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Ghosts & Hauntings


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Ghostly apparition standing in a dark room.
Sightings of ghosts rank among the most common examples of paranormal phenomena. Image Credit: Pixabay / aberrantrealities
In its simplest form, 'paranormal' can be broken down into two constituent words.

The first, para-, is from the Greek para which, among other definitions, can mean 'beside' or 'beyond', hence paranormal becomes 'beside normal' or 'beyond normal'.

Dictionary definitions of the term tend to vary slightly, but most describe paranormal as being something that is unexplained, or more specifically something that cannot be explained by science.

In general use, paranormal can serve as an umbrella term for a plethora of unexplained phenomena ranging from UFOs and alien abductions to cryptozoological creatures and psychic powers, but when most people use the terms 'paranormal phenomena' or 'paranormal activity' they are typically referring to ghosts and hauntings - and this is also the definition of the term that we primarily use on this site.

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Railroad tracks
Ghosts & Hauntings

Has the mystery of South Carolina's 'Summerville ghost' been solved ?

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K2 meter
World of the Bizarre

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Ghosts & Hauntings

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Ghost island
Nature & Environment

NASA photographs 'ghost island' that vanishes 'like an apparition'

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Ghosts & Hauntings

Paranormal encounters abound at the heart of British politics

1-5-2025 | 4

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Stories (17) (View All)

Ghost following me

9-18-2020 | 15

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I was bitten by a ghost

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I'm going to be up front and honest as I can be because lying won't help any of our cases. Surrounding my situation is a...

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Possibly a child ghost

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Alright, so ever since me and my family moved into our current house I have witnessed some paranormal things. The first ...

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The Paranormalist

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David Lange takes a look at the work of paranormal investigator Christopher Chacon.

The treasure of the Knights Templar

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