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The weird dreams thread!


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I think Nightmare On Elm Street and Hollywood in this instance borrowed their plots from a common experience. I've lost count of the number of times I have dreamed, woken up and then realised I was still dreaming and woken up again - it is very confusing and trying to make yourself truly wake up is like trying to sit up in quicksand.

Especially if your dream involves a midnight journey to the lee.
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I had a very long and complex dream, but the centerpiece was this mountain where one side of the mountain was a lake. Yes the water was sloped but did not flow off the mountain.. We were camped on the side and a little bit below the sloped water, and it made me very nervous. The wind would pick up and blow horizontally across this lake of sorts and when waves would roll off the main body the water would then behave like it should.. I spent the better part of the dream roaming the wilderness around the mountain trying to figure out how and the hell this was possible. I would also show people in my dream this giant sloped lake and I was mystified why they were apathetic to how incredible it was to have a whole side of a mountain made out of water.

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Ive had dreams for three nights now, all night long, im getting back to my old self again and im glad.

Feeling good.....

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This morning after my alarm went off I fell back asleep for a few minutes a had a really detailed dream. The gist of it involved a guy, (a civilian I kept thinking) who was trying to stop some kind of shooter from getting away from the police. This guy had some sort of previous weapon's/tactics training in disarming attackers.

There was a car chase, and this (armed) civilian blocked the road with his car, got out and crouched behind the car with his gun pointed towards the oncoming shooter's car, and was mentally psyching himself up to prepare for what he was about to do.

It all went bad when the police saw him though and were attempted to disarm him instead. The civilian was trying to explain, but there was so much chaos and confusion that he ended up getting brutally beaten down by the police. Ugh, it was so bad. Even though "I" wasn't in the dream, I remember feeling myself wince and cringe as I "watched".

Anyway, there were a lot more details, but when I woke up and looked at the clock, i realized I had only been dreaming less than 4 minutes real time.

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I had a disturbing dream where I caught my niece late at night on the computer, talking to some creepy man, who was coming through in some sort of radio transmission. I don't remember what he was saying, but it was extremely creepy and scary sounding, and he seemed to be ordering people to do things in a deceitful and shady way. She showed me how she found the transmission: "here, I just typed this" and typed random letters into the keyboard. I told my aunt in law and step mother about it, but they didn't understand or care, so I decided to go the next day with my niece to find this man. My niece didn't understand that anything was wrong really, though I told her. We went to an apartment which was like a crack house. There were many undesirable types around my age inside, and the girls wanted to 'get with me'. I didn't exactly fight them off, but I didn't want to go anywhere with them.

At some point, a few undercover police showed up and cleared the place of the people. They thanked me for helping them find the place or something, and then had me sign a pink paper. As I signed it, something written on it made me think I too was going to be arrested. But instead, the undercover guy had me go with him down to a lower stairs room in the house, where there was a computer (this room looked a lot like the room my niece was originally in earlier in the dream, though this was a different house). I now see he wanted me to contact the creepy man transmission, and I typed in the letters, connecting to him.

Just as I dis this, a loud noise (like a slam) was heard, and scared me. The last thought I had before waking was that the door had somehow been locked shut, and something bad was about to happen to us two in here.

edit: This was last night.

Edited by _Only
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I had a disturbing dream where I caught my niece late at night on the computer, talking to some creepy man, who was coming through in some sort of radio transmission. I don't remember what he was saying, but it was extremely creepy and scary sounding, and he seemed to be ordering people to do things in a deceitful and shady way. She showed me how she found the transmission: "here, I just typed this" and typed random letters into the keyboard. I told my aunt in law and step mother about it, but they didn't understand or care, so I decided to go the next day with my niece to find this man. My niece didn't understand that anything was wrong really, though I told her. We went to an apartment which was like a crack house. There were many undesirable types around my age inside, and the girls wanted to 'get with me'. I didn't exactly fight them off, but I didn't want to go anywhere with them.

