UM-Bot Posted July 3, 2007 #1 Share Posted July 3, 2007 Gene Brown: For the last 6 or 7 months, I have noticed a steady increase in the topics, posts and blogs about the phenomena of triple digit time and just time in general. Have you noticed the numbers 10:10, 11:11, 12:12, 12:34, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 or 5:55 popping up all over the place? I myself have been experiencing this quite a bit also, so I decided to dedicate my column this month to it. I started noticing about 5 months ago that I was seeing the number 11:11 quite a fair bit and never really knew why until I started seeing posts and links about it - apparently all over the world people were having this same occurrence and were all looking for answers too. I stumbled across a message board dedicated to the particular time of 11:11, what it meant and why people were seeing this twice a day on clocks and seeing prices at stores and whatnot. Here’s a possible explanation for your questions, if you believe, of course, that all these times you see aren’t just a random coincidence. Midwayers - simple word right, not so easily believed or understood. Apparently this is the cause of all those people seeing 11:11 and other times mentioned above. You might be asking yourself, “Gene, what’s a Midwayer?” I will tell you. Midwayers are material beings (all 1,111 of them) that are here to help us with our everyday life by giving us those little 11:11 (and other) signals, referred to by a lot of people as wakeup calls, showing us that we‘re on the right track or that we need to do something different. The idea of having these spirits around us might be hard to believe, but it could be very possible that something is prompting us look at the clock every time it’s 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, etc. - I used to see everyone of those every single day (until I got a job) for the last 5 months … so maybe it was a sign to get off my ass and get employed. I for one believe this due to the probability of just looking at a clock every hour and eleven minutes (1:11) being ridiculously low. Here’s some excerpts from the afore mentioned site which may give you a better understanding: From: 11:11 signals are driving me nuts! What does it mean? It's a wake up call. What does that mean? Well in general it is an awakening to things that you don't know, and need to know. Humanity is in a mess, and not heading in the right direction. Folks are needed to change that, and it happens to one person at a time. Starting with you. What do I have to do? Acknowledge it out loud. Say - OK guys I hear you, tell me what you want. But I can't hear anything? They will find some way to let you know. These guys are a bunch of special angels, and they have picked you for a very good reason. Quite what that reason is, may only later become clear. If you want to, you can work with them, as George has done, for many years. Or you can ask them to go away. Your choice - it's called free will. But they picked you because you can be useful to them. The chances are if you develop good meditation techniques, or practice George's Akashic Construct, you will either see or hear these guys. Maybe both. Why the 11:11 prompt? There were only 1,111 of these guys for a very long time, but today there are a very great number of them. They asked for, and were given, the 11:11 signal as a trademark. Sometimes they will vary the prompt, and that may indicate precisely the individual prompting you. For example if you always get 10:24, it’s your prompt … and if you have to be made very aware, you will receive many, hence 1:11, 2:22, etc. What's with this "midwayer" thing? Well technically they are called Midwayers, because they live in a realm between us and the next level that we go to after death. They are the closest spiritual entity to us. They are actually material creatures, but of a material invisible to most of us. It was not supposed to be like that, we were supposed to be able to see them, and on "normal" worlds that is the way it is. George much prefers to call them "Spiritual Guardians" or simply "Angels." What proof have you got? George Barnard has been dealing with these guys for over 50 years. He sees them, and talks to them. Mostly he sees with his spiritual eyes, but there have been cases of physical manifestation as well. You could not expect a psych (George) to believe in the voices in his head if they did not turn up physically, could you? They have played a major role in his entire life, and some of his experiences are detailed in his books "The Search for 11:11". and "In the Service of 11:11". In fact there are three more books in the pipeline. You can read some of the chapters of that book on-line here. You can also download two chapters of "In the Service" in PDF format :In the Service of 11:11 Well now it’s up to you whether or not to believe in all this. If you are getting these prompts everyday then it may provide you with some information and some awareness that you need to get your life on track or that you‘re doing ok - trust me you’ll just know - I did. Personally I love this theory, just knowing that it’s possible that there are other forces out there just trying to help mankind, because right now we need all the help we can get … hopefully those wakeup calls are strong. My columns aren’t about asking for your belief, or me trying to change your views on anything, I’m just trying to make people aware of the different theories and possibilities that can come along in life. I’m reminded of a post that LittleIrishVampiress made a few days ago: “I reasoned with myself