oslove Posted July 31, 2009 #1126 Share Posted July 31, 2009 Have you stopped to consider that perhaps the other venerable participants (that are not banned) that you listed in the other thread:http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/forum...owtopic=159135) Have already contributed to innumerable discussions on the subject of the Ouija board prior to this one? And based on the fact that "Ouijaboy" only returned once or twice throughout the duration of this thread's discourse, they elected to have some fun in this thread and let it take on a life and direction of its own? Much the way an actual Ouija Board session might go. goodness I can't believe that only a few of the 187 plus viewers have jumped at this highly coveted opportunity you have presented them, not to mention the original top posters in this thread LOL. Precisely because I want to get the facts correctly on Ouija that I started my own thread on Ouija, look it up here. And I don't mind if people don't write in that thread, because I will continue to post my own messages there to report to readers there if there be any my own findings on Ouija, the impasses from the part of the proponents as of the opponents; so that readers who really want to have a concise and precise account of the impasses between the Ouija proponents and Ouija opponents can get one from my thread there -- and I also enjoy my activity in that thread because it is a satisfying endeavor for my brain cells. I also keep busy here as I see that I can contribute to the clarification of the issues involved in the controversy over Ouija -- modesty aside of course. Oslove Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IronGhost Posted July 31, 2009 #1127 Share Posted July 31, 2009 Have you stopped to consider that perhaps the other venerable participants (that are not banned) that you listed in the other thread:http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/forum...owtopic=159135) goodness I can't believe that only a few of the 187 plus viewers have jumped at this highly coveted opportunity you have presented them, not to mention the original top posters in this thread LOL. I'm getting a little confused here -- there have been more than 100,000 views of this thread -- 147,065 views to be exact. Anyway, let me speak to some of Paranormalcy's comments briefly: In short, I do not know what Vantu's motivations are, other than he (she, it?) is extremely eager to write fiction. Vantu does seem to be very familiar with our world -- I have always thought of Vantu as a being in a parallel dimension, very close to ours, but just shifted slightly -- but I really don't know. Vantu is not eager to talk about him - her - itself -- he just insists that we take down his attempts at fiction. Yes, it does take many hours of back-breaking work to channel a 7,500 word story -- but even at that, the oracle moves very swiftly, sometimes so fast that Darcy, our usual recorder has a very difficult time keeping up. There are very few misspellings or garbled words. I suppose it's about the same as someone who really does not know how to type, and "hunts and pecks" with two fingers. Yes, the Ouija has taken a heavy toll on my hands -- my fingers are bent, twisted and gnarled like that of a witch in a fairy tail book. Many people tell me that it is the energy flowing through the board has "irradiated them" into that condition -- my camera is broke right now, but maybe I'll post a picture of my twisted fingers -- they actualy look pretty cool with the planchette and board as a background. It's not that unusual, though. There have been a number of people who have dictated entire books across the Ouija -- for example, Emily Hutchings, I think her name was, dictated an a very long book -- she claimed that the dead Mark Twain dictated it to her from beyond the grave. She was later sued by the Twain estate, but the lawsuit was thrown out because the book was so poorly written, I guess. The judge said Mark Twain would never have written a book that bad, "dead or alive." I've heard that Bill what's his name-- the guy that started AA, dictated the 12 Steps from the Ouija. I'l have to look that up, though. Anyway -- I'm very tired, so maybe I'll elaborate more later. Cheers to you Para, and al my friend here. Iron Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
oslove Posted July 31, 2009 #1128 Share Posted July 31, 2009 I decided to start my own thread because I want to focus on the impasses between the proponents and the opponents of Ouija. I am glad and appreciative of the owners and operators of this UM forum that they don't suppress any new thread if a similar thread is already present and still ongoing, even though I claim that I am looking at the same material from a different specific angle, namely, to draw up a list of the impasses between proponents as also opponents. My interest now is to draw up impasses, like the present one between proponents and opponents of Ouija, and also between theists and atheists, see my thread on "Are Gd and scientists incompatible?" Why draw up lists of impasses? So that I will be guided accordingly when I have to engage in a socially satisfactory interaction with people who are in opposition to my ideas, like on the existence of God -- just avoid namely bringing up matters which my conversation partner will never ever be convinced to the contrary. Oslove Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheLizardKing Posted February 12, 2010 #1129 Share Posted February 12, 2010 All of it is.. Interesting At the beginning i thought i had a lot of questions i would ask u at the end of the read. But after reading it through, i imagine it wouldn't really be satisfying the way i want it to be. But ill ask u one question in vain, if you don't mind. Question: Do you have anything more u wish to share with us mister Ken? Greetzz, ur Lizard King in the Omega Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IronGhost Posted February 13, 2010 #1130 Share Posted February 13, 2010 All of it is.. Interesting At the beginning i thought i had a lot of