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NASA cancels 3-D cameras on Mars mission

By T.K. Randall
March 28, 2011 · Comment icon 11 comments

Image Credit: NASA
James Cameron's plan to have 3-D cameras sent to Mars on NASA's next rover has been scrapped.
NASA has stated that the reason the plan to include the cameras on the mission was ditched was because there wasn't enough time to test them out thoroughly before the launch. "While Curiosity won't benefit from the 3-D motion imaging that the zooms enable, I'm certain that this technology will play an important role in future missions," said Cameron in a press statement.
Two high-resolution 3-D cameras that Hollywood director James Cameron was helping to build for NASA's next Mars rover have been abandoned by the space agency.

Source: Telegraph | Comments (11)

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Comment icon #2 Posted by 004819776 14 years ago
NASA is hiding something from the public that they don't want to let us know about Mars environment and its habitat...we need disclosure you NASA people.
Comment icon #3 Posted by Waspie_Dwarf 14 years ago
NASA is hiding something from the public that they don't want to let us know about Mars environment and its habitat...we need disclosure you NASA people. The place for conspiracy theories is the Conspiracies & Secret Societies forum. Thank you.
Comment icon #4 Posted by pallidin 14 years ago
From the article: "It is scheduled to return to Earth in 2014 with a selection of soil and rock samples." OOkkk... how is it supposed to do that? Launch back into Mars orbit after collecting samples and returning to earth? I don't buy it.
Comment icon #5 Posted by Waspie_Dwarf 14 years ago
I don't buy it. It's poor reporting I'm afraid. Curiosity's mission is due to end in 2014, but it isn't due to return to Earth. I suspect the journalist is getting confused with plans for future joint NASA/ESA missions to Mars. There are plans for a future rover to collect samples for a Mars sample return mission. In the most likely scenario for this mission it is hoped that rover will launch in 2018. It will spend about 500 sols collecting samples. In 2022 an orbiter will be launched followed later by a lander. The lander will have a Mars Ascent Vehicle (MAV) and a small fetch rover. The fetc... [More]
Comment icon #6 Posted by purplepsyche 14 years ago
NASA is hiding something from the public that they don't want to let us know about Mars environment and its habitat...we need disclosure you NASA people. They're certainly hiding something, to come up with an excuse like this that doesn't make a lick of sense. It's Cameron's dime that would afford 3D imagery of the martian surface and it's scrapped because there's not enough time to test them before the mission? Not like Cameron and the folks he worked with to get these camera's in the first place, hadn't conducted extensive testing for their viability for the mission. And the real test being ... [More]
Comment icon #7 Posted by Waspie_Dwarf 14 years ago
They're certainly hiding something, to come up with an excuse like this that doesn't make a lick of sense. Exactly which part of a moderator saying, "The place for conspiracy theories is the Conspiracies & Secret Societies forum" did you not understand?
Comment icon #8 Posted by Alexsrb84 14 years ago
i bet they have ships that can reach any planet fast and maybe but maybe they plan to take one of the planet or to evacuate from earth like bad something is gona happen scenarios are numerous! .... ;p
Comment icon #9 Posted by Agent Darkbootie 14 years ago
That kinda sucks, I was actually interested in something Cameron-made after T2. Then again, how good a picture quality would we be talking? If it's Cameron I'm expecting theatrical quality. But can you efficiently transmit that high a resolution video image (twice no less) over the distance we're talking about?
Comment icon #10 Posted by Jamajkus 14 years ago
Would be awesome! Like google earth, google mars xD Anyways what wrong with nasa evolution? They should colonize half of solar system by now...
Comment icon #11 Posted by Waspie_Dwarf 14 years ago
I have asked nicely, now I am telling people STAY ON TOPIC. This is not the conspiracies section. I am getting bored of removing off topic posts, it is just as easy to remove off topic POSTERS. Just something for you to think about before you ignore the request of a moderator.

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