crystal sage Posted August 11, 2006 #1 Share Posted August 11, 2006 Dr. Michael E. Salla, is a pioneer in the development of exopolitics, the scholarly study of the political implications of the extraterrestrial presence that is not acknowledged to the general public, elected officials or the mass media. His interest in exopolitics evolved out of his investigation of the sources of international conflict and its relationship with the undisclosed extraterrestrial presence. He cites evidence of as many as sixteen different extraterrestrial races currently interacting with humanity in a variety of ways, with a number of other races simply monitoring the Earth. He is the author of Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence (Dandelion Books, 2004). Dr. Salla is an internationally recognized scholar in international politics, conflict resolution and US foreign policy, and is the author/editor of an additional four books including The Hero's Journey Toward a Second American Century (Greenwood Press, 2002); Essays on Peace (Central Queensland University Press, 1995); Why the Cold War Ended (Greenwood Press, 1995); and Islamic Radicalism, Muslim Nations and the West (1993). He has also authored more than seventy articles, chapters, and book reviews on peace, ethnic conflict and conflict resolution. Dr. Salla has held academic appointments in the School of International Service, American University, Washington DC (1996-2001), and the Department of Political Science, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (1994-96). Dr. Salla taught as an adjunct faculty member in the Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, Washington D.C., in 2002, and he is currently a Researcher in Residence in the Center for Global Peace, American University (2001-2004). He has a PhD in Government from the University of Queensland, Australia, and an MA in Philosophy from the University of Melbourne, Australia. He has conducted research and fieldwork in the ethnic conflicts in East Timor, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Sri Lanka, and organized peacemaking initiatives involving mid to high level participants from these conflicts. Dr. Salla's interest in exopolitics evolved out of his international politics experience that many, if not all, international conflicts were related to the extraterrestrial presence. He launched the web site,, with the online publication of his first study paper, "The Need for Exopolitics" in January 2003. It has to date (March 2004) scored over 4 million hits and continues to attract great interest from those seeking to understand the 'big picture' about the undisclosed extraterrestrial presence and its political implications. Dr. Salla has conducted extensive media interviews for both his exopolitical research and international conflict. Further biographical material for Dr. Salla is on his academic web site at Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crystal sage Posted August 11, 2006 Author #2 Share Posted August 11, 2006 The Black Budget Report: An Investigation into the CIA’s ‘Black Budget’ and the Second Manhattan Project This report examines the existence of a CIA ‘black budget’ and an extensive network of ‘deep black projects’ that it funds. The report identifies the legal framework established by the US Congress for the creation of a CIA ‘black budget’ from the appropriations earmarked for other federal agencies that are siphoned through the CIA as the sole conduit of black budget funds. The report investigates the legal challenges to the constitutionality of the CIA’s black budget; how the CIA uses its legal authority to extract appropriations from government agencies such as HUD; how the CIA launders non-appropriated money through other federal agencies; and the efforts the CIA goes to prevent these financial transfers from being exposed. Using as a case study the legal difficulties faced by an innovative mortgage finance company, Hamilton Securities, the report will argue that the CIA’s covert role in Hamilton’s demise is compelling evidence that the CIA was involved in funding irregularities in HUD. It will be finally argued that the size of black budget, the secrecy surrounding it, the extent senior officials in Federal agencies go to targeting individuals and companies that threaten to reveal where congressional appropriations are ultimately going, suggest a vast number of ‘deep black projects’ that collectively form a highly classified second Manhattan Project whose existence, goals and budget are kept secret. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crystal sage Posted August 11, 2006 Author #3 Share Posted August 11, 2006 Interviews with Dr. Michael Salla....;obj_id=4197 Shirley MacLaine Interviews Exopolitics Author Michael Salla Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crystal sage Posted October 8, 2006 Author #4 Share Posted October 8, 2006 (edited) Interview with Charles Hall- Motivations of the Tall White Extraterrestrials and their Exopolitical Significance What follows is based on an interview with Charles Hall on Dec 2, 2004, regarding the existence of the tall white extraterrestrials that he met while serving at Nellis Air Force base as a duty weather observer from 1965-67. His experiences are recorded in his three volume set of books, Millennial Hospitality (for details see ). I had earlier read the first two volumes of his book series and recorded my impressions in a short article (see ). I was put in touch with Charles Hall by Paola Harris who was the first major UFO researcher to thoroughly investigate the case (see ). In the interview, I asked a series of questions and recorded his replies by taking notes. My aim in conducting the interview was to get a better idea of the motivations of the 'tall whites' and their exopolitical significance on Earth. I begin this evaluation of my interview by first outlining my questions and Charles Hall's replies. I finish with my evaluation of his testimony and books which I believe is vitally important as a possible disclosure initiative that will attract much public attention and carries great exopolitical significance. Michael E. Salla, PhD December 3, 2004 Edited October 8, 2006 by crystal sage Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crystal sage Posted October 8, 2006 Author #5 Share Posted October 8, 2006 accueil nous contacter karmapolis from inside Gerry Zeitlin interview Sweeps Fox interview The Tall Whites, an extraterrestrial race coming from an unknown planet is a really recent phenomenon in the sense that Paola Harris and later, Michael Salla, discovered the existence of a retired airman, Charles Hall who lived with those alien on Nellis range, Nevada in 1967. This race could be as important for the human destiny as the Short Greys popularized by the abduction literature except that they don't abduct humans according to Charles. Hall decided to reveal all his story in a semi fictitious trilogy - "Millenial Hospitality"- and the less we can say is that this story is really an amazing one, another way to describe the extraterrestrial phenomenon an specially the notorious Area 51. If we believe what Charlie tells us, we must admit that Nellis Range is no longer the domain of the infamous Short Greys. It doesn't mean that those little Greys doesn't exist and Charlie believes that maybe, the exclusive place for the Grey is in New Mexico , maybe Dulce. But it is still an hypothesis. To give an external point of view about Charles Hall and the Tall Whites, we interviewed also "Sweeps den Fox" an American and Irish radio host and webmaster who's a long time and pertinent observer of the extraterrestrial subject and the conspiracy theories. Karma One : In the abduction literature, did you ever see a story from a victim of abduction that typically fit with the behavior and the physical description of the Tall Whites? Do you remember precisely the case? Or the Tall Whites don't generally abduct people? Charles Hall : No. I never saw the tall Whites abduct people in the malicious manner that the typical abduction case describes. However, as I describe in my books, while I was out on the ranges, if the Tall Whites believed that a human was in trouble or in need of help, they would come in close to offer help if they could. The terrified and confused human could easily confuse this with an attempted abduction. For example in "Millennial Hospitality" in the chapter entitled "Olympic Tryouts" and in "Millennial Hospitality II The World We Knew" in the chapter entitled "Olympic Dreams", I describe my personal experiences in those areas. Also, sometimes other activities might look to humans like abductions when they weren't. For example, in "Millennial Hospitality" in the chapter entitled "In Memory of Me", The alien Teacher would bring her little girl to play with the human little girl. Neither the human little girl nor her mothers were actually abducted. I have seen in the literature several cases of that type. Another case of great personal interest is the case entitled "Incident at Happy Camp" which was researched by one of the famous UFO researchers. In that case, the description of the aliens and their craft definitely matches The Tall Whites. In that case, they only abducted the humans after the humans attacked the children. My personal Observations are: I never saw anything that would lead me to believe that the Tall White aliens are supernatural, seeded our planet, want to create hybrids, that there are wormholes in space, or that the Tall Whites travelled backward or forward in time. I did observe craft which regularly and routinely travelled faster than the speed of light. Karma One : In some stories about Alien Races, one could find descriptions of some kind of Nordic Tall blond, blue eyed individuals. Do you think that we can correlate the Tall White phenomena with the so called Nordic alien Type? Charles Hall : I have no idea. I can only speak from my personal experiences with the Tall Whites and with the aliens that I describe in "Millennial Hospitality III The Road Home" whom I call "The Norwegians with 24 teeth". There is no correlation that I can see between the Tall Whites and the so called Nordic alien type. Karma One : Do you have information about the first interaction between the Air Force and the Tall Whites when the Air Force arrived in Nevada to build the Nellis installation? You seem to say that the Tall Whites were not newcomers and that they were in fact installed there for quite a long time