At some point, a few undercover police showed up and cleared the place of the people. They thanked me for helping them find the place or something, and then had me sign a pink paper. As I signed it, something written on it made me think I too was going to be arrested. But instead, the undercover guy had me go with him down to a lower stairs room in the house, where there was a computer (this room looked a lot like the room my niece was originally in earlier in the dream, though this was a different house). I now see he wanted me to contact the creepy man transmission, and I typed in the letters, connecting to him.

Just as I dis this, a loud noise (like a slam) was heard, and scared me. The last thought I had before waking was that the door had somehow been locked shut, and something bad was about to happen to us two in here.

edit: This was last night.

Take the pink slip in your memory and print over it VOID, then rip it in half and then declare in your head or outloud, "I hereby cancel and void this agreement/contract and any other that I have made while not in my full bodied awoken consciousness."

I have come across this before, anything which involves getting you to sign or agree by contract in a dreamstate is a sham, it's a form of manipulation or sometimes a test to see if you will agree with with your freewill to something you normally wouldn't. It's the same thing with when entities turn up in dreams posing as cops or whatever and offering you money or an award. It's a scam as what good is money on the astral level lolol? it has no value whatsoever anywhere except in 3d earth right. Well In our 3d physical world it is illegal for anyone to sign a contract or sign their name to anything or do paper work if they are not in their full bodied awoken consciousness. So that is the get outclause that you are owed, now you are in your full bodied consciousness awake, so cancel it!

Edited by bLu3 de 3n3rgy
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I dreamt of a martial arts class of immense proportions. It was literally an army of children. I had all my teaching assistance, and I was scrambling to conduct the class properly. I had to climb a tall tree and use a bull horn to give commands. It was very stressful.

I also had a nightmare where I was living in the place of my youth. Something bad was coming I just knew it. I was scrambling around in fear trying to get stuff to run away permanently with but a sort of calm came over me. I grabbed a samurai sword that I own, and I went outside and laid down in the grass by a fence in a hidden spot. I had decided instead of fearing what was coming, I would ambush it instead.......,,

The dream changed before the ambush went down.

As usually there were tons of other dreams but those were the interesting ones of the night.

Edited by White Crane Feather
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My October dreams:-

20.10.2013: - [Approximately 5:00 a.m.] I was seated inside a small lounge room which had a similar design layout of my parents’ home in the U.K. I was occupying a chair near the chimney wall although I also had my body twisted around and I was looking towards a window that was displaying the scenery of a back garden. While I was obliviously gazing outside I noticed a formation of aircraft flying in the blue, cloudless, daylight sky. The aircraft were all different types of odd (U.F.O) looking flying machines and dotted amongst them were what appeared to be big cruise- missiles which were gliding along at the same slow pace as all the other sky objects. Most of the sky fleet were travelling together in one direction towards (The Irish sea) the back of the house then over the far right side of the property and then passing over the front part of the home. My husband W was inside the same room as me and there was also a young boy with light brown hair who I didn’t know but I recall seeing the boy walk towards the back window when I told W about seeing the missiles in the sky and I wondered if we were under attack. When W moved towards the back window for peek outside we were forced to dodge back and hide because a smaller green coloured aircraft with a round body and pointy jet like nose (Similar in shape to the U.F.O from the movie titled “Flight of the Navigator”) had hovered in front of the window and it appeared to be scanning the area. After just a few minutes the scanning / scout- ship moved away and I looked out of the front window where I saw what looked like a huge and bizarre cogged wheel like object moving over the horizon of the sky and the object appeared to be actually rolling upon the land. Next! I looked out from the back window again and I observed a flock of mixed coloured sheep or goats running inside an upper level (about four feet above my garden level) grassy field and they were heading towards an open gate which led down to my sunken garden. W and I ran outside to shut the gate and I noticed that the animals were being shepherded by two Caucasian males with dark hair and they looked just as scared as their flock. While in the garden I also observed what appeared to be three baby Indian elephants running across the garden from the left side direction and I wondered if there was a break in the fence line somewhere. The whole scenario looked so incredible that I almost burst out laughing. Lastly! I was inside a big modern looking clothes store and I was searching through a display rail of upper wear garments. I pulled out about five of the same style of top but with different bright colours (Pinks, Reds, Orange, Purples and so forth) and when I looked at the labels I realised that none of the items of clothing were in my size. I asked the shop assistant if she had the tops in a size twenty or an eighteen and the assistant said that she would go to the stock room and look. While I was waiting for the salesperson to return I noticed that the stores ceiling had begun to buckle and crack so I ran towards a corner and I stood still with my face against the wall. The whole room collapsed around me and I fled outside to the streets. The entire area had been reduced to rubble and the streets were unrecognisable. I recall looking at a road or a pathway that was strewn with bricks on either side and I saw the remnants of a brick archway still standing. I then realised that I was unsure how to get home but I decided that I needed to head for the beach where I could determine where to go from there. When I found the beach I came across a young boy who was staring at another boy who seemed to be slightly older than him. The older boy was waist deep in the ocean and the younger boy was trying to converse him but he wasn’t responsive. The older boy appeared to be pale and in shock but there also seemed to be an abnormal blackness around him like an oily ooze that polluted the water. I then headed off in what felt like a Northern direction which I believed would take me home.

