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Politician in alien experiences claim

By T.K. Randall
June 19, 2013 · Comment icon 58 comments

Image Credit: Youtube
UK councillor Simon Parkes has revealed some unusual stories in a recent alien abduction TV documentary.
Parkes is the latest political figure to claim that we've been visited by extraterrestrials, with Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer being another recent example. Bizarrely, Parkes claims that he has in fact fathered a child with an alien he calls the "Cat Queen" and that he himself was conceived by extraterrestrials. His comments have raised eyebrows in Whitby where he sits on the town council.

"It's a personal matter and it doesn't affect my work. I'm more interested in fixing someone's leaking roof or potholes. People don't want me to talk about aliens," he commented. "I get more common sense out of the aliens than out of Scarborough Town Hall."
Simon Parkes, a city councillor from the U. K. , has joined former Canadian defence minister Paul Hellyer in claiming aliens exist and visit Earth.

Source: Huffington Post | Comments (58)

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Comment icon #49 Posted by sam_comm 11 years ago
As I understand Mack, he did not think what people saw were actually space faring aliens. Initially he felt the abduction scenario was surely a mental condition, and only tentatively moved away from that conclusion when he personally could not find a specific brain anomaly he was expecting to find. As far as I know, when he died, he was of the opinion that the ETH was some type of personal spiritual matter. John E. Mack concluded that his 30 patients whom he called ''experiencer'' had no mental illness nor were they in a psychosis state whatsoever and showed all the characteristics of people w... [More]
Comment icon #50 Posted by Jacques Terreur 11 years ago
Me. knew it....
Comment icon #51 Posted by Zaphod222 11 years ago
It is not more irrational that postulating religious beliefs, so I don´t see the beef. As long as he does not actually act on his fantasies, is OK.
Comment icon #52 Posted by psyche101 11 years ago
John E. Mack concluded that his 30 patients whom he called ''experiencer'' had no mental illness nor were they in a psychosis state whatsoever and showed all the characteristics of people who have come through real events. That's significant coming from a renown Psychiatrist. The media made such a fuss about it and even went as far as claiming that John E.Mack confirmed that his patients have indeed been abducted by Aliens. Of course he never did that and that wasn't a conclusion of his researches. I agree that associating these experiences with Extra-terrestrial is speculation. There is no ev... [More]
Comment icon #53 Posted by psyche101 11 years ago
knew it....
Comment icon #54 Posted by Lex540 11 years ago
creepy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with a CAPITAL CREEPY
Comment icon #55 Posted by quillius 11 years ago
John E. Mack concluded that his 30 patients whom he called ''experiencer'' had no mental illness nor were they in a psychosis state whatsoever and showed all the characteristics of people who have come through real events. That's significant coming from a renown Psychiatrist. The media made such a fuss about it and even went as far as claiming that John E.Mack confirmed that his patients have indeed been abducted by Aliens. Of course he never did that and that wasn't a conclusion of his researches. I agree that associating these experiences with Extra-terrestrial is speculation. There is no ev... [More]
Comment icon #56 Posted by WoIverine 11 years ago
So, this guy is an elected official? Well, there goes another shred of hope I had for humanity.
Comment icon #57 Posted by sam_comm 11 years ago
I just have not ever seen one abduction recollection that I can truly believe. Each one seem to have a dodgy element in it. And some are downright embarrassing. I think Penn and Teller got it right. A great many "abductees" are people who just need us to stop and say hello once in a while. They are people just like you and I, but with some problems to sort out. And if more of us gave some of these people the time of day before they need to run to aliens, we might see the level of abductions dwindle away entirely. As far I know, many accounts that I've read on Aliens abductees have no social or... [More]
Comment icon #58 Posted by rose quatz 11 years ago
sadly one of the least credible politicians that could of come out with this story, he might as well be running around saying it was man bear pig...

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