Bearly Posted October 7, 2006 #26 Share Posted October 7, 2006 Some people believe that some paranormal experiences such as precognition are linked to activity in the pituitary and pinal glands in the brain. So they are linked to brain activity. So, your migraines may be causing abnormal brain activity which leads to precognitive experiences, or the other way around. Precognitive experiences may be leading to migraines. So you could be having true precongitive experiences. Or you could be hallucinating. Maybe you should try accupunture or accupressure. They might work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warmachine5000 Posted October 9, 2006 #27 Share Posted October 9, 2006 (edited) Aight, here is what i have to say about this. In 2012 we will be "upgraded". Our DNA will be activated and we will have 12 active strands. Currently our bodies have to work out problems and such. This could be the cause of said migraines. I get them as well. Poeple have different symptoms, such as rapid weight loss/gain, constant nausea, muscle aches/pains, constant drowsyness, and some other things. Im not telling you this is the answer per se... and im not forcing anything upon you... But this could be your answer. Look around for stuff on 2012 and the ascension process, you may get something like this. And now, time for skeptics to disprove this! (no offense to skeptics) Edited October 9, 2006 by Warmachine5000 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bill Hill Posted October 9, 2006 #28 Share Posted October 9, 2006 Migraines and the paranormal? People who claim they have paranormal powers.. really give me a headache. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coldethyl Posted October 9, 2006 #29 Share Posted October 9, 2006 In 2012 we will be "upgraded". Our DNA will be activated and we will have 12 active strands. What in the world makes you believe this? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QueenOftheCramped Posted October 9, 2006 #30 Share Posted October 9, 2006 First, I'd like to say I really like this forum, even if I don't necessarily post all that much and I'm a newbie. But, about my experience/question(please move if this is not the right spot): I get migraines. However, they aren't regular migraines. I don't get auras, medicines do not work, and they seem to have little or no warning. I also get weird smells and tastes in my mouth when I get them and frequently have very vivid, "waking" dreams if you will when I have them. I have had these from a very young age--originally abdominal migraines, same weird issues, they just migrated upward. These odd dreams I have frequently occur before something nasty happens in my life or the outside world, though they don't seem to be "visions" or anything. They have also inspired all the best creative works(I write) I've come up with and frequently cause those around me to feel like crap also. I probably sound like a super-nut or a huge idiot, since I'm not the most informed on this topc, but I'd really like to do some reading on it or discuss it with people. Or, even better, find someone who has the same issue. Thanks to those who read it and hopefully I can get some good information! I don't think there's any such thing as a 'regular migraine'. Each sufferer has variations of symptoms. I've had migraines since my late teens. And no two were ever exactly the same. I've had 'mild' ones to such violent ones that I contemplated jumping out the window because the pain was so unbearable. I have some where I have to lie absolutely still, some I can't lie still & have to rock back & forth all the time. During some I get constant vomiting fits, at other times I don't. Back to the topic: When I have a severe one, my mind seems to disjoint itself somehow, and I get the strangest visions, images & sceneries going on in my head. Distracted by the pain, you can't think clearly anyway, but these images seem completely otherwordly. I think though that there is nothing supernatural going on, at least not in my case, just the brain going into total overdrive, neurons firing off crazed signals. Other physical somatic functions are altered too; totally exaggerated sense of smell & sound, loss of balance, or spacial awareness, blood pressure goes through the roof, racing pulse, palpitations, muscle spasms, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea... Question to other migraine sufferers: When I have a bad one, it positively feels like the actual process of thinking hurts. It sounds weird, I know, but I can't describe it any better. Anyone experienced something similar? With regards to causes: After many years of searching, I realized that subconsciously I had the feeling 'ingrained' that I couldn't, or wasn't allowed to say no to other people's demands on me & that their needs always came first. When things got too much, the migraine said no for me, i.e. it gave a justification for being 'out of order', unavailable. Once I learned to take my power back, realized that I was a free agent & could say no, the migraines became much less frequent & severe. At the worst times, I got one every 2-3 weeks. Now I get 2-3 a year. One more question: As a child, I suffered from 'Alice in Wonderland Syndrome'. It appears many people who have this, also get migraines. Any 'Alices' amongst you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coldethyl Posted October 9, 2006 #31 Share Posted October 9, 2006 With mine, thinking hurts in a sense, so I know what you mean. I get confused and I can't form the words that I know are on the tip of my tongue. Here's a definition of Alice In Wonderland syndrome for those of you wondering. And no, I don't get that with my migraines. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