one day that we as humans cannot really 'see' the universe with our simple naked eye, and only when we discovered the existence of things such as ultra-violet rays and the like could we make instruments to 'see' them...and so couldn't it be possible that the universe is much more 'full' then we currently think, as we can't actually 'see' what's there with our limited perceptions, and simply haven't the instruments to view or sense them for us, as we are obviously ignorant of their existence in the first place? Let's say, for instance, there could be anything between here and the moon, only we have not the capabilities nor the knowledge of its existence to sense, view or detect it in any way. We can only go by the physics here on earth that we already know exist, but could not the physics of the universe in its whole be entirely more vast, and we are simply blind to it all, limited earth-bound creatures that we are?” She makes a very good point and it should at least help you to open your mind and accept possibilities. Well that’s it for another month … if anyone would like me to research some particular topic and maybe write a column on, just let me know - I’m found under GeneBrowne on this site. Cheers, Gene Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
. Alexandros . Posted July 3, 2007 #2 Share Posted July 3, 2007 Yep i always see the 11:11 one. Never knew about that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KBA Posted July 3, 2007 #3 Share Posted July 3, 2007 For about a year, almost without fail, everyday, I would randomly check the clock at exactly 9:11 (sometimes AM, sometimes PM). Was pretty weird. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Virulence Posted July 3, 2007 #4 Share Posted July 3, 2007 Ok well this doesn't really have anything to do with ghosts. It's your body's biological clock. We all have it. Some animals can do things, for example come out at night at exactly the same time due to their internal clock. With us we may look at the clock at a certain time and because the number isn't even, we don't think anything of it. However when we look at the clock sub consciously and see matching numbers we think "Hang on I saw this yesterday too" because the numbers are easier to remember. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charleh Posted July 4, 2007 #5 Share Posted July 4, 2007 Ok well this doesn't really have anything to do with ghosts. It's your body's biological clock. We all have it. Some animals can do things, for example come out at night at exactly the same time due to their internal clock. With us we may look at the clock at a certain time and because the number isn't even, we don't think anything of it. However when we look at the clock sub consciously and see matching numbers we think "Hang on I saw this yesterday too" because the numbers are easier to remember. Yes these Midwayers have the uncanny ability to make seemingly ordinary people spout drivel. Virulence has the idea, human beings/animals brains work in a certain way, and one of the cheif abilities amongst species is the ability to recognise patterns. The pattern 11:11 is easier to remember than 12:43 just simply because of it's recurrance within itself. A pattern within a pattern - the brain encodes information in a certain way, which is why it may be easier to remember 5 peoples names than it is to remember a 5 digit number, unless the number has some sort of significance to you or is pattern oriented. The biological clock also has a part to play... I wake up at just before 7am every morning regardless of the alarm clock being set or not, because thats what time I get up to get ready for work and thats what my clock is set to do - wake me up just before 7. Subconsciously your brain is keeping a record of time passing - ever have a job interview and go to bed only to wake up automatically very very early - this is because consciously your mind knows the job interview is very important, and a mental note is made to get up early - subconsciously your brain wakes you up 'extra early' just in case. I often find myself waking up at 5:30 - 6 when I have something important on the next day just because I want to make sure I make the appointment and my mind knows it. Humans often find that patterns within every day life give them signs and meanings, because the human brain is geared up to recognise patterns and to attribute meaning to them. So instead of being weak minded and believing something some random person made up to explain something, take the logical route. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeneBrowne Posted July 4, 2007 #6 Share Posted July 4, 2007 So instead of being weak minded and believing something some random person made up to explain something, take the logical route. Or instead of being narrow minded you can consider it a possibility, or just let the random skeptic be right. Of course it could very well be your biological clock, it's the perfect clock. Some people I have been talking to though aren't just seeing 11:11 or other easy numbers to remember, for example, one girl said that she was seeing 4:19 and 2:16 twice a day, just waking up for no reason to see it. I am aware of the logical answers to everything as I am on occasions one of the biggest skeptics I know, but sometimes it's just nice to consider other possibilities and to also maybe consider that we're not the only thing in this universe. Not once have I asked you to believe me, and of course this may very well only be another useless theory. Your views are appreciated and understood. Everyone should take this little quote