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1960 Evil Overpass ! Humble, TX


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I never go south of the Red River. There's Texans down there!

wtf??????? LMAO

Edited by JulesNTX
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wtf??????? LMAO

I'm just north of the river here. I'm in OKIE territory. Good luck with your investigations. :) ~Jackal

Edited by JackalnChainz
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First of all, I just wanted to fill you guys in on a place I went to. I'm not asking for opinions nor am I trying to prove anything...this is just what I know happend. If you want to jump into the topic..Here's the link about the area : but read below to find exactly where story is located.

Scroll past all the cities til you see Houston, after that, scroll a few lines past that and the city is called Humble, Texas : 1960 Overpass...you will realized the next few stories following it are different buildings, but at the same location.


Ok, after I left work (where I mostly post from) I went home to gather a few things to go on an investigation. I don't have much equipment exept the general requirements such as Digital Camera, Digital Voice Recorder, and LED Flashlite with Red lense (which I preferred just brite light because I was spooked out.) I figured white light is purest for this occassion because Red look too eeirefor my current mood. HAha What a wus I am. The other members I usually asked to go with me were tied up do to family and wife reasons. (wife did not let him go play)

Anyways, I drove around 45 minutes to a supposedly extremely haunted place. This area is outside Houston, Texas. From what I have heard, everything around the area is active. All the buildings are said to be closed down due to this activity. So, as I drove there, I exited the off ramp and it does a u-turn underneath where there are railroad tracks. So when I spotted the Tracks, I looked around and i drove dead smack into it and didn't even realize this. The freakiest thing I saw was a church, because it has been abondoned from what I saw because the chains on the front door and from what i have read about it. They did not mentioned that there would be a giant white cross in front of the church doors. It looked more like it was there to deter evil spirits instead of a cross that symbolizes a church. Also, the Movie theater, miniture golf and wharhouse are all shut down due to enexplained events. Now to see a church scared enough to shut down is spooky.

Interesting part is, I had a sense of chest pains, like a stress or anxiety attack. Might be a vibe frim all the negative energy, might not. Who knows. N-E ways, it was a overwhelming feeling, you know that feeling when your nervous, and as much as i tried to hold my composure, evry hair on my body stood straight up. The area was built over a confederate cemetery and some of the bodies were unearth during the cinstuction prcess and no took the extra effert in cautiosly and consideratly bury the bodies back carefully. instead, they wrecklessly relocated in to the woods surrounding area. It is said that walking Corpses can be seen walikng around. I tried to snap some photo of the area for you guys, but my batteries in my Digital Camera went dead. This is strange because I spent all day charging them. Everyone knows if you use regular batteris in a digital does not last long, so i am always prepared. I use High Powered Energizer Rechargable Nickel-metal Hydride. Those give me at least 70 pictures on my memory card or about 8 three minute video clips. anyways, i powered the camera on, and it died. Tried it again, battery died, so I switched batteries to the other ones i charged also just hours earlier. They died also. Maybe this is dure to some Electro manetic field. i would not know what else to explain...don't say I didn't charge them correctly, because I have the Indicater light that tells me they're charged. That's not the case because I'm home now, and checking to see if moisture or humidty made it doe this....it turns on...no problem now. Batteries are find.........

I will try to go back, but I'm taking a few friends...anyone else from Houston Area interested in going next time I go....regardless I'll post update.

Here's the link about the area : but read below to find exactly where story is located.

Scroll past all the cities til you see Houston, after that, scroll e few lines past that and the city is called Humble, Texas : 1960 Overpass...you will realized the next few stories following it are different builings, but at the same location.


ActuallyI'll just copy and paste the info, but the link is to at least varify it does exist since I failed to provide photos, Which I will try to do again...

Humble - 1960 Over Pass Area/Train Track - The East 1960 overpass is now built over what was once a cemetery. The overpass was built to cross a set of train tracks. Workers dug up the cemetery and moved it to the woods beside it. Now It is a extremely evil area. Several business?s along the tracks have reported violent disturbances. There was a Putt Putt course along the tracks in the area that became a church, when the church would be closed in the night demonic screams could be heard from inside. The woods are very active as well, There are images seen floating through the woods as well as red lights, which are believed to be a gateway into pure evil.