21.10.2013: - [Early morning] I was a front (left side) seat passenger inside a vehicle that was being driven by my brother S (who resides in the U.K) and the car was moving slowly along a public area which I didn’t recognise however I recall our car making a left turn then passing a parked car (on the right side curb) which was being used by a renowned celebrity couple from the U.S.A known as Arnold Schwarzenegger and his ex-wife Maria Shriver. Arnold was sitting in the front (right side) driver’s seat while Marie was guiding about three young (pre-teen) children inside the back seating areas of their vehicle. When our car passed the Schwarzenegger’s I saw Arnie look my way with a stern stare and I felt as though he was letting me know that he had noticed me so I tried to act nonchalant by looking away with a peripheral gaze and I casually told S that Arnold Schwarzenegger was over there although S merely uttered an “Oh yer” as he appeared to be too engrossed with his driving to notice what I actually stated. Next! The car stopped inside a car parking area which appeared to be a part of a shopping mall and I exited the vehicle but then I attempted to return to my seat but I was stopped from re-entering the car by a young woman who forcefully pushed me away and she insisted that it was her turn to leave. I felt confused and I sat down on a curb-side with my body crunched over in a cradling position then I noticed a middle aged woman observing at me with a bemused look on her face. The woman had shoulder length, wavy, ginger hair and she was standing by a doorway. I mentioned that I felt sick although I was just giving a lame excuse for the embarrassing way that I seemed to be acting then I stood up and I walked over towards the doorway. I stood beside the woman and I looked past the doorway and into a warmly lit room that appeared to be a classroom adorned with wooden bookshelves and tables with chairs which were being used by a small group of smartly dressed teenagers. The teenagers looked wary about my presence there and then I was approached by a middle-aged male who I believed was a teacher and he asked me “How is it possible that you can see us?” The surprised look on the teachers face was a reflection of the stunned feeling that I felt internally and I could only answer the question with an equally confused “I don’t know”. I was then invited inside the classroom where I was then led towards a large stone-walled hallway which resembled an internal part of a castle and as I walked along the left side of this place I observed a large opening at the far end of the left side wall. From the big doorway appeared a group of men who were riding mostly brown horses and the men all appeared to be wearing traditional first century knights clothing. Next! I was introduced to some other people although most things became less clear for me from then on and I only recalled vague snippets of talking with a young couple and observing another brown horse being led along a country lane then seeing a stone wall with a basket of flowers which had been left on the ground.

Edited by Meridian O
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Meridian - there is a lot going on in the UK "energy storm wise" - I'm picking up on it and your dreams are reflecting as best as your consciousness can relate to it. It's more about a energy dance that needs to play out, other than the physical manifestation of it. I was kept very very busy last night with it on multi levels and i feel tonight will be the same.