before the US army? . Charles Hall: I do not have any personal information regarding the first interactions between the US Government and the Tall White aliens. However, as I describe in "Millennial Hospitality III The Road Home", The Tall White lady who called herself "The Teacher" stated that Pamela had been born in Indian Springs Valley during the time when James Madison was the U.S. President. That was back around the years 1812. The construction of the main Tall White hanger was consistent with the late 1940's or early 1950's. I note that The U.S. President Harry Truman stated that he believed he had met the ghost of Abraham Lincoln in the White House one night back when he was president during the late 1940's. However, it is my observation that his description of the "ghost" matched completely with any number of Tall White guards that I personally saw out on the Indian Springs Ranges at night. For that reason, I would guess that the first formal interactions between the Tall Whites and the U.S. Government took place during the 1940's or very early 1950's. I note that the legends of the ancient Greeks, dating back to before 972 B.C., refer to a group of Tall White "gods" who were said to have come to earth from the star Arcturus. For that reason, the ancient Greeks named the star Arcturus "The Watcher" star. For that reason, it is very probable that the Tall Whites have been coming here to earth for at least three thousand years. Karma One : In the public imaginary, Nellis Air Force Base is related to Area 51. The location is supposed to be a base for what people named the Short Greys. Those EBE are supposed to live in deep underground bases and have tumultuous relations with the Air Force. So, have you ever heard about the existence of other alien races on Nellis? If yes, what were the relation between Tall Whites and Short Greys? Did the Tall Whites ever talk to you about other alien races? How did they consider them? Did the Tall Whites warn us about the possible dangers posed by other alien races? Charles Hall : It is my understanding that the only aliens out on the Nellis Ranges are The Tall Whites. However, I am quite certain that the Tall Whites and the Short Greys hate each other. I am quite certain that The Tall Whites would never permit the Short Greys to come anywhere near their base areas or near to their housing areas or anywhere that their children might be playing, etc. For that reason, I, myself, do not believe that there are any Short Greys out at Area 51 or out in Area 52, or out on the Nellis Ranges . During the two plus years that I was out on the Ranges, I never personally saw any evidence that the Short Greys were anywhere out on those ranges or out at Area 51. As regards your question relating to other alien races, I quote from "Millennial Hospitality II The World We Knew" in the chapter entitled "Landing Lights" "Are there many planets like the Earth out in space?" I asked. "Yes," she ( The Teacher ) responded. "There are quiet a few. However, humans are the only people that we have seen who live so closely with their animals. For example, you feel comfortable milking cows, riding horses, and playing with dogs. Every one of those animals could kill you, but you naturally use your intelligence to determine how each of those animals is thinking. Then you naturally take control of them. Only humans do that. On most planets, once people become intelligent, they don't want to have anything to do with the animals that are much less intelligent then they are, so they kill them off. "Also, humans will eat almost anything. On all of the other planets, the intelligent people will only eat plants. We, for example, only eat plants." On that evening, The Teacher went on to say that I needed to be careful when I was alone out on the ranges because there were "… many dangers." On that evening, she did not further elaborate. Karma One : If the Tall Whites are the only alien creatures who lived in Nellis and Area 51 Papoose dry lake, do you think that all the stories about short Greys and other aliens groups are disinformation and a smoke screen? Charles Hall : The Tall Whites do not live at Area 51 ( Groom Lake ) or at Area 52 ( Papoose lake ). They live underground in the mountains in Area 53. Their main base is in the mountain immediately to the east of Area 53, which is Area 54. Area 53 and Area 54 and the western parts of the Desert Southwest Game Range are known as DreamLand. It is an area that is so restricted, I used to have an official USGS map of the area that did not show any of the mountains or valleys out there. Instead, it only showed a large white area labeled " Unexplored Territory ". The Tall Whites are the only alien creatures that I have ever personally seen out in the deserts and valleys and mountains north of Indian Springs , Nevada . However, I am certain that the "Little Greys" are real and are here on earth. I do not personally believe that the "Little Greys" are or ever were at Area 51 itself. My belief is that the "Little Greys" would most likely be found somewhere else, such as in the northern and western portion of the state of New Mexico . For example, based on various items of information that I have personally come across over the years, I am