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Was Jesus half-alien?

The Wanderer

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You know, the past couple of days as I’ve been walking around the lake during lunch, I’ve postulated the theory that Jesus Christ was really an alien DNA experiment, and that the whole premise of the human race is that we are a long-running genetic experiment being conducted by a very old (by our reckoning) race of people. Maybe they have been evolving for 500 billion years, and they live for 500,000 years. Let’s say they are a very peaceful, giving people.

They started this experiment say, 20 or 30 thousand years ago, and have been making repeated visits to our planet to infuse us with some sort of gene-splicing material. That’s why there were so many different people, from early ape-man, through Neanderthal to Cro-Magnon to modern Homo sapiens. Each jump in the evolutionary tree was another genetic test.

At one point, they decided to go with one race, let’s just say the Jews, maybe because they were the most cohesive, since they don’t intermingle much with other races. All the accounts you read about in the Old Testament are just the scientists trying to make sure that their control group doesn’t get destroyed.

Let’s say these alien people have evolved to the point where they can communicate through telepathy, and manipulate the elements around them using their minds. Let’s say you’re a shepherd named Moses in ancient Egypt, and you “hear” a voice telling you to do God’s will. Maybe this voice tells you his name is “Yahweh” (which could be the actual name of the lead scientist, for example), and you must do things for him and protect your people. When really what “Yahweh” wants to do is protect his experiment, and continue to get “funding” for it! It goes on and on through the years.

They tried to accelerate the process too much by making Mary pregnant with Jesus. They impregnated her with half the DNA from one of their own. That’s why Jesus was able to do all those things. He grew up knowing he was somehow different than the rest of the kids (as he would be if his DNA was half-alien), and at some point in his life, he got a “calling” to go out by himself. (Once again, “Yahweh” communicating into his mind)

Maybe at that point, this race revealed themselves to him, and showed him some of the marvelous things he could do, being half-them. They show him how to help his fellow man, since they were a benevolent people, and thought they were doing all this to help us move closer along the evolutionary ladder toward them. He was able to know what people were thinking, when power went out of him, make food miraculously appear, heal sick people, etc. All because he was half-alien, from a 500 billion year old race. But, all that he did was not understood; he was far too advanced for the people of that time, and so he was killed.

Maybe he didn’t really die, or die as we know it, but on a cellular level went into some sort of hibernation until his body could regenerate. At that time, maybe the results of his regeneration were that he became more like the race of aliens from ??? (maybe Alpha Centauri, it’s the closest star), and they couldn’t allow him to stay or it would blow the experiment. He was physically taken from the planet.

That’s why, in the 1st book of Acts, you read of him “ 9After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. 10They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. 11"Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven."

Those two were other members of the scientific expedition making sure that the illusion was maintained.

Maybe they will be back in another 1000 years or so. That’s not so long to a race that lives 500,000 years. Maybe they’ll return, with Christ, since he is now a lot like them, when they think we’re ready to accept the idea that we’re not alone.

Maybe that is what God wanted you to think.

I had long wrestled with the 'God is an alien' idea and my conclusion is no, the evident possibility of that was all built into Creation to appear as a possibility in order to, as the Bible puts it, snare the unwary in a trap.

Edited by AZDZ
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If Jesus was part alien, I would think he would have come up with some better material than the warmed over Greek, Zen, Vedic and Zoroastrian philosophy he traded in -- not a single thing Jesus said had not been uttered before by other, wiser philosphers and figures or all sorts ...

If he was part alien, why are there no reports of him looking anything different than an ordinary human being ....?

You've got a point there. If aliens were present during those days why is it the technology they used were not advanced like ours today. These were only available resources in there times why not bring new alien materials.

Are we just looking down the genius in our genes that whatever period we belong we always excel.The historical Jesus written by Josephus Flavius existed 2000 years ago.

If he was not mad claiming to be God, then he must be God at all. Nobody considered him crazy but only blasphemous as against Jewish Law.

