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Suicide Bomb Teams Sent to U.S., Europe

el midgetron

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Don't they know we are fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them here?

Exclusive: Suicide Bomb Teams Sent to U.S., Europe

June 18, 2007 4:45 PM

Brian Ross Reports:

Large teams of newly trained suicide bombers are being sent to the United States and Europe, according to evidence contained on a new videotape obtained by the Blotter on ABCNews.com.

Teams assigned to carry out attacks in the United States, Canada, Great Britain and Germany were introduced at an al Qaeda/Taliban training camp graduation ceremony held June 9.

A Pakistani journalist was invited to attend and take pictures as some 300 recruits, including boys as young as 12, were supposedly sent off on their suicide missions.

The tape shows Taliban military commander Mansoor Dadullah, whose brother was killed by the U.S. last month, introducing and congratulating each team as they stood.

"These Americans, Canadians, British and Germans come here to Afghanistan from faraway places," Dadullah says on the tape. "Why shouldn't we go after them?"

The leader of the team assigned to attack Great Britain spoke in English.

"So let me say something about why we are going, along with my team, for a suicide attack in Britain," he said. "Whether my colleagues, companions and Muslim brothers die today or tonight, every drop of our blood will invigorate the Muslim (unintelligible)."

U.S. intelligence officials described the event as another example of "an aggressive and sophisticated propaganda campaign."

Others take it very seriously.

"It doesn't take too many who are willing to actually do it and be able to slip through the net and get into the United States or England and cause a lot of damage," said ABC News consultant Richard Clarke, the former White House counterterrorism official.


Looks like all those empty FEMA camps could soon be put to use.....

Actualy, it seems very odd to me that they would announce they were planning to do this.

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What sore losers they are targeting every one better than them, They can go die in a fire. Oh wait their going to.

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Actualy, it seems very odd to me that they would announce they were planning to do this.

Al-Quida has given warnings before. To fullfill the requirement in the Koran to give your enemy one warning to stop what your doing or to convert. Now these are a very general warning, like "Something big is going to happen over the next couple of weeks" Nothing spacific. Afterall they are not going to say anything to give the game plan away.

It is also proaganda. One of the great tools of terror is just the threat of terror. Afterall the terrorist can pick the time, date and place of their pleasing. But they do have to perform their acts of terror every now and then. Otherwise they stop being a threat and people stop being affraid of them. And fear is one of their main weapons. Being re-enforced from time to time to keep up the scare factor.

Of course the graduates of the terror school are hidden and not identifiable. But my concern is if they now have people who can pass as European and North American. People who can pass off as the average guy on the street. Real problems for everyone if you can not identify the bad guys from the good. Why I suspect the next terror attack will come from people not identifiable as Arab or from the greater Middle East area.

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You do realize that sooner or later, they will make a threat and noone will take it seriously. When that happens, they'll be able to more easily kill thousands. Kind of like the boy who cried wolf. Eventually, no body listens to him and the wolf comes an eats him.

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You do realize that sooner or later, they will make a threat and noone will take it seriously. When that happens, they'll be able to more easily kill thousands. Kind of like the boy who cried wolf. Eventually, no body listens to him and the wolf comes an eats him.

I should think (hope ?!) our security forces are on to that...Fact is, if you really want to, it is so easy to kill people. The human body is frail.

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I think that the FBI/Police has done a good job so far. But their efforts have been best against the homegrown terrorist cells. Groups that have an idea of their own on a target, but does not have the skill to do it all on their own. So when they have to go outside of their own little group, they become vulnerable to meeting up with informants. What I fear is a group that has the skills and are totally self-contained. So they do not need outside help. And some form of attack happens that the police have no idea of.

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Don't they know we are fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them here?

YUP, now when they make their move we be in the back and front of them.

Still don't get it?

Edited by AROCES
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YUP, now when they make their move we be in the back and front of them.

Still don't get it?