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Yes! You’re right about the energy thing although mine probably has more to do with me dealing with some emotional turmoil after losing my daughter in August.

I generally dream about Arnold Schwarzenegger in the spiritual / afterlife type of role so I gather that my mind still has a few personal issues to work through.

Hence after my daughter’s death I’ve been pondering some more over a couple of dreams that I had a few years ago:-

11.11.1999: - Dream: - I was inside a helicopter and the pilot was sitting on my right-hand side, my cousin D was seated in the back with someone else. We were traveling over some factory sites which had many big snakes slithering about in their grounds. We followed a route over a river and on either side of the river there were lots of tower block buildings. I wondered if the people in the buildings could see us. I then remembered seeing a bridge and then a dead end that was fast approaching. The pilot started struggling with the helicopter controls and he said that he didn’t know how to get us over the tall buildings, I shouted out! Go higher, higher, higher which he did and we just made it over the rooftops. Next! I was on the ground and I was having a look around at the city. I walked over to a boat on a small river and my dog Bella jumped into the boat. Bella then jumped over to the other-side of the embankment and I noticed that there was a crocodile in the water. The crocodile tried to attack Bella so I jumped over towards her and I beat the crocodile with a club.

The following year of that dream our pet-dog Bella died (of lymphoma) on the 23.08.2000….She was born during a full moon on the - 15.11.1997.

The next dream was also on an 11.11 date and it also involved a crocodile.

11.11.2005: - Dream: - I was in a grey dusky setting and I was wading in some murky looking water that was neck high. I glanced over my shoulder and I saw my husband W behind me with my daughter J clinging onto his shoulders then I noticed a disturbance in the water on the left side of them so I said, do you realise there’s crocodiles in this water? The head of a crocodile suddenly arose above the water level so I threw some punches at the animal to keep it away.

J fell ill early August 2013 and she was taken to hospital where she died 11 days later during the full moon. The funeral was on the very day (23rd of August) that J had marked on her calendar with a big red love heart in remembrance of her beloved pet Bella who always reminded her of the full moon…

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I'm so sorry for your loss first and foremost, i only meant that these energies bring up what we most need to face/still resolve - the classroom themes. There is such a lot going on these dreams and if it is considered unusual to you please don't be frightened by them. It's a process going on in it's own way right now.

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Meridian i felt i need to explain more -

Most of the sky fleet were travelling together in one direction towards (The Irish sea) the back of the house then over the far right side of the property and then passing over the front part of the home. My husband W was inside the same room as me and there was also a young boy with light brown hair who I didn’t know but I recall seeing the boy walk towards the back window when I told W about seeing the missiles in the sky and I wondered if we were under attack. When W moved towards the back window for peek outside we were forced to dodge back and hide because a smaller green coloured aircraft with a round body and pointy jet like nose (Similar in shape to the U.F.O from the movie titled “Flight of the Navigator”) had hovered in front of the window and it appeared to be scanning the area. After just a few minutes the scanning / scout- ship moved away and I looked out of the front window where I saw what looked like a huge and bizarre cogged wheel like object moving over the horizon of the sky and the object appeared to be actually rolling upon the land. Next! I looked out from the back window again and I observed a flock of mixed coloured sheep or goats running inside an upper level (about four feet above my garden level) grassy field and they were heading towards an open gate which led down to my sunken garden. W and I ran outside to shut the gate and I noticed that the animals were being shepherded by two Caucasian males with dark hair and they looked just as scared as their flock. While in the garden I also observed what appeared to be three baby Indian elephants running across the garden from the left side direction and I wondered if there was a break in the fence line somewhere.

Edited by bLu3 de 3n3rgy
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I had a lucid one last night. I basically just flew around and was trying to fly really high. I've done this thing in the last couple of weeks where while trying to fly straight up and past the clouds I end up flying towards the ground. So sometimes I find it hard to fly past clouds because I don't have anything to focus on beyond it. So I cant seem to travel forward and even though I'm moving, its like visually I'm not getting anywhere. Then all of sudden I'll find myself going through the cloud but flying towards the ground but from really high up(about 40 thousand feet up). It's quiet odd because I don't change direction and the next thing I know I'm at the height I wanted but now I'm flying down.

