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To all Ouija board users...


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depends, did it come from Wally or one of your other Ouija buddies?

Here's a homemade recipe that I would recommend to anyone:

Tea Tree Oil Mouthwash

* 1 cup warm water

* 1/2 teaspoon Myrrh tincture

* Three drops tea tree oil

* Three drops peppermint oil

Instructions: Mix all ingredients together -- gargle -- do not swallow -- spit.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am going to make my own board. What can I use as a planchette? A shot-glass or tumbler turned upside-down seems like it wouldn't work, but I could be wrong. Can I use a quarter? Ironghost, what do you use? Anyone else have any suggestions?

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I am going to make my own board. What can I use as a planchette? A shot-glass or tumbler turned upside-down seems like it wouldn't work, but I could be wrong. Can I use a quarter? Ironghost, what do you use? Anyone else have any suggestions?

um careful when you make your own ouija board, bless it before you use it. You can use a glass cup or a shot glass, infact that does work, iv'e made one with a couple friends and have used shot glasses and glass candle holders.

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I've used a "pog slammer" that worked surprisingly well, although it was a little small, and covered up the letter, instead of pointing at it, since the slammer was round, but that worked out okay because all the letters and stuff were inside circles I made by tracing the slammer. Anything light that will glide should work. I've also used a trashed CD which has the benefit of having a hole in the middle of it so you can see the letter.

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I've used a "pog slammer" that worked surprisingly well, although it was a little small, and covered up the letter, instead of pointing at it, since the slammer was round, but that worked out okay because all the letters and stuff were inside circles I made by tracing the slammer. Anything light that will glide should work. I've also used a trashed CD which has the benefit of having a hole in the middle of it so you can see the letter.

Pogs are Satans work. You should be careful and say a banishing prayer before pogging... :P

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I am going to make my own board. What can I use as a planchette? A shot-glass or tumbler turned upside-down seems like it wouldn't work, but I could be wrong. Can I use a quarter? Ironghost, what do you use? Anyone else have any suggestions?

You can use a shotglass if you want -- but keep your mind open and creative and experiment with all kinds of things. You could even design your own planchette -perhaps a ring of wood with felt glued to the bottom -- anything.

For most of my life, I have used an ordinary store-bought Ouija because that is what I started out with as an 8-year-old.

Decaded later I built a "magnetic Ouija board" by melting bismuth, which is a diamagnetic metal that always repels magnets. I then placed magnets on the feet of a planchette and created a "floating planchette."

The magnetic Ouija seems to attract situations in which you get entities with a lot of psychological problems, which can be tiresome, so I don't use it all the time, or even most of the time.

EDIT: Someone please tell me what a "pog" is.

Edited by IronGhost
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Great pic, jpatt, thanks. I fear I am still not enlightened. What is a pog for?

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Okay, I finally did a search and found out what Pog is -- apparently, it's a game invented in Hawaii in the 1920s. POG stands for passionfruit, orange and guava -- because the game originally used caps from jars of these fruit juices.

Now, the question is, can a pog make for a good planchette or oracle for Ouija use? My opinion? Well, I guess I'll need some time to colate my thoughts.

You never know what kind of resonance a particular POG image will have.

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Thanks everybody!! :yes:

Thanks for the info IG, I am enlightened, how crazy that's where the name came from! But yeah, the slammer is actually the part you'd want to use since its heavier and usually plastic or acrylic and won't absorb skin oils, and though you can put stickers on them, a lot of are just plain colors - the slammer I used to trace my board letters and then as a traveler was a metallic Yin/Yang symbol - seemed to work well.

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Okay, I finally did a search and found out what Pog is -- apparently, it's a game invented in Hawaii in the 1920s. POG stands for passionfruit, orange and guava -- because the game originally used caps from jars of these fruit juices.

Now, the question is, can a pog make for a good planchette or oracle for Ouija use? My opinion? Well, I guess I'll need some time to colate my thoughts.

You never know what kind of resonance a particular POG image will have.

You can actually find pog juice in some grocery stores too.It's really good juice.I am from hawaii, and I never played that game,too busy surfing. :w00t:

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QUOTE (jonny b @ May 16 2008, 02:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You can actually find pog juice in some grocery stores too.It's really good juice.I am from hawaii, and I never played that game,too busy surfing. :w00t:

lol i've never played it either or heard of it...

too busy online gaming on Final Fantasy XI

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lol i've never played it either or heard of it...

too busy online gaming on Final Fantasy XI

Maybe you should try going low-tech.

Swill down some POG juice and have a game of horse shoes.

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Maybe you should try going low-tech.

Swill down some POG juice and have a game of horse shoes.

i would if i found others who had the damn time to or those who live in my same town, most my friends live in towns outside my town, and gas prices getting expensive to go newhere, plus i dont have equipment to play horseshoes.

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Wow, 65 pages later. What a thread. This has to be one of, no, the most intriuging threads I have yet to stumble upon here at UM. It has taken me a week or so, with all my other reading, to stumble through it. Iron Ghost, your Ouija journeys, true or not, are absolultley facinating and make a fun read. Because of this thread I now own a board but I have had no success. Keep on the posting those transcripts and I will be sure to purchase your book whenever it is complete and ready for sale. Take care!

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Wow, 65 pages later. What a thread. This has to be one of, no, the most intriuging threads I have yet to stumble upon here at UM. It has taken me a week or so, with all my other reading, to stumble through it. Iron Ghost, your Ouija journeys, true or not, are absolultley facinating and make a fun read. Because of this thread I now own a board but I have had no success. Keep on the posting those transcripts and I will be sure to purchase your book whenever it is complete and ready for sale. Take care!

hey keep in touch with me, i too have an ouija board, it works all the time but i've no success at getting reactions from the spirits to make something happen.

and lol i was thinking the same thing 65 pages! lol

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Yeah 65 pages is ridiculous, but it was a fun read. I find myself going back and reading Iron Ghosts transcripts. Like I said, true or not, facinating :w00t:

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Yeah 65 pages is ridiculous, but it was a fun read. I find myself going back and reading Iron Ghosts transcripts. Like I said, true or not, facinating :w00t:

oh yes yes very much i agree with you 100% very.

heres a link to my post of my evp's some from using my ouija board. well a couple.

My EVP's Caught while Using Ouija Board

they are very interesting....

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hey keep in touch with me, i too have an ouija board, it works all the time but i've no success at getting reactions from the spirits to make something happen.

and lol i was thinking the same thing 65 pages! lol

I wonder if two living people, miles apart, could communicate through the board. It would certainly be cheaper than a phonecall!

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I wonder if two living people, miles apart, could communicate through the board. It would certainly be cheaper than a phonecall!

:lol: That would be nifty, if I could only get the thing to work.

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Can we have the promised "angel" ouija session? I get a huge kick out of all your transcripts.

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Can we have the promised "angel" ouija session? I get a huge kick out of all your transcripts.

Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. I'll march forthwith to my attic and search through my notebooks -- I've conducted several angel sessions -- I don't remember which angel session I mentioned earlier, but the one I think I will share with you all involves my childhood "Guardian Angel" based on the little prayer I used to recite in Polish as taught to me by my mother when I was a little boy.

As I recall, the Guaradian Angel was far more strange and edgy than you might think a sweet little angel would be like.

Give me a little time to find it.

Also, thank for your kind comments.

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