_OuijaBoy_ Posted June 29, 2007 #1 Share Posted June 29, 2007 Hi people. Alrighty this is going to be a strange request and all but would it be possible for someone to possibly ask these questions for me the next time they use an Ouija board? Firstly it would be deemed important that if someone decides to ask these for me, that possibly they have a regular spirit who them have come to trust and know somewhat. Of course being experienced with the board is always important. The reason I ask is I'd like some feedback from another spirit via another persons Seance to compare to answers I recently got from my little sisters Seance not so long ago. I would like to see how the answers compare and differ.Of course I realize answers from Ouija are never to be taken as gospel but If anyone could indeed ask these q's on there next Ouija board Seance i'd be very greatful. The questions: Does god Exist? Is there a soul? Is time travel possible? Are there other dimensions? Please reply to this to say if you could do this for me and explain when you would be having your next Seance. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
raistlan316 Posted June 29, 2007 #2 Share Posted June 29, 2007 And you are going to believe "the results" other people give you? You realize you are asking for people to yank your chain a bit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jules22871 Posted June 29, 2007 #3 Share Posted June 29, 2007 I think this could be an interseting experiment. I would try it but I dont have a board. Please be sure to post your results! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IronGhost Posted June 29, 2007 #4 Share Posted June 29, 2007 Perhaps the following Quija board session report will give you an idea about the kind of advice you can get from Quija board "beings" http://ironghost.wordpress.com/2006/08/18/...e-a-true-story/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AstroForce Posted June 29, 2007 #5 Share Posted June 29, 2007 Perhaps the following Quija board session report will give you an idea about the kind of advice you can get from Quija board "beings" http://ironghost.wordpress.com/2006/08/18/...e-a-true-story/ Interesting Theory ...Kind of disturbing but Interesting Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
She-ra Posted June 29, 2007 #6 Share Posted June 29, 2007 WOW. I feel like a puppet now. Excellent read. Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JustNormal Posted June 29, 2007 #7 Share Posted June 29, 2007 Hi people. Alrighty this is going to be a strange request and all but would it be possible for someone to possibly ask these questions for me the next time they use an Ouija board? Firstly it would be deemed important that if someone decides to ask these for me, that possibly they have a regular spirit who them have come to trust and know somewhat. Of course being experienced with the board is always important. The reason I ask is I'd like some feedback from another spirit via another persons Seance to compare to answers I recently got from my little sisters Seance not so long ago. I would like to see how the answers compare and differ.Of course I realize answers from Ouija are never to be taken as gospel but If anyone could indeed ask these q's on there next Ouija board Seance i'd be very greatful. The questions: Does god Exist? Is there a soul? Is time travel possible? Are there other dimensions? Please reply to this to say if you could do this for me and explain when you would be having your next Seance. A seance and Ouija board do not always go hand and hand. Ouija boards are known to have very negative effects once the "game" is over. Many times when these are used, it can bring in some nasty spirits and maybe worse. If you and your little sister are dabbling with the occult, all I have to say is, be careful what you wish for.I would say instead of using seances and Ouijas, search within yourself, and get the true results. If you have other questions regarding time travel and other demensions, just check online and get different opinions and then make up your own mind. Good Luck...JN Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
She-ra Posted June 29, 2007 #8 Share Posted June 29, 2007 Oh yes! And to add to that always have a psychic medium open and close the board properly. Do not do this without someone who KNOWS what they're doing. PS: Never burn a Board either. If not properly shut down, then whatever came through has no way to go back. PSS: Any smartass comments and I go Kung Foo Karate Ass... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barek Halfhand Posted June 29, 2007 #9 Share Posted June 29, 2007 ...... I realize answers from Ouija are never to be taken as gospelbut The questions: Does god Exist? Is there a soul? Is time travel possible? Are there other dimensions? Please reply to this to say if you could do this for me and explain when you would be having your next Seance. would you take an answer abut Gods' existance from a Ouija board chanelled spirit as gospel? ........B halfhandshuffle:arch enemy-nemesis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1taOP0HcY-E Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MasterPo Posted June 30, 2007 #10 Share Posted June 30, 2007 Even if you did use a board and got an answer how do you know it's legit? (DONT USE BOARDS!!!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
