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Creatures, Myths & Legends

Mystery predator in Namibia

By T.K. Randall
July 26, 2009 · Comment icon 15 comments

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Villages in Namibia are on alert as over 20 goats have been slaughtered and drained of blood by an unknown creature. Villagers in the region are convinced witchcraft is to blame, could this be the work of the infamous Chupacabra ?
Unknown creatures that reportedly devour and suck blood from livestock are haunting villagers at Onheleiwa, Oidiva and Oikango of Ongwediva constituency. Over 20 goats have been killed at Onheleiwa and Oidiva villages and an unknown number at Oikango, where the situation is said to be worse.

Source: New Era | Comments (15)

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Comment icon #6 Posted by jbondo 15 years ago
I've seen this before and it usually turns out to be a cat. In this case it is likely a leopard.
Comment icon #7 Posted by :PsYKoTiC:BeHAvIoR: 15 years ago
vampires One with a conscience if it's going after goats instead of humans. Heh.
Comment icon #8 Posted by Blueguardian 15 years ago
One with a conscience if it's going after goats instead of humans. Heh. Vegetarian Twilight vampires.
Comment icon #9 Posted by lilmcnessy 15 years ago
Its the chupacabra!
Comment icon #10 Posted by Contract Killer Romeo 15 years ago
Vegetarian Twilight vampires. o lord...those.."things" are NOT vampires. lol
Comment icon #11 Posted by wolemrock 15 years ago
it's a leopard indeed...
Comment icon #12 Posted by jinu 15 years ago
a similar case of a goat huntin predator has been reported in the village of angamaly ,kerala,india.Locals explain this as a black panther like animal . Its face is similar to a dog's,...and there was a young one along with it.
Comment icon #13 Posted by Danny08 15 years ago
Its the chupacabra! Chupacabra, which in Spanish means "goat sucker," is a mythical creature thought to suck the blood out of livestock. It’s alarming ‘cause they say that the Chupacabra is a made up creature of folklore, akin to the bogeyman. It wanders around at night and sucking the blood and draining the life from its victims, which in that case would make the chupacabra real, because that fits the deion of the IRS. An animal was found a year or two ago believed to be the creature, which turned out to be a mange ridden coyote. The animal is a fiction – and joins the ranks of other fa... [More]
Comment icon #14 Posted by jesspy 15 years ago
maybe they are over zealous emo goats
Comment icon #15 Posted by Strigoii 15 years ago
a similar case of a goat huntin predator has been reported in the village of angamaly ,kerala,india.Locals explain this as a black panther like animal . Its face is similar to a dog's,...and there was a young one along with it. i don`t know...but this kind of attacks have happened in many countries. many countries in the America (obviously), Russia, India, Philippines, and Indonesia. why is that? i mean, are the attackers the same species of animal? or is this kind of attack is actually a normal predator behavior? can anybody explain?

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