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Metaphysics & Psychology

Two-year-old with same IQ as Einstein

By T.K. Randall
October 11, 2009 · Comment icon 50 comments

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Remarkable two-year-old Oscar Wrigley has become the youngest boy in Britain to be accepted into Mensa with an IQ the same as that of Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking.
Oscar Wrigley, a two-year-old with the same IQ as Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking, has become the youngest boy in Britain to be accepted into Mensa.

Source: Telegraph | Comments (50)

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Comment icon #41 Posted by _Libby 15 years ago
im so doomed It's easy! You don't even have any working out to do, except UQ - LQ = IQR.
Comment icon #42 Posted by Dr Alien 15 years ago
It's easy! You don't even have any working out to do, except UQ - LQ = IQR. thats the easy part. the hard part is remembering what the hell CF is! then the rest is easy as pi
Comment icon #43 Posted by _Libby 15 years ago
thats the easy part. the hard part is remembering what the hell CF is! then the rest is easy as pi Ah, the only one I have any trouble with is the sine rule. I always put the numbers the wrong way around
Comment icon #44 Posted by Dr Alien 15 years ago
Ah, the only one I have any trouble with is the sine rule. I always put the numbers the wrong way around cant be that hard once you fully understand it
Comment icon #45 Posted by danielost 15 years ago
i didnt understand the basics of the universe until i was 11, but talking about reproductive cycles of penguins at 2 years old is quite special a 2 year old could just be watching the right movies and docs and copying them to talk about reproductive cycles. if he got into specifics that might be different.
Comment icon #46 Posted by The Silver Thong 15 years ago
When did U.M. change from english to Geekinese
Comment icon #47 Posted by Oen Anderson 15 years ago
He does sound like a bright kid, but IQ at 2 years doesn't mean much since IQ is generally measured as what you know divided by how old you are... You are exactly correct. If a ten year old knows what a sixteen year old is expected to know his I.Q. would be considered to be 160 by the standard tests. I.Q. tests only test three of the 180 known intelligences, spatial, linguistics, and math. If this child scored 160 at age 2 years 5 months 11 days, then he knows about what you might expect a four year old to know. I for one am unimpressed!
Comment icon #48 Posted by Harte 15 years ago
You are exactly correct. If a ten year old knows what a sixteen year old is expected to know his I.Q. would be considered to be 160 by the standard tests. I.Q. tests only test three of the 180 known intelligences, spatial, linguistics, and math. There are not 180 "known" intelligences, at least, the idea is not generally accepted among educational psychologists. Theories of learning and intelligence are plentiful. What you refer to is one single theory of the Structure of Intelligence (SI) proposed back in the 1950's by, I believe, Guilford. Generally speaking, Guilfords 180 seperate "cubes" o... [More]
Comment icon #49 Posted by Oen Anderson 15 years ago
There are not 180 "known" intelligences, at least, the idea is not generally accepted among educational psychologists. Theories of learning and intelligence are plentiful. What you refer to is one single theory of the Structure of Intelligence (SI) proposed back in the 1950's by, I believe, Guilford. Generally speaking, Guilfords 180 seperate "cubes" of intellect represent 180 different intellectual abilities. However, one would have to be completely closed-minded to reject the notion that several of Guilford's cubes are closely related. The most often referred to theory of multiple intelligen... [More]
Comment icon #50 Posted by jesspy 15 years ago
where are they all coming from? It's like an invasion lol well i hope this kid is treated well.

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