my_psychosis Posted October 9, 2006 #32 Share Posted October 9, 2006 With mine, thinking hurts in a sense, so I know what you mean. I get confused and I can't form the words that I know are on the tip of my tongue. Here's a definition of Alice In Wonderland syndrome for those of you wondering. And no, I don't get that with my migraines. Thanks Ethyl I was just going to ask that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
my_psychosis Posted October 9, 2006 #33 Share Posted October 9, 2006 "Alice in Wonderland syndrome (AIWS), or micropsia, is a disorienting neurological condition which affects human visual perception. Subjects perceive humans, parts of humans, animals, and inanimate objects as substantially smaller than in reality. Generally, the object perceived appears far away or extremely close at the same time. For example, a family pet, such as a dog, may appear the size of a mouse, or a normal car may look shrunk to scale. " Hmm interesting. Sometimes when I am having an A.S.P. episode I feel like I am microscopic in size but big as the universe at the same time. Its hard to explain but it always scares the #@$% out of me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samael Posted October 9, 2006 #34 Share Posted October 9, 2006 I occasionally have SEVERE migraines (about 2 a year), and I get auras, abdominal pains, vomiting, splitting headache and delusions. In the morning it is, in a way, as if a different entity possessed me the night before. I CAN remember what I did, but it's very hazy and I'm never completely sure if certain things were real, dreams or delusions. Although migraines do some definite messing about with your brain, so... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mercury_traveler Posted October 10, 2006 #35 Share Posted October 10, 2006 I read somewhere that there are now over 800 meds used to treat migraines.... Really?? Wow, that's amazing! I have horrible migraines but I never discussed it much with my old doctor because he always dismissed me (that is when I could actually get him to stay in the room for more than 90 seconds!) I have since changed doctors but luckily I haven't had a migraine in awhile. I also moved cities, in my old hometown I was also plagued w/ bad asthma and allergies and now it's amazing, I rarely ever sneeze or wheeze LOL but when I have gotten the migraines, I get really sick to my stomach, have to be in a dark room w/o any noise at all and hope to fall asleep for awhile. I usually wake up and it's gone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warmachine5000 Posted October 10, 2006 #36 Share Posted October 10, 2006 What in the world makes you believe this? What, so that you can pick it apart? Nuh uh, no way! Or wait.... Im gunna start a new thread. Pick it apart there, so that i may try to defend what i belive and know, YET AGAIN! I hope I can. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
my_psychosis Posted October 10, 2006 #37 Share Posted October 10, 2006 I never had anything paranormal with migraines, just the normal nausea, sensitivity to light, smells and aruas. But once I had just got off work. I was housekeeper and I was walking down the hall to the main lobby when everything started to go gray, it kept getting harder to see so I sat in a chair in the lobby before I walked into something. As i sat it got darker and darker tell I was totaly blind. I sat for perhaps 3 mins in complete darkness and was just ready to start screaming help me I'm blind when light started to slowly come back. Another 4 or 5 mins I could see fully again. 15 minutes later wham the worst migraine I ever had. Just curious, Has anybody else ever lost vision completely? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
earthchick Posted October 10, 2006 #38 Share Posted October 10, 2006 Question to other migraine sufferers: When I have a bad one, it positively feels like the actual process of thinking hurts. It sounds weird, I know, but I can't describe it any better. Anyone experienced something similar? Yes, I know what you mean. It's not just thinking. It's also any sort of stimuli. That's why for me lying down in a very quiet, darkened room, and going to sleep if possible, helps. One more question: As a child, I suffered from 'Alice in Wonderland Syndrome'. It appears many people who have this, also get migraines. Any 'Alices' amongst you? I can't say I'm an Alice. But during severe migraine episodes I sometimes have difficulty recognizing familar objects. For instance, I can look at a cup and know that i should know what it is, but I can't remember. This goes away as the pain subsides. I also at times see what I call psychadelic swirling flowers, but that has only happened during migraines that were so severe that I had to be hospitalized. After several months of visits and tests with a neurologist about 15 years ago, it was concluded that my 3 main triggers are hormonal fluctuations (I used to have one once a month), changes in the barometric pressure, and sleep loss. Now that I'm in menopause I get far fewer migraines than I used to, thank goodness!