Humble - Old Golf and Games - This area is now a church but was abandon for years only a haven to cults and ghosts. The ghosts here are the result of being disturbed by man moving their graves. About 97 percent of every sighting in this area the ghost appear as a rotting corpse. There?s a bench just outside the building where every night there a white figure that sits on the far side of the bench. The figure is that of a human. The corpse like ghosts can also be seen in the woods across from the building wandering through the turned over gravestones and fallen church. IF YOU ATEMPT TO GO TO THIS AREA PLEASE USE EXTREAME CAUTION, THERE HAVE BEEN MURDERS AND BODIES UNCOVERED IN THE WOODS.

Humble - Old Dollar Theater - This Theater is located along a area believed to be haunted by demons and demonic forces. It is part of the 1960 overpass haunting. The workers of the theater would be attacked by the evil entity. It would throw things at them and corner them with shadows. The theater was once blessed with holy water and a cross was put in the projection booth, but everyday the cross was moved from on booth to another unexplained. Some mornings the person who was opening would hear voices from the projection rooms, and footsteps outside the hall. There was one morning when the projectionist went in and found the word "SATIN" carved in the wall of projection booth 2, this booth was where most of the bang and violent attacks occurred.

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Hi Ollie,

I'm glad to see this thread is still going with recent activity.....lol.

I've been here quite a few times and would recommend doing EVP. Our group has been talking about going back out there, but it will probably be after the first of the year. I have a few good EVPs from the cemetary and want to explore that area further. BTW, all of my EVPs were captured during the day. This area is too questionable at night IMO.

Hi Jules,

The area has alot of kids running around at night.

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I want to plan some sort of thing to go out around midnight and stay till about 3 am because around that time i think we weill get the strrongest activity. my brother and i are trying ot get a hold of a emf reader too :P

I went a day ago to the cemetery and it's weird because before you enter the gate there is small wood chippings, sort of like bedding. when you go all the way into the graveyard allthe graves are marked with those white tubes and are now bedded on with the wood chippings as if they are trying to fix up the cemetery.

weird , need to find out whats going on

Edited by ollie12
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  • 2 weeks later...

got sick of going to the same old haunted places. so me and a friend went online to find ones in humble we didnt already know about. 1st up- the dollar theater. evp revealed male screaming. i put my hand thru the ticketbooth hole to take pictures from inside. caught something that looked like smoke. warm air blew out from inside eventho it was cold outside.

went behind the theater, along the tracks. sounded like a can rattling. i was afraid of possible bums and getting caught mainly.. but that noise i thought was a can, grew louder and faster.. sounded like an alarm. I was the driver and got freaked.. but we went back. my friends convinced me it was NOT an alarm.

and never again has that bell ever rang so faintly as it did the first nite. anyways.. that bell always rings. faster and louder as you approach. it's not motion sensored. it's not timed. it's completely random and true. we've tested. water pours out from below it, matchin the intensity of the ring. When it's not ringing, the water barely drizzles.


the bell knows me now and would ring as soon as i made myself visible to the alleyway. Now it'll ring for me when i'm on the street before i even turn into the shopping center..

it answers questions with its ringing and claims not to be an alarm or a ghost. but is angry and sometimes cant decide whether it wants you there or not.

once got spooked cuz we saw black objects moving along the ground back and forth thru the alleyway.. just raccoons i think.

slams those dumpster around when its p***ed. GETS WAY p***ED IF YOU RECITE SCRIPTURE OR DEMAND/ REBUKE THINGS IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. shuts up when you speak in Japanese... hmm what else.?

i'm always there..

the church.. my godfather was pastor there.. it shut down cuz rent was too high for him there. never anything happened while i was there. now is a storage unit. went to the other side of the tracks by there to catch evp. when i said i was listening.. just the damn bell on the other side started ringing again.

went to find the slave cemetary. my friend whos been there already hasnt seen it since last year. we may have not been able to find the right trail in the dark. but the one we went down was totally cleared out and cleaned up...

we'[ll go back again during the day...

more later.