Perhaps He is from the other world as quote saying before the Sanhedrin, " My kingdom is not of this world....."

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Maybe that is what God wanted you to think.

I had long wrestled with the 'God is an alien' idea and my conclusion is no, the evident possibility of that was all built into Creation to appear as a possibility in order to, as the Bible puts it, snare the unwary in a trap.

Albert Einstein did not join any religion despite his Jewishness. He was quote saying," If there is God creator of this world, he is not malicious."

There is an order. The natural and supernatural law. If our planet is much distant from the sun then life could not existed much more nearer.

Jesus was indeed unlike other men. He might be born Incubus by the power of the Holy Ghost. His Resurrection and Ascension to Heaven took him apart from others. Many were crucified yet only Jesus came back to life.

Eucharistic miracles investigated by scientists and church authorities are consistent that the hosts turned flesh comes from the heart and type AB blood type.

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Albert Einstein did not join any religion despite his Jewishness. He was quote saying," If there is God creator of this world, he is not malicious."

Because he was a deist.
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Albert Einstein did not join any religion despite his Jewishness. He was quote saying," If there is God creator of this world, he is not malicious."

Hello, thank you for giving my response your attention. I am afraid I do not know Einsteins level of Bible understanding. Was the scope of his knowledge limited to Jewish tradition or did it encompass the entire thing including the New Testament? This is vital imo because only having either Testament in a personal canon is a lot like only having one eye, a portion of the whole picture is missing thereby causing flaws in the understanding. (rant: this effect imo is prevalent in all of the churches today. They pick a few verses here and there or even a few books of the Bible and build incomplete ideas of Bible truth. Everything it says must be considered for a full picture to be realized.)

I doubt very highly Eisenstein was ever exposed to the following Bible verse. Heck, even Christians today haven't heard it or if they have they ignore it because it steps on their preferred ideas of how loving and generous and incapable of intentionally hurting anyone they think He is.

Technically it can be shown from the Bible Gods reason for saving anyone was, by our reasoning, a bit on the selfish side. An unspoken truth, something you have to read between the lines of the Bible to notice is, without Gods saving work there would have been no reason to have Creation in the first place since Mankind will, in any universe, fall into sin. It's an inevitable truth. If it were not so we would be living there but since we are not that is evidence human existence without the need to be saved is impossible.

Anyway, time for the big proving verse. It's Matt 10:34 Do not think I am come to bring peace in the world but a sword. There you have it in Christs own words, an explanation for all the division in the world, He is claiming full responsibility for it. Kinda makes you wonder about all the times you heard Him described as "Prince of Peace", eh? He actually is but ONLY to the people He paid for the sins of, He made peace between those He paid for the sins of and God. (They can still have tribulations though. Jn 16:33)

Need more evidence? Find an online Bible searching tool and use the word snare, (my engine shows 68 results!) Again in Gods own words, the unwary will be or fall into snares and that is what I think the, [to some] apparent possibility of Jesus being an alien, is.

There is an order.


The natural and supernatural law. If our planet is much distant from the sun then life could not existed much more nearer.

Perhaps, perhaps not. When you closely examine the claims the Entity of the Bible makes, other - 'between the line' possibility's become evident. Badass doesn't even begin to describe what "God" may capable of. Life on Earth may only exist at all because of some action It is taking. Of Itself, It says, There is nothing I cannot do." In the OT, It got very angry because the Israelis, despite what they witnessing It capable of, continued to put limits on His ability. I shudder to think how angry He may becoming over how Christians today allow themselves being talked into "logical" explanations for the Incredible Signs and Wonders He put on display to demonstrate His superiority over matter, time and space.

Jesus was indeed unlike other men. He might be born Incubus by the power of the Holy Ghost. His Resurrection and Ascension to Heaven took him apart from others. Many were crucified yet only Jesus came back to life.

