asc.rudeboy Posted May 23, 2007 #251 Share Posted May 23, 2007 hey canadians not all americans drink the yellow water lite beer..some of us like me drink stouts,porters,barley wines and brew their own beer,,,top of the list of things to do before i die,,,fly to canada and drink canadians under the table haha and earn some respect for my country and her beer drinkers.. but i want to know how much a bottle of CROWN ROYAL XR is going for up step dad raised me on the royal and id like to get him a bottle but they are going for 200 plus here in the states... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Clocker Posted May 23, 2007 #252 Share Posted May 23, 2007 I must admit, Canadians are awesome company when getting wasted! They are more "genuine" than Americans when drunk, in my opinion (no offense to Americans, you guys are fun to hang out with too!). Out of all the people I've had the honor to drink with, Canadians and Aussies are probably the coolest, in general. But, I can't help doubting that even Canadians would be able to drink Brits under the table...some of those guys have an amazing stamina when it comes to King Alcohol! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bill Hill Posted May 23, 2007 #253 Share Posted May 23, 2007 Thomas K. Monroe Philips is gaining quite a bit of interest among members. Billy, where are you? People want answers! Now! For myself, I'd like to ask Thomas who does his hair? And WHERE can I get a pair of glasses like those? They seem to reach out to the world and say "I can't see with the unaided eye." Just gripping. I'll send him an email. Don't worry he'll reply soon.. me and Monroe are like that (crosses two fingers over to indicate good friends) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bill Hill Posted May 23, 2007 #254 Share Posted May 23, 2007 Yes iron, i think the church has lost out, to the more instantly gratious offerings of, booze fuelled sexual escapades! where to partake in Gay/Bi fetish, or even hetro promiscuous, are fashionable! Unfortunately the natural bi product of this undignified behaviour has thrown up all types of STD's, not to mention the relatively new HIV/Aids......A Punishment from god? surely this is the sexually equivelent of smokers cancer.... here is a recipe to STD's Promiscuous girl Wherever you are I’m all alone And it's you that I want N: Promiscuous boy You already know That I’m all yours What you waiting for? T:Promiscuous girl You're teasing me You know what I want And I got what you need N: Promiscuous boy Let's get to the point Cause we're on a roll You ready? Good post Lord.. and another good example of a 'positive' role models to young women- Nelly 'STD'ed like a bird' Furtado Here's the lyrics of the first verse to Maneater- Everybody look at me, me I walk in the door you start screaming Come on everybody what chu here for? Move your body around like a nympho Everybody get your necks to crack around All you crazy people come on jump around I want to see you all on your knees, knees You either want to be with me, or be me! See these women think they're like whoah oh so strong 'Maneaters' instead of er.... drunken "insert word of choice" Look at me everybody... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bill Hill Posted May 23, 2007 #255 Share Posted May 23, 2007 i was watching teens oversexed, itv program, 12 years of age i lost my virginity and im now 16 and have had many boys ive slept with, i drink and smoke at the weekend , i go round my mates house and get drunk and smoke and my mates mum lets us. COME ON PEOPLE!! WHATS THE MATTER WITH THIS BEHAVIOUR Good point chemical licker! See, these girls are getting younger and younger.. drinking and sleeping around. And the liberals think.. that's alright oh ' They're discovering their sexuality in a wonderfully liberating way!' Well I'd like to say to the'll change when you have a daughter. Have you ever loved someone so much, you'd give an arm for? Not the expression, no, literally give an arm for? When they know they're your heart, and you know you were their armour And you will destroy anyone who would try to harm 'her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IronGhost Posted May 23, 2007 #256 Share Posted May 23, 2007 I'll send him an email. Don't worry he'll reply soon.. me and Monroe are like that (crosses two fingers over to indicate good friends) Wow, you and Thomas K. Monroe Philips are mates? Do you think he would be my friend, too? How much Molson Canadian beer would Thomas K. Monroe Philips be able to drink before he couldn't handle it -- or is there anything he cannot handle? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Syd Boggle Posted May 23, 2007 Author #257 Share Posted May 23, 2007 i was watching teens oversexed, itv program, 12 years of age i lost my virginity and im now 16 and have had many boys ive slept with, i drink and smoke at the weekend , i go round my mates house and get drunk and smoke and my mates mum lets us. COME ON PEOPLE!! WHATS THE MATTER WITH THIS BEHAVIOUR its fine they dont have to think, worry about anything its all thought out for them, they'll get hand outs from the government when she has her kids, get a free house, flat, i wish i was her. SHES GONNA HAVE A GOOD LIFE THANKS TO YOU THE BRITISH TAX PAYER WHO HAS YOUR HEADS BURIED IN THE SAND. And with this smoking ban people giving up whos gonna want the stress of discussing it. Heads buried in the sand!! absolutely! an excellent point...... why there is'nt more comments against this behaviour on UM is surprising. you sir, have drawn your line in the sand, and stated your "correct" moral stance.....its the liberal pond life who have taken the wrong path.