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Assassination brings Lebanon closer to brink

Lord Umbarger

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A sign of the times. I arrive home in Beirut from Paris, am just 20 minutes into my apartment when the windows of my office blow open with a single "crack". A tremendous explosion rolls across the Lebanese capital. Out of the house, 500 metres running down the Corniche and smoke is billowing from the Staff Sporting Club. Soldiers shouting, cops trying to keep the first reporters away, but I skulk through the ruins next to the sea with an old Lebanese photographer friend and we find ourselves in the wreckage of a tourist ghost train, all mangled tracks and carriages. "Enter at Your Risk," it says over the tunnel and on the other side is a burning car containing the corpse of Lebanon's latest assassination victim.

And not just "any" victim. The man in the smouldering vehicle is Walid Eido, a Beirut member of parliament, a former judge, much revered - anti-Syrian, of course, otherwise he would not be dead, would he? - and a supporter of Saad Hariri, son of the murdered former prime minister Rafik who was killed in an even bigger explosion on 14 February 2005, a thousand metres on the other side of my apartment. What is it about Beirut that turns this beautiful, sun-blessed city into a crematorium so quickly?

Eido was killed with his son Khaled and I saw their corpses, roasted, covered in cheap plastic bags so that Lebanon's greedy photographers could not use their last mortal remains on page one. Walid Eido's two bodyguards died with them. The "Sporting" was a hangout for Hariri's men but, as usual, this assassination must have been well planned, well co-ordinated, paid for way up front.

More of the story here.

Well, either side you back, left or right, good or evil, it looks like the nightly news is about to get pretty interesting! Hope you got snaks in the fridge!

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Unfortunatly, not surprised at all. This is something like the 8th Lebonese cabinat member/member of parliament opposed to Syria to be killed over the past 2 years. With the United Nations calling for an international inquiry over the bomping death of former P.M. Hariri (with another call by the UN only last week) it seems that the pro-Syrian forces idea is that if you kill enough opponants, and overturn the present government, then they can have their new lebanese government refuse to cooperate with the UN and stop the investigation. Syria and their friends do not want the world to see exactly how deep the Syrian fingers are in the affairs of Lebanon. And exactly who ordered the killing of the anti-Syrians.

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