quite certain that the Roswell incident of 1947 was real and that it was a "Little Grey" craft that crashed. I have never personally actually seen a little Grey, and I never want to. As I describe in "Millennial Hospitality III, The Road Home", I have also personally met and talked with a second type of alien, the ones that I call the Norwegians with 24 teeth. I am certain the earth is being visited by several different types of aliens. However, I am also quite certain that the US Government also periodically issues disinformation and false information as part of a campaign to create "Smoke Screens". I believe that a substantial portion of the information relating to Area 51 is US Government disinformation and "Smoke Screens". For example, the facilities at Area 51 are in a fenced rectangular area that is only 6 miles by 10 miles. That is nowhere near large enough for an alien base. It is also way too small to safely operate any alien anti-gravity craft. The various fields that surrounded the small Tall White scout craft emanated out at least one and a quarter miles. Fields of that same type emanated out from the Deep Space craft for many times that distance. Neither the Alien Generals nor the USAF Generals would ever agree to bring craft with that kind of power in close to the facilities at Area 51. Karma One: The Tall Whites look very ambiguous emotionally speaking. They are able to kill somebody in a snap, they are arrogant and in the other way, they can show love and compassion toward others, like their children. How did you perceive their emotionality? A lack of it or another way to express it, very different than ours? Charles Hall : My observations are as follows: Each one of the Tall Whites was an individual. Each one was different from every other Tall White, just as each human is different from every other human. Each one's emotional reactions were different from the others. In order for a human to survive being around them, it was necessary to recognize and understand how different and individual each one of them was. Karma One : When we read your account, you show that you feel a deep feeling of amazement and fear toward the Tall Whites? They look humanoid but they don't look like we do. Can you describe what were the first kind of emotions (in the amazement range feelings) when you saw them for the first time. What precisely attract your attention? The glowing light? The size ? Charles Hall : For those who have not read my first book, and to answer your question, it is important to remember that I simply had no point of reference for the experience of meeting creatures not of this planet. I had no briefing. It was night. It was pitch dark. It was in the large empty barracks on the Indian Springs base where I had my bunk. I was completely alone in the barracks. The reality is much different than one might suppose. I lived with them for two years and even toward the end of that time, the experience was never relaxing. For those old enough to remember what innocent times the early to mid-sixties were, I think they might have less difficulty understanding how unprecedented my introduction was. Karma One : Have you been the victim of threats, pressures or manipulations coming from the Air Force (your ex-employers) or the US government in general? Charles Hall : No. Remember, as I describe in "Millennial Hospitality" in the chapter entitled "The Happy Charade" the decision to send me, and no one else, out to the ranges, was made by a committee of individuals that included the Tall Whites as well as high ranking USAF Generals and other high ranking members of the U.S. Government. The Tall Whites are very meticulous about keeping their agreements and expect the U.S. Government to be equally meticulous about keeping its agreements as well. If I were victimized or threatened by anyone, The Tall Whites would interpret that to mean that the U.S. Government could not be trusted to keep its agreements. The consequences would be enormous. Remember also that I was a weather observer. I was an enlisted man. I was never shown any classified documents. I was never given any classified briefings. I was never a part of any classified program such as building secret aircraft. I never took any photographs. I did not bring any government property, anything material, any diary, or log book with me when I came off the ranges. I came off the ranges with only my memories. Karma One : What were the reactions of your friends, relatives and colleagues when you revealed them your story? And what were the reactions of the other UFO specialists? Have you been surprised by the kind of reaction? Charles Hall : I told my wife about the extraterrestrials in early 1970, when we had been married about three months. She was not terribly interested in whether aliens existed or not. She merely said, "All I know, is that if I ever met one, I hope I would behave in a manner that was a credit to humans." My wife's response after reading the manuscript, gave birth to the title, "Millennial Hospitality". I have told my story over the years, to friends, my children, and colleagues. It is difficult to characterize their reactions since people often do not express their true feelings, in order to spare your own, for the sake of