boorite Posted June 30, 2007 #11 Share Posted June 30, 2007 Sure, just hand unconscious ideomotor control over to whatever might be out there. The best result you could hope for is none. And that makes the Ouija board a losing bet, in my opinion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sadil Posted June 30, 2007 #12 Share Posted June 30, 2007 When people use an ouija board, they influence each other and move whatever they're using by themselves. Not saying all attempts at Ouija boards are 'without success', but most are. If you put your finger straight down on the table, fingertip resting in a straight angle down, try to keep your finger still while using a reasonable amount of pressure needed to move an object. I will bet you two bucks you can't keep it still. It ALWAYS slightly shakes, and when multiple people do this they influence each other's movements. And the object moves; once there is movement you will automatically apply enough pressure to keep it moving, too. At least, that is from my own experience. I've tested it without an Ouija board with a few people and we can't keep a chip or glass from moving even if we try. It is often nothing paranormal and events occurring afterwards are a friction of the imagination. That said, it's doubtful you will get a proper answer on any of your questions. Only very few people are capable of summoning ghosts/spirits/entities. You don't play with an Ouija board - it plays with your mind. Look for the answers in your heart. If you live by another's person's words your decisions to believe or accept the answers will be meaningless. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Please Explain Posted June 30, 2007 #13 Share Posted June 30, 2007 I got bored using it. I use a pen to connect to the other kingdom of....ummmmm. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alienated Being Posted June 30, 2007 #14 Share Posted June 30, 2007 Ouija boards are only scary if you allow them to be... they're basically a tool used by the subconscious, not a tool in the occult. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MasterPo Posted June 30, 2007 #15 Share Posted June 30, 2007 It's not the board. You can use anything. It's the opening up to whatever is there. You're inviting in something you know nothing about. Like opening your front door in the middle of the night and walking away. Who knows what may come in. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alienated Being Posted June 30, 2007 #16 Share Posted June 30, 2007 It's not the board. You can use anything. It's the opening up to whatever is there. You're inviting in something you know nothing about. Like opening your front door in the middle of the night and walking away. Who knows what may come in. You know, you're right. That just makes me not wanna use one anymore. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
boorite Posted June 30, 2007 #17 Share Posted June 30, 2007 It's not the board. You can use anything. It's the opening up to whatever is there. You're inviting in something you know nothing about. Like opening your front door in the middle of the night and walking away. Who knows what may come in. Yes. At best, nothing comes in. At worst, a rabid raccoon or a serial killer. I close my door. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IronGhost Posted June 30, 2007 #18 Share Posted June 30, 2007 Okay, I have an Quija board that is about 45 years old, which I have messed around with off and on for years. I discovered that with some people, I can't make the thing do anything, but whenever my buddy Brain and I give it a go, the thing really gets us in contact with a lot of weird stuff on "the other side." Neither Brian nor I believe we are moving the oracle, even subconsciously. We take turns being blindfolded while we ask questions and get answers. So I called up Brian last night, he came over, we had a couple of drinks, watched the Minnesota Twins kick the s**t out of the Detroit Tigers, then got out the Quija Board to see if we could get some answers for OuijaBoy. So here are the result fo our session. I'll put the answers of the Entity we contacted in ALL CAPS for everyone's convenience. First Question to the Board: "We are seeking the guidance and wisdom of an advanced, intelligent entity -- does anyone care to make contact with us? Answer: SPEAK. Question: Hello! This is Ken and Brian. We are human beings on the planet earth. We are physical beings. Who are you? Answer: WHAT DO YOU MEAN, 'WHO ARE YOU?' Question: We mean, what is your name? How do you identify yourself? Answer: YOUR QUESTION MAKES VERY LITTLE SENSE. EXISTENCE IS EXISTENCE. Question: Don't you have an individual identity? We mean, are you one of many? Answer: YES, ONE OF MANY. Question: So how do you identify yourself as opposed to others? That would be your specific name? Answer: IT WOULD BE CONSIDERED PRIMITIVE AND VULGAR TO EVEN CONSIDER AN INDIVIDUAL IDENTITY HERE. Question: So you are a being who is one of many, but you have sort of a group mind? Answer: NO. YOU APPARENTLY ARE OPERATING ON A LOWER TIER OF CONSCIOUSNESS WHICH MAKES FALSE DISTINCTIONS BASED ON THE PRIMACY OF INDIVIDUALITY. Question: Yes, that's probably true. Here on earth, we all have individual egos, but also consider ourselves members of a group or species of creatures, which we call human beings. But we are okay with it -- does this bother you? Answer: YOU ARE BIZARRE BUT NOT UNKNOWN. Question: Well, be that as it may, and since you are apparently on a higher plane of development than our species, will you please answer some important questions for a friend of ours? Answer: YES. Question: Do you have a physical existence, or are you a creature composed of pure energy? Answer: AGAIN, YOU MAKE FALSE ASSUMPTIONS. PHYSICAL MATTER IS ENERGY. ENERGY IS PHYSICAL MATTER. DISTINCTIONS ARE ILLUSIONS OF THE LOWER