questions i would ask u at the end of the read. But after reading it through, i imagine it wouldn't really be satisfying the way i want it to be. But ill ask u one question in vain, if you don't mind. Question: Do you have anything more u wish to share with us mister Ken? Greetzz, ur Lizard King in the Omega Why, yes, Mr. Lizard King, I have an almost unlimited mountain of material I would share here, if I didn't fear certain people getting so irritated with me all the time. Even so, right now and for the past week and a half I have been involved in an incredibly interesting, but exhausting and grueling series of sessions with a contact from an extremely ancient earth pre-civilized society. With some misgivings, I am giving a certain ancient, long-dead individual instructions on how to smelt bronze and manufacture gunpowder -- I may share this session transcript here, or possibly in a new thread or column. We'll see how it all turns out. Right now I'm waiting on some advice from MOMMY. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hamlyn Posted February 13, 2010 #1131 Share Posted February 13, 2010 As long as you don't tell any of us how to make gunpowder, I'm sure we'll be fine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheLizardKing Posted February 14, 2010 #1132 Share Posted February 14, 2010 (edited) Can't wait. btw did you finish the book u mentioned before? Greetzz Edited February 14, 2010 by TheLizardKing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cryptid_Control Posted February 14, 2010 #1133 Share Posted February 14, 2010 I tried this with Paramental Princess this morning but i think she cheated Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jedediah Strange Posted January 4, 2012 #1134 Share Posted January 4, 2012 Hi everyone. I'm new here...got sucked in after stumbling upon IronGhost's blog the other day. I've been enjoying reading this Ouija thread and while I haven't read every single post, I think I've got something interesting to contribute here, and I'd like to see what everyone thinks. I hereby swear before the Almighty Grand Architect of the Multiverse that what I am about to relate is 100% true. I am neither weaving a work of fiction, nor am I a sufferer of any sort of mental imbalance. Seriously. True story. It was long ago and far away, in a magical time when "alternative music" was actually an alternative to the mainstream, you were cutting edge if you knew HTML, and no one looked twice at you for wearing two or three flannel shirts at the same time. Yes, it was 1994. I had just moved from the D to Philly in order to transfer to a different college, and had to live in the cramped dorms for a couple of quarters while I settled in and looked for a more amenable living situation. Most of the other students in the dorms were a couple of years younger than I, fresh out of high school. It didn't take me long to find those of my neighbors who shared some of my outre interests, particularly those involving the paranormal. A few people formed an unofficial sort of "Ouija Club". I was in attendance at several of their sessions, but I declined to participate due to some very harrowing experiences a couple of years previously. (I may recount those experiences at some point, if anyone's interested.) These Ouija sessions tended to dredge up the typical "low spirits" that seem to make up the typical incorporeal parade that such efforts seem to call up: entities that are boastful, bad-tempered, and generally dumber than a bag of hammers. One of these entities (and it bullied its way into nearly every session) was something calling itself "A.C." I don't recall whether or not A.C. ever revealed what its initials stood for. I remember the speculation ranging from "Anti-Christ" to "Aleister Crowley". The Ouija Kids began to experience annoying and spooky phenomena in their dorm rooms like bumps and crashes in the night, electronics turning themselves on and off, and even bathtub faucets turning on and flooding the room while the occupants were away at class. I warned them. I really did. I thought I'd try to do something to help them out. For about a year, I'd been dabbling in softcore chaos magick, and decided to invoke a simple thoughtform that would perhaps be able to keep our pal A.C. at bay during Ouija Sessions. For those who aren't familiar with the concept, a thoughtform is simply an astral construct formed from your own being that you can set to perform simple tasks. This thoughtform, (which I dubbed "Hendrix" and crafted to resemble a large armadillo) was tasked to patrol the perimeter of the room in which the Ouija sessions were taking place and interrogate each entity before they would be permitted access to the board. There was a fatal flaw in those instructions, as we will see later. So I created Hendrix, set him to his task, and went to bed, declining to observe the evening's session. These sessions had become fairly boring to me, and I was starting to get a little put off by the oppressive feeling in the room whenever they opened the Great Portal of Parker Brothers. It must be noted that I informed no one of my efforts. The next day, when I eventually caught up to some of the Ouija Kids, I asked them how their session had gone the previous night. I was informed that A.C. had been fit to be tied! It demanded to know, over and over, “WHO INVOKED HENDRIX?” Yeah, me too. The Kids of course, had no clue as to what A.C. was talking about. Someone offered to play some Jimi Hendrix on the record player, but A.C. was having none of that. Not wanting A.C. to get wind of who Hendrix’s creator was, (I’d had enough of the attentions of vicious discarnate entities already, thank-you-very-much) I said nothing, merely shrugging and remarking upon how very odd this A.C. fellow was. The Ouija Kids eventually figured out that if they went anywhere outside of the dorm building, A.C. wouldn’t (or couldn’t) follow them. Eventually, while using the board on the steps of the Philadelphia Art Museum, they met the very kind, yet tragic spirit of a woman who had died sometime in the 1950s within the museum itself. The fatal flaw in Hendrix’s programming? I never allowed for the fact that entities can lie about who they are. Duh. So…if Ouija is an ideomotor phenomenon, how was it that the entity had ranted and raved about Hendrix being there when no one in the room knew anything about it? Did my dreaming mind telepathically send the information to the people with their hands on the planchette? Was one of them hiding in my closet, watching me do the invocation? These are the only other explanations I can come up with. I would dearly love to hear your thoughts on this account. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghostfinder Posted January 4, 2012 #1135 Share Posted January 4, 2012 Welcome Jed. I liked the start of your post, as it brought back memories. Alternative. Some great music came outta that scene. Your post is actually the only one I've read on this Thread. Here's my problem with what you wrote, and remember, you asked to hear for people's thoughts. I don't believe it. I don't necessarily think you're lying, but I don't think it happened the way you wrote about, and possibly not at all. Even someone that believes they have made contact with something paranormal via a Quija Board will tell you the same thing: there is a lot of time nothing is happening, and at some point there is someone that fakes it is working. Your story involves college kids who get together and formed a Quija Club, which is kinda weird in itself. Then, sounds like not any of them are surprised when they make contact, like this is the most natural thing in the world, and it happens frequently. There are people that spend hours on the Quija and nothing happens, and you find these kids that get all these contacts. Then you send another their way? So...I'm not trying to be a prick. It was interesting to read. I actually believe contacts via a Quija are possible. This was just too much for me to believe. I would be interested in reading you other info though. Sincerely. Anyway, again, welcome. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jedediah Strange Posted January 4, 2012 #1136 Share Posted January 4, 2012 Thank you for the welcome. You are of course, free to believe what you will. I will however, attempt to clarify a few things. Even someone that believes they have made contact with something paranormal via a Quija Board will tell you the same thing: there is a lot of time nothing is happening, and at some point there is someone that fakes it is working. Your story involves college kids who get together and formed a Quija Club, which is kinda weird in itself. Then, sounds like not any of them are surprised when they make contact, like this is the most natural thing in the world, and it happens frequently. I did, for the sake of brevity, condense events and touch only on those points necessary to get the main ideas of the situation across. Otherwise, you would have been treated to pages and pages of things like, "Ryan tried to use the board, but nothing came through," and "Danielle freaked out when the planchette twitched and accused Sarah of moving it." I don't know if anyone, at any point was forcing the planchette. As I said, I only played the role of observer, and I wasn't present at every single session. There were lots of times when nothing happened at all. I can say however, that once "A.C." got his spectral hands on the board, there weren't any more problems with a "dead board". Some were surprised, initially. I remember a lot of squealing from the young women and a couple of people were so freaked out, they found a different group to hang out with. I don't find it all that weird that a bunch of college kids would get together regularly to mess around with a Ouija board. It's not like I moved into the dorm, magically identified likely candidates, and started an official club. As I recall, we were all sitting around shooting the bull one evening, and someone brought up the subject of Ouija. A board was made on a piece of foamcore and it grew from there. It should also be noted that this was an art college, and we all know what kind of people go to art school... There are people that spend hours on the Quija and nothing happens, and you find these kids that get all these contacts. Then you send another their way? I know that the bit about Hendrix is tough for some to swallow. All I can do is present the information and let people make what they will of it. Most of my life, from my earliest memories, has been rife with paranormal activity. I seem to draw it like a magnet. Well, seemed, anyway. The last five years or so have been strangely quiet. So take it for what it's worth. I've had an inordinate number of paranormal (for lack of a better word) experiences and I realize that most people have not. As such, some of the things that I may take for granted may seem like the ravings of one unhinged. I'm not going to go to extremes to try and make people believe anything, but I do value constructive criticism and intelligent debate. My motive is simply to share my experiences and possibly see them from new perspectives. So...I'm not trying to be a prick. It was interesting to read. I actually believe contacts via a Quija are possible. This was just too much for me to believe. I would be interested in reading you other info though. Sincerely. Anyway, again, welcome. I hope that my attempts to clarify were fruitful. I will continue to post unless someone tells me to shut the hell up. Again, thank you for welcoming me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghostfinder Posted January 5, 2012 #1137 Share Posted January 5, 2012 Thanks for the response. You clarified quite a bit, and made some good points. Yeah, that woulda been pretty boring to read about all the lack of contacts. I still find some of this hard to believe, but like you, I don't mind a civil debate. I lurk here more than post, and I look forward to reading more from you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IronGhost Posted January 6, 2012 #1138 Share Posted January 6, 2012 Well, I can say I think Jed it