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120,000 Die From Rx Drugs,

Lord Umbarger

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Before reading the following news story, ask your self these two questions...

1). How many new drugs have come out over the last thirty years?

2). What is the last thing that was really and truly cured?

The statistics are astounding. Over 120,000 people a year die as a direct result of taking prescription drugs. The drugs properly prescribed by their medical doctor. Properly taken by the patient. 120,000 people dead. The mainstream media doesn't cover it. Why? Over 90, 000 people a year die from secondary infections in hospitals. The mainstream media doesn't cover it. Why?

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. At the same time the mainstream media makes sure you know all about the illegal drugs and their infamous war on them. What are the stats that warrant such a large investment in time and resources to win this war on illegal drugs?

At last count 11,000 people died last year from illegal drug use. 11,000 people. What does that tell you?

It's a con. The whole show is a con. The real problem, as the above stats PROVE, is the prescription drug deaths and all the death in the hospitals. Illegal drugs deaths, although tragic, is just a drop in the bucket compared to the legal drugs. And yet they try to convince you the illegal drugs are the problem. And you don't hear a word about the Prescrption

You really need to read the article this link will take you to. This is a pretty informative read and toolong to paste the whole thing on UM.The Germ turns here....

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Over 120,000 people a year die as a direct result of taking prescription drugs. The drugs properly prescribed by their medical doctor. Properly taken by the patient. 120,000 people dead. ................At last count 11,000 people died last year from illegal drug use. 11,000 people............

It's a con. The whole show is a con.

Wow, I didn't think the number would be that high. Its easy to explain why this is never discussed in the media. Any commercial break is likely to have more than one drug commercial not to mention the usual corperate/big buisness, governmental ties. These figures speak volumes to me about the biased agenda of the media.

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I read a book on this subject a couple of years ago -- it's "Prescription for Disaster" by Thomas J. Moore.

More says that perhaps far more than 100,000 people are killed each year by prescription drugs. The reason it is under-reported is that the cause of death is rarely attributed to a drug a sick person is taking, but rather to the illness itself -- even when the drug clearly was the cause.

Moore says that deaths due to prescrip, drugs are rarely investigated of followed up on, which is crazy. For example, if you are in a minor fender-bender with your car -- there will most often be a police report, and insurance investigation, a report filed.

But when someone is killed by a presciption drug, there is almost never an investigation, report, or anything, even when the drug is listed as the cause. That's crazy -- the pharm giants are super powerful -- they have more than one lobbiest for every member of Congress.

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Before reading the following news story, ask your self these two questions...

1). How many new drugs have come out over the last thirty years?

2). What is the last thing that was really and truly cured?

The statistics are astounding. Over 120,000 people a year die as a direct result of taking prescription drugs. The drugs properly prescribed by their medical doctor. Properly taken by the patient. 120,000 people dead. The mainstream media doesn't cover it. Why? Over 90, 000 people a year die from secondary infections in hospitals. The mainstream media doesn't cover it. Why?

I dont think they're taken properly by patients, I think alot of those deaths would be improper use and abuse, then a fair few more would be doctors prescribing the wrong thing. I'd bet very few of those 120,000 were properly prescribed and properly taken. It still is an alarming number.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. At the same time the mainstream media makes sure you know all about the illegal drugs and their infamous war on them. What are the stats that warrant such a large investment in time and resources to win this war on illegal drugs?

At last count 11,000 people died last year from illegal drug use. 11,000 people. What does that tell you?

It's a con. The whole show is a con. The real problem, as the above stats PROVE, is the prescription drug deaths and all the death in the hospitals. Illegal drugs deaths, although tragic, is just a drop in the bucket compared to the legal drugs. And yet they try to convince you the illegal drugs are the problem. And you don't hear a word about the Prescrption

You really need to read the article this link will take you to. This is a pretty informative read and toolong to paste the whole thing on UM.The Germ turns here....

I'm all for the legalization of every substance you can name. The problem is, prescription drugs are seen as morally clean, when they really arent. Rush Limbaugh for example, against illegal drugs while taking legal ones. That means there are alot of people who will abuse prescription drugs but not touch some of the potentially more benign ones because they're seen as immoral. My point is the reason the numbers are so stacked against prescription drugs is because its far easier to obtain and abuse them.

Of course, that's not how the media portrays it.

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A Collection of Articles on Disease Mongering in PLoS Medicine

The Fight against Disease Mongering: Generating Knowledge for Action

Ray Moynihan, David Henry

Bigger and Better: How Pfizer Redefined Erectile Dysfunction

Joel Lexchin

Medicine Goes to School: Teachers as Sickness Brokers for ADHD

Christine B. Phillips

Female Sexual Dysfunction: A Case Study of Disease Mongering and Activist Resistance

Leonore Tiefer

The Latest Mania: Selling Bipolar Disorder

David Healy

Pharmaceutical Marketing and the Invention of the Medical Consumer

Kalman Applbaum

Combating Disease Mongering: Daunting but Nonetheless Essential

Iona Heath

Giving Legs to Restless Legs: A Case Study of How the Media Helps Make People Sick

Steven Woloshin, Lisa M. Schwartz

Cholinesterase Inhibitors: Drugs Looking for a Disease?

Marina Maggini, Nicola Vanacore, Roberto Raschetti

Disease Mongering in Drug Promotion: Do Governments Have a Regulatory Role?

