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N.Y. Mayor Bloomberg dumps G.O.P.


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Mayor preparing for Presidential Run?

Report: Clinton and Giuliani not happy with announcement

WABC Eyewitness News

(New York - WABC, June 20, 2007) - He is the ultimate party hopper. Mayor Mike Bloomberg, a lifelong Democrat, then he became a Republican six years ago. And now, it's goodbye to the GOP. The mayor is going independent, now experts wonder, is this another step towards a possible presidential bid?

Can you imagine a presidential race with three New Yorker's in it: ® Rudy Giuliani, (D) Hillary Clinton and now Independent Mike Bloomberg. It's a scenario that has people buzzing from coast to coast.

Bloomberg made the announcement late Tuesday afternoon. It's a move that's certain to heighten speculation he's running for president to a fever pitch, despite his repeated denials he's running.

The billionaire former CEO was a lifelong Democrat before he switched to the Republican party in 2001 for his first mayoral run. He says this voter registration change does not mean he is running for president.

"Although my plans for the future haven't changed, I believe this brings my affiliation into alignment with how I have led and will continue to lead our city," Bloomberg said Tuesday.

Bloomberg has increasingly been the subject of speculation that he will run as an independent in 2008, despite his repeated promises to leave politics after the end of his term in 2009. Recently, he fueled the buzz with increasing out-of-state travel, a greater focus on national issues and repeated criticism for the way the country is run by partisan politics.


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Bloomberg goes where-ever the wind blows. The winds shifted towards the Republicans, so he moved there. He would move back to the Democrats, but they won't have him.

He's dead in the water if he wants to run for president.

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Bloomberg goes where-ever the wind blows. The winds shifted towards the Republicans, so he moved there. He would move back to the Democrats, but they won't have him.

He's dead in the water if he wants to run for president.


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I wouldn't count him out, at least as a spoiler. He's worth $5.5 billion dollars -- he has enough cash to "buy" the Presidency. Anyone who could easily spend 1/2 Billion of his own money on a campaign could be things very interesting.

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Hey, does anyone else smell the shadow of Perot? I really don't think that he would have much of a chance of winning the Oval Office but, he could pull enough voters from one party to cause a problem. Perot is often blamed for giving us Clinton, one of the very few Presidents elected to office with less than 50% of the votes.

Edited by Lord Umbarger
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Actually, aside from both of Clinton's runs, we got a plurality president in all of the following years: 1824, 1844, 1848, 1856, 1860, 1876, 1880, 1884, 1888, 1892, 1912, 1916, 1948, 1960, 1968, and of course, 2000. It happens.

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