simply telling it like it is, and his story has that certain ring of truth to me for several reasons. First, he obviously write very well, and this plays into a pet theory of mine that I've had for years is that people with superior writing skills, as Jed shows, tend also to have an enhanced knack with Ouija communication. Having natural writing skills or working hard to develop them works that muscle of the mind which powers communication skill -- writing is communication and Ouija work is communication -- they tend to go together. That's one of the reasons why people who cling hard and fast to skepticism (which I'm all for) and who are grounded in the accepted model of scientific, materialist reductionism which dominates our society tend to be poor at Ouija communication -- they have highly "rational" minds good at math and science but often at the expense (not always) of lateral, creative thinking, and a willingness to roam outside the box, and even thwart dearly held beliefs about so-called "natural laws" -- natural laws as established by accepted scientific methods, an so on ... But also, Jed's technique of creating a "helper" by projecting one form his own consciousness is a technique well-known to me, but which has been well known to occultists for centuries -- so he's on well traveled territory here ... but the most significant thing I want to say is that when we see a story like this, it is extremely important to take a step back and make a "meta-analysis" of the structure of the story itself -- that's where the true meaning and reality lies, not so much in whether this is weird, and that it violates "known laws", etc. If this story were a dream, and if we were to attempt to interpret it as a dream -- what would it mean. You have all the different characters -- Jed and his attempt at communication with something non-human, his helper, Hendrix, the half-engaged college students "playing Ouija" on a lark, the dark and sinister "A.C", etc. There is an overarching "meta-meaning" to the story wherein the real "reality" lies .... And let's say that Jed is somehow a victim of his own overactive imagination (which i'm not saying he is) but the point is, there is much deeper implication behind that -- because in this case the kind of "imagination" we are talking about is the dynamic kind -- it's the same mathematical (i) that is used to indicate imaginary numbers in math. Why do mathematicians call them "imaginary" numbers! Because at first they were uncomfortable with the fact that they were getting results that seemed valid in the real world by using something that basically was not real!!!!! Before they even used the (i) there was even disagreement or a kind of loathing for using even negative numbers!!!! -- there are those who still argue to this day that using negative numbers is ridiculous because they cannot be found in nature, and they are merely a convention of the mind -- that's at least debatable -- (for years the concept of Zero was debatable and alien too!) but now we accept Zero and negatives as totally natural and real -- but using imaginary numbers just keeps pushing it further and further into filmy realms of "mind" as opposed to solid reality in nature .... (Side note: everyone should read up on the physicist Wolfgang Pauli's epic struggle with the (i) and how he might have believed that no quantum theory could be complete without also including the participation of human imagination in everything we are learning about the nature of the universe -- an oriental woman kept appearing to him in his dreams, telling him that he was giving short shrift to(i) ). So the point i'm trying to make is that even if there is an element of imagination in Jed's story -- I call a foul -- a toss in a red flag -- to say that it can't be used in this situation, when scientists and mathematicians get to use it every day to frame-up and prop-up the artificial rational-materialistic paradigm we all suffer under ... Finally, there are plenty of alternative models of framing reality wherein Jed's story can be couched comfortably as a "true event" -- such as all this talk about there being a "source field" of universal consciousness that all of our brains are tapped into, etc. if the brain is a hologram and a tiny sample of the entire universe, than that changes everything -- this is just one possible construct -- and so forth .... At any rate, it's a great entertaining story, well told, and it has meaning ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paranormalcy Posted January 6, 2012 #1139 Share Posted January 6, 2012 (edited) First, I'd like to give a quick nod to IronGhost and note that at its essence, I lean to agreeing with his idea on communication, as the people in my group that had the best luck were more outgoing and communicative, but then, all of us were really very creative in different ways - I was the least, face-to-face, socially, but much more inclined than anyone else in grammar and writing: people with superior writing skills, as Jed shows, tend also to have an enhanced knack with Ouija communication. Having natural writing skills or working hard to develop them works that muscle of the mind which powers communication skill -- writing is communication and Ouija work is communication -- they tend to go together. Now, to Jedediah Strange's contribution (and welcome): for the sake of this reply, I will assume honesty at face value in his posts, as I have seen similar unusual circumstances in a rare few sessions in my group. First, I also have dabbled in the thoughtform subject, "hands-on" if you will, and also I believe our only real "bad" experience with the board was also caused by what I would term a thoughtform, so while I don't have the usual grounding of hard and established science that I prefer to have supporting my posts, I can speak at least from experience, but not with any intention of trying to "prove" or convince anyone of the validity of this concept - only relate my own account and point of view. I'd urge people interested in thoughtforms, or tulpas, from the original