your relationship with them. Since publishing the books, I would say that the reactions of UFO specialists have been generally cordial. One enthusiastic supporter is Gerry Zeitlin at My account was investigated by Paola Harris and David Coote. You may read their statements by visiting both my web site and by visiting Paola's web site at Karma One : Have you been able to cross your story with the testimonies of other witnesses who also worked at Nellis or in the area or in another region of the world where the Tall Whites could be installed? Charles Hall : As you can see in my books, many other airmen who served with me at Indian Springs witnessed the tall Whites out in the desert. In addition, in the years that have passed since then, I have personally met a number of other individuals who have seen the tall Whites. Karma One : The craft that you described don't fit with the descriptions of the flying saucers type or the Delta Black Triangle type. Did you see also this kind of aircraft? Do you know if the classical saucer type and the triangle Type could be a kind of craft that one could find in the Tall White Arsenal? Charles Hall : Over the years, I have personally seen the black triangular craft. They typically made a lot of noise. I use my own personal rule of the thumb that any craft that makes a noise when it flies was built by the USAF. The Tall White craft use an anti-gravity propulsion system. It is perfectly silent. It doesn't leave anything behind, even sound. I note that the craft that crashed at Roswell in 1947 was disc shaped and apparently could also move in perfect silence. However, the helicopter designed by Werner Von Braun about 1938 was also disc shaped. Von Braun's design had four propellers inside of a large porous disc shaped envelope constructed out of light weight materials. In principle, it could have reached supersonic speeds without creating shock waves. The purpose of the disc shaped envelope was to control the airflow around the disc shaped craft as it moved, thereby, propelling the craft forward, backward, side to side, up and down. An observer would not have been able to tell the difference between a craft of the Roswell design and a craft designed by Werner Von Braun by only considering its shape. Karma One : As far as you know, the organization of their society could be compared to what kind of structure? A militaristic society, centralized? A kind of democracy? Or a society oriented on science and trade? Charles Hall : It was my personal observation that their society has an organization very similar to our own American society or to the societies in western Europe. Karma One : Do the Tall White have some kind of religion or metaphysical conception of the universe? Charles Hall : I have no idea. They never discussed religion or philosophy with me. However, as I describe in "Millennial Hospitality" in the chapter entitled "Rite of Passage", and in "Millennial Hospitality II The World We Knew" in the chapter entitled "Olympic Dreams" when The teacher was talking with the other Tall White aliens, she told them that I believed in God and they all understood what she meant. A significant number of events of that type convinced me that they do have a religion and are naturally religious. Karma One : Did the Teacher ever tell you if other human beings like us exist in other region of the universe or are we quite unique? Charles Hall : Yes. As I stated in my answer to question #4, I quote from "Millennial Hospitality II The World We Knew" in the chapter entitled "Landing Lights" "Are there many planets like the Earth out in space?" I asked. "Yes," she ( The Teacher ) responded. "There are quiet a few. However, humans are the only people that we have seen who live so closely with their animals. For example, you feel comfortable milking cows, riding horses, and playing with dogs. Every one of those animals could kill you, but you naturally use your intelligence to determine how each of those animals is thinking. Then you naturally take control of them. Only humans do that. On most planets, once people become intelligent, they don't want to have anything to do with the animals that are much less intelligent then they are, so they kill them off. "Also, humans will eat almost anything. On all of the other planets, the intelligent people will only eat plants. We, for example, only eat plants." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
itsnotoutthere Posted October 8, 2006 #6 Share Posted October 8, 2006 fruit loop Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Skeptic Eric Raven Posted October 8, 2006 #7 Share Posted October 8, 2006 (edited) fruit loop LMAO I love eating fruit loops. Yum. Edited October 8, 2006 by ericraven2003 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crystal sage Posted October 8, 2006 Author #8 Share Posted October 8, 2006 (edited) ED MITCHELL ON: THE CHALLENGER AND COLUMBIA DISASTERS: Over the last 20 years, NASA settled into workaday space missions: important, but not exciting. Ground the shuttle, after it's finished building the International Space Station. But then, do new manned missions to explore the moon and Mars. NASA THEN AND NOW: "When I was working with NASA in the early 1960s, this was the most