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Two asian men arrested in Scotland


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Terrorist suspects 'not Scottish'

Travel chaos continues

Two men arrested in Scotland in connection with the Glasgow Airport attack are not "home-grown terrorists", Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill said.

His comments followed searches of a number of homes in Neuk Crescent, Houston, Renfrewshire.

Mr MacAskill said the suspects were not "born or bred" here but had lived in Scotland for a "period of time".

"For any suggestion to be made that they are home-grown terrorists is just not true," he added.

Resident Stewart McArthur said the police arrived in Neuk Crescent just before 0500 BST.

'Heavily armed'

"They were in an unmarked transit van and they were wearing balaclavas," he said.

"It was like an American Swat unit here. And they were really heavily armed."

The airport is starting to return to normal although many flights are still cancelled or delayed.

The reopening will be "extremely gradual", the airport official added.

The Muslim community are concerned about a backlash and that's why the emergency meeting has been called

Mohammed Sarwar

Glasgow MP

Threats follow attack

Following Saturday's incident police are now holding four people.

Strathclyde Police have linked the attack to the discovery of two car bombs in London's West End on Friday.

As a result of both incidents, the UK has moved to its highest level of terror alert - critical.

A further two people have been arrested in Cheshire and another in Liverpool.

Scottish ministers met earlier for a briefing on developments.

The summit was led by First Minister Alex Salmond and attended by Mr MacAskill, Scotland's top law officer, Lord Advocate Elish Angiolini and the country's most senior civil servant, Scottish Executive permanent secretary Sir John Elvidge.

Scotland's equivalent of Westminster's Cobra emergency committee is the Scottish Executive Emergency Room (Seer).

Mr Salmond, who has appealed for public vigilance, has said no community should be scapegoated as a result of the Glasgow incident.

Muslim leaders are holding an emergency meeting in Glasgow to discuss fallout from the attack.

Scotland's only Muslim MP Mohammed Sarwar said threats had been made towards members of the Muslim community in the aftermath of the attack in Glasgow.

He told BBC Scotland he had taken calls from people who had been threatened or targeted by abusive graffiti.

Mr Sarwar said people in the Muslim and Asian communities were "very angry".

"They're concerned about a backlash and that's why the emergency meeting has been called," he said.

Security tightened

Osama Saeed, from the Muslim Association of Great Britain, said: "I think, personally, it's so close to home that it's a completely different emotional reaction."

The accident and emergency department at the Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley, where one of the suspects is being treated for burns, is now open and fully functional.

Police surround the house in Houston (Picture from BBC viewer)

The suspect remains in a critical condition.

A member of the public is being treated in the Southern General Hospital in Glasgow, in connection with yesterday's attack.

He has been described as being in a stable condition.

Security has been tightened at Scotland's other airports.

The access road to Edinburgh Airport has been closed and armed police are patrolling the Forth road and rail bridges.

Lothian and Borders Police said they had also increased security at other key sites across the city, including the castle and Holyrood Palace.

At the Scottish Parliament some of the entrances have been closed with visitors going through stricter security screening.

Anyone with information should contact the Strathclyde Police incident room on 0800 0560944.



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Asian, Pakistani, middle eastern,..all the same in the UK.

Your way of thinking is messed up. Go join the Taliban. Actually you're being watched very carefully. Take my word for it.

Edited by Lottie
There is no need to post an entire quote, especially when it's the post above yours.
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Ok. Thank you for the article, Lt. Ripley.

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Asian, Pakistani, middle eastern,..all the same in the UK.

Your way of thinking is messed up. Go join the Taliban. Actually you're being watched very carefully. Take my word for it.

Uh... :huh:

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of course there are gonna be attacks on Asians in the english and Scottish communitys. People want justice and unfortunatly innocent members of the Asian community will get it. sad but true.

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Terrorist suspects 'not Scottish'

Muslim leaders are holding an emergency meeting in Glasgow to discuss fallout from the attack.

Tells me all I need to know.

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Stupid BBC article, Glasgow Airport is in Paisley, the attacks happened in Paisley - not Glasgow.

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Stupid BBC article, Glasgow Airport is in Paisley, the attacks happened in Paisley - not Glasgow.

:lol: Calm down... They're doing it to be PC without being obvious.

This is the reason I hate PC'ness.

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Or, you know, they just made a simple mistake. Who the hell would think that Glasgow airport is not in Glasgow. Poor research maybe, but you're too quick to jump the wagon.

Edited by Iaret
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Or, you know, they just made a simple mistake. Who the hell would think that Glasgow airport is not in Glasgow. Poor research maybe, but you're too quick to jump the wagon.

They're the BBC - the British Broadcast Corporation - If they don't understand the geography of Britain for which they broadcast, then someone needs firing.

However, look at the details and you'll smell the stench of PC'ness - Three terrorist attacks, first terrorist attack by muslims in Scotland, and the head of Glasgow police being muslim himself. It was meant to put a friendly secure picture towards muslims - him being head of the police and muslim.

I didn't jump to any conclusions, I took a little step and conclusions were there.

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On 9/11, several major news outlets in the U.S. incorrectly stated that Dullas international was in Dallas Texas. Maybe they just misunderstood what they were being told through their headsets, maybe they werre totally unaware that Dullas is in the D.C. area.

