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Pork soup handouts not racist - French judge


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Pork soup is back on the menu for homeless people in Paris after a judge ruled it could not be deemed racist.

Organisers of soup kitchens linked to extreme rightwing groups overturned a ban imposed by the city authorities over fears that its handouts discriminated against Jews and Muslims.

Police had shut down food distributions by the organisation SDF (Solidarité des Français) - the same initials as given to the homeless group Sans Domicile Fixe - because of alleged xenophobia and fears of protests.

But the judge at the administrative tribunal in Paris decided that as there was no evidence the SDF had refused to serve Jews and Muslims, who do not eat pork for religious reasons, it could not be accused of discriminating against them. The city's police prefecture was ordered to pay €1,000 (£670) in costs to the group.

In a statement, Roger Bonnivard, the group's president, said: "After weeks of dirty manoeuvres, intimidation, harassment, all kinds of pressure, and despite a new ban, the Paris police authorities now have to adhere to the decision. There are no legal grounds allowing anyone to ban pig soup."

Groups across the country associated with a rightwing organisation called Bloc Identitaire have been handing out "soupe au cochon" since 2004. Last winter Fabienne Keller, the mayor of Strasbourg, justified banning the soup kitchens saying: "Schemes with racial subtexts must be denounced."

The groups insist that they are only serving traditional Gallic fare to "our own". Pork soup is a staple of the French pastoral heartland from which, nationalists say, all true French spring.

However, the SDF website leaves no doubt about the group's intentions. As well as giving the recipe for pork soup, it advises how the dish should be served - with bread and wine, in a "Gallic atmosphere" with no queues.

"The only condition to eat with us: to eat pig," it reads, concluding: "Attention, cheese, dessert, coffee, clothes, snacks go with the pig soup: no pig soup, no dessert - the only rule of our action: our own before the others."

Paris city hall and the police refused to comment on the ruling.



I'm glad to see they're once again allowed to serve the homeless.

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Maybe they should have non-pork handouts just so they can give food to homeless Jews and Muslims?

Just a thought. And wow Kratos you seem to be the biggest topic poster around here.

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Maybe they should have non-pork handouts just so they can give food to homeless Jews and Muslims?

Just a thought. And wow Kratos you seem to be the biggest topic poster around here.

Why should they be forced to give to those they don't want to? Pork is also cheaper then other meat from what I understand. I've been following this story for almost a year now and I'm glad to see it finally ended.

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Well, there is little doubt that racism is playing an overt part in this charity. It leaves a bad taste in ones mouth, similar to that of having to fight for the right to free speech for a group chanting death to blacks, or praising Hitler's ideologies. That the courts have decided that the group is acting within their rights, and will enforce the groups ability to act within those rights is certainly admirable, but that doesn't make what the kitchen is doing admirable.

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So interesting how different news agencies spin the stories. I just read about this but they made no mention of how you had to eat the pork soup if you wanted to eat anything in the kitchen. Seems a bit contridictory to the whole idea of charity, but at least they're helping some people.

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Errrmm...."Beggers can't be choosers"......?

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Errrmm...."Beggers can't be choosers"......?

You know it!

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Why should they be forced to give to those they don't want to? Pork is also cheaper then other meat from what I understand.

Doesn't that itself suggest that they're racist? There are a million cheaper things to chose from if they really want everybody to eat.

Look, they're pretty much entitled to give whatever they want to whoever they want, but their intent is more to insult and provoke the Muslim community than to help the homeless and poor.

It's well within their rights but it isn't ethical.

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Next thing they would demand is complete Menu. Appetizers, main courses, desserts and drinks!

Edited by AROCES
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I don't want to sound like a nazi, which I am not, but why should we accomidate for others. I mean when Symbol says that the jews and muslims should recieve non-pork handouts, it literally makes my face run red. I am sick and tired of not being able to put my rebel flag up because of blacks, or say dirty jokes in fear of being slapped with sexual harrassment. I am sick of it. I am sick of this secular progessive ******* society.

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Well, there is little doubt that racism is playing an overt part in this charity. It leaves a bad taste in ones mouth, similar to that of having to fight for the right to free speech for a group chanting death to blacks, or praising Hitler's ideologies. That the courts have decided that the group is acting within their rights, and will enforce the groups ability to act within those rights is certainly admirable, but that doesn't make what the kitchen is doing admirable.


