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Search results for: astronomy



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Browsing news and articles:
Space & Astronomy

Could building telescopes on the Moon be the future of astronomy ?

4-19-2023 | 0

What was once a pipe dream is fast becoming a very real technological possibility.

Space & Astronomy

Light pollution has cut humanity's ancient connection with the stars

2-12-2023 | 1

The world's night sky has doubled in artificial brightness over the last 10 years - but there may be a solution.

Space & Astronomy

Astronomy vs astrology - why is one a science and the other is not ?

12-24-2022 | 15

Astrology has been practiced for thousands of years, but few these days would suggest that it is a genuine science.

Space & Astronomy

Major astronomy discovery to be announced in two weeks

4-30-2022 | 13

Astronomers are gearing up to announce something new about our galaxy and it has the potential to be pretty significant.

Space & Astronomy

Search for alien life tops next-gen astronomy goals

11-8-2021 | 2

Scouring the cosmos for evidence of extraterrestrial life is going to be a major priority in the coming decades.


Harvard professor: 'Oumuamua was alien tech'

1-5-2021 | 47

A Harvard University professor of astronomy believes that the visiting space rock was actually built by aliens.

Space & Astronomy

Revisiting Hubble's iconic 'Pillars of Creation'

4-8-2020 | 0

One of the most celebrated astronomy photographs of all time has been revisited some 25 years later.

Space & Astronomy

Scientists have detected gravitational waves

 VIDEO  2-11-2016 | 68

The major discovery is likely to usher in a whole new era of astronomy over the next few decades.

Archaeology & History

Ancient astronomy lab discovered in Peru

7-29-2014 | 9

Archaeologists have uncovered where Peru's ancient ancestors would have observed the heavens.

Space & Astronomy

Did Vatican suppress 'Galileo Cryptogram'?

7-12-2009 | 7

It has been suggested that Galileo Galilei may have discovered the planet Neptune 234 years earlier than previously thou...

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