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wow dude i need to see some pix of this place it sounds sooooo spooky.

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yeah everytime my crew and i go back to the theatter we find NOTHING. we are actually going tonight again,

yeah that bell has rang on us before and it is not an alarm.

we also have acess to get inside the theater and we do it alot and nothing comes through our way.

tonight we shall try something new, no idea what but something must happened tonight

if you wanna meet up sometime or something hit me up because since ive goone about 30 times in the past 2 months then i problaly know the explinations to what you got frightened to

aim - r0llyp0lly0llie1

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got sick of going to the same old haunted places. so me and a friend went online to find ones in humble we didnt already know about. 1st up- the dollar theater. evp revealed male screaming. i put my hand thru the ticketbooth hole to take pictures from inside. caught something that looked like smoke. warm air blew out from inside eventho it was cold outside.

went behind the theater, along the tracks. sounded like a can rattling. i was afraid of possible bums and getting caught mainly.. but that noise i thought was a can, grew louder and faster.. sounded like an alarm. I was the driver and got freaked.. but we went back. my friends convinced me it was NOT an alarm.

and never again has that bell ever rang so faintly as it did the first nite. anyways.. that bell always rings. faster and louder as you approach. it's not motion sensored. it's not timed. it's completely random and true. we've tested. water pours out from below it, matchin the intensity of the ring. When it's not ringing, the water barely drizzles.


the bell knows me now and would ring as soon as i made myself visible to the alleyway. Now it'll ring for me when i'm on the street before i even turn into the shopping center..

it answers questions with its ringing and claims not to be an alarm or a ghost. but is angry and sometimes cant decide whether it wants you there or not.

once got spooked cuz we saw black objects moving along the ground back and forth thru the alleyway.. just raccoons i think.

slams those dumpster around when its p***ed. GETS WAY p***ED IF YOU RECITE SCRIPTURE OR DEMAND/ REBUKE THINGS IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. shuts up when you speak in Japanese... hmm what else.?

i'm always there..

the church.. my godfather was pastor there.. it shut down cuz rent was too high for him there. never anything happened while i was there. now is a storage unit. went to the other side of the tracks by there to catch evp. when i said i was listening.. just the damn bell on the other side started ringing again.

went to find the slave cemetary. my friend whos been there already hasnt seen it since last year. we may have not been able to find the right trail in the dark. but the one we went down was totally cleared out and cleaned up...

we'[ll go back again during the day...

more later.

I have been there several times and never heard a bell. I even chased someone that kept watching among the bushes near the slave cemetary but could not catch them. All I heard was running foot steps in the woods but no figure or persons. I went there once with a group and several times alone at night to see if anything produces in case these entities are shy.

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my sister,two brother and laws,and their kids were looking for a dollar cinema to go to and well we found this site and others similar almost by accident.we live at 59 and the beltway...we all went to the area behind the old theater and walked the area down along the tracks toward and passed the overpass.we never found a church or golf course.well we found a newer church by a school.we took pics and we think behind my right shoulder in one picture there is a white woman wearing rosary beads.my brother in laws dont believe in this sort of thing but my sister and i do.well after seeing the pics my sister,me,and my bro in law bob went back to the general area.we took more pics but had to leave b/c the ****ing cops.we are definately interested in going back so send me an email at pimpinlifetothafullest@yahoo.com oh we should be putting all our pics on myspace tomorrow,happy holidays guys,corey http://www.myspace.com/coreyrapp look in the ghost hunter album

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  • 2 weeks later...