dedicated, driven, together, 'Gonna do it,' motivated team of people you're ever going to encounter. That high motivation lasted up through the beginnings of the Apollo program... We weren't ready scientifically yet to go out into deep space. But we did it because it was a political imperative. And it worked. But once we'd done that, it's, 'Ho, hum, what have you done now?' And by the early 1970s, when we were halfway through the lunar landings, the climate in NASA was becoming bureaucratic. I've said facetiously we had to fill out forms in triplicate just to go to the bathroom." PRESIDENT BUSH'S RECENT MARS MISSION PROPOSAL: "I'm sure we will (go) in due course. I personally think this current initiative is an election year ploy. I don't want to diminish the notion of going to the moon and Mars. It's a powerful notion and we will do it sooner or later. The question is timing and motivation. The budget isn't near what it's going to take." Also, must be an international effort "and we're not anywhere close to doing it." LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS: It would be far more IRrational to believe Earth is the ONLY SPOT in the universe with intelligent life. Life elsewhere in this solar system, now or ever? No. We know enough about those planets to make it highly unlikely they supported anything more sophisticated than the equivalent of algae. WHETHER ALIENS HAVE VISITED EARTH: Has no first-hand experience but is convinced. Hostile? "Not that I'm aware." People who claim they were abducted by aliens? "Something has happened to them. The jury's still out about what happened." CAN'T dismiss one theory that aliens are collecting terrestrial DNA for research. A GOVERNMENT COVER-UP OF UFOS: "That's putting it mildly. We've BEEN LIED TO AND COVERED UP. It was a military rationale 50 years ago. Now it's a bureaucratic morass. I doubt if higher-ups even know what the right answers are." WHY a cover up at the beginning? "It would RATTLE OUR FOUNDATIONS." AREA 51, the secret military base in Nevada where scientists study crashed alien spacecraft and their crews: Was briefed, even recently, by "old timers" who were there, "but I can't say by whom." The ROSWELL INCIDENT, in which aliens, some alive, were recovered after a July 1947 crash: "IT WAS VALID. I'VE BEEN BRIEFED." ERICH VON DäNIKEN, whose many books theorize early Biblical passages and folk stories actually described visits by aliens: "It's pretty far out. There MAY BE A KERNEL OF TRUTH." Was mankind genetically engineered by other civilizations or originally immigrants from another planet? "I have not seen validation for that." WHETHER SPACE FLIGHT WILL EVER BE AS WORKADAY AS IN STAR TREK: "It's inevitable. Yes. By the end of this century. Out of our solar system. PROVIDED WE DON'T DESTROY OURSELVES." ------ MORE ON EDGAR DEAN MITCHELL: Born: Sept. 17, 1930, Hereford, Texas. Raised in Artesia, N.M. Education: Bachelor of Science, Industrial Management, Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1952. Bachelor of Science, Aeronautical Engineering, U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, 1961. Doctor of Science, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1964. Military: U.S. Navy, 1952-1972. NASA: 1966-1972. Lunar module commander, Apollo 14, Jan. 31-Feb. 9, 1971. Feb. 5: became sixth of 12 men to walk on moon. Crewmates: commander Alan B. Shepard, Jr. (died 1998); command module pilot Stuart A. Roosa (died 1994). Awards: Presidential Medal of Freedom, Navy Distinguished Medal, three NASA Group Achievement Awards. Inducted to Space Hall of Fame, 1979, Astronaut Hall of Fame, 1998. Founder, Institute of Noetic Sciences. Co-founder, Association of Space Explorers. Author, Psychic Exploration, 1974; The Way of the Explorer, 1996 (revised 2001). **** Thus declared Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell on Saturday to a crowd of more than 200 admirers. "A few insiders know the truth . . . and are studying the bodies that have been discovered," said Mitchell, who was the sixth man to walk on the moon. Mitchell, who landed on the moon with Alan B. Shepard, said a "cabal" of insiders stopped briefing presidents about extraterrestrials after President Kennedy. "Presidents Carter and Clinton tried to get it opened up," he said, adding that only insistence by the public will produce the truth. Edited October 9, 2006 by crystal sage Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crystal sage Posted October 9, 2006 Author #9 Share Posted October 9, 2006 In addition to his space flights, Cooper logged more than 7,000 hours flying time in jets and commercial aircraft. He retired from the Air Force and NASA in 1970 with the rank of colonel. After leaving NASA, Cooper served on the boards of directors as a technical consultant to a number of companies in the aerospace, electronics and energy fields. He also was the vice president for research and development for Walter E. Disney Enterprises Inc., from 1974-1980. In his post-NASA career, Cooper became known as an outspoken believer in UFOs and charged that the government was covering up its knowledge of extraterrestrial activity. "I believe that these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets, which obviously are a little more technically advanced than we are here on Earth," he told a United Nations panel in 1985. "I feel that we need to have a top-level, coordinated program to scientifically collect and analyze data from all over the Earth concerning any type of encounter, and to determine how best to interface with these visitors in a friendly fashion." He added, "For many years I have lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists and astronauts. I can now reveal that every day, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crystal sage Posted October 9, 2006 Author #10 Share Posted October 9, 2006 an interesting site.