Did you come up with that all on your own? That we have been waiting for them to "make their move" so we can surround them? Impressive tactics. I am nominating you for a promotion to four star general in the blah blah blah army.

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Did no one else notice that they are sending teams to Canada? :o I hope our government does everything necessary to stop these people from ever reaching our soil. Suicide bombing is horrific at the very least. Even if one guy decides to blow himself up he can take hundreds with him.. its not very hard to sneak away somewhere in a big crowd and kill hundreds of innocent people. There will be no feeling safe anywhere..

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Meh. . . its just propaganda. The likely hood that they would be able to get here and then find explposives is a long shot.

But hey. . . dont go around thinking everyone with a puffy coat or a back pack has a bomb. . . thats just paranoia


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Did you come up with that all on your own? That we have been waiting for them to "make their move" so we can surround them? Impressive tactics. I am nominating you for a promotion to four star general in the blah blah blah army.

Oh no, you don't need a military star to figure that out. We know they will try to make a move to hit us again, and that is why we are out there hunting them down.

An unconfirmed report of another attack and here comes folks like you making it sound like the Terrorist have won and it's all over. :wacko:

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An unconfirmed report of another attack and here comes folks like you making it sound like the Terrorist have won and it's all over. :wacko:

Considering its a confirmed report of possible attacks, I shouldn't be suprised that you think I am making it sound like its over and the terrorist have won. Not realy sure what I said that gave you that impression but you are welcome to run wild with it.

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Looks like all those empty FEMA camps could soon be put to use.....

to detain all the people of M.E. origin. (wanted to finish the sentence)

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YUP, now when they make their move we be in the back and front of them.

Still don't get it?

Ok you still don't get it :P The war in Iraq has brought the radicals together more then ever. Now you will see more cooperation between factions and a more organized group terrorizing the western world. You don't see that? The war in Iraq only added fuel to the fire, you better believe the west will be attacked again. As Lt Ripley said in another thread "thanks for nothing George"

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to detain all the people of M.E. origin. (wanted to finish the sentence)

To detain anyone who doesn't lick boots. "Terrorist" means alot more to the government than just people of ME origin. Sure, they will be some of the first to get rounded up but they won't be the last.

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Ok you still don't get it :P The war in Iraq has brought the radicals together more then ever. Now you will see more cooperation between factions and a more organized group terrorizing the western world. You don't see that? The war in Iraq only added fuel to the fire, you better believe the west will be attacked again. As Lt Ripley said in another thread "thanks for nothing George"

Before they were in Iraq, they were in Afghanistan, Occupied Terrorities or Lybia, Syria, Egypt. ect, ect. That sess-pool known as the middle east. Now, at least they can all be wiped out in one area. They didn't just "pop" up out of thin air. These a fanactics have been around for years, years before Bush was president. But the blame Bush first crowd, as evidenced by the above post...will be the first to blame Bush when Iran lights off it's first nuke. And if Bush does nothing about Iran....they would be right.

Edited by Aztec Warrior
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Ok you still don't get it :P The war in Iraq has brought the radicals together more then ever. Now you will see more cooperation between factions and a more organized group terrorizing the western world. You don't see that? The war in Iraq only added fuel to the fire, you better believe the west will be attacked again. As Lt Ripley said in another thread "thanks for nothing George"

So, we should be thankful with the level of terrrorism that is put upon us before and now they are really mad? We made them even more mad by taking down a Saddam who his own people hanged for they want a new Iraq that is not hostile to the world. And your concern are those fanatics who are bombing the Iraqis into submission?

Think of what you are saying, the terrorist then got you and that is why they keep doing what they are doing.

And I should wonder what Lt. Ripley said about Bush after the hundreds of anti Bush blogs he posted ??? You know what, she really picked it up after Bob26003 got suspended. Maybe that is where the true conspiracy is??? :ph34r:

Edited by AROCES
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