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Episteme Posted October 10, 2006 #39 Share Posted October 10, 2006 Just curious, Has anybody else ever lost vision completely? Sort of... not like that though. You know when you stand up too fast and everything goes black, kind of like it would if you were about to pass out? If I get a really bad migraine and get up fast that happens, but I'm usually smart enough to take things slow. It never lasts for 3 minutes, it's always less than a minute. I can't say I'm an Alice. But during severe migraine episodes I sometimes have difficulty recognizing familar objects. For instance, I can look at a cup and know that i should know what it is, but I can't remember. I know what to do with the cup, but can't remember what it's called. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coldethyl Posted October 10, 2006 #40 Share Posted October 10, 2006 What, so that you can pick it apart? Nuh uh, no way! Or wait.... Im gunna start a new thread. Pick it apart there, so that i may try to defend what i belive and know, YET AGAIN! I hope I can. And that lasted a second. I was just asking a question anyway, Mr. Defensive. Calm down. Just curious, Has anybody else ever lost vision completely? I get these spots in front of my eyes that make it nearly impossible to see, but I've never totally lost vision. The auras that I get are like looking at the sun or a really bright light and then looking away. They frustrate me to no end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warmachine5000 Posted October 10, 2006 #41 Share Posted October 10, 2006 And that lasted a second. I was just asking a question anyway, Mr. Defensive. Calm down. Hey, i didnt think to check for other 2012 threads! And i started smoking and i got my braces on. At the age of 17. bah, you understand. But yea, my mom has suffered from migranes all her life. And doctors cannot figure out the problem. But she has fallen and had some damage done. But to prove my point, and not lean toward skepticism, It was a plan for her. I mean who is to say it is not? Me, i have had headaches and migranes all my life as well. Never been analyzed, because I never saw the need, or had the money. Thats it for now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Episteme Posted October 11, 2006 #42 Share Posted October 11, 2006 The auras that I get are like looking at the sun or a really bright light and then looking away. They frustrate me to no end. That's a good way of describing it. Thats mostly what mine look like, really yellow and kinda blotchy. They don't really bother me though, but then they aren't that intense usually. I'm really kind of glad I get them because they are a good cue for me to take the meds early before the pain gets serious. I guess with all the funky migraine symptoms, it would be very easy to link them with something paranormal. Especially if they are a new experience. All this discussion is quite interesting, maybe UM needs a health section... plenty of unexplainable stuff in that field!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coldethyl Posted October 11, 2006 #43 Share Posted October 11, 2006 Hey, i didnt think to check for other 2012 threads! And i started smoking and i got my braces on. At the age of 17. bah, you understand. What? That's a good way of describing it. Thats mostly what mine look like, really yellow and kinda blotchy. Yeah it is a good warning to take the meds, but I can't see to do anything because they encompass my entire vision. I can't read my perscription, so I have to have help and that sucks. And that's about the time I start getting loopy too. UM medical section would be great, but then a bunch of nutjobs would try and give out medical advice and somebody would poke an eye out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Episteme Posted October 11, 2006 #44 Share Posted October 11, 2006 LOL true. There would have to be too many "no eye poking" disclaimers. That's wild, mine doesn't get nearly bad enough that I can't read. That would drive me batty!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coldethyl Posted October 11, 2006 #45 Share Posted October 11, 2006 LOL true. There would have to be too many "no eye poking" disclaimers. That's wild, mine doesn't get nearly bad enough that I can't read. That would drive me batty!! Yes it's horrible. Sometimes the aura takes up my entire vision and sometimes it's just a speck. I hate migraines. