Space & Astronomy
Is humanity a spacefaring race?
T.K. RandallFebruary 28, 2009 ·
Image Credit: NASA
Seth Shostak writes about the future of manned space exploration, unmanned probes and the problems we will face in the future in our efforts to reach distant solar systems and planets.
Seth Shostak: We're destined to go to the stars. That's the assumption we've been making for a century, and I daresay most readers believe this as surely as they believe we'll eventually cure dandruff. Our anticipation of an interstellar destiny is not merely the consequence of too many couch-hours spent watching Spandex-suited astronauts in Star Trek, Star Wars, or Futurama. It's been a subtext of our space program. You might recall a low-grade, 1960 biopic about Wernher von Braun entitled I Aim at the Stars. Or perhaps you know the sunny motto of the National Space Society: "ad astra" ("to the stars"). "
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