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Syd Boggle Posted May 23, 2007 Author #258 Share Posted May 23, 2007 (edited) LOL better get here quick by my watch there's only 40 minutes until 4:20! No yob problem here(Scrummage you looking for any retirement destinations?), actually just today on my lunch break a black youth wearing the traditional baggie althetic clothes approached me and asked for a cigarette, I said sure, he said thanks, even our "hoodies" are polite lol. Must be the bud But if some drunken yob females are what you are looking for just keep in mind we have a very high ratio of females to males here, at one point our University boasted a 2:1 girl to guy ratio, so when the beer and rye flow and the women get hungry its like a mad dash to even find a guy without a girl... or two lol. Your liberal ways, batch22 are quite revolting, you claim this chilled black youth asked you for a cigarette, and you calmly gave him one. What your not telling the UM public, is that you only gave the cigarette because you were intimidated by a B-Boy with gold teethe, and possibly packing a 45! so you gave him the Ciggy! As for ignoring you batch, well ive noticed your posts have lacked edge, and im giving you a chance to get a few higher caliber digs in, before i shoot you down with one of my Tomahawk missiles...C'mon Edited May 23, 2007 by lord scrummage Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IronGhost Posted May 23, 2007 #259 Share Posted May 23, 2007 What your not telling the UM public, is that you only gave the cigarette because you were intimidated by a B-Boy with gold teethe, and possibly packing a 45! so you gave him the Ciggy! I thought you Brits called cigarettes "fags." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IronGhost Posted May 23, 2007 #260 Share Posted May 23, 2007 i was watching teens oversexed, itv program, 12 years of age i lost my virginity and im now 16 and have had many boys ive slept with, i drink and smoke at the weekend , i go round my mates house and get drunk and smoke and my mates mum lets us. Maybe she should join a convent and become a nun. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spurious George Posted May 23, 2007 #261 Share Posted May 23, 2007 (edited) I just dont know if we can stay friends anymore... sometimes you say such mean things to me Scrummie buddy I was only offering some information on potential retirement locations for you and to hang out, then you respond with such hostility to me... is your hate for liberals consuming you? Maybe you should take a break from your neighbourhood crime fighting... even Spidey needs a little MJ time... I know I need a little mj time now and again... and again and again... and again. PS C'mon! Edited May 23, 2007 by Catch .22 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IronGhost Posted May 23, 2007 #262 Share Posted May 23, 2007 I just dont know if we can stay friends anymore... sometimes you say such mean things to me Scrummie buddy I was only offering some information on potential retirement locations for you and to hang out, then you respond with such hostility to me... is your hate for liberals consuming you? Maybe you should take a break from your neighbourhood crime fighting... even Spidey needs a little MJ time... I know I need a little mj time now and again... and again and again... and again. PS C'mon! I wish Spidey, MJ and Gwen Stacey would all get together at once. That would be decadent. Certainly, even Lord Scrummage would approve! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spurious George Posted May 23, 2007 #263 Share Posted May 23, 2007 I'm not sure Scrummage would approve, he's just a little overworked these days fighting crime... but he'll come around eventually. Well Scrummie buddy I'm really sorry to hear that you find my ways revolting but what can you expect from a BC boy? You are aware that the Premier of BC, Gordon Campbell, was arrested for drunk driving in Hawaii and kept his job right? Link Thats why we need you here now to fight this liberal behaviour that is accepted all the way to the top of government in BC that is controlled by the Liberal Party! We are fiends... I'm sorry C'mon lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bill Hill Posted May 23, 2007 #264 Share Posted May 23, 2007 (edited) Wow, you and Thomas K. Monroe Philips are mates? Do you think he would be my friend, too? Yeah we go way..back, known him for years I have. Ok I received his email. You'll have to forgive the first part of the's just his er sense of humour. Here's the one I sent him and his reply. Hello, Mr Monroe Philips. I was wondering if you spare a few moments of your precious time to answer a few questions from the members of the UM forum? I understand if you don’t have the time as you’re extremely busy but I would be very grateful kind sir. Oh and to answer your question.. I don’t know what is wrong with Syd’s eyes but they’re not condoms. Where on earth did you get that idea from? Not, that I’m questioning you in any shape or form sir. Anyway, here are the questions 1 What’s your stance on organized faith? 