Tibetan, read up on Dion Fortune, Annie Besant and Leadbetter and Dame Alexandra David Neel. While I still currently do not subscribe to the idea that there are disembodied independent, willful entities, be they spirits, demons, aliens or what, I do think thoughtforms may explain many head-scratching phenomena, and may in rare cases manifest far beyond their usual "realm". Regarding my own experience with thoughtforms, I'll start with my intentional experiment that I did while working at a laundromat - I've written about this before but I'll repeat it here. Due to various reasons, I was very weary of people and the bustling activity of the workplace, and I had happened to have been reading something on thoughtforms (I don't remember what it was), and decided to try it out. I spent two weeks "crafting" a "self-powered, triggered repulsion device" that siphoned off a tiny amount of "energy" (I think I had mentally stated it would be .01%) from everyone that passed through the door of the laundry, except for children under the age of 13 or so, which it wouldn't bother. It would use this energy to "power" itself, and create a psychic "wall" or mental block in other people that neared the laundry, basically building a wall across the front of the building, like a "reality filter", causing them to not go to the place. After a few weeks, fewer people did start coming in, but I had long forgotten about the device. Later I had a disagreement with the laundry owner and he fired me, and I didn't see him again for months, possibly a year. He pulled up to talk to a relative of mine and said hi to me also, as we had parted on temporarily negative terms but not with any sort of animosity, and he said, "You know something strange? Business has been dead since you left. An Indian lady (Native American, as I'm in Oklahoma) came in the other day and asked me if she could smudge the laundry. I asked her why and she said there was something negative there, that someone had cast a spell or it was cursed or something. So I told her to go for it, anything to help business." Business improved a bit but the economy was starting its downturn at that time anyway, the owner also owned the donut shop across the street and wasn't able to devote a lot of time to the laundry, which could mostly stay open with no attendant, but it never made the money it previously had. He hired another person who helped out a bit and business improved a bit but eventually it got to the point after a couple of years the owner sold the laundry. So did a thoughtform have anything to do with it? Did the "Indian lady" pick up on it? I don't pretend to know, though I find it highly intriguing. I did go back later and mentally "removed" anything I had left, and accepted responsibility for the device, still not fully believing in it having an effect, but also feeling I was not losing anything by doing the proper techniques I had read, "just in case". I have also read about a few cases back in the 1920s and such, wherein people investigating seances and mediums mentally invented people beforehand, then went and had a seance, and the medium accurately describe the fictional person and some of their features that the investigator had created. I'm almost certain Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was one, but some of the members of the Society of Psychical Research were among others, but then again, they would tend to be biased. Again during my group's time of using the board, at one time I was looking through Ted Andrews' Animal Speak book (a huge tome of animal symbolism) and had decided one night that my "totem" or spirit animal, was Armadillo. Although this would come as no surprise to anyone that knew me, due to its symbolism, I told no one and everyone went to bed and I forgot about it. The next day, while I was sitting at the table but not participating, the others were using the board and asked what MY totem animal was. The board spelled out ARMADILLO. Again, this is not necessarily significantly amazing, given how close I was with the others, but on the other hand, the book lists hundreds of animals. The Hendrix thoughtform, therefore, while unusual, even on a mundane level, isn't beyond the realm of chance, and even less so if you accept the existence of telepathy and other similar psi abilities that may occur spontaneously. "AC" also strikes me very much similarly as a synthetic "entity" (or board personality as I call them) or thoughtform. Edited January 6, 2012 by Paranormalcy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlyingAngel Posted January 6, 2012 #1140 Share Posted January 6, 2012 Interesting, discussion here. Teach me how to make a thoughtform please. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jedediah Strange Posted January 7, 2012 #1141 Share Posted January 7, 2012 Teach me how to make a thoughtform please. This course in magick has been available online, for about as long as "online" has existed. It's excellent for the newbie, IMHO. It will provide you with the basics of thoughtform creation, although there is a lot more on the subject out there, just waiting for you to find it... Phil Hansford's "Introduction to Ceremonial Magick" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jedediah Strange Posted January 7, 2012 #1142 Share Posted January 7, 2012 Thank you, IronGhost and Paranormalcy, for your analyses and thoughts. I have never considered myself to be any great shakes as a writer, but I appreciate very much your kind words, IronGhost. You both approached things from somewhat different angles and have both given me much to mull over. I have long considered imagination to be one of the greatest virtues of humanity. It's what allowed us to venture out onto the savannah to seek our fortune; what inspired a ragtag band of idealists in tricorn caps to take on the planet's mightiest empire; and what set our feet upon the face of Luna. It could be that the vast array of extradimensional characters that populate the tales told of astral wanderings and dabblings with witchboards are simply the thoughtforms birthed