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Katkandoo_kw Posted October 12, 2006 #46 Share Posted October 12, 2006 With mine, thinking hurts in a sense, so I know what you mean. I get confused and I can't form the words that I know are on the tip of my tongue. Here's a definition of Alice In Wonderland syndrome for those of you wondering. And no, I don't get that with my migraines. I'm not absolutely positive about the facts--but my librarian told me that we aren't allowed to use wikipedia for research because it contians absolute B.S. (she didn't say bs--but you know what I mean) Anyway--she said that anyone (like you or me) could log on to wiki- and post that stuff---just sayin' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Episteme Posted October 12, 2006 #47 Share Posted October 12, 2006 That is very true, Katkandoo_kw. It probably wouldn't be advised to use it for a research paper, especially with the definitions changing so often. However, it's a pretty good source for generic information, as long as you back it up with more research if you need to be sure. I like it because things change so much with the times, and users can add their own input - kind of like the urbandictionary. Note that if a definition is in dispute for an extended period of time, wiki will usually put a warning on the page, for instance: fibromyalgia. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coldethyl Posted October 12, 2006 #48 Share Posted October 12, 2006 I'm not absolutely positive about the facts--but my librarian told me that we aren't allowed to use wikipedia for research because it contians absolute B.S. (she didn't say bs--but you know what I mean) Anyway--she said that anyone (like you or me) could log on to wiki- and post that stuff---just sayin' Wiki can be edited yes, but if you check it with other sources and you know what you're talking about, then it should be fine. Usually if the source can't be verified they use a disclaimer. Thanks for the warning. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nolonger Posted March 26, 2009 #49 Share Posted March 26, 2009 I've had migraines since I was about in the 6th grade, and I'm >mumbles age< close to the age of dirtl. I remember begging mom for aspirin (before we knew about Reye's syndrome) and crying cause it hurt so bad and I'd throw up and all. I take meds to help prevent it, and try to keep stress levels low-easier said than done. With mine, I'll experience a burst of talkativeness which includes talking faster than I normally do, sometimes the words get a bit jumbled cuz it seems they won't come out fast enough. Whoa that makes it sound like speed talking which it's not-just much more and faster than is normal for me. I tend to be a quiet person mostly. Sometimes there will be a strange sensation in my scalp down to one side of my face, like a bug crawling on me and there's nothing there- a tingly sort of thing. Sounds seem louder, lights are too bright, I can't tolerate being touched, I need a cold air conditioned room because it seems I get hot then cold clammy if the pain is not checked in time- and if it gets really bad a cold pack and a nap will help. If I'm extremely nauseated I'll take a dramamine and sleep it off. For the next few days I feel very sore at the headache's "epicenter" and be very very fatigued. I used to take midrin but it was removed from the market, and also have tried other remedies. Due to other ailments my dr and I have to be very careful about which meds are ok for me. Most of the time I just settle for aspirin. The good news is in the past couple of years I've worked hard and managing my stress levels and reactions to stress , so that has seemed to help. However, it doesn't help certain things I cannot control, like smells such as cigarette/pipe/cigar smoke, being near someone that smells like an ashtray, most perfumes/colognes, pollen, strong food smells like onion, garlic, chinese foods, ( I can't control someone else eating at their desk at work and some of that stuff just stanks!) muscle pain from various back problems. I've woken in the morning with a migraine from sleeping the wrong way! I recall reading something several years ago about the relationship between people with chronic ailments and paranormal experiences. It seems that migraine sufferers were pretty high on that list. I don't recall the details, but some opinions or theories were that migraines put the brain into a state of unusual activity that might either open a person more to paranormal activity (as in being more receptive to it) or that it was some type of mild hallucination induced by the migraines. Personally, I'm not sure that's a good explanation since it would seem to indicate the paranormal activity occurred before during or just after a migraine. It doesn't necessarily explain when a person is more sensitive to said possible activity happens nowhere close to the time of a migraine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CausticGnostic Posted March 26, 2009 #50 Share Posted March 26, 2009 Just stop worrying about headaches, migraines, and hallucinations--they're all in your head! Or, as a Monty Python gag once said: "Your brain hurts? I'm afraid it will have to come out!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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