2 Who cuts your hair? 3 How much do you drink, how much can you take? 4 Do you like Hiphop? Billy Hill Well, well, well if it isn’t Billy, you asslicking SPASTIC. I was playing D&D online! HAHA that was funny on Saturday.. did you see his face? “Me didn’t do nothing!” Then I picked up that DUSTBIN LID and smacked him over the head- I said “IT’S I didn’t DO anything, you didn’t do nothing is not only bad English but IT’S a DOUBLE negative IT doesn’t make any SENSE…if you didn’t do nothing it means you must have done SOMETHING!” To emphasize my point- On each word I HIT him with the dustbin lid. Haha He won’t be selling drugs to kids again. I’ll answer your questions but with my superior intellect.. first, I will have to meditate to allow me to come down several intellectual levels from that of a GOD to a mere INSECT. 1 What’s your stance on organized faith? There IS no Good, NO evil only ME. Next. 2 Who cuts your hair? I will answer this question in binary code. 0001 0011011 01101 0010010! 3 How much do you drink, how much can you take? I drink eight cans of Super Tennents a day. I have in on my CornFlakes in THE MORNING instead of milk. To answer the second part of the question; I have NEVER ever been Drunk EVER in my Life. Next. 4 Do you like Hiphop? What music do you listen to? Do I LIKE HIPHOP? Do I like HIPHOP!?! Ok I want you to meditate with me.. find a comfortable place, sit down and relax. Concentrate on your breathing… breath in, breath out.. relax breath in, breath out relax. Picture a black void.. within this void, you see a BOWL…visualize it in your mind. A simple wooden fruit bowl. Now, imagine within the Bowl is full of rotten Fruit. Rotten apples, bananas. Zoom in for a closer look…stay focused. You notice, the fruit is over ripe.. rotting.. it’s decaying…it’s a putrid mess. You also notice, It’s covered in insects.. fruit flies.. , worms and maggots. Zoom in for a closer inspection.. Closer.. to the microscopic level. To your surprise you can hear ‘music’.. distinctive sounds.. it definitely music.. The FRUIT flies and MAGGOTS are all listening to HIPHOP. And that Billy, concludes my view on Hiphop. Oh and Billy don’t disturb me during D&D online hour again or I’ll... Edited May 23, 2007 by billyhill Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IronGhost Posted May 23, 2007 #265 Share Posted May 23, 2007 Yeah we go way..back, known him for years I have. Ok I received his email. You'll have to forgive the first part of the's just his er sense of humour. Here's the one I sent him and his reply. Hello, Mr Monroe Philips. I was wondering if you spare a few moments of your precious time to answer a few questions from the members of the UM forum? I understand if you don’t have the time as you’re extremely busy but I would be very grateful kind sir. Oh and to answer your question.. I don’t know what is wrong with Syd’s eyes but they’re not condoms. Where on earth did you get that idea from? Not, that I’m questioning you in any shape or form sir. Anyway, here are the questions 1 What’s your stance on organized faith? 2 Who cuts your hair? 3 How much do you drink, how much can you take? 4 Do you like Hiphop? Billy Hill Well, well, well if it isn’t Billy, you asslicking SPASTIC. I was playing D&D online! HAHA that was funny on Saturday.. did you see his face? “Me didn’t do nothing!” Then I picked up that DUSTBIN LID and smacked him over the head- I said “IT’S I didn’t DO anything, you didn’t do nothing is not only bad English but IT’S a DOUBLE negative IT doesn’t make any SENSE…if you didn’t do nothing it means you must have done SOMETHING!” To emphasize my point- On each word I HIT him with the dustbin lid. Haha He won’t be selling drugs to kids again. I’ll answer your questions but with my superior intellect.. first, I will have to meditate to allow me to come down several intellectual levels from that of a GOD to a mere INSECT. 1 What’s your stance on organized faith? There IS no Good, NO evil only ME. Next. 2 Who cuts your hair? I will answer this question in binary code. 0001 0011011 01101 0010010! 3 How much do you drink, how much can you take? I drink eight cans of Super Tennents a day. I have in on my CornFlakes in THE MORNING instead of milk. To answer the second part of the question; I have NEVER ever been Drunk EVER in my Life. Next. 4 Do you like Hiphop? What music do you listen to? Do I LIKE HIPHOP? Do I like HIPHOP!?! Ok I want you to meditate with me.. find a comfortable place, sit down and relax. Concentrate on your breathing… breath in, breath out.. relax breath in, breath out relax. Picture a black void.. within this void, you see a BOWL…visualize it in your mind. A simple wooden fruit bowl. Now, imagine within the Bowl is full of rotten Fruit. Rotten apples, bananas. Zoom in for a closer look…stay focused. You notice, the fruit is over ripe.. rotting.. it’s decaying…it’s a putrid mess. You also notice, It’s covered in insects.. fruit flies.. , worms and maggots. Zoom in for a closer inspection.. Closer.. to the microscopic level. To your surprise you can hear ‘music’.. distinctive sounds.. it definitely music.. The FRUIT flies and MAGGOTS are all listening to HIPHOP. And that Billy, concludes my view on Hiphop. Oh and Billy don’t disturb me during D&D online hour again or I’ll... WOW!!! Man-o-man -- I mean, how does anyone even DARE to play D & D with this cat! Not to win, that's for sure -- probably just to learn, or to learn the value of humility. Man, I bet this guy is an all-time legend at Eton to this very day. I bet every student there is just constantly trying to be a little more like Thomas K. Monroe Philips. What I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall while he's doling out an ass-kicking to some helpess hoodies!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