by humanity's collective subconscious. It could also be that the beings we encounter must (and often seem to obviously be doing) tap into our thoughts and hijack our own imaginations in order to communicate with us. Regardless of the reality behind the curtain, (if such a thing even ultimately exists) I have always found the plumbing of the multiversal depths endlessly fascinating. I stated that my story was 100% true, and to the best of my knowledge, it is. Twenty years however, can do strange things to memory, as we all know. The core of the story, that is, the contacts with the A.C. entity, the uncanny occurrences experienced by some of the students, and the independent confirmation of the efficacy of the Hendrix working, are all very clear in my memory. Ancillary details like exactly how they ended up deciding to start using the Ouija board, how long it went on, etc. are fuzzy and barely there in my memory. How much my own imagination may have colored my memories can never be known, except perhaps, through hypnosis. Indeed, the more I learn about the human brain, the more I wonder how we can trust the veracity of anything that winds up lodged in there. I will relate some more of my Ouija experiences here soon. It's far too late right now, but perhaps tomorrow afternoon or evening. I'm also toying with the idea of starting a blog here on UM, as Ouija dabblings make up a relatively small (yet formative) portion of my experiences overall with the paranormal. It would also be the first time I've written down all of my experiences in one place, and I think that that might provide me with more insight and perhaps reveal patterns that I've been missing. Once again, thank you for the gift of your thoughts. I'll continue to pore over them and post anything that comes to mind later. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlyingAngel Posted January 7, 2012 #1143 Share Posted January 7, 2012 This course in magick has been available online, for about as long as "online" has existed. It's excellent for the newbie, IMHO. It will provide you with the basics of thoughtform creation, although there is a lot more on the subject out there, just waiting for you to find it... Phil Hansford's "Introduction to Ceremonial Magick" for christ's sake, that's a long guide there Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jedediah Strange Posted January 8, 2012 #1144 Share Posted January 8, 2012 This story is an account not of the first time I used a Ouija board, but of the first time I used one and got any kind of results. It was probably the most traumatic event in my life, although if it happened to me now, twenty years later, I’d probably shrug it off. I remember vividly the terror this series of events gripped me with, although my hackles no longer rise when I think of the name of the entity involved. Many of the details are lost to me now, but I hope to convey the main points and show how the sequence of events made a profound and lasting impact on my life. A bit of background: I grew up in a house that seemed to be sort of a Grand Central Station of the spirit realms. I don’t know what it was about the place, but I have some suspicions. Some of my earliest memories involve the supernatural, and growing up like that kindled an intense curiosity and a desire to know more about the unseen worlds that seemingly coexist with our own. In 1992, I was attending my first semester at a large Michigan university. I was living in the freshman dorms with three roommates. I had become fairly good friends with one of them, John, who had a passing interest in various “occult” topics. One day, John came home with someone he’d met in one of his classes. Ray was fairly nondescript; he certainly did not exude the “Master of All Things Mysterious” vibe. He claimed that his grandmother was a “Voodoo priestess” and that he was an expert concerning Ouija, “meditating” with it every day. I know, I know…just remember: I was an 18 year old product of the public school system! John and Ray wanted to know if I wanted to use the board, and I immediately agreed. I had had some experience with talking boards in high school, but the results had been less than stellar. There may have been a couple of other people involved at this first session; I seem to remember there being at least two observers. There were a couple of false starts, and then we began to see some action. It was nothing to write home about and honestly, all I can remember about that first night’s communications was that the entity we spoke to claimed to be female at first, but then launched into the typical “I am the devil” routine. We met again the next night, and I remember that our friend Jeremy was in attendance along with a couple of other people. I don’t remember what we talked about with the entity we contacted, other than it said that it was already familiar with me and often watched me while I slept. When someone asked why, it said something along the lines of that it fed on my “energy”. This freaked me out more than a little. What happened next set the tone for the next couple of days. I asked the entity to give us proof that it was real. My memory of this is hazy, but my memory is that of a shadow that seemed to hang in midair and began to expand in size. I told it to stop and the shadow disappeared. I asked it to show us a different sort of manifestation and immediately, we heard a sound coming from the bathroom. It started out quietly, but quickly increased in volume. It wasn’t a knocking on the pipes. The best way I can describe it is to imagine a metal pipe being pulled like a bowstring and let go. The bathroom light started to flicker and then the light took on a purplish cast. Everyone panicked at that point. We told the entity to stop, and the activity ceased immediately. We said goodbye and that was the end of the session. I went to bed seriously freaked out. The feeling of someone standing by my bed was absolutely unbearable and I got up, threw on some pants, and ran down to the dorm lobby, where I passed the night, wide awake, feeling like something