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thousands quit britain


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Hee hee LOL conspiracysrus, I can see why you pooh-pooh'd the BNP earlier on. No doubt they are too wishy-washy and liberal for your tastes ?

Still, I see you are making GREAT progress with the punctuation as your posts go on. Now perhaps we could have a stab at capitalisation ? (No no...but the gun down... I said 'capitalisation', not 'Capitalism' ... :P )

On a more sombre note - I agree with what Bee said two posts ago. Revolutions are usually bloodthirsty, and rarely seem to serve the interests of the people that the revolutionaries are supposedly supporting. Bosa Nova, similaris Bosa Senica, as the Who once said. On balance, I prefer the ballot box.

(actually, I prefer Tuna, but that's another story)

Meow Purr.

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come on puddy cat dont be like that :unsure: my punctuation ?

i left school at 13 and really didnt pick much up in the punctuation dept. i mean so long as you get the general idea right?

as for the bnp being too liberal i feel they focus on the wrong problems. only a spaz would blame other poor people for being poor themselves. and i dont agree with immigration but a complete reversal? naaah. besides i need the studio one record shop :rolleyes:

let me rant cat you party poooper :P

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meeooww puuurrr

maybe we all need to step out the fish bowl once in a while and get a fresh perspective on things, is this what you look like?


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I Did ! I saw a puddy tat ! :o:D Nice puddytat Chemical Licker.

OK conspiracysrus, I'll let you rant, if you begin each sentence with a capital punishment ? Ooohps... I mean.. capital letter :P . I'll even let you have some of my Tuna Mayonaise sandwhiches :).

As for insurrection and tearing down the established order... weell.. just hope you have something to put in its place, otherwise people will starve. (though no doubt the elite will struggle by on their Lobsters, Sushi and Loise XIV brandy.. lol).

This thread was originaly about the record amount of indigenous people emmigrating from the UK. For my tuppence worth, I would suggest that the European Union is a factor in this. It is imposing laws on my country (the UK) that is changing our political and demographic landscape in a way that has never happened before. It has also led to higher and higher taxes in order to comply with its Stalanist social engineering experiments. Untill relatively recently there seemed to be no democratic recourse to this, as all three main political parties are commited to the full realisation of the Nation of Europe, so people voted with their feet.

Conspiracysrus - what is the viewpoint in Germany to the EU and national identity ? I know that your Chancellor (Angela Merkel) seems very happy with the EU ? In your opinion, what does the average Hamburger think ?

Meow Purr.

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Your always welcome here in the colonies. Lots of work, and having a British accent is a big plus (we find it quite enchanting). Thats it, come here, makes lots of money then go back when the all clear is sounded.LOL. Our raunchy beer may take some getting used to :P

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Your always welcome here in the colonies. Lots of work, and having a British accent is a big plus (we find it quite enchanting). Thats it, come here, makes lots of money then go back when the all clear is sounded.LOL. Our raunchy beer may take some getting used to :P

Right! I wish the Brits would send that 007 guy over here -- we could use a guy like that.

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Your always welcome here in the colonies. Lots of work, and having a British accent is a big plus (we find it quite enchanting). Thats it, come here, makes lots of money then go back when the all clear is sounded.LOL. Our raunchy beer may take some getting used to :P

Ahhh... bit of a problem there Stardrive. Some of us Brits are still angry about you rebellious rabble stealing our Colony about 330 years ago. Oh... and dumping all that tea in Boston harbour. Plus.... I've been advised that you owe us several trillion in back-taxes (without representation) since 1776 !

I've just been speaking to Her Majesty, and she demands that you pay it all back NOW, or we shall send a gunboat around.

Not paying up ?

RIGHT !!!! You asked for it, collonial scum !!!! Now meet the Wrath of the Royal Navy !! :gun:

<picks up phone.... "get me the First Sea Lord immidately">

<has conversation>

<looks perplexed>

<puts phone down>

Errr.. it appears that the Royal Navy is a bit financialy embarresed at the moment. :blush:

Err... Could you lend us a Gunboat please ? :D

Meow Purr.

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most germans are really cheesed off with the eu and since the wall came down they are struggling with massive immigration too.

most people in hamburg wanna see a return to the d mark and merkel always kissing bushs wotsits they are a little embarassed. europe is under seige as i see it and many germans feel they cant say so bcos of the past.

but well see!!

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Ahhh... bit of a problem there Stardrive. Some of us Brits are still angry about you rebellious rabble stealing our Colony about 330 years ago. Oh... and dumping all that tea in Boston harbour. Plus.... I've been advised that you owe us several trillion in back-taxes (without representation) since 1776 !

Meow Purr.

Let's see how it looks (checks bank account)... NOT TO GOOD :lol: Can I interest you in some soggy tea in exchange for an extention on those back taxes?

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Let's see how it looks (checks bank account)... NOT TO GOOD :lol: Can I interest you in some soggy tea in exchange for an extention on those back taxes?

Let's make an exhange -- we'll send Mount Rushmore to the U.K. in exhange for Stonehenge, and we'll call everything even.

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.... and by the way, I'm not even going to bring up this whole War of 1812 thing in which the U.K. and the U.S.A. slugged it out to a draw.

Although I am p***ed that you Brits killed Zebulon Pike, the great explorer who discovered the source of Mississippi River in that conflict.

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wiki says that Zebulon Pike was killed by being struck on the head by a rock.

which was a result of the british retreat which they ended by blowing up an ammunitions dump.

he was unlucky really but thats war for ya.

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wiki says that Zebulon Pike was killed by being struck on the head by a rock.

which was a result of the british retreat which they ended by blowing up an ammunitions dump.

he was unlucky really but thats war for ya.

Holy Cow! I feel so much better now!

I only hope that the restless soul of Zebulon Pike is now at peace, and does not blame the Brits ...

.... who blew up an ammunition dump ...

....while retreating ...

... causing a rock ...

...to stike the head ...

....of Mr. Pike ....

...causing his death.

Yes! War is hell!

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Gosh - that was SERIOUSLY unlucky. And what a GREAT name... "Zebulon"... sounds like the bad guys from a 1950's sci-fi movie. (Oh no.. the Zebulons are invading... save us Flash..). We just don't MAKE names like that any more... I think we've lost the technology.

On the subject of unlucky deaths in war... is it true that in the Civll War one American general's last words where "relax boys, they couldn't hit a barn door at this distan.... <thud>" ? If so, who was it ?

Meow Purr.

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