drakonwick Posted May 23, 2007 #266 Share Posted May 23, 2007 Well after reading through 18 pages of useless banter, I suppose that i'll comment! Has any of this even made sense yet? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asc.rudeboy Posted May 23, 2007 #267 Share Posted May 23, 2007 im just another dumb american but who is this guy haha i even did a google search on him before i asked and google didnt know sh**... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
drakonwick Posted May 23, 2007 #268 Share Posted May 23, 2007 im just another dumb american but who is this guy haha i even did a google search on him before i asked and google didnt know sh**... Thomas K. Link - Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crtDzyn Posted May 23, 2007 #269 Share Posted May 23, 2007 I must say it is truely humbling to be able to read a first hand response from Thomas K. Monroe Phillips himself. This is almost as good as the time I spoke to Joe Eigo on the phone.......... what a great day Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asc.rudeboy Posted May 23, 2007 #270 Share Posted May 23, 2007 Thomas K. Link - that cant be the guy Thomas K. Monroe Phillips the link you posted is from a christian based artist in california,,and his picture looks nothing like the guy they have in the other post Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IronGhost Posted May 23, 2007 #271 Share Posted May 23, 2007 Look, man -- If Thomas K. Monroe Philips WANTED you to know who he was, you can damn well bet you WOULD know who he was. Otherwise, I would just leave it alone, man -- just leave it alone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crtDzyn Posted May 23, 2007 #272 Share Posted May 23, 2007 ^ He is a very powerful man Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bill Hill Posted May 23, 2007 #273 Share Posted May 23, 2007 Well after reading through 18 pages of useless banter, I suppose that i'll comment! Has any of this even made sense yet? Actually we’ve learned a lot. We’ve learnt that the social decline thanks to liberism, negative role models and social pressure to conform- has lead us down a blind alley. We’ve been told by the various governments that we can’t do anything about this decline.. But this is wrong. We can do something to stop this downward trend but it means.. taking to the streets. And thanks to liberalism the streets are dangerous places. We need the courageous ‘moral light’ emanating from such unsung heroes as such Lord Scrummage, Syd boggle. Arthur Burham, Trevor Matthews and Thomas K Monroe Philips. These are men of high morality.. they can’t be bought, sold or paid for.. they’re not like ordinary men …these men are the pioneers… who understand their place history! They ARE standing on the Shoulders of Giants. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IronGhost Posted May 23, 2007 #274 Share Posted May 23, 2007 (edited) Actually we’ve learned a lot. We’ve learnt that the social decline thanks to liberism, negative role models and social pressure to conform- has lead us down a blind alley. We’ve been told by the various governments that we can’t do anything about this decline.. But this is wrong. We can do something to stop this downward trend but it means.. taking to the streets. And thanks to liberalism the streets are dangerous places. We need the courageous ‘moral light’ emanating from such unsung heroes as such Lord Scrummage, Syd boggle. Arthur Burham, Trevor Matthews and Thomas K Monroe Philips. These are men of high morality.. they can’t be bought, sold or paid for.. they’re not like ordinary men …these men are the pioneers… who understand their place history! They ARE standing on the Shoulders of Giants. Well said, and i agree with much of this. But couldn't it be said that the rise of the female yob on the streets of England is also a result of too much restrictive conservatism? Isn't it natural to rebel against contraint on the human spirit. I think Britian is still rebounding from the ultra-constrictive Victorian Era? True there are good ways and bad ways to rebel. But the female yob is just as much a product of razor-backed conservatism which gives no one in society room to breath and be an individual-- this gave birth to a liberalism that was too liberal, and spilled over to degenracy. I think this has been one of the most important threads ever at UM. Edited May 23, 2007 by IronGhost Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spurious George Posted May 23, 2007 #275 Share Posted May 23, 2007 Well after reading through 18 pages of useless banter, I suppose that i'll comment! Has any of this even made sense yet? My condolences to you... but for the record we DO NOT offer a Time Wasted Return Policy in this thread. I have a feeling that things will start to make more sense as we approach page 30... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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