Exactly my reaction. Hitler totally sprang to mind. The French......I don't know what to think about them any more. I don't think I have ever hated a nationality before but the The French just shock me beyond belief in their outright hatred towards Jews and Muslims. They are like the KKK on the national stage.


The clincher for me is the way they say "Eat the soup with us or eat nothing" if there really wasn't racism behind it then they'd allow people to show up and eat tea and a roll or something. Since they are banning that.....well its just absurd in my opinion.

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The only problem that I have with it is that they say that you HAVE to eat pork soup to get the other items. What if you just don't like pork?

Of course, if it were me, Id just get the food and when nobody was looking, give it to the guy next seat. If he hungry, he won't mind a little extra soup, would he?

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What a disgusting country. "oh don't say anytnhing racist, its illegal!!!"

Freedom of speech is unheard of there.

I guess the french are allowed to say what there government wants them to say. Rofl

"you are free to do as we tell you" -- Bill Hicks

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The French are known to bend over backwards for anyone. World war 1 and 2 spring to mind.

Edited by british_patriot
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The only problem that I have with it is that they say that you HAVE to eat pork soup to get the other items. What if you just don't like pork?

Of course, if it were me, Id just get the food and when nobody was looking, give it to the guy next seat. If he hungry, he won't mind a little extra soup, would he?

I guess you're screwed then. :P Should be noted though that the pork dish is a traditional French dish.

I've got a question for everybody that goes against this as well... Should they also then provide vegetarian dishes, vegan dishes, south beach dishes, atkins dishes and more special diets because people want them?

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That's not the point Kratos. They are saying if you don't eat the soup you can't have anything else. So its like you show up and they have pork soup and you say oh well I'll just get a cup of coffee and eat the crackers and they say NOPE no SOUP No coffee for you.

Soup Nazis

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That's not the point Kratos. They are saying if you don't eat the soup you can't have anything else. So its like you show up and they have pork soup and you say oh well I'll just get a cup of coffee and eat the crackers and they say NOPE no SOUP No coffee for you.

Soup Nazis

Who is forcing anybody to eat there? ...:unsure2:... I didn't think so.

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I think it would be easier for me to judge them if I knew how many charity kitchens were available in the area. If this is the only kitchen within say fifty miles, it would be easier for me to say this is a rotten thing to do. When people can go two blocks away and get alternatives, it's not so bad.

When it's taken from that perspective, in a sense they would be "forced" to eat there if there are no alternatives and they are literally starving to death. They could always go beg or find some other way... yeah, but it is an ethics question. I don't like nazis, but if I came upon one in a car wreck I'd still call 911 and administer first aid.

sorry for the dodgy post... brain fog from cold medicine :cry:

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I don't like nazis, but if I came upon one in a car wreck I'd still call 911 and administer first aid.
There is nothing wrong with helping the mentally ill from time to time. It builds character!

What would their position be if it was someone on a strict diet for health reasons? You know, pork is not the healthiest of foods. It's better than starving to death but, what about the medical aspects of it?

Still, I guess I'd take the pork soup and offer it to the guy next to me. Or, I guess that I cuold just eat everything else and throw the soup in the garbage on the way out.

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Still, I guess I'd take the pork soup and offer it to the guy next to me. Or, I guess that I cuold just eat everything else and throw the soup in the garbage on the way out.

What if they police it? Just sit there and watch you, with Pink Floyd playing in the background...

If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding! How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat??


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The same sort of thing happened to me and many of my friends. We were forced to eat food that made us wretch, food that some hated so much that every meal time time there were tears, food we may be allergic to as tests were not given, we were not allowed to move till we had cleared the plate, no desert till we had finished the first course, no choice- we ate what we were given, no care or interest was shown to religious or lifestyle choices, we were forced to pay for these meals and were not allowed to complain to anyone, in fact we could be punished for complaining or not finishing, we paid for these meals for six years,they were not 'handouts' we would have brought our own food if it had been allowed.......it was known as school meals for 5-11 year olds in Britain of the 1970's....ahhh simpler times/or should I call a lawyer ?

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how is it racism?

Would they allow an arab christian who has no problems with pork to eat with them?

why should they be forced to give charity for the convenience of those who would choose to starve instead of eat pork?

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Errrmm...."Beggers can't be choosers"......?

.......but we should not play with their feelings and the little pryde and diggnity that is left for them....... Homles and those who beg are humans too. But according tho this group some are not.

Like Jews, Muslims and others who prefer not to eat pork for what ever reason.

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If they won't eat pork, then they can go hungry. That is my take.

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