The 80-year-old had been attempting to create enormous hybrid animals for hunters to shoot on his property.
The footage, which was captured near Kirriemuir, Angus, shows a dark-colored animal walking through tall grass.
Wildlife officials in Arizona recently posted up still images of an animal with a single horn on its head.
It might look like a rendering of some obscure Pokemon, but it is in fact a real animal.
An infamous 'creature' made from an amalgamation of other animals has been subjected to X-ray and CT scans.
A large animal filmed in a field in Colwyn Bay, Wales is being hailed as further evidence of exotic cats roaming the British wilds.
Life is short, but when compared with the lifespans of some creatures, human lives last almost an eternity.
Palaeontologists have unearthed the fossilized remains of what could be the heaviest creature that ever lived.
Postdoctoral researcher David M. Witelson takes a look at the significance of one-horned animals in southern African rock art.
The animal, which was standing at the side of the road, closely resembled a lynx or other species of wild cat.
A creature said to be the mythical Chupacabra has been captured on film by a drone camera operator.
The animal, which had sent two people to the emergency room in Suwannee county, was not quite what it seemed.
A pre-school teacher in New Orleans has been attempting to identify a strange animal that she filmed at a local park.
Most of us write with either our left or our right hand, but is 'handedness' also a thing in the animal kingdom ?
The girl had written to her local animal control authority for ask for permission to keep a unicorn in her back yard.
Efforts to identify an animal washed up on a beach in the UK have been generating a number of intriguing suggestions online.
The creature in this footage looks like a strange cross between a wolf and a fox - but as it turns out, it is neither.
The last known living thylacine - an animal named Benjamin - died at Hobart Zoo all the way back in 1936.
The peculiar trend of having animals predict the winning teams during the World Cup is still alive and well.
Viral footage from China shows the farm animals continuously circling the same spot for no apparent reason.