was watching me. Of course, me being me, I hadn’t yet learned my lesson… TO BE CONTINUED… 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jedediah Strange Posted January 9, 2012 #1145 Share Posted January 9, 2012 PART 2 The next day, or perhaps the day after that, John and I had to walk to the pet store to buy fish food. It was February and the pet store was about half a mile away. I had no hat and was getting fairly cold. John happened to have an extra one in his pocket, identical to the one he was wearing. I accepted it gratefully and put it on. And yeah, there’s a reason why I told you that boring little story. It’s coming. That night, John, Jeremy, and I (along with a couple of other people whose names I cannot recall) met with Ray in his dorm room to try the board again. I was, as you might imagine, still wigged out from the previous Ouija session. At that age however, I was so focused on the exploration of the unknown, I had developed an extraordinary ability to disregard potential consequences and ignore the urgings of common sense. We got the entity from the previous session to speak to us again. The planchette was moving very slowly, so Ray got up and lit several candles. After that, the planchette raced so quickly around the board that we had to ask the entity to slow down. It made a couple of comments which seemed to be meaningless to everyone else, but which were highly personal and aimed at me. These were things that no one there could possibly have known, and due to the personal nature of the statements, I won’t repeat them here. I don’t remember the content of the rest of the discussion with the entity, but I do remember being terrified beyond belief. At some point, the entity (it DID give its name, but to this day, I play it safe and never utter it, even in written form) asked Ray if it could take over his body. Ray was agreeable and had told us before that he regularly did this when he “meditated” alone with the board. Ray closed his eyes and folded his arms in the “death posture”. After a few moments, he began muttering. The muttering grew louder and louder, until we could tell that he was speaking in another language; one we had never heard before. It was definitely a language however, and not just random gibberish. Ray - or whatever was skinriding him – began to make strange hand gestures and then fell silent again. After a time, I couldn’t stand it any more and went to him, shook him by the shoulder, and said something like, “Ray! Ray, come out of it!” What happened next would haunt both my waking hours and my dreams for months to come. His (its?) fist shot out, evidently meaning to connect solidly with my chest, but only managed a glancing blow. Now, we’ve all seen movies where a demon or possessed person speaks in a deep, animalistic voice. What came out of Ray’s mouth was like that, only my impression was that nothing like it could ever be produced by merely human vocal cords. It was deep, fierce, guttural, and echoic, although no series of words I could ever string together could convey the sheer otherworldliness of that voice. It said, “Don’t EVER touch me!” TO BE CONCLUDED... 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jedediah Strange Posted January 9, 2012 #1146 Share Posted January 9, 2012 (edited) PART 3 I retreated to the hallway, but left the front door to the room open. Ray’s arm went up and he pointed into the hallway. Keep in mind that his eyes were still closed and he was still facing forward (while I was in the hall, I was looking at his profile.) Wherever I moved in the hall, Ray’s pointing finger followed me. Suddenly, his eyes still closed, he jumped up from the chair and ran to the pile of coats on the floor in the corner. He began sniffing at them, smelling each one briefly before casting it aside, until he came to my coat. He paused, rummaged in the pockets, and pulled out the hat that I had borrowed from John earlier in the day. He pressed the hat to his face, inhaled deeply, turned toward me and smiled. I lost my mind. I tore out of there as fast as I could, and apparently Jeremy had followed me, because he was suddenly beside me when I got outside. I suggested breathlessly, that we find a priest. I had been raised in a strictly non-religious household, (although my mother had started going to church just before I graduated high school) so my knowledge of the Catholic church had been gleaned almost solely from television and movies. What do you do when there’s a demon on the loose? You find an effing priest, that’s what! So, off we went, tearassing across campus to the small church four or five blocks away. We burst inside, scaring the lone woman in there half to death. I asked where we could find the priest, and she said something like, “Um, he’s probably at home.” I apologized for scaring her and mumbled something about an emergency. We took our leave. I decided that the best thing to do would be to call the cops. I found a pay phone and told them the situation. To their credit, they didn’t laugh, but told me there was really nothing they could do unless he was violent. I told them that he had attacked me (teensy little white lie) and that I had no idea what he was up to now, but that he was clearly out of control. They agreed to drop by and check it out. I bid Jeremy good night and slept in the lobby of my dorm. The next day, I asked John what transpired after I left. He held up his hand, which I saw was wrapped in a gauze bandage. Apparently, what had happened was this: When I ran off, Ray tried to follow, but they somehow kept him in the room. Whether this involved actually restraining him or just shutting the door, I don’t recall. Ray had then picked up a pencil and stabbed John in the hand. He had opened his eyes at some point and John said that he looked absolutely maniacal. He threw a few punches at various people and then seemed to snap out of it. He claimed that he was Ray again, and was in control, but that he was parched. They let him into the hall to use the drinking fountain, and suddenly that maniacal look was back. He grinned