Virtual Particle Posted September 25, 2010 #101 Share Posted September 25, 2010 (edited) Jesus said that John the Baptist was Ezekiel.... It is also said.... that Emperor Qin ordered his Pyramid, opened in 2012 because he wanted to be alive again when the occurred. Here in the United States people every year reenact the civil war it is nit difficult to see this something one can cherish as in history there is much to look away from and in all probability such conditions will be a part of the future. Longing for another time be it between 10,000 years ago and 10,000 years into the future? When it comes to the scales we are currently discussing in relation to reality if one lived one life time prior to this? One could have lived trillions upon trillions of others potentially.... Implied in my thoughts are the Akashic Records... Edited September 25, 2010 by Virtual Particle Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MeantForMore Posted January 4, 2011 #102 Share Posted January 4, 2011 Though this thread was from three years ago, I feel like bringing it back for a bit longer. I agree with the host of this thread that there are many people who are born in a time period they don't connect with yet they seem so scarce when you walk out into the streets. I, myself, feel like I was suppose to be born in a different dimension that has advanced further than this one. I may not feel like I should have been born in a different time period but at times I feel like I should have been born in the future or in the past when people were more serious. As for the dimension thing, I feel that all the time. I feel as if I'm sitting around idling when I should be somewhere else where others need me. I feel as if in this dimension, I don't belong, I belong in a different one. As for the time period. That varies from day to day or maybe month to month. I'm a very serious person,yet today's society, no one's that serious. However back then, let's say the 1900s or the 1800s, people were more serious about life and were very excited to get jobs and start their own life. I just don't fit in with this time period. Sometimes I would feel as if I would just faint in the sidewalk or wherever I am and fall through some kind of time/dimension slip and end up in the appropriate time period. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
allen_iverson Posted January 4, 2011 #103 Share Posted January 4, 2011 I wish i was in my teens in the 80's so i could invent this swagg nowadays but i wouldnt mind experiencing the 1800 hundreds but i dont think i can handle not having cool cars and sports Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sir_Quack_The_Wack Posted January 7, 2011 #104 Share Posted January 7, 2011 (edited) Alright, this is probably going to sound kinda stupid, but I very stronly feel like I was born in the wrong time period. Like I should have been born in a time like the late 1800's or early 1900's. I just don't feel like I belong in 2006. My friends all say that it's stupid to want to be born back then, because all women could do was cook and clean and all that junk, but I really don't mind living a simple life like that. Is it possible that people can be born in the wrong time period? Anybody else feel like this? I feel that I should have been born at around 1935. I sing and I want to pursue singing, but my style and voice is incredibly old fashioned and I worry no-one will like it. Or maybe it's just because so-called "singers" today have flat computerized "voices" and I sing with a deep real one, they'd be jealous. EDIT: I say 1935 because there was a failed attempt to reincarnate me in 1935, but I was stillborn and missed out on that life. Edited January 7, 2011 by Sir_Quack_The_Wack Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trancelikestate Posted January 7, 2011 #105 Share Posted January 7, 2011 I feel like I belong back in the early Mediaeval period. much of the past, medieval period especially, is highly romanticized in modern culture. Reality is it was a terribly dirty, grimy, diseased ridden, suppressed and dangerous time that i doubt anyone nowadays would really want to live in. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
3rd rock resident alien Posted January 7, 2011 #106 Share Posted January 7, 2011 Been in different time period. Still feels the horror in that period. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
000000000000000 Posted January 7, 2011 #107 Share Posted January 7, 2011 Wow I know exactly what you mean. I'd be much more comfortable as a simple Roman soldier, a citizen hoplite in some greek city state, or a warrior of some tribe in Gaul. I feel the whole modern warfare with guns and missiles is a tad unfair. I just feel I would enjoy myself so much more if I lived in the Classical era. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Somethingwicked Posted August 17, 2012 #108 Share Posted August 17, 2012 Your not alone there i often feel as tho i should have been born during Roman times been part of the Roman legion or during medieval times in Scotland with my clansmen . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess Serenity Posted August 17, 2012 #109 Share Posted August 17, 2012 What about wrong lifestyle? I've felt both ways actually but it's something you have to deal with. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
designer Posted August 17, 2012 #110 Share Posted August 17, 2012 yes, I feel more so as I get older. I think I would have fit better in a hunter gather society. Where each day your "work" was to find what you needed to survive that day. I spend 9hrs a day at work and come home feeling I've done nothing meaningful. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZaraKitty Posted August 18, 2012 #111 Share Posted August 18, 2012 I don't think you understand the implications of living so long ago, poor medicine, poor sewerage systems, hard to get food. It wasn't simple at all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
schmidty2009 Posted November 8, 2012 #112 Share Posted November 8, 2012 Well, I know this posting is 6 years old, but I figured I'd add to it anyway. I totally know how you feel. Ever since I was a kid, I've had a strange longing to have lived through the 50's and 60's. So I suppose I feel as though I should have been born in the 40's, or even the 50's, maybe one of the post war babies. I just feel out of place today, and while I appreciate what wonderful things we have, and how far we've come, on a social level I think we've declined. Politically I think we've declined. Granted every era has its flaws, the US was on a high after the war that I'd wish to experience. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AngelEmbrace Posted January 12, 2013 #113 Share Posted January 12, 2013 Ok I'v read all these. and I must say that i totally understand where most are comming from. and ill try to explain why here. my main reason for making a note here is that I myself know for a fact that i was not meant for this time! But i also know why! never mind the " just knowing feeling" since childhood. and the just not feeling right in this time stuff, which again i do get. I know some think its nuts... but well here gose - the soul travels many lifes to learn the lessons it must and often in these lives we remember / yearn / fear & even dream, of things that have past. even to the extent that some people find things that happened in a past life can be affecting them in their present life. i have found this myself and in many people that come to me. I am a fully qualified Hypnotherapist with nearly 25 years experience, and i specialize in past life regression. from my own experiences i do feel like i would be so much happier in a past time, i feel almost at a loss sometimes and even get a strong urge to to go where i know i feel i should be, But i dont "why" because in a way i know it will have changed and not be the same as what my soul misses.... although i do know that some day i will go just not ready to i suppose... anyway sorry if what i have put seems a tad odd to some but there you go Love & Light Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coolguy Posted January 13, 2013 #114 Share Posted January 13, 2013 i also think i was born in the wrong time. i should have lived in the 20's and 30's Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trakkia Posted January 21, 2013 #115 Share Posted January 21, 2013 While living in the middle ages seems cool to so many people, most people don't realise they'd be dead before they'd need miracle creams, why else do you think the cosmetics business sucked back then? Other than that, swinging a hammer on chains to fend off a bandit sounds pretty cool, except its unlikely to happen. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GoldenWolf Posted January 21, 2013 #116 Share Posted January 21, 2013 Yes, the age of religion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AsteroidX Posted January 21, 2013 #117 Share Posted January 21, 2013 I was definently born in the wrong time period !! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
moonshadow60 Posted January 21, 2013 #118 Share Posted January 21, 2013 Perhaps our souls have lived many lifetimes. In which case, I would like to remember living in another lifetime. Then I would tell you whether I want to go back. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess Tumbleweed Posted January 28, 2013 #119 Share Posted January 28, 2013 Oh.... mine would be a beautiful tropical island 300 years ago. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Timo2581 Posted December 31, 2014 #120 Share Posted December 31, 2014 Alright, this is probably going to sound kinda stupid, but I very stronly feel like I was born in the wrong time period. Like I should have been born in a time like the late 1800's or early 1900's. I just don't feel like I belong in 2006. My friends all say that it's stupid to want to be born back then, because all women could do was cook and clean and all that junk, but I really don't mind living a simple life like that. Is it possible that people can be born in the wrong time period? Anybody else feel like this? Alright, this is probably going to sound kinda stupid, but I very stronly feel like I was born in the wrong time period. Like I should have been born in a time like the late 1800's or early 1900's. I just don't feel like I belong in 2006. My friends all say that it's stupid to want to be born back then, because all women could do was cook and clean and all that junk, but I really don't mind living a simple life like that. Is it possible that people can be born in the wrong time period? Anybody else feel like this? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Timo2581 Posted December 31, 2014 #121 Share Posted December 31, 2014 I think it is possible to be born in the wrong generation because honestly I hate the way we dress now and what we listen to and how people act and the manors we speak to each other with. I am 15 and personally I feel like I should be in the 1700s or 1800s and maybe even early 1900s because the outfits that I want to wear would be common back then and the way I want to have my hair would look nice but now days people would look at me like I'm crazy, personally I wish I could just be put back into that time somehow and I feel like I shouldn't be born now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ozfactor Posted December 31, 2014 #122 Share Posted December 31, 2014 Alright, this is probably going to sound kinda stupid, but I very stronly feel like I was born in the wrong time period. Like I should have been born in a time like the late 1800's or early 1900's. I just don't feel like I belong in 2006. My friends all say that it's stupid to want to be born back then, because all women could do was cook and clean and all that junk, but I really don't mind living a simple life like that. Is it possible that people can be born in the wrong time period? Anybody else feel like this? I think that is a common thought we all have at different times in our lives . I often think of life before electrickity , when we would have lived in villages , surrounded by forests, and trusted the men and women who knew the secrets of plants . But thank goodness I live in this time , do you know how hard it is to make a loaf of bread if you have to grow the wheat, mill it , mix it and cook it ! .. sounds romantic but I bet we would think differently if we had to rub our calloused and blistered hands as we carried the toilet bucket outside .. I like to think I am of this time, but I remain connected to the past and I always remain connected to our Earth by going bare foot whenever and where ever I am , this age has a disconnect to nature , but nature is easy to connect with if we make the time x 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XenoFish Posted January 1, 2015 #123 Share Posted January 1, 2015 Gonna be honest, sometimes I feel like I'm on the wrong planet. Wrong life, wrong planet. Everything in this life seems so primitive. Despite all the technological advancements, humanity is still stuck in a primitive mindset. A lot of the times I can't understand the motivation behind what people do. Not much make sense to me. I often dream of a world where life is easy. Not lazy, just easy. The priorities are very different. The people focus on the survival of the whole not just the individual. All technology and science is geared to preservation of all species on the world. No one fights over resources because there in abundance. I feel like I'm stuck in the "past" when I should be in the future. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Careful_perspective Posted January 1, 2015 #124 Share Posted January 1, 2015 I would never ever ever ever want to live in any other century. The reason why? Two words: MODERN MEDICINE. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Whisperer Posted January 1, 2015 #125 Share Posted January 1, 2015 Yes, I guess many of us have the feeling that we come from another place where folks worked to advance a meaningful lifestyle for all. I was brought up as a back woods man sort of thing where we dug our own toilets, made our own plumbing and lived in thatched houses with hard packed dirt floors....I tell, I want to go back there but its all gone now...thanks to the damm Landlord culture of the commercial world... But I like what we have as well and its rather more the behaviour characteristics this 'culture' promotes that ruins it all..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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