Anyway I spent most of it just flying around a city that looked like Hong Kong but more out of the movie Blade Runner. So it was modern but not in a clean sense. There was large pink/purple jellyfish in the ocean near the city, they were poisonous and for a challenge I flew over the water. Sometimes when I do that I tend to fall in the water, which I did. Even though I was lucid I didn't want to stay in the water because it was night time and its not something I really enjoy doing in dreams. My mind tends to automatically think of 'what's in the water?' which can instantly create something.

So I flew out of the water and then in the sky there was bright blue tropical fish swimming around. There was a large amount of them and they all swim together in a circle. I swam through them and up higher into the sky. After that I decided to try to look for God in the dream. I just remember flying around everywhere thinking about how to find God. I forget most of the dream because it was very long and I spent a while doing this. I remember seeing a sunrise in the distance through the cloud which felt the closest.

At another stage I landed and was talking with a group of people in a shopping area like Hong Kong(so very busy). I told them how I was trying to find God in the dream and one of them said "well maybe you have to be naked". I think he was serious but it was also meant as a joke/challenge, which I think he thought I would balk at it. So I instantly took off my pants and stood there naked amongst everyone. And I didn't care at all. I already wasn't wearing a shirt or anything anyway so I only had to take off my underwear. I think I had actually been wearing budgie smugglers though.(which I have never worn in real life btw lol)

And that's all I really remember. I forget most of the dream.

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bLu3 de 3n3rgy...You haven't stated anything wrong so no need for apologies.

My daughter suffered (due to illness) for many years with a lot of pain and now she is finally at peace.

However! I still miss her much and I always will.

Re/ Fear of dreams...I agree with your opinion and alike I mostly find them strange.

Those coincidences are very bizarre...That's basically what I was alluding too with the 11th of November dreams.

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A reacurring theme I had in my youth was that I would be adventuring through different scenarios and I would come across a house and break into it, not because I was a theif but because I would use it as a shortcut to get to wherever I was going, never before had I been caught. I havent had a dream like this since I was a kid but I always remembered the theme, sometimes hauntingly as if I was worried I would one day become homeless and this would be my actual lifestyle. Dont ask me why I think like this, maybe because my brother was homeless for ten years and sometimes ive wondered if I might develop scitzophrenia, but I know that is just fear speaking to me. Anyway last night I had one of those dreams.

I was with my dog, we were on vacation and seperated from the group to do our own thing for a while. We stopped on the beach to chill for a bit but then it was getting dark so we headed on our way. We had to walk into the water to get where we were going and it was cool because we walked right through it, through these little dry channels to get to the other side.

So we get to other side and there is a row of houses in our way. We walk up the steps of one house, I check the door and its unlocked so we go on in. It is a really nice and perfectly spotless house. My main goal is to just get to the other side of the house by means of the backway out, but while we are inside we leave footprints, dirt and other evidence that we were there. I felt confident that we would get out without getting caught because I knew I had done this so many times before. We get to the back door and its locked. We get to an open window with a screen that is easy to pop out and large enough to fit through and am getting ready to pop out the screen when I get a feeling that someone was coming. I look out the window and see what would have been the escape route had a clear plastic wall that had been installed by the owners. I knew that there house was probably an easy target for break in because of its location and that others had tried to use it as a shortcut in the past.

So I said screw it and tried to hurry back out the front door. When I got to the front door the owner was there, her and another younger blond guy were coming home. The lady smiled warmly at me and called me by my name and acted like I knew who she was so I tried to play the roll like I did so that would give me a better excuse to being in her home. I did remember who she was, she was somebody who hired me to do some work for her. I said "your names is Sue right?"

She was like "yeah" and still smiling. So I explained that her house was the only way I could go through to the other side and I saw that it was blocked off so I said nevermind and "I'll just leave now".

