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Turkish Mosque's Chief Threatens Violent


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THE HAGUE -- If Amsterdam city council bars construction of the Westermoskee mosque, a great demonstration of Turks from throughout Europe will be held. The possibility of this degenerating into violence cannot be ruled out, the Turkish organisation Milli Gorus warns.

The controversial Westermoskee in Amsterdam will be built come what may, said Fatih Dag of the Turkish mosque organisation in Trouw newspaper. If the government blocks its building, Milli Gorus will call on Turks throughout the whole of Europe to demonstrate. Dag hopes this would be a peaceful procession, but fears it could get out of hand. "Our people are emotional and someone crazy can just be walking among them," he said in the newspaper.

The building of the 42 metre tall, 18-million euros Neo-Ottoman Westermoskee was blocked months ago after Milli Gorus' orthodox German head office replaced management in Amsterdam. After that, reports surfaced that Milli Gorus had wheedled billions of euros out of Turks since the 1990s by having them invest in Islamic investment funds.

More of the article here... Link


Very nice of them. "Give me a mosque or your streets will be stained with blood" is basically what muslims are saying. <_<

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Imperial Islam on the march.

Saw this at SPECTATOR.ORG:

The Islamic Brownshirts are serving the same two purposes that Hitler's did. First, to intimidate people and separate them from their freedom to speak out against an ideology that aims to enslave them. Second, to legitimate the use of violence to punish anyone with whom they disagree. Someone who calls himself a "cleric" -- be it Moqtada al-Sadr or some radical imam in America -- has no more right to circumscribe our public debate or the Pope's speeches than did Hitler. Under the First Amendment, free speech still lives. In too many nations, including most of Old Europe, the Islamic Brownshirts have already killed it.


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Very nice of them. "Give me a mosque or your streets will be stained with blood" is basically what muslims are saying. <_<

Basically you're putting words in Fatih Dag's mouth.

"Do not forget", added Dag in Trouw, "that we began the project with a number of Turks, but with all the hindrance, it has now become a matter for many Muslims throughout the Netherlands. I expect a revolt among them, naturally within the legal boundaries, but still: Our people are more emotional than you Europeans. And there can be a crazy person among them."
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Basically you're putting words in Fatih Dag's mouth.

It sounded like a threat to me as well. He sounds like someone off of an old mafia movie. If you do not do what I want, you might accidently fall down the stairs.

Edited by Ugly1
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Sounded to me like he said build it, if not, then demonstrations will be called and a there's a strong possilblity the emotionally immature get "out of hand".

Looks like build it or else to me.

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What perplexes me it that if Islamic societies are so great, how come muslims feel the need to migrate, live and forge out a life amongst the infidels of world and not put all of that hard work into their own primative, repressive, misogynist, gynophobic, theocratic-nonsense societies where they are originally from?

(Because the societies and ideals that they are escaping from and ironically trying to force upon the western societies that are gracious and open enought to accept them, are going backwards along the timeline and not forward..hence, producing zero positive outlook for the future...)

Edited by Pinky Floyd
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And what the hell has that to do with anything? I don't see any mention of migrants or islamic societies. And people say they don't hate muslims...... ^ this kind of response is where it is coming through, so stop denying it already.

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THE HAGUE -- If Amsterdam city council bars construction of the Westermoskee mosque, a great demonstration of Turks from throughout Europe will be held. The possibility of this degenerating into violence cannot be ruled out, the Turkish organisation Milli Gorus warns.

More of the article here... Link

Hmmm.... sooooo.... lets put those pieces together. A large, co-ordinated body of foreign nationals are going to march through the streets of your country, acting on the orders of a foreign organisation (paraphrasing)

I wonder if this has happened in Amsterdam before ?

Oh gosh , it was in 1940 wasn't it ?

It didn't work out too well then - perhaps it would be best to discourage it this time around ?

Meow Purr.

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This is as much an argument between sections within the Milli Gorus organisation as it is any threat to the peace of Amsterdam, and as much a commercial development as it is a mosque.

News from Amsterdam 1

News from Amsterdam 2

News from Amsterdam 3

Are the Amsterdam politicians who object to this development being intolerant of people so often claimed to be intolerant of the West?

The only mention of the word 'violent' was in the headline of the article. Link

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And what the hell has that to do with anything? I don't see any mention of migrants or islamic societies

A large percentage of Muslims in Europe have immigrated to Europe from the Middle East. And how do they show their appreciation for being allowed to immigrate to Europe:



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A bit like these clowns hey? Perhaps you should concentrate on your own hotbed of religio-narcosis freaks before you try straightening up someone elses.


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Those signs are indeed repugnant explorer. However, unlike the previous ones posted by supercar, they don't actually instruct/incite someone to go out and kil/behead people.

Going back to the original point - for a foreign organisation to incite foreigners to march in the streets of Amsterdam is flirting with an act of war.

Meow Purr.

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Even though they should have the freedom of religion (and thus get their mosque), the means of how they are trying to achieve this is unacceptable. They are behaving like a bunch of primitive retards.

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A bit like these clowns hey? Perhaps you should concentrate on your own hotbed of religio-narcosis freaks before you try straightening up someone elses.

as loathsome as the westbro baptists are, they don't incite violence, and even then, its irrelevant to this topic, why do their actions excuse extremist muslims?

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a great demonstration of Turks from throughout Europe will be held.
What I don't understand is whow is it that they can generate flash crowds but, westerners can't sustain a letter writing campaign to the parliment drive?

"Our people are emotional and someone crazy can just be walking among them,"
Oh, I see. So the clerics are telling the worlds that they plan to wind up these peopel and then not be responcible for the turmoil that follows? I assume they will be claiming that old "I shot an arrow into the air, it fell to earth I know not where" legal defence that always seems to work for them.

The Islamic Brownshirts are serving the same two purposes that Hitler's did.
Well, why break up a winning number?

..if Islamic societies are so great, how come muslims feel the need to migrate, live and forge out a life amongst the infidels of world and not put all of that hard work into their own primative, repressive, misogynist, gynophobic, theocratic-nonsense societies
Misery loves company? Edited by Lord Umbarger
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Those signs are indeed repugnant explorer. However, unlike the previous ones posted by supercar, they don't actually instruct/incite someone to go out and kil/behead people.

Going back to the original point - for a foreign organisation to incite foreigners to march in the streets of Amsterdam is flirting with an act of war.

Meow Purr.

Hey, I knew my post was incendiary but the death wishing sentiment is identical.

So are the G8 demonstrators floating around the planet flirting with an act of war?

Even though they should have the freedom of religion (and thus get their mosque), the means of how they are trying to achieve this is unacceptable. They are behaving like a bunch of primitive retards.

Who is they? The whole thread/article depends on a quote from one person, Fatih Dag. They haven't got on the bus yet!

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Who is they? The whole thread/article depends on a quote from one person, Fatih Dag. They haven't got on the bus yet!
Perhaps but, one must learn patience.

I think that the memory of the last ime the muslims of Europe got upset and took to the streets over something insignificant is still fresh in the minds of most people. FOr most who follow world events, to say that the muslims won't riot over something is to say that a drunk painter can't fall off a ladder. Never the less, if they do hold their peace on this issue, is there a lot of doubt that they won't find a different cause celeb in the near future?

Edited by Lord Umbarger
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So are the G8 demonstrators floating around the planet flirting with an act of war?

No, merely flirting with public hygiene laws. (thank gawd for those water cannon). :P

Meow Purr.

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