to thought as it applies to both sides of the fence here... " The thruth is out there, it may not be the truth you want to hear, but it's out there " . I guess we'll never know. Cheers, Gene Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LiQuiD_FuSioN Posted July 4, 2007 #7 Share Posted July 4, 2007 Or instead of being narrow minded you can consider it a possibility, or just let the random skeptic be right. Of course it could very well be your biological clock, it's the perfect clock. Some people I have been talking to though aren't just seeing 11:11 or other easy numbers to remember, for example, one girl said that she was seeing 4:19 and 2:16 twice a day, just waking up for no reason to see it. I am aware of the logical answers to everything as I am on occasions one of the biggest skeptics I know, but sometimes it's just nice to consider other possibilities and to also maybe consider that we're not the only thing in this universe. Not once have I asked you to believe me, and of course this may very well only be another useless theory. Your views are appreciated and understood. Everyone should take this little quote to thought as it applies to both sides of the fence here... " The thruth is out there, it may not be the truth you want to hear, but it's out there " . I guess we'll never know. Cheers, Gene Totally agree with you, GeneBrowne. I love the article a lot too. Great read, I really enjoy this type of stuff! Whether it's biological or something paranormal, I can't deny seeing the magic numbers like "11:11" or "9:11" these days. The frequencies of seeing these numbers has increased a lot in my life. I thought I was the only crazy one seeing these numbers. That's until I surfed the wonderful world wide web and found a few insights about the phenomena. Some say they are the "night workers" and I read in some places that on a specific date (not sure if it happened or not) a cult/group will meet up because a dimensional warp will be opened somewhere on the Earth. And other sites went into detail about the "beings" on another dimensional plane than us. I'm curious to see if I can somehow communicate with these beings. Perhaps I'll acknowledge them during the next quadruple/triple digit sighting? I'd still like to find out whether seeing the digits is a sign "to change" or a sign of "things are going well" though. I did some pretty new things today, still looking for a job. I actually got off my ass to look today, but I don't think I saw the ubiquitous "11:11" today. I think I looked at the clock as soon as I got home when it said "11:12". I'd take this as something that I'm doing well in my life.. but who knows? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeneBrowne Posted July 4, 2007 #8 Share Posted July 4, 2007 I'd still like to find out whether seeing the digits is a sign "to change" or a sign of "things are going well" though. I did some pretty new things today, still looking for a job. I actually got off my ass to look today, but I don't think I saw the ubiquitous "11:11" today. I think I looked at the clock as soon as I got home when it said "11:12". I'd take this as something that I'm doing well in my life.. but who knows? Well as soon as I made an improvment in my life I noticed the sightings to eventually disappear which is one of the reasons why I like the midwayer theory. Even at work I have clocks but I never look at them anymore, whereas before I would for no reason. It's just weird. Good luck on the job hunt, if there is such thing as a midwayer, they will help you I am sure. Thanks for mentioning it was a good read. Appreciated. Cheers, Gene Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LiQuiD_FuSioN Posted July 4, 2007 #9 Share Posted July 4, 2007 I'm still with my parents, but whenever I see 11:11 on a clock.. I make my mother turn around and tell me "what time is it now, huh?". I think she is convinced too of what is going on, so at least I'm not alone at home! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meat Man11 Posted July 7, 2007 #10 Share Posted July 7, 2007 This stuff sounds kinda creepy to me. I personally do not think these "beings" that guy in the article sees are at all what they appear to be, they more closely fit the description of a demon. I urge all you readers NOT to open your mind to such things, demons only have as much authority as YOU give them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eylalei Posted July 7, 2007 #11 Share Posted July 7, 2007 11:11 is a signal. If you're seeing it, you might want to check out "fire the grid". ( there is a worldwide meditation taking place soon. If you're curious (it's not creepy) this video tells the whole story. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeneBrowne Posted July 7, 2007 #12 Share Posted July 7, 2007 This stuff sounds kinda creepy to me. I personally do not think these "beings" that guy in the article sees are at all what they appear to be, they more closely fit the description of a demon. I urge all you readers NOT to open your mind to such things, demons only have as much authority as YOU give them. I think you're getting the wrong idea. I don't see at how how it's creepy or how they seem like demons. But it is your opinion and you're at least entitled to that. Cheers, Gene Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crystal sage Posted July 7, 2007 #13 Share Posted July 7, 2007 (edited) Good thread!!!! I have a 9:13 as a watch out... be prepared number... it first started just before we learned my Dad had cancer... often every time I looked at clock it was 13 past something... I got paranoid