She said "no, ive already called the athorities they'll be here in a minute and the are going to stick a needle through the top and then out the bottom of your finger. (Some weird test they do to get your information and punish you at the same time I supposed). I was very cordial about the matter and didnt try to run but I was questioning myself as to why not.

So some uniformed men show up and actually stick a needle through my whole finger. It was like a pin, you know with the dot on one end. All the way through my finger and out the other side.

Theres more to the dream including how I was suddenly with more people I knew, but that part would probably just be boring.

So this was a continuation of a theme I had as a kid but the difference was I had never been caught before. And I had a freaken pin stuck through my finger, there was blood and I could actually feel it.

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I had heaps of lucid dreams last night. They all started up at the house I grew up in. I would go lucid and basically just fly around. Everytime I would wake up after the dream I just stayed still until I was back into another dream again.

Anyway after the third time I thought about what else I should do while lucid and I remembered I wanted to look for God in a dream. So I flew off down to the national park and then I started to call out "Lord" and I started to pray. I also tried to call out YHVH but I couldnt get it right and it was like I was running out of breath while calling it. During that my breath was also dry like desert air. Anyway I basically gave thanks for everything but then soon after I thought to call out the name Yaldabaoth.

So I vibrated the name very loudly and it sounded like it worked really well. Then there was a child about 14 yrs old who had bright blue eyes and bright blonde short curly hair. I think he was dressed in white but I mainly just noticed his face. He looked Greek because he looked like one of those statues you see because of his hair I think. I just thought he looked Greek or Roman or something.

Anyway I thanked him and said how I loved everything that has been created and pointed out to the trees, grass, the sky and just everything that was around me. I said they were wonderful creations. Then I said to him something like "If there are other Gods, why can't we all just get along?" I wanted him to know that if there was other Gods higher than him, then why cant we just be friends. Anotherwords I wont pick sides and will like them all equally for begin creations themselves. I said it in a very innocent/light hearted way.

I don't remember him saying anything back but straight after that a large flock of about 100 white doves flew over and landed near me. I looked at them and then they took to the sky and so I wanted to fly with them. I took off too and started flying and then the boy was running along the ground playfully trying to jump up and grab my feet to drag me back down to Earth.

And I don't remember anymore after that. I had more lucid dreams afterwards but mainly I was just flying around trying to get as high as possible.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For some reason I keep dreaming of people who I know and most of the people in my dreams are very cruel towards me or mean. I can never make it out why their acting this way towards me. Once I dreamed about not anyone knowing who I was and I didn't even know where my family was. As I'm dreaming; the dreams are chaging as if their chasing after one another. I dream about one situation for a few minutes and than I'm put into a different situation. Sometimes when I'm sleeping I actually believe as these things are really happening. Once I wake up, I'm extremely puzzled by all the different dreams I've had. Has anyone else experienced this before? :unsure2:

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11.11.2013:- I had been asleep then around 5:00 am I was woken by the family pet dogs which needed taking outside for toilet needs. I returned to bed with a dull chest pain and a very heavy tired feeling which gave me the urge to catch some more sleep. During my nap I heard a very firm voice state " You are the resurrection. You are death".

Very strange!

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I love reading posts about weird dreams, my first post was in one and here comes my second. :-)

I work nightshifts so i slept today from 10:00 to about 15:00, during this time i had a dream that continued after waking up and falling back a sleep.

My dream was pretty weird because it was about my deceased grandpa (10-14-2009), somehow all i saw of him in my dream was his right hand but i know for sure it was him because of the sound of his voice and the feeling i had being around him. He had a slight problem he told me while he was showing me his right hand, he lost his wedding ring in the house somewhere and he was afraid my grandma would be mad at him for it. His ringfinger was clearly missing the wedding ring, there was this deep white ridge where it used to be, you know what i mean if you look at old people hands when they take off a ring thats a bit too small.

Somehow he was sure i could find it because i had a metal detector, i looked down and saw one, but this was one weird metal detector!