Please define "Incubus". :unsure2: You cannot mean demon, right? Otherwise, agreed.

Eucharistic miracles investigated by scientists and church authorities are consistent that the hosts turned flesh comes from the heart and type AB blood type.

Sorry, I don't understand where your going with this.

edit, tag fixing

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  • 2 months later...

It's a great topic, at least first 5 pages.

As I was reading posts I didn't find anyone mentioned African tribe Nomos and their legends that include some pretty big similareties with Jesus Christ.

The Nommo are ancestral spirits (sometimes referred to as deities) worshipped by the Dogon tribe of Mali, Africa. The word Nommos is derived from a Dogon word meaning, 'to make one drink'. The Nommos are usually described as amphibious, hermaphroditic, fish-like creatures.

Folk art depictions of the Nommos show creatures with humanoid upper torsos, legs/feet, and a fish-like lower torso and tail. The Nommos are also referred to as Masters of the Water, the Monitors, and "the Teachers. Nommo can be a proper name of an individual, or can refer to the group of spirits as a whole.

Dogon mythology states that Nommo was the first living creature created by the sky god Amma. Shortly after his creation, Nommo underwent a transformation and multiplied into four pairs of twins. One of the twins rebelled against the universal order created by Amma.

To restore order to his creation, Amma sacrificed another of the Nommo progeny, whose body was dismembered and scattered throughout the world. This dispersal of body parts is seen by the Dogon as the source for the proliferation of Binu shrines throughout the Dogons' traditional territory; wherever a body part fell, a shrine was erected.

In the latter part of the 1940's, French anthropologists Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen (who had been working with the Dogon since 1931) were the recipients of additional, secret mythologies, concerning the Nommo. The Dogon reportedly related to Griaule and Dieterlen a belief that the Nommos were inhabitants of a world circling the star Sirius (see the main article on the Dogon for a discussion of their astronomical knowledge).

The Nommos descended from the sky in a vessel accompanied by fire and thunder. After arriving, the Nommos created a reservoir of water and subsequently dove into the water. The Dogon legends state that the Nommos required a watery environment in which to live.

According to the myth related to Griaule and Dieterlen: "The Nommo divided his body among men to feed them; that is why it is also said that as the universe "had drunk of his body," the Nommo also made men drink. He gave all his life principles to human beings." The Nommo was crucified on a tree, but was resurrected and returned to his home world. Dogon legend has it that he will return in the future to revisit the Earth in a human form.

The Nommos bear some physical resemblance to several other mythological beings: the Oannes (Babylon), the Enki (Sumeria), Fuxi (China), Dagon (Philistine), and Nereus (Greece), to name a few. It is also interesting to note the motifs common to the story of Nommo with the story of Osiris (dismemberment and the erection of temples at the final resting places of their respective body parts). There are also numerous parallels between the story of Nommo and the traditions of Jesus: both were crucified, both instructed followers to 'drink of my body', and both were associated with the fish

In the 1970's a book by Robert Temple titled The Sirius Mystery popularized the traditions of the Dogon concerning Sirius and the Nommos. In The Sirius Mystery, Temple came to the conclusion that the Dogon's knowledge of astronomy and non-visible cosmic phenomenon could only be explained if said knowledge was imparted upon them by an extraterrestrial race that had visited the Dogon at some point in the past and given them information concerning the cosmos. Temple related this race to the legend of the Nommos and contended that the Nommos were extraterrestrial inhabitants of the Sirius star system who had traveled to earth at some point in the distant past and had imparted knowledge about the Sirius star system as well as our own solar system upon the Dogon tribes.

Some anthropologists studying the Dogon (notably Walter van Beek) found no evidence that they had any historical advanced knowledge of Sirius. Van Beek postulated that Griaule engaged in such leading and forceful questioning of his Dogon sources that new myths were created in the process by confabulation.