so I'd force myself to look at the clock when I didn't need to... I would see like 10:12 ... time would feel like moving thru glue.. I'd laugh to myself and say... I got you beat... I'd deliberately do a chore that I would reason would take at least 5 minutes... eg.. on this one accasion folding towels and taking them upstairs ... when I came back... and looked it was 10:13 !!! impossible!!! I'd even buy groceries and the total would come to $13 ... or the change would be $13... often I'd grab a chocolate bar or some gum to break the offending sum.... I got spooked!!! This happened constantly for 18 months until my Dad passed... then later it started to appear again!!! I was frightened... but I noticed that it accured just as I was about to start something... eg... the car... at a start of a journey... I would hesitate... until the clock shifted to 14 past.... sometimes it seemed to take forever... eg one time I was going on an outing with family members... using several cars... we had to do a stop over... as one of the kids were ill... after everything was sorted out we were ready to go again... I was about to start the car when I noticed it was 11:13 ... I refused to start until the time changed... I waited... songs were going... preasure in the car... it was taking ages for the time to change... people actually got out of their cars to see what was wrong!!! finally the time changed ... and I moved on.... it seemed to have taken at least 7 minutes to go from one minute on my car clock to the next.... Is it superstition???? A couple of times I did try and see... when I was on my own... as I trust my instinct and wouldn't risk anyone else... I was on double alert!!!... I progressed carefully allowing for freak accurances... eg not trusting red or green lights.. waiting and making sure... and lo and behold... I narrowly missed several car accidents... eg trucks out of control swerving into a lane I would have been in... people running lights... etc... Another time when I went out there was this mystery fog... that totally obscured all vision... dark sky... and when I looked behind me... clear cloudless sunny sky... !!! I wasn't going to risk it... I drove the other way to the sunny side...of town... and was rewarded by fantastic shopping bargains!!!! and running into friends I hadn't seen in a while that invited me to a party... By the way... also when I did heed those warnings of delaying my departure... along the journey ..I noticed quite a few fresh accidents on the road that ???? Lately I've noticed a lot of 47 to's... eg 13 minutes to... getting wary!!!! Edited July 7, 2007 by crystal sage Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Please Explain Posted July 8, 2007 #14 Share Posted July 8, 2007 It's a sign of good and bad. Everytime i saw curious numbers not only on the clocks, i always think what's the message? If i feel something bad, i won't go to work. But usually, always a good omen for me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeneBrowne Posted July 8, 2007 #15 Share Posted July 8, 2007 Good thread!!!! I have a 9:13 as a watch out... be prepared number... it first started just before we learned my Dad had cancer... often every time I looked at clock it was 13 past something... I got paranoid so I'd force myself to look at the clock when I didn't need to... I would see like 10:12 ... time would feel like moving thru glue.. I'd laugh to myself and say... I got you beat... I'd deliberately do a chore that I would reason would take at least 5 minutes... eg.. on this one accasion folding towels and taking them upstairs ... when I came back... and looked it was 10:13 !!! impossible!!! I'd even buy groceries and the total would come to $13 ... or the change would be $13... often I'd grab a chocolate bar or some gum to break the offending sum.... I got spooked!!! This happened constantly for 18 months until my Dad passed... then later it started to appear again!!! I was frightened... but I noticed that it accured just as I was about to start something... eg... the car... at a start of a journey... I would hesitate... until the clock shifted to 14 past.... sometimes it seemed to take forever... eg one time I was going on an outing with family members... using several cars... we had to do a stop over... as one of the kids were ill... after everything was sorted out we were ready to go again... I was about to start the car when I noticed it was 11:13 ... I refused to start until the time changed... I waited... songs were going... preasure in the car... it was taking ages for the time to change... people actually got out of their cars to see what was wrong!!! finally the time changed ... and I moved on.... it seemed to have taken at least 7 minutes to go from one minute on my car clock to the next.... Is it superstition???? A couple of times I did try and see... when I was on my own... as I trust my instinct and wouldn't risk anyone else... I was on double alert!!!... I progressed carefully allowing for freak accurances... eg not trusting red or green lights.. waiting and making sure... and lo and behold... I narrowly missed several car accidents... eg trucks out of control swerving into a lane I would have been in... people running lights... etc... Another time when I went out there was this mystery fog... that totally obscured all vision... dark sky... and when I looked behind me... clear cloudless sunny sky... !!! I wasn't going to risk it... I drove the other way to the sunny side...of town... and was rewarded by fantastic shopping bargains!!!! and running into friends I hadn't seen in a while that invited me to a