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Nature & Environment

Did volcanoes cause 'Little Ice Age' ?

By T.K. Randall
February 9, 2012 · Comment icon 2 comments

Image Credit: Oliver Spalt
Researchers now believe volcanic eruptions were responsible for a recent 400-year miniature ice age.
Roughly between 1400 and 1800, North America and Europe experienced considerably colder winters in what is now known in history as the 'Little Ice Age'. Until recently this prolonged drop in temperature had been associated with the Maunder Minimum, a period of low solar activity, but now researchers believe that a series of volcanic eruptions filled the atmosphere with enough ash particles to cause the temperatures to drop during this period.
I’m not a big guy. It doesn’t take a tremendous shove to send me crashing to the floor. But what does it take to knock the Earth’s climate off balance? In the case of the Little Ice Age, a recent 400-year cold snap, a new study suggests a few well-timed volcanic eruptions might have done the trick.

Source: Ars Technica | Comments (2)

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Comment icon #1 Posted by angi chiesa 13 years ago
Yea I go along wiyh this..Too late to kill off a dino or two.
Comment icon #2 Posted by reggie2011 13 years ago
yeah they already have proof of that

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