Carl Sagan has noted that the first reported association of the Dogon with the knowledge of Sirius as a binary star was in the 1940's, giving the Dogon ample opportunity to gain cosmological knowledge about Sirius and the solar system from more scientifically advanced, terrestrial societies whom they had come in contact with. It has also been pointed out that binary star systems like Sirius are theorized to have a very narrow or non-existent Goldilocks Zone, and thus a high improbability of containing a planet capable of sustaining life (particularly life as dependant on water as the Nommos were reported to be).

It should also be noted that by the 1940's when Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen recorded the Nommo legends, the Dogon had already come into contact with Islam and Christianity, which could have influenced some of their earlier Nommo traditions, notably those that are similar to Christian traditions concerning Jesus.

Edited by celeres
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Surprisingly, I find it to be a very entertaining idea.

I think I feel less threatened by a Jesus who was alien.

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Somehow I don't think he was more than any other man, if he even existed. I haven't seen evidence of this yet, though. Then again I haven't looked that hard for it either.

Edited by Ranyhyn
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If he was part alien, why are there no reports of him looking anything different than an ordinary human being ....?

Maybe it's because aliens don't necessarily look any different than we do. ;)

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Somehow I don't think he was more than any other man, if he even existed. I haven't seen evidence of this yet, though. Then again I haven't looked that hard for it either.

The Vatican painted over his antennae in The Last Supper. Plus, he could retract them when he wanted to.

(I'm joking...but that would be sooo cool. Imagine if the first proof of alien contact with humans was something like that. :) I can't help it. I'm totally into this theory.)

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How hard would it be to create a serious religion about this?

So people take notice of us.

Is there already one? If so, please inform me, id love to be part of it.

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How hard would it be to create a serious religion about this?

So people take notice of us.

Is there already one? If so, please inform me, id love to be part of it.

Look up Scientology and you'll get plenty aliens.

Here's a wee link for you.....



Edited by Eldorado
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How hard would it be to create a serious religion about this?

So people take notice of us.

Is there already one? If so, please inform me, id love to be part of it.

I think there are some variations on it.

I recall finding an internet page by a group in France with strange artwork of aliens. I didn't save the link. But here is a wikipedia article on UFO religions:


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I've read through most of the religions on that page, not quite like wat we are disussing here in this forum

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The "theory" itself reminds me of Raelism. Read up on it if you're curious, and search up the book written by 'Rael' called Intelligent Design. A lot of points from the OP are actually stated in this book. Quite a fetching read! And it's a free download pdf.

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www.rael.org is the site for it, sorry shoulda put that in my last post o.o

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I totaly agree with you. Had to be aliens in the old testament. And my prayers are never answered. So has to be aliens. God was just ETs messing with them back then.

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  • 4 months later...

I love that idea! That jesus was an alien, or at least part-alien.!

But personally, i don't see anything special or new about jesus if i compare him to Horus.

Horus, one of the most significant deities to Egyptian religion (worshipped for over 3000 years) :o

The similarities between Jesus and Horus are numerous!

So i kept going back through history, and stumbled upon the Sumerians.

I highly recommend my fellow freethinkin open-minded people to check that out. Basically, it states that they, the first high civilization, lived amongst their gods or creators.

Keep in mind, this is some of the earliest writing in human history. They too said, the annunaki or their creators, made us (humans) out of their image, GENETICALLY! :0 !!

I truly admire all the work of Zacharia Sitchin, who translated countless stone tablets. The discovery is rather recent, and EXTREMELY interesting!

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You've got a point there. If aliens were present during those days why is it the technology they used were not advanced like ours today. These were only available resources in there times why not bring new alien materials.

Are we just looking down the genius in our genes that whatever period we belong we always excel.The historical Jesus written by Josephus Flavius existed 2000 years ago.

If he was not mad claiming to be God, then he must be God at all. Nobody considered him crazy but only blasphemous as against Jewish Law.

Perhaps He is from the other world as quote saying before the Sanhedrin, " My kingdom is not of this world....."