The thing looked like a vacuumcleaner from the fifties or sixties (you know those with a dustbag hanging from the handle? That but without the dustbag) and had a dial on it much like the volume control on a stereo, this dial had three settings: 1) Metal 2) Silver 3) Gold. and was turned by using a screwdriver or a coin. Instead of giving a beeping sound when it detected buried stuff, it just pulled it straight out from the ground to the surface!

I was thinking this would be a piece of cake, but then i saw their (my grandparents) house.

The house looked fine from outside but inside everything was a mess. There where no floors or furniture and all i could see was thick black mud everywhere. The only way i knew it was their house is because of the look of the outside and the layout of the rooms inside.

This is where i woke up the first time, i drank some water from the glass next to my bed and tried getting back to sleep. I can get to sleep pretty fast so it didnt take me very long. Not often it happens that the dream i have before waking up continues when falling back a sleep, this was one of those day's though.

The mud was firm enough for me to stand on so i started by sweeping the floor in the livingroom with the metal detector set to Gold, unfortunatly it never got anything to the surface, so i thought there might not be anything there. I went to the kitchen area that looked like the same mess as the living room. Same setting on the detector and again nothing was found. Here my grandpa said something about being sure he did not lose his ring upstairs or in the basement, so it had to be on this floor.

Meanwhile the detector was a mess from all the mud, i wiped it clean with some rags i found and then looked at the dial to check i had set it to Gold, ofcourse it was in the correct setting.

Worried that the detector might be broken i decided to see if using the Metal setting would find anything in the house at all, if nothing would turn up at the surface we would give up the search. I set the thing to Metal and started sweeping in the kitchen area. All sorts of stuff got pulled straight to the surface by the metal detector. I saw spoons, forks, nails, old rusty watches. This thing was really working great! I turned the dial to the Silver setting and started sweeping again, and again it pulled stuff like rings and necklaces to the surface but nog as much stuff as before, this metal detector is awesome and obviously works i thought. But when set to Gold nothing would show up at the surface and my grandpa was getting sadder and sadder, eventually he even cried a little and thats when i woke up from my dream again...

Now i have been really close with my grandparents when they where alive, but i only had three dreams about them after they died. Two of those where about my grandmother only and this was the first about my grandfather. The dreams about my grandma where both kind of uplifting or cheerfull, i am thankfull for those.

But this dream kind of sadddens me, never heard my grandpa cry in live and hope never to hear him cry in my dreams again either.

The dream also makes me wonder if it means something, can't figure out what that would be though...

Thanks for reading and excuse my english! ;-)


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11.11.2013:- I had been asleep then around 5:00 am I was woken by the family pet dogs which needed taking outside for toilet needs. I returned to bed with a dull chest pain and a very heavy tired feeling which gave me the urge to catch some more sleep. During my nap I heard a very firm voice state " You are the resurrection. You are death".

Very strange!

I know just what you mean. I too will often get the weirdest things 'said to me' as I wake and/or at the end of dreams, along similar lines to what you 'heard' (in an inner voice form, I am guessing). The one I had most similar to yours said "you are a shadow, shadow; leader of the shadow people". But the most intriguing of mine, mostly because of the way it was worded, which was unlike anything I ever say or think, was "tread lightly; for ours is the way of the serpent".

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For some reason I keep dreaming of people who I know and most of the people in my dreams are very cruel towards me or mean. I can never make it out why their acting this way towards me. Once I dreamed about not anyone knowing who I was and I didn't even know where my family was. As I'm dreaming; the dreams are chaging as if their chasing after one another. I dream about one situation for a few minutes and than I'm put into a different situation. Sometimes when I'm sleeping I actually believe as these things are really happening. Once I wake up, I'm extremely puzzled by all the different dreams I've had. Has anyone else experienced this before? :unsure2:

I am beginning to think that the characters in our dreams are just actors/props which usually don't hold much meaning. Like your mind is just pulling known people/places to use as building blocks to tell the story it wants, which usually for me is emotion based. It might be an interesting exercise for you, while mainly ignoring character actors and settings in your dreams, and just pay attention to what happened in each, and how they might be related. Like how did you feel in each one in your night of dreams, and why?

