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Metaphysics & Psychology

What is behind near death experiences ?

By T.K. Randall
April 6, 2009 · Comment icon 5 comments

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A new worldwide study is documenting thousands of cases of near death experiences, revealing the frequency of cases in which patients have experienced out-of-body sensations, bright lights and dark tunnels during a brush with death.
When doctors returned to check on the patient who had almost died and been in a deep coma before being resuscitated, he thanked them for all the work they had done. He had, he told the surprised team of medics, been very impressed and had watched everything they had done. He had heard all that had been said, too, and, at one point, had been concerned when resuscitation was about to be abandoned. "

Source: Independent | Comments (5)

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Comment icon #1 Posted by Armenian Barbie 16 years ago
I am acquainted with an individual who happened to experience a near death experience at one point in her life. She claims she witnessed a black tunnel gradually moving infront of her or something. I thought it was weird, yet interesting.
Comment icon #2 Posted by Lt_Ripley 16 years ago
I would like to believe there is more after we die ,but NDE's are experiences of near death , not death. since no one has directly come back to say how it is after their body has been buried , we really don't know. Now a ghost or angel telling a group of say 50 individuals or so ? filmed ? that may be a bit more comforting and believable. Just because an EEG shows no brain activity doesn't mean there isn't any.... EEG Alone Cannot Diagnose Brain Death
Comment icon #3 Posted by MaggieDruydess 16 years ago
In my first NDE I did not see a tunnel or anything. I did however feel comfort and warmth and arms holding me. There was this feather soft feeling all around me. My second NDE I felt cold and alone and the only thing I saw was a fuzzy red haze. Its wasn't anything dramatic like fire, more like the pink/red you see when you hold a strong light to your hand and look at it. No Tunnels, no light.
Comment icon #4 Posted by PaperMoon 16 years ago
I've never experienced an NDE but I do believe in the afterlife.
Comment icon #5 Posted by ninjacat 16 years ago
i have a hypothesis about why some don't report anything when they have a near death experience. it is that perhaps the soul or spirit or conscious (what ever you call it) is unconscious. i mean this, in some experiences that are reported people say they go unconscious only to wake up feeling perfectly fine as if nothing had happened. they get up and walk around and finally find themselfs laying dead somewhere, until they are brought back somehow. key word "wake up", they're soul was "unconscious" until it regained consciousness. so the people who report nothing may have just been "spiritually... [More]

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