broadly and took off down the hall. He interrupted a meeting of residence hall advisors and ran around the table, smacking them in the head. Eventually, the police showed up and he appeared to faint. When they brought him ‘round again, he claimed to have no memory of the evening’s events. I’m sure there was more that went on, but this is all I remember from what John told me. Was it all B.S.? I don’t believe so. There were the physical manifestations, for one, and also the personal references the entity made. Was some of it B.S.? Most likely. Still, this experience haunted me for many, many years. I spent a good chunk of my life suspecting that this being had attached itself to me. Although I have been present during Ouija sessions since then, I haven’t touched one to this day. I’ve had a lot of other “paranormal” experiences since then, and I’ve gained a lot of knowledge, insight, and perspective. If I were to experience the events I just related at this point in my life, there would be a very different outcome. NOTE: Interestingly, as I cut and pasted this story from the word processor, I remembered a dream from about a year ago wherein I was posting this story online... Edited January 9, 2012 by Jedediah Strange 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dave1983 Posted January 11, 2012 #1147 Share Posted January 11, 2012 (edited) Hiya I have tried out my own home made ouija board and got wierd results. first test after 5-10 on focusing on the board, I held my planchette lightly almost not touching it, the force is hard to explain like the something was pushing down on my hands then it started to move, at the time my mind was making up names, but the board spelt out something else first word was I Then second was R Third was I Fourth was S IRIS, Iris was my auntie who passed away a year ago, unfortunately i did not go to the funeral. I broke into tears as i thought how the hell would know who i would speak to. it wasn't even subconcious in my mind. First Question ME - hi Iris are you ok? Board - Yes Me - Do you love us and miss us all. Board - yes Me - Would you like to be left in peace Board - she spelt out the word YES i said goodbye Ended the session Second Session ME - Iris are you there? Board - Yes ME - Are my guardians here Board - no ME - Are there any evil spirits in my presence Board - Did not answer ME - how many spirits are in the room Board - 1 Then the board started splurting out jibberish ZZZZZ kept being repeated, then the words Phophir which didn't make sense, then when i asked how many spirits are in the room it said - 6. I ended the session Conculsion There is alot of skeptic around the board and Ideomotor effect, using the unsubconcious mind to move the planchett, this is based on the user answering the board to what it wants, however neither scientist or human can speculate what the unsubconcious mind can do, my belief is that our subconicious mind can use telekentic energy to communicate with a lower astrial plane that human cannot Understand or Comprehend with, which is why we dont have all of the answers. Alot of threads post that Ouija Board is bad, again this is not true it is just a board with numbers and letters "a tool" however what the user is using it for is a different matter. Well ghosts can move objects why cant they do the same thing to the planchett: Because these are not ghosts! it could be a spirit/entity/energy that we do not understand, it is based round the user and energy of the mind, which is why overuse can cause people to go insane. it can become an addiction whether or not there is another force at work i do not know myself, but i do beleive that if a user is negative in energy, the board will use that to it's advantage. Unfortunately there is no straight answer like in life questions and we will never know. But don't expect demons to pop out breathing fire and looking like a green goblin. Edited January 11, 2012 by dave1983 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
George Ford Posted January 11, 2012 #1148 Share Posted January 11, 2012 I tried a Ouija board a couple of times with my friends when I was a kid. Every time it would end up being a farce as we would push the 'thing' round to spell out rude words. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dave1983 Posted January 11, 2012 #1149 Share Posted January 11, 2012 Best results are on your own. Alot of people say don't recommend it "ooh posession" but nothing like that would happen, it's more to do with the mind and paranoid, more use of the board you start to become alot of alert of paranormal things "oh noes my stairs is creeking" it's all to with the mind playing tricks. However i do not rule out the subconcious communication with an unhuman energy, it really depends what energy you are speaking to. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dagobert 11 Posted January 17, 2012 #1150 Share Posted January 17, 2012 Hi people. Alrighty this is going to be a strange request and all but would it be possible for someone to possibly ask these questions for me the next time they use an Ouija board? Firstly it would be deemed important that if someone decides to ask these for me, that possibly they have a regular spirit who them have come to trust and know somewhat. Of course being experienced with the board is always important. The reason I ask is I'd like some feedback from another spirit via another persons Seance to compare to answers I recently got from my little sisters Seance not so long ago. I would like to see how the answers compare and differ.Of course I realize answers from Ouija are never to be taken as gospel but If anyone could indeed ask these q's on there next Ouija board Seance i'd be very greatful. The questions: Does god Exist? Is there a soul? Is time travel possible? Are there other dimensions? Please reply to this to say if you could do this for me and explain when you would be having your next Seance. yes. / yes. / no./ no./ sorted. hope that helps Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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