my name is curtis, i just found this forum, and thought i would let you guys know that i actually have pictures and video of the cemetary that is mentioned in this blog. i live about 15 minutes away from there, and have my whole life. i saw this blog this morning and decided to go get some pictures for you guys. he is right its a really creepy place, that isnt in the best part of town. i remember the dollar theatre he mentioned from when i was little. i think he was saying that it was a civil war burial ground, but he was one war off, WWI. okay lets see if i cant get these pictures on here...


this is the overpass


railroad could use some TLC huh?


the worst part is these are WWI soldiers!


big concrete structure next to the cemetary


the bigger headstone is 3 different headstones stacked on one another


look at the shadows of the trees sink in, also the white PVC pipes sticking out of the ground are to let air out after they bury people. sh**ty relocating job guys.

there are alot of places like this around houston, i just didnt know anyone was really too interested. these are my "think spots". i enjoy clearing my head and being alone at night in these places. if you want more pictures of different places, let me know and ill look.

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got sick of going to the same old haunted places. so me and a friend went online to find ones in humble we didnt already know about. 1st up- the dollar theater. evp revealed male screaming. i put my hand thru the ticketbooth hole to take pictures from inside. caught something that looked like smoke. warm air blew out from inside eventho it was cold outside.

went behind the theater, along the tracks. sounded like a can rattling. i was afraid of possible bums and getting caught mainly.. but that noise i thought was a can, grew louder and faster.. sounded like an alarm. I was the driver and got freaked.. but we went back. my friends convinced me it was NOT an alarm.

and never again has that bell ever rang so faintly as it did the first nite. anyways.. that bell always rings. faster and louder as you approach. it's not motion sensored. it's not timed. it's completely random and true. we've tested. water pours out from below it, matchin the intensity of the ring. When it's not ringing, the water barely drizzles.


the bell knows me now and would ring as soon as i made myself visible to the alleyway. Now it'll ring for me when i'm on the street before i even turn into the shopping center..

it answers questions with its ringing and claims not to be an alarm or a ghost. but is angry and sometimes cant decide whether it wants you there or not.

once got spooked cuz we saw black objects moving along the ground back and forth thru the alleyway.. just raccoons i think.

slams those dumpster around when its p***ed. GETS WAY p***ED IF YOU RECITE SCRIPTURE OR DEMAND/ REBUKE THINGS IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. shuts up when you speak in Japanese... hmm what else.?

i'm always there..

the church.. my godfather was pastor there.. it shut down cuz rent was too high for him there. never anything happened while i was there. now is a storage unit. went to the other side of the tracks by there to catch evp. when i said i was listening.. just the damn bell on the other side started ringing again.

went to find the slave cemetary. my friend whos been there already hasnt seen it since last year. we may have not been able to find the right trail in the dark. but the one we went down was totally cleared out and cleaned up...

we'[ll go back again during the day...

more later.

i cant find the theatre! how exactly do you get there if youre coming from 1960 west, aldine westfield direction?

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yall been to Golf n Games?

i got EVP that recorded in between my boyfriend and i's segments.. during the time i couldnt get the thing to power on to even record.. this is what there is...

it's the profile song on my myspace page:


let me know what you think

oh, and the bell doesn't ring anymore. almost makes me sad. i;ve got its ringing recorded tho...

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yall been to Golf n Games?

i got EVP that recorded in between my boyfriend and i's segments.. during the time i couldnt get the thing to power on to even record.. this is what there is...

it's the profile song on my myspace page:


let me know what you think

oh, and the bell doesn't ring anymore. almost makes me sad. i;ve got its ringing recorded tho...



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look at the shadows of the trees sink in, also the white PVC pipes sticking out of the ground are to let air out after they bury people. sh**ty relocating job guys.

:o, that's what the pipes are for :hmm:

It does look like a creepy place, thanks for the pictures.


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yall been to Golf n Games?

i got EVP that recorded in between my boyfriend and i's segments.. during the time i couldnt get the thing to power on to even record.. this is what there is...

it's the profile song on my myspace page:


let me know what you think

oh, and the bell doesn't ring anymore. almost makes me sad. i;ve got its ringing recorded tho...

Where can we hear this EVP?