Barbara Mintzes


Drug Lobby Second to None - How the pharmaceutical industry gets its way in Washington

The pharmaceutical and health products industry has spent more than $800 million in federal lobbying and campaign donations at the federal and state levels in the past seven years, a Center for Public Integrity investigation has found. Its lobbying operation, on which it reports spending more than $675 million, is the biggest in the nation. No other industry has spent more money to sway public policy in that period. Its combined political outlays on lobbying and campaign contributions is topped only by the insurance industry.

The drug industry's huge investments in Washington—though meager compared to the profits they make—have paid off handsomely, resulting in a series of favorable laws on Capitol Hill and tens of billions of dollars in additional profits. [see What the Industry Got.] They have also fended off measures aimed at containing prices, like allowing importation of medicines from countries that cap prescription drug prices, which would have dented their profit margins. Pfizer, the world's largest drug company, made a profit of $11.3 billion last year, out of sales of $51 billion.


Continues - http://www.publicintegrity.org/rx/report.aspx?aid=723

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And the drug companies make a killing in sales. Literally and figuratively. I'm really paranoid when it comes to taking medicine and going to a doctor.

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And the drug companies make a killing in sales. Literally and figuratively. I'm really paranoid when it comes to taking medicine and going to a doctor.
There is far more money in the treatment than there is in the cure.
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heck if you start curing people you might just lose your job

same with government programs that claim to want to "fix" things... if the beurocracy hired to fix the problem actually does, they don't have a job anymore

If there were no racial tension, Jessie and Al wouldn't have a job... so they make sure there is racial tension, even when there is none.

on and on etc etc... War on Drugs

sorry, this was about Rx Drugs. Yeah. I agree with Lord U *Again!* :tu:

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stay away from the devil's weed
Heh-heh! Yep, you've gotta save room for this toxic do-nothing drug that will make you feel worse than the disease does.
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The Rx industry is shameless. My best gal pal is a high school teacher and has to go to several seminars a year based on catching and identifying the early warning signs of ADHD, Bipolar, ADD and all the other conditions that afflict 48% of children and young adults. Teacher is to notify princepal, princepal is to notify parents, parents take child to doctor where doctor says "have 'em take 5 of these a day; that might help".


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Here in Sowega, where I live, they had a massive increase in the number of kids diagnosed with ADHD the same year they took recess out of the school day. I still don't see why people who are supposed to be knowledgable about medicine and the human body can't see the connection. Put the little rug rats outside and let them run some of that energy off. Of course, what I suggest won't make any money for the Drug Companies.

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Well here are some of the things I think are wrong with the medical industry.

Advertising treatment for condition that don't even require treatment.

Medical researchers over-blowing certain conditions to get grants.

Parents going to doctor after doctor until one "diagnoses" little Johny with whatever will help them explain away him being a gobsh**e.

Parents throwing pills down their kids throats to make them docile enough to enable them to avoid actual parenting.

Groups doing their best to force their governments to ban any research they find objectionable.

The media running scare stories, leading to those unable to think for themselves shying away from vaccinating their children.

People who misuse prescription medication because hell they watch Discovery Health so obviously know more than doctors.

Doctors who are overworked mixing things up, missing known problems in their patients and prescribing the wrong meds.

Doctors who only really care about which Rep. will pay them more or has the biggest tits (drug companies don't hire ex cheerleaders and male models for their knowledge).

People who believes the Doctor is above making a mistake so never question their divine wisdom.

A situation where the only ones with the resources to carry out most of the research also happen to be the ones who have to please their shareholders.

Those addicted to prescription meds who don't mind going to numerous doctors and pharmacies to get their fix.

Of course there a lot of thing that are right and a lot is achieved, but there's always room for improvement.

Oh and legalise all drugs, tax them remove the organised crime element, offer rehab and still allow employees to take drug tests and hire accordingly. If people screw themselves up at least they'll have paid tax towards the cost of the clean up and hopefully if the tax is handled properly you wont see junkies commiting crime to get their fix.

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I only take a couple of meds. Firstly, I drink alcohol to cure my sobriety. Then, come morrning, I take aspirin to cure my hangover. Once my head ache is gone, I feel good enough to go party. So, I drink some alcohol to cure my sobriety...

No, I don't have a problem with dirinking, I've think that after all this time, I've just about got it figured out.

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Advertising treatment for condition that don't even require treatment.

Exactly. "Tell your doctor you want fill in the blank for your RLS" Yuck!

Parents going to doctor after doctor until one "diagnoses" little Johny with whatever will help them explain away him being a gobsh**e.

Parents throwing pills down their kids throats to make them docile enough to enable them to avoid actual parenting.

Parent: "Can't you give him something to shut him the hell up? Christ! I'm dying here!"

The media running scare stories, leading to those unable to think for themselves shying away from vaccinating their children.

Criminal. My parents weren't allowed to place me kindergarden without proof of my vaccinations.

Doctors who only really care about which Rep. will pay them more or has the biggest tits (drug companies don't hire ex cheerleaders and male models for their knowledge).

Sounds like something from [sCRUBS] but its probably closer to real life than the docs would like to admit.

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i just want to know what happened b4 rx drugs became availible , i know ppl probbly died but how many compared to today ,you never heard of have the diseases and conditions that are known today back 50 years ago , its all confusing to me

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I drink alcohol to cure my sobriety.
LMAO! Never heard that one before, I love it! Edited by Reincarnated
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Anyone who has seen the parade of sales representatives through a doctor's waiting room has probably noticed that they are frequently female and invariably good looking. Less recognized is the fact that a good many are recruited from the cheerleading ranks.


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