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Pork soup handouts not racist - French judge


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If you are needy and are at a soup kitchen you really have no room to complain about what they serve.

Except this isn't about them complaining about what is being offered, but rather what is being forced, namely that you have to take the soup if you want anything else, it would be a different matter if they were asking for things that aren't being offered anyways, but that's not the issue, since this group is already giving out things like coffee, desserts, breads etc., but only to those who take the soup.

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Except this isn't about them complaining about what is being offered, but rather what is being forced, namely that you have to take the soup if you want anything else, it would be a different matter if they were asking for things that aren't being offered anyways, but that's not the issue, since this group is already giving out things like coffee, desserts, breads etc., but only to those who take the soup.

Exactely, AT.

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Except this isn't about them complaining about what is being offered, but rather what is being forced, namely that you have to take the soup if you want anything else, it would be a different matter if they were asking for things that aren't being offered anyways, but that's not the issue, since this group is already giving out things like coffee, desserts, breads etc., but only to those who take the soup.

Yet, nobody is forcing them to eat at that charity center.

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Yet, nobody is forcing them to eat at that charity center.

Which is why its legal, but not charity

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As far as I know most Mosques and Jewish Temples to give out food to the needy it. I don't see why they are complaining. If they don't like what the charity centers are serving they can go to their relegoius center to get food.

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Pork soup? yuck..linked-image

Can't they serve bacon sandwiches instead? I mean who doesn't like bacon? mmmhhlinked-image

Jews, apperently.

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It's up to the charity givers as to what they want to give out not the charity recievers who should be making that decision. It would be like me giving money a to cancer foundation and them telling me how much I need to give and on top of that the organization that collects, say for MS call me and were to say you gave to them now give to us and we will decide what you give. No way if the organization wants to give something out why should there even be an issue. The free handout wasn't to there liking? For those that don't eat pork grow a brain take the soup give it to someone who does and eat the rest, damn it's not rocket science take the soup but don't eat it duh.

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Which is why its legal, but not charity

It's in bad taste but like you said legal.

I wonder if a pizza place only served pepperoni pizza and I cannot have that for I believe in the Invisible Pink Unicorn, would it be call discrimitive?

Or should I just call up Pizza Hut?

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It's in bad taste but like you said legal.

I wonder if a pizza place only served pepperoni pizza and I cannot have that for I believe in the Invisible Pink Unicorn, would it be call discrimitive?

Or should I just call up Pizza Hut?

Do they have Garlic Fingers there? ;)

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emmm Calls pizza hut, could I have one with a little extra canadian bacon, hell make it a ham and pineapple to boot.

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emmm Calls pizza hut, could I have one with a little extra canadian bacon, hell make it a ham and pineapple to boot.

Papa John's pizza is much better than Pizza Hut

I wonder if a pizza place only served pepperoni pizza and I cannot have that for I believe in the Invisible Pink Unicorn, would it be call discrimitive?

No, because they are not forcing you to have the pepperoni, see that's what makes it not a true charity is the requirement in order to recieve anything, which clearly has the intent to keep certain people out, its certainly legal as i've said, but is a morally bankrupt policy.

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emmm Calls pizza hut, could I have one with a little extra canadian bacon, hell make it a ham and pineapple to boot.

lol, there you go and tick off the veggie IPU believers. :P

No, because they are not forcing you to have the pepperoni, see that's what makes it not a true charity is the requirement in order to recieve anything, which clearly has the intent to keep certain people out, its certainly legal as i've said, but is a morally bankrupt policy.

They kind of are since that's all they have on their menu.

Yeah, I agree it's morally bankrupt.

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They kind of are since that's all they have on their menu.

Yeah, I agree it's morally bankrupt.

well no, it would be forced if they said you couldn't buy a soda unless you had the pepperoni (which wouldn't happen, since unlike a "charity", a buisness that loses sales or angers potential customers will end up bankrupt).

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I don't want to sound like a nazi, which I am not, but why should we accomidate for others. I mean when Symbol says that the jews and muslims should recieve non-pork handouts, it literally makes my face run red. I am sick and tired of not being able to put my rebel flag up because of blacks, or say dirty jokes in fear of being slapped with sexual harrassment. I am sick of it. I am sick of this secular progessive ******* society.

Showing yout true disgusting colors again.

You make me sick.

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