An interesting comparison is that the airport in Albany Georiga, is called the "Albany Airport "by most of the people that live there but, the actual name is the "South West Georgia Regeonal Airport". (Call sign KABY).

See more of Albanys little airport here....

All I am getting at is that there might not have been an outright attempt to confuse people and it might have been an honest mistake.

Terrorist suspects 'not Scottish'

Muslim leaders are holding an emergency meeting in Glasgow to discuss fallout from the attack.

I bet they'll fair far better than all those westerners that suffer retribution at the hands of the radical muslims. A few shouts a few taunts and that will be it. In the M.E., westerners would be waking up with their throats cut.
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Two asian men arrested in Scotland, for airport attack

Are you attempting to be misleading, or was it wishfull thinking Lt. Ripley, when you used this headline?.

Here's the latest (once again)

NBC: U.K. terror suspects include 2 doctors

Officials say most, if not all, of 5 people now in custody are from Mideast

LONDON - British security sources tell NBC News that two of the five suspects in custody in connection with three recent terror incidents in Scotland and London are medical doctors and one may have assembled the bombs. Authorities also said they believe that most, if not all, of the suspects come from Middle Eastern countries, including one from Iraq.

On Sunday, British police appealed for help in tracing movements of a green Jeep Cherokee in the days before it rammed an airport terminal in Glasgow on Saturday. The driver of the vehicle, who set himself on fire, remained in critical condition.


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Two asian men arrested in Scotland, for airport attack

Are you attempting to be misleading, or was it wishfull thinking Lt. Ripley, when you used this headline?.

Here's the latest (once again)

NBC: U.K. terror suspects include 2 doctors

Officials say most, if not all, of 5 people now in custody are from Mideast

LONDON - British security sources tell NBC News that two of the five suspects in custody in connection with three recent terror incidents in Scotland and London are medical doctors and one may have assembled the bombs. Authorities also said they believe that most, if not all, of the suspects come from Middle Eastern countries, including one from Iraq.

On Sunday, British police appealed for help in tracing movements of a green Jeep Cherokee in the days before it rammed an airport terminal in Glasgow on Saturday. The driver of the vehicle, who set himself on fire, remained in critical condition.


maybe if you actually read the links you would have found -

Two Asian men were arrested after ramming a burning car into the airport's main terminal.
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In case you've missed it in some of the other threads LR, people that we, in the US, consider MIDDLE EASTERN are considered ASIAN across the pond.

The fact that they were from the Middle East has already been confirmed by several sources.

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The Muslim community are concerned about a backlash and that's why the emergency meeting has been called

Mohammed Sarwar

Glasgow MP

Threats follow attack

Osama Saeed, from the Muslim Association of Great Britain, said: "I think, personally, it's so close to home that it's a completely different emotional reaction."

Any Muslim community or leaders condemn yet these suppose to be British citizen not as Muslims but as British citizens for the sake of a peaceful society?

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Too much political correctness and not enough racial and ethnic profiling.

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I can guarantee one thing, you won't see any muslims marching in Glasgow or London this weekend condemning the terrorist's.

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Your way of thinking is messed up. Go join the Taliban. Actually you're being watched very carefully. Take my word for it.

What did she say? All she did was post an article, didn't even give her view. And why would she be watched very carefully :rolleyes:. Our government knows who wants to overthrow the system themselves and who doesn't :rolleyes:.

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I can guarantee one thing, you won't see any muslims marching in Glasgow or London this weekend condemning the terrorist's.

If I were a muslim, I wouldn't be marching in Glasgow or London either.

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maybe if you actually read the links you would have found -

I did. I just found it interesting how you fished that out of the story and then used it as a topic descrpition.

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I can guarantee one thing, you won't see any muslims marching in Glasgow or London this weekend condemning the terrorist's.

No doubt. However, we shouldn't think that the Religion of Peace will let the event pass without SOME comment.

By Aaron Klein

© 2007 WorldNetDaily.com

JERUSALEM – The thwarted car bombings in London last week and the terror attack against Scotland's busiest airport were "completely justified" and likely the beginning of many more attacks in Britain, a prominent UK Islamist leader connected to terror supporting groups told WND yesterday.

"There is no doubt whatsoever that there will continue to be attacks against the British government, its interests and the home front as long as we see the continued British and American occupation of Muslim land in Iraq and Afghanistan, support for criminal Israel, and draconian measures taken against Muslims in the UK," said Anjem Choudary, founder and former chief of two Islamic groups disbanded by the British authorities under antiterror legislation.

"A war is being waged against Muslims on every level. There are many in Britain who take their ideology from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida and are ready to carry out many more attacks," Choudary said.

Choudary said the attempted terror attacks the past few days were "probably carried out by local British Muslims."

Choudary currently presents himself as an Islamic lecturer and a leader of Britain's Shariah Islamic court. He is a founder and former chief of Al Muhajiroun, a British group that sought to impose an Islamic state on the UK and that was allied with the goals of al-Qaida.

Source article (with more) can be read here

So there you have it... the balanced viewpoint from the Ummah.

Meow Purr.

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Any Muslim community or leaders condemn yet these suppose to be British citizen not as Muslims but as British citizens for the sake of a peaceful society?

No not yet... Funnily enough..

We've just had the usual "Islam is a peaceful religion" crap from the muslim community leaders which is akin to a simpsons style "I didn't do it"

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