party... By the way... also when I did heed those warnings of delaying my departure... along the journey ..I noticed quite a few fresh accidents on the road that ???? Lately I've noticed a lot of 47 to's... eg 13 minutes to... getting wary!!!! Thanks, interesting stories btw. It's all too common to pass off as coincidence isn't it, I mean people are really posting these occurances daily. Sometimes you just have to break down from the skepticism and say just maybe there is something happening around us. Interesting stuff. Cheers, Gene Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sikemolicito Posted July 12, 2007 #16 Share Posted July 12, 2007 (edited) I feel the need to post this here being my experience(s) relate well to the article. Back in October of this year, my grandmother passed away. She was 92 and I am thankful for the time she spent on this planet. This did not change the fact that I missed her. She and I were very close, I called her nightly to see how she was feeling and visited her twice a week as far back as I could remember. She passed away on a Wednesday. The following Wednesday I awoke from my bed after having a dream of her and looked at the clock. The time read 4:44 a.m. I thought it strange...especially since I'm a heavy sleeper and could count on two hands the number of times I've woken up in the middle of the night in my lifetime. The next night, I awoke at the exact same time...4:44 a.m. My heart started pounding. It was way too strange for this to be happening...but I chalked it up to a coincidence. On my way to work in the morning, I'm on the phone with my wife telling her of the occurence. She chalked it up to coincidence or biological clock. While I'm still talking to her, I stop at a red light and in front of me passes a city bus with the numbers 444-(plus 3 other numbers I can't recall). I think "Well its not exactly 444 alone" so I kind of laugh it off. Then a car passes, followed by a delivery truck...the number on the bottom right hand corner of the truck...444. I'm feeling really freaked but go to work and pass it off as coincidence yet again. That afternoon, my wife and I are going shopping and I'm telling her about the incident again in the car. She's more focused on getting to the store before 5:00 pm being this is when it closes. I stop my story to look at the clock so I can say "we have plenty of time"...and it reads "4:44". I point it out to her and she becomes a little freaked herself. She was brought up Roman Catholic (so was I, actually) and sees it as a sign from my grandmother from heaven, telling me she's O.K. Though I grew up Roman Catholic, I find myself to be more scientific in thinking. I want to believe these are signs, but I can't quite bring myself to give into what I can't understand. This has been going on since then. Rarely will a day go by that I don't see multiple occurrences of 3 digit numbers. On clocks, on receipts, on license plates in front of me, on signs...everywhere. At tiimes I will turn my head at just the right moment and there it is. Last night I was reading the news on Unexplained-Mysteries and looked on the bottom of this page and saw this article. After I finish reading it, I turn to my wife to explain it to her. I tell her that the only thing is that I don't usually see 11:11. She says to me "You mean the time it is RIGHT NOW". Sure enough I look at the clock and there it is staring me in the face... 11:11 p.m. To be honest, I don't know what to think. I want to believe, but something is telling me there is a logical explanation for it. Just felt the need to share. I'm baffled by this. I wish I could get a solid answer to why this is happening. Mike Edited July 12, 2007 by sikemolicito Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeneBrowne Posted July 13, 2007 #17 Share Posted July 13, 2007 Very nice Mike. Sorry about your grandma, same thing happened to me when my nan died. You wanna hear strange ??? I was working Saturday(the date was 7/7/7), I work at a gas station. This is really freaky ... That morning I woke up at 10:10 and had to be at work by 2. So I havent seen all these times now in a few weeks and I figure 10:10 ... coincidence. I get to work and I look at the clock and it's 2:22 and I was like ha, havent seen that in a while. So a little while later, here's the funniest thing ever, some guy comes in to pay for gas. The guy had, not lieing at all, $33.33 in gas and the time was 3:33. So being who I am and what I read about, I was freaked right out and I just smile, say thanks and rub off the goosebumps. Anyways to make a long story short, that day I also seen 4:44 and 5:55 and 11:11. After I seen the 11:11 I went to bed just because I was sick of it all. Funny happenings. Cheers, Gene Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FairyJosie25 Posted October 3, 2007 #18 Share Posted October 3, 2007 I don't know... I guess I just don't understand all the hoopla with this.... maybe because I haven't experienced it myself. I tend to look at the clock throughout the day, and I always get varying numbers and times. To me, it seems that when you hear about something like this, your brain automatically starts looking for patterns in completely random stuff. JMO. Though I do appreciate, Gene, your respect of others' opinions, even when they clash with yours. It allows for intelligent discussion without it turning into a 'high-school brawl'. Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amber_h Posted July 26, 2008 #19 Share Posted July 26, 2008 It happens to me!!! I have been so annoyed and scared of these numbers that I decided to research on it. I still really don't completely understand. I'm 17 and I have been seeing the number 11 since about 3 or 4 months ago. At first I thought it was a couincidence(can't spell) but it wont stop. I was just talking to my friend on msn and she wrote something and had !!!!!!!!!!!11. It just stunned me again. like right now i just looked down and its 4:11. i sometimes see 10 or 12 but most of all 11! When i see this number I sometimes feel comforted but most of the time i feel scared like something bad is going to happen. Most of my family is annoyed or think i am joking or wathching the clock but im not. I strictly look up at that time. On the Round regular clock it showes it as the long hand on 11 even though its not like 2:11. but it dosent stop at time it goes everywhere, and there are just different stuff that is hard not to look at and when u look it has the number 11. Its just a deep weird feeling that i cant explain and i just want to know why i am doing this because its not very comforting. Thanks to all that take me serously and dont joke about it! I already get that enough from some of my family! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Oen Anderson Posted July 27, 2008 #20 Share Posted July 27, 2008 Tilley in his book The Money Matrix of the New World Order gives the example in the Forewarning, of late night talk show host George Noory telling his listeners he sees the 1:11 and 11:11 thing and asks if it is just him or do they see it too. Soon callers are saying they see it too. Tilley claims he does not believe in coincidences, but he says it is only cognitive resonance. Once you have been made aware of it, it begins to resonate in your mind. Small at first, but it grows the more you pay attention to it. Tilley gives a much better explanation of it in his book, sorry. He also pointed out that WW I ended on November 11, at 11:11 A.M. 1918. Wyrd! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maia29 Posted March 28, 2009 #21 Share Posted March 28, 2009 (edited) hey, im lindey and i just logged in to this site for the first time (haha, it was 12:34) anyways, im relatively 15 years old (my birthday's on feb 29th) im sorry to say but i don't think this particular case is uncommon at all. in fact, most people see numbers repetitively throughout daily life. were you inderested in this kind of stuff before you started seeing the patterens, because it could just be paranoia. believe me if you want to. ever scince i was little i've always seen repetitive numbers and it went in different phases too. i always used to give the credit to my subcontiousness but now im not so sure. you see, i have ADD so i space out all the time and its completely random because i have no schedual to work with. So when i see the number patterens it couldn't be just my random spacing out, can it? it's gotten so bad though that now i can't accidentally look at a clock without it all being one number- i see 11:11s, 2:22s, 3:33s, 4:44s and 5:55s all the time allong with other combinations like 11:33, 11:34 (hell number backwards), 12:12, and so on. while it used to appear in a different format (first number bidder than the third, second bigger than the first, etc.) now its all the same number. so people are saying that this is a sign if spiritual completion or being on the right path... but really lets be honest- I'm only 15! i don't have it ALL sorted out yet do I? i do have a theory. I've been very interested in the subcontious mind and spirit scince the past few years and I can always feel the different changes in the "mind muscles" as i seich stated of mind. and yes, the theory is true, people who are born on a leapday are usually born phsychic.... i have multipe phsychic powers and i figured out a way to tell if something is 'right' or 'important' by testing the air around me. it hasnt failled. so when i look at the clock and its on something like 11:11 or 2:22 the angel's number, i tested hte air and indeed it was on the peak of something important. i theorize that maybe some people that have this something special in common are tuned in to this 'right', 'in place' state of mind or spirituality. i don't know, just thought i'd share some of my ideas- feel free to comment, i hope they help!!! ...................................................... 4:44 o clock (my laptop time is off)- yup. i was right about the energies. check this site out!!!! its my proof! read from the middle to near the bottom. Edited March 28, 2009 by maia29 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ashyne Posted March 29, 2009 #22 Share Posted March 29, 2009 (edited) the first post of this thread is a big joke. (i see 11:11/1:11 all the time too) Edited March 29, 2009 by Ashiene Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jessicacobb Posted September 22, 2009 #23 Share Posted September 22, 2009 Im gonna keep this simple and to the point for now. Lastnight in the middle of the night i heard 3 knocks coming from the front door and ofcourse i sat straight up in the bed turned to look at the clock and it was 3:33 am i was over come with this eerie feeling that i found it hard to make myself get up and go look !! Im not sure what that was all about just cant forget the feeling i was getting from it, it just felt as though something wasn't I have been known in the past to have dreams that actually come true so this was giving more of a reason to look into what may be going on........if anyone has any has advice they can give me i would love to hear it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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