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yall been to Golf n Games?

i got EVP that recorded in between my boyfriend and i's segments.. during the time i couldnt get the thing to power on to even record.. this is what there is...

it's the profile song on my myspace page:


let me know what you think

oh, and the bell doesn't ring anymore. almost makes me sad. i;ve got its ringing recorded tho...

IS there a place to where we can hear this?

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my name is curtis, i just found this forum, and thought i would let you guys know that i actually have pictures and video of the cemetary that is mentioned in this blog. i live about 15 minutes away from there, and have my whole life. i saw this blog this morning and decided to go get some pictures for you guys. he is right its a really creepy place, that isnt in the best part of town. i remember the dollar theatre he mentioned from when i was little. i think he was saying that it was a civil war burial ground, but he was one war off, WWI. okay lets see if i cant get these pictures on here...

look at the shadows of the trees sink in, also the white PVC pipes sticking out of the ground are to let air out after they bury people. sh**ty relocating job guys.

there are alot of places like this around houston, i just didnt know anyone was really too interested. these are my "think spots". i enjoy clearing my head and being alone at night in these places. if you want more pictures of different places, let me know and ill look.

wow sweet pix where is the video i have to see that!

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my name is curtis, i just found this forum, and thought i would let you guys know that i actually have pictures and video of the cemetary that is mentioned in this blog. i live about 15 minutes away from there, and have my whole life. i saw this blog this morning and decided to go get some pictures for you guys. he is right its a really creepy place, that isnt in the best part of town. i remember the dollar theatre he mentioned from when i was little. i think he was saying that it was a civil war burial ground, but he was one war off, WWI. okay lets see if i cant get these pictures on here...


this is the overpass


railroad could use some TLC huh?


the worst part is these are WWI soldiers!


big concrete structure next to the cemetary


the bigger headstone is 3 different headstones stacked on one another


look at the shadows of the trees sink in, also the white PVC pipes sticking out of the ground are to let air out after they bury people. sh**ty relocating job guys.

there are alot of places like this around houston, i just didnt know anyone was really too interested. these are my "think spots". i enjoy clearing my head and being alone at night in these places. if you want more pictures of different places, let me know and ill look.

Hey Curtis,

Have you had any experiences while visiting these places?

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Humble - Old Dollar Theater - This Theater is located along a area believed to be haunted by demons and demonic forces. It is part of the 1960 overpass haunting. The workers of the theater would be attacked by the evil entity. It would throw things at them and corner them with shadows. The theater was once blessed with holy water and a cross was put in the projection booth, but everyday the cross was moved from on booth to another unexplained. Some mornings the person who was opening would hear voices from the projection rooms, and footsteps outside the hall. There was one morning when the projectionist went in and found the word "SATIN" carved in the wall of projection booth 2, this booth was where most of the bang and violent attacks occurred.

Satin? The place sounds a bit like Silent Hill if you ask me...Otherwise normal places turning horrible...I'd wanna visit there...

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Satin? The place sounds a bit like Silent Hill if you ask me...Otherwise normal places turning horrible...I'd wanna visit there...

I am wondering if their is any documentation to prove this.

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Hey Curtis,

Have you had any experiences while visiting these places?

actually some friends of mine moved to houston a few weeks ago, and said they had heard of the place so we took them. we had two girls and three guys, so a friend and i went ahead to make sure it was okay. it was about 1 in the morning, so it was pitch black, and when we walked around the corner to the cemetary, my stomach and his wrenched and twisted, kinda like bad gas but i didnt have to poot :huh: we checked things out for a second, trying to tough through the pain, and decided it was okay for everyone to come back. when we went back to get them, as soon as we steped out of the cemetary, we were both instantly fine. we got the others and headed back, and the same thing happened to my stomach that time, in the same place. we were there for maybe 10 minutes, then heard something in the woods, and decided to be safe and leave. call it what you want but my stomach was definately telling me to leave. as for whoever it was that wanted the video, give me your e-mail address, and ill send it.

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