Alien technology. Lets not forget about the pyramids, not only in egypt, but all around the world.

And with all our technology today, as advanced as you think it is, we cannot move the stones that make the pyramid.

I repeat, CANNOT. So as for ancient technology, trust me, it existed.

I read today about hownthey found a nuclear blast sites in India. Oh, and they were over 9000 years old.. :o

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I can understand why this is a popular theory, and why it holds so much attraction to so many people. It's at once simple and complex, it eliminates the need to try to justify complicated explanations thoroughly while allowing for a more creative and easier explanations to be made up.

First: The idea of a super advanced alien civilisation. While not incredibly far-fetched (a wonderful argument can be made that any planet hosting sentient life would have to be rather advanced) you run into two issues. 1) The distance they would have to travel to get here/ continue travelling here and, 2) Lack of evidence that they ever were here.

Secondly, in speculating that Jesus was half alien you're speculating that he did everything stated in the Bible. In doing so, you're disregarding the fact that almost all the 'Signs and Wonders' up to and including the resurrection, were later additions. You're also eliminating the possibility of the stories as allegory. The possibility of allegory or exaggeration is much more likely than alien intervention.

Finally, the evolution prior to the point - all the extant human species are to be viewed as failed experiments? Even those within our direct lineage? What about interbreeding with Neanderthal? What about all the other animals here that have evolved over the years? There's too much unaccounted for.

I agree with a few of your points, but i can answer your 2 issues. :)

1. Supposed there is an advanced alien race or races, they're advanced! Travel isnt a problem. I doubt they are dependent on fossil fuels also lol

2. There is overwhelming evidence, but if you are not open minded, it could be in front of your face and you WON'T have it!. Example, pyramids, all over the world. Stonehenge. And so much more.

Open your mind, dont fear the unkown!

Have a nice day!

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I agree with a few of your points, but i can answer your 2 issues. :)

1. Supposed there is an advanced alien race or races, they're advanced! Travel isnt a problem. I doubt they are dependent on fossil fuels also lol

2. There is overwhelming evidence, but if you are not open minded, it could be in front of your face and you WON'T have it!. Example, pyramids, all over the world. Stonehenge. And so much more.

Open your mind, dont fear the unkown!

Have a nice day!

Thank you for such a kind reply. :)

The distance bothers me. Even if they are a super advanced alien race - why come as far as here? What is the appeal, and why are they interested? Furthermore, if they are here - then why not make that fact widely known? Why only appear to people in ways that cannot later be conclusively proven, etc?

To the second point - where is the evidence that cannot be explained? The examples that you use - pyramids, Stonehenge - have both been satisfactorily explained as being human made. The pyramids appearing all over the world, are also explained as being made by human hands. If you doubt it, look into how the pyramids do not suddenly appear, but rather can be shown to have been built and perfected over time. If you need sources, I can dig some up after tomorrow - I'm just taking a brief break from my writing to reply here, and have a deadline to reach by midnight tomorrow.

Again, I'm perfectly happy to talk about this. Please don't take any of my reply as being in a cold or mean tone, as it's not meant in that manner.


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  • 11 months later...

QUOTE(IronGhost @ Nov 15 2006, 07:40 PM) 1428522[/snapback]

If he was part alien, why are there no reports of him looking anything different than an ordinary human being ....?

Actually there was one of him as a shape shifter.

He was recognized by his voice.

Kuda ides covjece? - Where are you going, Human?

Written by the Bosnian-Croation physik professor Filip Curlukic in 1990.

Topic: Alien races manipulating Human DNA to create the perfect Human.

Yahweh - the name of the CEO of the intergalactic institution.

Way of comunication: Telepathy.

I am sorry Wanderer, but I read the book. Hope you get the messege.


Its not or just wanderer , This is how i think too and thanks for the book name happy to know there are like minded people .

And i consider sex to be a technology (may be this is true) , i hope my fav car has this technology :)

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