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I had a lucid dream last night. I basically just flew around but at one stage I landed to run on all fours just for fun. This time though I couldn't run very fast and I had two rabbits running near me for some reason. Anyway so I took off into the air and flew off really fast. It might of felt like I was running slowly because I had been flying so much faster before and after, so I'm not sure.

Anyway the main part I remember was being in a room which I don't think had any doors. I just remember seeing a gap in the wall about the width of your arm and as long as it. It was like an air vent and when I saw it I decided to try something I haven't tried for awhile. I knew I could just walk through the wall but this time I dove into the gap and thought "smoke". I then I turned into white smoke and poured out the other side. I could see myself from slightly from a 3rd person view as I came out the other side. Then I just stood up and was back to normal shape.

It was interesting to be white smoke this time. Last time I was black smoke so I don't pick the colour or anything, I just think smoke. Anyway I was with someone else when I did this and I was teaching them how to do it too. I told them to just dive into the gap and think smoke. I also told them you can yell out "smoke!" as you do this which will help. And they did it too and met me on the other side. We flew off after that but I don't really remember much more of the dream.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had a dream last night I was in Italy. Most of the start of the dream was just kinda boring and it involved stealing some hand guns from my sons Grandfather(ex father in law). He was showing them off to some old friends of mine and trying to be a big man and then told us all to line up so he could pretend to shoot us in the head(as some kind of thrill). My friends all lined up and I was supposed to be at the end of the line but I picked up a gun and put it to his head and went to pull the trigger.

He straight away yelled out not to because he said there could be one left in the chamber but I pulled the trigger anyway. It just clicked. I then said that it was ok for him to line us up and not check the gun first but when the situation was turned around he cried foul. My friends agreed and then understood what kind of person he really was.

Anyway after crusing around Italian slums and cheap hotels I ended up going lucid. There was an Italian lady about 25 yrs old who I was near and I said to her that I will show you something you have never seen before. So I picked her up in my arms and caught the wind, it took me up in a spiral fashion. So I slowly flew up in a spiral and I showed her the city was wonderful when looked at from a different way.

There were flowers growing from out of the rocky hills surrounding the city and large patches of orange trumpet vines growing. The sun was beaming rays down and it was very pretty. She was loving it and I just spiraled upwards about 500 meters or so showing her the city.

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Part of my dream last night was spent looking through an old book I found in the basement of my parent's house (the house i grew up in). I was very mildly lucid. At first it was just a book that I remembered reading a lot when I was little, (can't remember the contents now) but then I found a bunch of old sketches I had done while living there. One of them was the actual layout of my bedroom when I was a teenager. The dream sketches contained a lot of details that I had consciously forgotten. Just little things like a certain lamp I actually had, little things on the dresser. Even the style of the drawings was different, the way I really used to sketch but haven't actually seen in years. It was like taking a little trip down memory lane, and I kept remembering the reason I sketched them in the first place was to remind myself of something when I got older.

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a billboard in my dream said: what game did you lose when you learned to stop using self defence

I was tryin to get to my car in a very snowy parking lot, I was slipping and sliding everywhere, it was dark and someone was shooting at me with a rifle. I had to get to my car to get my purse because I forgot it, but inside I had ordered a bean burrito which was already cooked and waiting for me. Both the guy in line behind me and the cook were flirting with me. The guy behind me in line was real charismatic and had a big personality, very friendly. He was trying to get his order in before me because I was still looking at the menu and he had already decided.

Anyway I can't finish because I have to go, but one part, in the parking lot the lights came on and this lady approached the guy with the rifle, she said excuse me sir, do you know that you could have shot somebody? You need to stop being so dangerous.

Then the guy bounced off like a little kid who didnt want to hear what she was talking about, but now he was singing and being goofy rather than shooting. He would only shoot in the dark, one so he could hide and too so he could pretend his targets werent real.

Shortly after that I saw the billboard and woke up. I really didnt want to get up because I never made it to my car and the burrito was still waiting for me.

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