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A Typical British Name -

Spurious George

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Muhammad is No 2 in boy's names

Muhammad is now second only to Jack as the most popular name for baby boys in Britain and is likely to rise to No 1 by next year, a study by The Times has found. The name, if all 14 different spellings are included, was shared by 5,991 newborn boys last year, beating Thomas into third place, followed by Joshua and Oliver.

Scholars said that the name’s rise up the league table was driven partly by the growing number of young Muslims having families, coupled with the desire to name their child in honour of the Prophet.

Muhammad Anwar, Professor of Ethnic Relations at Warwick University, said: “Muslim parents like to have something that shows a link with their religion or with the Prophet.”

Although the official names register places the spelling Mohammed at No 23, an analysis of the top 3,000 names provided by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) puts Muhammad at No 2 once the 14 spellings are taken into account. If its popularity continues – it rose by 12 per cent last year – the name will take the top spot by the end of this year. It first entered the Top 30 in 2000.


"I am Jack's inflamed sense of rejection. I am Jack's complete lack of surprise. I am Jack's raging bile duct."

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"I am Jack's inflamed sense of rejection. I am Jack's complete lack of surprise. I am Jack's raging bile duct."

lol :lol: Nice fightclub reference!

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"I am Jack's inflamed sense of rejection. I am Jack's complete lack of surprise. I am Jack's raging bile duct."


"I am Jack's smirking revenge."

the name will take the top spot by the end of this year

You'd honestly think that would get very confusing.

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"I am Jack's colon. I get cancer, I kill Jack."

I fine analogy of the current situation, Jack's ass has cancer and it will kill Jack.

“Muslim parents like to have something that shows a link with their religion or with the Prophet.”

I always thought the headscarves gave it away, but hey thats just me.

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so it'll only have taken them 8 years to take over Brittian.

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What happened to all those drunken British yobs Lord Scrummage was warning us about? I thought they were out getting drunk and having massive amounts of sex. Is it that they using excellent birth control, while the Muslims are not?

British men: How about a little less Spotted Dick and a little more sex with your wives?

Before you know it, Spotted Dick will be called Spotted Mohammad.

Edited by IronGhost
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What happened to all those drunken British yobs Lord Scrummage was warning us about? I thought they were out getting drunk and having massive amounts of sex. Is it that they using excellent birth control, while the Muslims are not?

It is no coincidence that most major religions have anti-birth control policies, they insure more future followers but with todays decline in religous adherents at home and the influx of Muslim immigrants coming in it is inevitable that they will eventually outbreed the nationals. Two options in my opinion, return to the anti-birth control policies or close the gates... the second option appears to be the better of the two, the first option though effective would result in a future yob-explosion that would devastate Lord Scrummage and reverse all of his hard work.

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What happened to all those drunken British yobs Lord Scrummage was warning us about? I thought they were out getting drunk and having massive amounts of sex. Is it that they using excellent birth control, while the Muslims are not?

British men: How about a little less Spotted Dick and a little more sex with your wives?

Before you know it, Spotted Dick will be called Spotted Mohammad.

Quite! infact you will find that while British women are unashamedly out getting drunk, those women who do go home, often pick unlicenced taxi's, driven by men named Mohammed, who sport thick Moustaches and farrahs, charging extortionate prices......and ofcourse, to add insult, these women often sleep with the driver in order to get a free ride home....The Mohammeds of this world, like dirty drunken white woman, to counter the religious nut jobs their married to...

Edited by lord scrummage
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Very reminisent of that thread that I started sometime ago about the growing influence of muslim culture in Europe. It won't be long before you start seeing minerets replacing Big Ben!

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If you look at all the other names you'll see they are all Christian names. Mohammed is popular because of the muslims "prophet"

Edited by british_patriot
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Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Simon, Jude, Latin American countrys the name Jesus pronunced Jezus,

All come from religous beliefs, so its both sides of the same coin really.

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I can only hope that there is a herd of Tiffanys and Keatons being born in baghdad this year. Maybe a Moon Unit Zappa if we are lucky; although I doubt it...

Guess what guys, your country is getting away from you and it looks like your leadership doesn't care a bit...I feel your pain.

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It's a little misleading since all the variant spellings of Mohammed are included as the same name - yet Jack is just a variant of Jacob or James but these (and other variants like Hamish) are listed as separate names.

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Wow, going from 'Mohammed is 2nd most popular name' to 'Muslims taking over the UK' is an impressively tenuous jump! Muslims are still only 3% of the UK population. If all the Jews called their children Abrahm or Hindus called their's Manessh we'd see those climbing the charts too.

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I can only hope that there is a herd of Tiffanys and Keatons being born in baghdad this year. Maybe a Moon Unit Zappa if we are lucky; although I doubt it...

Guess what guys, your country is getting away from you and it looks like your leadership doesn't care a bit...I feel your pain.

Thanks Fluffy, it's pretty frightening how quickly the change is happening.

The dizzy liberals think it's just propaganda from those 'horrible working class white reactionary racists' living in the city...then when these people go to the cities...and it's "Oh my god..I had no idea er... er er I'm all for immigration but this beyond a joke.. quick Antheia! pack your bags.. we're selling up and moving to Spain! No time to explain.. just DO IT!"

I remember hearing this muslim guy say "Of course you have to be politically correct because politically correct means to be pro-muslim. It’s the will of Allah, we're taking over."

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if i see new houses being built on a new road and they name the road mohammed close, IM LEAVING ENGLAND AND GOING TO LIVE IN SOME WHERE ELSE :yes:

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All i can say that im not suprised by mohamad is a typical

british name, all these people do is come into the country

then slowly start to breed the native population out then when

anyone says anything they area branded racist by the P.C. brigade

who have changed everthing like you cant tell anyone HAPPY CHRISTMAS

you need to say happy holiday's or merry winterville.

All you need to do ask them if they find xmas offensive most of them will say that theydont

but try telling the P.C. brigade that next thing that they will have the woman do is wearing

the burka so that they dont offed the muslims by showing any flesh but they seem to forget

they are only a minority but the way people are acting to me they would think that they are the majority

of the population

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I talk to a man from Pakistan that manages a convenience store, (here in the town where I live) from time to time. On one occasion he started telling me about the history of British rule in Pakistan. He said the British said "sure you can have your country back on the condition we retain control of Kashmire.

He then stated how clever that was of the Brits to do that because all the fresh water available for drinking and irrigation flowed down the mountains to the plains below from Kashmire. Control the water, control the country. They're still peeved about that it seems. I would guess they are out for revenge.

Edited by Stardrive
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On one occasion he started telling me about the history of British rule in Pakistan. He said the British said "sure you can have your country back on the condition we rertain control of Kashmire.
And yet Pakistan and India still can't figure out who it belongs to! I have to admit though, I never was really clear on why it was of such strategic interest. Controling the flow of water would be of paramount importance though for those two growing populations.

Still, the question remains: "Why should the majority be offended to preserve the happiness of a minority?" What if I, a minority of one, wish to place loud speakers on the outside of my house and sing Jewish prayers al day? Do you think that there would be an Islamic Action Committee supporting my right ot do that? How about a brigade of P.C. enforcers?

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