would they have to deal with the army they would have to deal with armed citizens as well ;) so i don't think were going to be getting ride of are guns any time soon.

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This is the total public of law abiding citizens handing in their weapons by choice to make a statement. How many muggers or murders handed in their knives the other day?

Tons, because why would any law-abiding citizen have these weapons to begin with? I certainly don't have any penknives and machetes knocking around my house. The most law abiding citizens have is kitchen knives which we use for cutting dinner, and nobody is asking for those to be handed in. Anyway, the issue of who hands in the guns isn't relevent to to entire issues of banning knives, issues of harsher sentences on those who carry knives and shops which sell non-kitchen knives are other issues which have to be implamented.

Anybody can make a knife with the right knowledge within an hour. Not to mention literally thousands of other household items that can be used to smash, beat, stab, slash or hang to kill someone.

Yes, I'm sure a resourceful individual could easily bash someone's head in with a toaster as was claimed in a gun-thread ages ago. But I last time I checked the UK did not have a problem with toaster-thugs. Its knives we have a problem with.

Maybe they should outlaw pens and pencils because they use the same stabbing motion to kill someone as a knife does, as that is the most common use to kill someone next to the slash and you really can't slash properly with a pen.

Don't be ridiculous. A pen's function is to write, a knife’s function is to stab people. There is no comparison. And again, I do not see our papers constantly telling us people have been stabbed with pens at night.

I mean, really what is going to stop some criminal from sneaking up on someone, putting his hand around them onto their mouth, pulling back the head to expose the neck with the jugular vein and stabbing them with a pen, stick or anything else sharp enough? It takes around a pound of pressure to punture the skin and not much more to go through tissue to cause damage.

... I find the chances of such events happening outside a movie unlikely, certainly nowhere do I see such events being as widespread as stabbings.

Oh for god's sakes It that why you people are so obsessed with guns? So can overthrow you're government if need be? Well with leaders like Bush that’s understandable, but western Europe is democratic, we don't have to worry about our leaders turning on us.

Hmm, I wonder where Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini hailed from?

First off, I said Western Europe. Hitler comes from Austria and gained power in Germany, neither are in Western Europe geographically, they’re in Central Europe. Italy also is in Southern-central Europe.

Second Hitler et al belonged to a different time period. Back then political parties had private armies, in the case of Hitler the SA contained more troops than the actual German army. Such practices don't exist anymore.

Third, he lived in a society which was anti-democratic and wanted a backlash against democracy. Democracy in Western Europe is very much established, and as for the Central European states you mention, they to are no firmly democratic.

Fourthly, our soldiers don't even want to fight in a foreign country, there is no way they would turn on their own people.

Fifthly, since we're dealing with the UK, the government can't turn the army on the country, as the head of parliament is not the head of the armed forces here.

Nothing in those examples in any way represents modern Europe, you might as well claim the US once having slaves is evidence that it might introduce slavery again sometime in the future. Something I doubt will happen because the entire face of the countries social and political structure has changed since then.

Again Kratos this all boils down to culture, While in the US it seems a norm to have an armoury in the basement, it isn't here. We don't want to walk down the street worried the person in front of us has a gun or knife.

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Yes, I'm sure a resourceful individual could easily bash someone's head in with a toaster as was claimed in a gun-thread ages ago. But I last time I checked the UK did not have a problem with toaster-thugs. Its knives we have a problem with.

so the UK has a big problem with murders involving bat'leths does it?

are the migrant klingon population harboring these violent individuals?!


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Tons, because why would any law-abiding citizen have these weapons to begin with? I certainly don't have any penknives and machetes knocking around my house. The most law abiding citizens have is kitchen knives which we use for cutting dinner, and nobody is asking for those to be handed in. Anyway, the issue of who hands in the guns isn't relevent to to entire issues of banning knives, issues of harsher sentences on those who carry knives and shops which sell non-kitchen knives are other issues which have to be implamented.

Protection, use (camping and such) or collecting. They are law-abiding so why do they need to give up weapons that aren't used in crime?

Why is it alright to have a kitchen knife but not alright to have a military fixed blade? They're both the same thing basically cept for the name.

Yes, I'm sure a resourceful individual could easily bash someone's head in with a toaster as was claimed in a gun-thread ages ago. But I last time I checked the UK did not have a problem with toaster-thugs. Its knives we have a problem with.

What about making a knife? It's really not that hard. I mean, what are you going to do then, ban all rocks in the country? I used to as a kid while camping make blades, it's really not that hard.

No, not as many toaster killings but once you keep removing items of killing, criminals will move on to new objects of death. Literally hundreds of items in your home you can be killed with.

Don't be ridiculous. A pen's function is to write, a knife’s function is to stab people. There is no comparison. And again, I do not see our papers constantly telling us people have been stabbed with pens at night.

Interestly enough, I'm not being ridiculous. I have been stabbed with a pen before, didn't kill me but my leg sure as hell hurt like hell. Again, anything can be really used as a weapon. Why, pens can be used during the day as well as the night as can any other object with the intent to kill or cause harm.

... I find the chances of such events happening outside a movie unlikely, certainly nowhere do I see such events being as widespread as stabbings.

Why not? People are mugged all the time, and there is normally a weapon involved. How about martial arts that teach you to kill with your bare hands or strength training to the point you can kill someone even more easily without training at all. Ban all them as well for society?

Nothing in those examples in any way represents modern Europe, you might as well claim the US once having slaves is evidence that it might introduce slavery again sometime in the future.

:lol: Point taken.

Again Kratos this all boils down to culture, While in the US it seems a norm to have an armoury in the basement, it isn't here. We don't want to walk down the street worried the person in front of us has a gun or knife.

You make it seem we're all paranoid rather then prepared. I guess tools that have been working for man kind for thousands of years are just wrong now?

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