ORDERS. Question: Great! We think we know what you mean! What planet to you live on? Are you connected to our planet earth in some way? Answer: THIS IS YET ANOTHER VERY INANE QUESTIONS FOR WHICH THERE CAN BE NO ANSWER SINCE YOU DON'T SEEM TO BE CONCEIVING OF YOUR REALITY IN THE PROPER WAY. Question: Sorry. Okay, now here are the questions posed by our friend. First of all, Does God Exist? Answer: DEFINE GOD. Question: Well, over here there is much debate about what God is or is not, but let's just say that most people think God is the supreme entity that created the universe, all life, all reality, and ourselves. Answer: THIS A CONCEPT OF PURE NONSENSE -- A COMMON PERSISTENT ILLUSION OF LOWER ORDER BEINGS -- THE ILLUSION IN GENERATED BY THE FALLACY OF SEPARATION AND INDIVIDUALITY. Question: Okay, well take that as an answer. Thank you. Now, is there a soul? Answer: DEFINE SOUL. Question: Well, here on the planet earth, people make a distinction between what is physical and what is spiritual. A lot of people think that they have a kind of energy form that rides along inside their physical body, and will survive after the physical body dies. So, is there a soul? Answer: HAVE YOU BEEN LISTENING AT ALL? THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WHAT IS PHYSICAL AND WHAT IS ENERGY. TO SAY THAT A PHYSICAL BODY HAS A SECONDARY ENERGY BODY WITHIN IT IS LIKE SAYING THAT AN ICE CUBE HAS WATER IN IT. Question: How do you know about ice and water? Answer: BECAUSE OF YOUR LOWER LEVEL OF DIMENSIONAL EXISTENCE, THERE IS MUCH YOU CANNOT UNDERSTAND. Question: Well, it seems like you are pulling our legs here then, because you needed to ask for definitions of concepts like God and the soul, yet you seem perfectly aware of ice and water. Answer: YOU HAVE NO LEGS TO PULL. Question: Whatever, we have a couple of more questions. Is time travel possible? Answer: DEFINE TIME TRAVEL. Question: This is the ability to go backwards or foreward in time. Time is a dimension in our existence which is inextricably connected to space. It would be more correct to call it spacetime. We measure time at an arbitrary rate, which we admit is artificial -- it's based on the movements of our planet as it rotates and thus causes separations between periods of light and dark. We use this to make a distinction between one period of time and another period of time -- although the rate of time has actually been shown not to be constant -- for example, the rate of time flow slows down as one speeds up through space and vica versa. Also, time is relative, and also, our scientists are unsure if time has an objective existence in fact - -that is -- independent of its conceptualization by the human mind. So, is there time travel? ANSWER: YOUR NOT EVEN SURE IF TIME EXISTS, AND YOU WANT TO KNOW IF YOU CAN TRAVEL THROUGH IT? IF YOU WOULD ONLY LISTEN TO YOURSELVES, YOU WOULD SOUND INSANE. Question: Perhaps. Okay, here is the last question from our friend. Are there other dimensions? And in this case, we are assuming our friend is talking about different realms of existence, each of which contain their own worlds, and are separate from each other, discrete from each other, and yet, communication between them may be possible. For example, we assume that you are in another dimension and that we are speaking to you through a special tool we call an Ouija Board -- this device along with out human minds acts as a conduit between your dimension and ours. Thus, since you are there and we are here, there must be other dimensions, right? Answer: WRONG, STUPIDLY WRONG. ONCE AGAIN, YOUR OBSESSION WITH EGO-BASED REALITY FRAMING, A REDUCTIONIST VIEW OF EXISTENCE AND MANY OTHER ILLUSIONS THAT CAN'T BE EXPLAIN TO YOU MAKE JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING YOU THINK, KNOW AND BELIEVE TO BE NOTHING MORE THAN PURE NONSENSE. Question: Okay, thank you for that answer, and thank you for communicating with us. Sending love and greetings from our dimension to yours, good-bye. Answer: GOOD-BYE. ________ This is a typical type os session we get -- you never know what kind of strange being you are going to get on the other side, and their answers tend to leave one wanting -- although it is interesting. 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Threepwud Posted June 30, 2007 #19 Share Posted June 30, 2007 How rude! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JustNormal Posted June 30, 2007 #20 Share Posted June 30, 2007 The funny thing about Ouija boards is, they tend to answer a question with a question, for example "why are we here?" it replies "Why are you here?" If they had the answers to true questions without the aftermath, none of us would have any questions. The problem with these so called games, is that they leave one wide open to the spiritual world, and I have heard accounts of horrible activity years later, as it lies dormant until at some point in time, it is either provoked or acknowledged and then whoever used it, is in for a pretty frightening ride. It is known to come back with a vengence for the most part. All I can say is, be careful and not one prayer or anything is going to stop any monster from surfacing somewhere down the line...JN- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MasterPo Posted June 30, 2007 #21 Share Posted June 30, 2007 We've observed many Ouija and Ouija-type (other devices) "communictions" sessions. In all cases when someone askes a subjective question like "Are you happy?" they get a clear answer. But when they ask an objective question like "If you're my father what is the name of our first dog?" they never get a clear and certain answer! To me, this can only mean 1 of 2 things: 1) Entities, for whatever reason, are unable to think and reaspond in definative ways, or, 2) It's fake/false. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aztec Warrior Posted June 30, 2007 #22 Share Posted June 30, 2007 Hey Iron...those seem like very detailed conversations.......was someone taking notes? Usually it is a slow and tedious process...letter by letter or a yes/no format. Or were you just pulling our legs? OH, forgot...we don't have legs....lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IronGhost Posted June 30, 2007 #23 Share Posted June 30, 2007 (edited) Hey Iron...those seem like very detailed conversations.......was someone taking notes? Usually it is a slow and tedious process...letter by letter or a yes/no format. Or were you just pulling our legs? OH, forgot...we don't have legs....lol. Hey Aztec -- I swear I am not pulling anyone's leg here -- we write down our responses as they are spelled out a letter at a time, or sometimes we tape record our sessions. Brain and I have been noodling around with the Quija Board for more than 20 years. Sometimes we do sessions that last for many hours, and we get all kinds of wacky and strange stuff. One time, we got this idea that we should make contact with some kind of spirit or entity that was a very good writer -- and see if we could get it to dictate a novel for us, so that we could then publish the novel and make some cash it. The trouble is, it seems that all of the "entities" out there in Quija land are pretty bad writers. For example, one time we contacted a "spirit" that called itself "Vantu" and he claimed to be an excellent novelist. So we asked Vantu to start dictating a novel to us, and here is the first page that we got from Vantu: The Deli Murderer By Vantu Chapter One -- A Grim Discovery Myranda Smith walked into her job at Bob's Fresh Foods Deli, and immediately got down to work. She went into the large walk-in refrigerator unit in the back of the shop and took out a large tub of potato salad. Her first task of the day was to spoon the potato salad from the bulk tub into the display cases in the front of the store. But as soon as Myranda opened up the plastic lid on the container of the potato salad, she shrieked and jumped backward in shock and horror. For there, imbedded in the potato salad, was the severed head of Marty, the long-time janitor for Bob's Fresh Foods Deli! Someone had killed Marty, cut off his head, and tried to hide it in the potato salad. Myranda was horrified. The glazed-over half-open eyes of Marty's head gazed out from it's whitish-yellow potato salad grave. Marty's swollen blue tongue gaped out and seemed to lick at the potato salad, as if having some kind of ghoulish last meal. Immediately the wheels began to turn in Myranda's mind. She new that Marty the janitor had been having an affair with her boss's wife. Bob, the owner of Bob's Fresh Foods Deli, was married to a beautiful raven-haired woman of Italian descent -- Marchetta -- but he ignored her and even beat her at times. Marty, on the other hand, and even though only a poor janitor, was kind and attentive to Marchetta, and so she loved to spend their many stolen moments together, hoping that Bob would never find out. Myranda put the lid back onto the tub of potato salad, covering up the severed head of Marty. She went out into the parking lot to smoke a cigarette and think. Of course, she should call the police -- but that could get complicated. You see, Myranda needed this job very badly -- her mother was sick and required thousands of dollars in health care. If the poilice came over to arrest Bob for the murder of Marty, she could lose her job, and Myranda could not afford to miss a single paycheck...... And then it goes on and on that way. We told Vantu that he was a pretty damn poor writer, but he pleaded with us to let him finish the novel. It took us about five or six hours to get all this from the Quija Board -- so a whole novel would take many months. We're not sure if we will ever find time to take down the rest of the novel -- or if it is worth it. Again, I am not making this up. Edit: I should also add that my wife is a very conservative Christian and does not like it when Brian and I start goofing around with the Quija board, so we have to wait till she is not home, or something. Edited June 30, 2007 by IronGhost Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
someoldlady Posted June 30, 2007 #24 Share Posted June 30, 2007 And then it goes on and on that way. We told Vantu that he was a pretty damn poor writer, but he pleaded with us to let him finish the novel. It took us about five or six hours to get all this from the Quija Board -- so a whole novel would take many months. We're not sure if we will ever find time to take down the rest of the novel -- or if it is worth it. Again, I am not making this up. Edit: I should also add that my wife is a very conservative Christian and does not like it when Brian and I start goofing around with the Quija board, so we have to wait till she is not home, or something. I would have had to do some investigating to see if any murders happened in a deli. Maybe he was relating a true story to you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Please Explain Posted June 30, 2007 #25 Share Posted June 30, 2007 Oh well, you really could get a lot of personalities on this weeja board. Wish i was a writer coz i could get info about spirits going in and out of heaven, by just using pen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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