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crystal sage Posted January 7, 2007 Author #11 Share Posted January 7, 2007 (edited) From another Exopolitician!!! "Over the next few days as I read the Talmud of Jmmanuel, I found passages in Chapter Chapters 3 and 4, depicting Jmmanuel, following his Baptism by St. John the Baptist, as a Contactee, who was abducted by a UFO for the “Forty days and Forty Nights” set out in the New Testament version of the Life of Jesus (I am familiar with many alternate versions of the Life of Jesus, including the Urantia Book version). For example, this is the Talmud of Jmmanuel’s version of the Baptism of Jesus by St. John the Baptist in the River Jordan: Chapter 3 “30. When Jmmanuel had been baptized, he soon came out of the water of the Jordan, and behold a metallic light dropped from the sky and descended deeply over the Jordan. “31. Consequently, they fell on their faces and pressed them into the sand while a voice from the metallic light spoke. “32. ‘This is my beloved son with whom I am well-pleased. He will be the king of truth who will lift this human race to knowledge.’ 33. Behold, after these words Jmmanuel entered into the metallic light, which climbed into the sky, surrounded by fire and smoke, and passed over the lifeless sea, as the singing of the metallic light soon faded away. 34. After that, Jmmanuel was no longer seen for forty days and nights.” Chapter 4 of the Talmud of Jmmanuel goes to describe the sacred adventures of Jmmanuel in his forty days and forty nights in the UFO. I do not quote from it here since it is quite lengthy, but the text is available at James Deardorff’s website. Researchers and observers argue that these startling passages suggesting that Jesus was a UFO Contactee who experiences a willing Abduction, during which he was debriefed on this future public Life, are self interested. Disinformation by the translator and perhaps by Billy Meier himself, as a purported original text of the Talmud of Jmmanuel cannot be produced. By this view, the Talmud is used by Billy Meier to support a view of Jmmanuel (Jesus) in the image of a modern “UFO Contactee.” Another view is that these passages of the Talmud of Jmmanuel may be Disinformation produced by the authors of the original scrolls (assuming they existed), in order to create some “science-fiction” scenario of Jesus. Assuming the scrolls were early Gnostic origin, it would be indeed interesting to find out how these forgers had the cultural referents with which to imagine a UFO Contactee scenario. Yet another view is that the Jesus Contactee “Forty Days and Nights UFO Contact encounter was “Extraterrestrial Disinformation.” Examples of related analysis include Heavenly Lights: The Apparitions of Fátima and the UFO Phenomenon by Joaquim Fernandes & Fina d'Armada (Ecce Nova 2005), a recent book on the Fatima miracle as a UFO-related phenomenon edited by a colleague. My “Context Communication Theory of Extraterrestrial Communication,” setting forth a similar analysis of the Fatima miracle as a UFO-related phenomenon published in a 1975 book (Berkeley Paperbacks)." Edited January 7, 2007 by crystal sage Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crystal sage Posted September 5, 2007 Author #12 Share Posted September 5, 2007 What Did President Eisenhower Secretly Know That Led to Him Supporting a Revision of the Pledge of Allegiance?" by Dr. Michael E. Salla invites us to explore what may have really happened when the Pledge of Allegiance was revised in 1954 after extraterrestrials met with Eisenhower. "It can be hypothesized that what the extraterrestrials said about the origins of the human species challenged the traditional religious belief in humans being created by an all powerful transcendent religious being or 'God'. This knowledge about the truth of the human origins so unnerved Eisenhower and his team, that they reacted in an entirely predictable way." Dr. Salla also has created a discussion forum on Yahoo "for those desiring to share information on this message and how to 'Prepare for Contact' more generally" and invites you to join this rapidly growing forum at: Tune in and listen to his excellent interview called, "Extraterrestrials and the Government Cover-Up" on The Isle Of Light radio talk show . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
grc Posted September 5, 2007 #13 Share Posted September 5, 2007 I have the feeling I will be very busy the next couple of weeks ( that's a lot of information to compile). Thanks, interesting stuff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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